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is it a good idea to use ai slop as reference for modeling and texture painting?
>muh bad anatomy
controlnet fixes that
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just go to the non-h section of the panda and use one of the million production material artbooks
after some experimation the best method is a charcter desing concept lora with canny controlnet
who stole? Microsoft outright owns all of their training data, and by their right of ownership made thing image creator available to be used for free in a limited fashion. Plus there are all of the public domain images and the many millions of images put out for public consumption in advertisements or private people uploading images onto image websites whose ToS explicitely states that they gain ownership of your images when you upload them.
This handicapped argument that AI is stealing is automatically undermined by the might of giant corporations who payed the money or signed the paper that magically makes it not stealing.
YOU clicked "agree"
Then why can it export Disney related data. No one owns Disney cartoons. The only source is from Disney themselves and fans. Clear sign of stealing.
AI sucks at anatomy in general, even newer checkpoints cannot get proper torso/arm proportions.
OP was talking about using controlnet AI for references in general, you are the only one speaking of kids while posting sonic images, pervert.

why does eevee realtime raytracing works fine on my Radeon R7 M370 but real time ray tracing works (obviously) terribly bad on
Because you’re using blender, everything in blender is inconsistent.
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Uhm... How do you turn on raytracing?
It's on Blender 4.2+
Switch to EEVEE renderer and there it is.
nice tongue
Looks like Sophia Lillis.

Why are 90s graphics so much more pleasing to look at than modern slop?
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Nowadays everything blends together because waging at any sort of known a company has been put on a pedestal,
so the general aim of art has funnelled into the same handful of styles being executed in the same handful of ways.
Notice how critique always ends at some sort of 'follow the art science' type of nit-picks because artists have been programmed into following said science too hard.
Also notice how people can post low skilled 'slop' on twitter or wherever and gets trillions of likes. Filling skilled artists with anger and jealousy behind closed doors.
Why? because the slop actually makes regular people feel something.

Say you were to go to Artstation and stay on the front page, what would you do? scroll scroll scroll past dozens & dozens of high quality art while picking out the few you are actually interested in.
Raw fidelity is ZZZ unless it's by someone you personally have contact with or have a parasocial relationship with. Without that connection, you'd have to be intrigued by the artwork in some way other than how high quality it is to engage with it, even as an artist.
But hey, making the same things as everyone else is the tried and trusted way of being able to make money doing this
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This isn't about doing the best they could in a skill sense as much as it is that not everyone had Supercomputer render farms like on Jurassic Park. Hardware was a significant limiting factor on how CG and games were designed.
It's kind of impressive how, with all this new power we have today, most of it is being wasted on extremely awful lighting algorithms and TAA that hide how spotty things are, with a SIGNIFICANT performance cost across the board.

This is 100% true, but also not. You can do amazing things with PBR if you're willing to look at the full gamut of texture maps you can use (specular can wildly change reflectance color for instance) but most issues are Post Processing Volumes with wildly blown out HDR.

By the way, wanna know how to fix this in your blender renders? Turn this setting to 'Standard'. The AGX setting washes out everything really bad.
They used Softimage 3d for modeling in Riven but not sure which renderer it think it didn't yet have Mental Ray back then.
I've done some stuff on canvas yes but I prefer ink and pixels.

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I'm having to purchase Zbrush for school, and have settled on the subscription liscence, but only for a while. It baffles me that Zbrush, or rather Maxon, requires so much goddamn information about you just to be able to purchase it. Did everyone else go through this? Is there a way around it? A school ID I'd understand, but it asks for your drivers liscense and a video of you turning your head. Without suggesting an alternative like Blender, is there a way around this? Or do I just have to bite the bullet?
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I used novedge for mine. I don’t remember having to really give anything other than an email address to Maxon once I signed up, but I could be wrong. I know I didn’t have to give an ID or anything.
Are there any other good ways to do it? Any resources I can go to?

I might have to do that then if they don't require an ID. That or ToolFarm. Tbh I still don't understand the point of a reseller that's authorized by Maxon. But thank you, I'll look at it.
stupid question but can you do claymation with zbrush?
you cant
You can do that with any program. Its just a bunch of posing and rendering frames

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How to make money with blender?
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You're either the autist pornfag who complained about sss or you're following him.
Chuddy. I know what's right.
>make 3d model of clothing or accessory
>sell it on second life, roblox, rec room, vrchat asset selling site

There are probably more games that have a user economy but idk any else
post up on fiverr and undercut ajeet's $40 models
Furries, VRChat

Is it possible to achieve this effect with 3d modelling? I could previously do it in photoshop but the process isnt enjoyable with endless masking and touching up. Ive also cancelled adobe because they're shit.
Denoise at 1-5 sample(s). Should get you part of the way there.
90% of it is making the scene with the look in mind (slightly wonky perspectives, fudged/distorted shapes, etc.), color correction for the faded look, and maybe some post for some texture.
You won't ever get away from it looking "3d", but if you know your shit you can probably arrive at a unique look that's reminisce of what you're trying to achieve.

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This channel has been bothering me for a while now. The production quality is some of the highest I've ever seen, and the creative team is using a huge variety design tools to make these videos. Despite their popularity, this channel has very little information regarding team size, members, talent or development process. There doesn't seem to be any outside work posted on online portfolio websites like ArtStation or Behance. Where did they come from and how the hell are they so good? How did they nail this rendering style so effectively? What tools are they even using to make this content? Their CAD models are incredibly detailed, the materials, environment and textures are on point (especially water sim) and their lighting setup is almost perfect. I'd really like to apply these techniques to my work if there was some way to find out what the hell they're even doing.

Allegedly it just 2 guys, they do take months between uploads and have said they're committed to focus on quality over quantity, the reddit AMA they did claim they use Sketchup for the modelling and render in Lumion.

Are they crazy talented if that's true? yes they are.
Ask them
The dude literally credits the person who does the models/animations in the video and description for each vid. And yes, there's even an Artstation link.
Did you even look?
>Did you even look?
You are putting too much credit on people. Dial it down.
I did, links aren’t consistent on videos you massive sperg

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Hey /3/ help a retard out, what is Valve using to create these effects in Deadlock?

It doesn't look like polygons but don't look like simple bumpmap/normals either because when you clip into these geometries it's not just a texture on a flat plane.

Also at the end of the webm you can see that the effect breaks at extreme angles.
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when upclose its a displacement map when just a little far away its a parallax map
It would be more expensive to switch between displacement and parallax mapping than just using displacement mapping alone, and ofc using displacement mapping alone is more expensive than using parallax occlusion mapping alone.
Does POM always warps this crazy like 0:30+ at such angles?
There a billion dollar company, I don’t think money is an issue.
Are you feeling okay? He's obviously not talking about money.

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i am making a rat!
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Upload the final result anon
i can't, it has visible genitals
just censor them or upload it to catbox

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Monthly reminder that you are doing amazing job and for the people that matter (me, being just a consoomer of 3DCG), all these things I see in this board are really good.
Tnx for the kind words misthios, I shall double my effort.
It’s really embarrassing how much I needed this.
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I would make weekly or daily threads but this board is so slow, you would get sick of it.
just keep posting in this thread
I thought about this. I will keep it going whenever I visit.

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Are there any ways to hide the fake horizon line in blender so my render doesn't look like flat render? Especially in city and forest environment?
Yeah... use the Blender thread for questions like this.
Or you know, just hide the horizon by actually finishing your scene.
hiding horizon?? what does that mean do you wanna put stuff in front of the horizon? Then do that. Can also find pictures of some city scape or trees or mountains or something and put those in the horizon
that's what fog is for, creating a fading effect into the horizon
doesn't take much, just a little haze will do wonders
adding high contrast lighting features to the pavement can help too since the specular highlights work with the fog to mimic sunlight
use. fucking. references.
if you made a scene like that chances are you have seen a similar image prior

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What is a good way to get into modeling Mecha?
Any good recommended sources to look at?
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I'm sure >>>/m/ will have a great number of resources when it comes to getting blueprints of mecha. They do have some guides on gunpla which should have blueprints for them.
It buggers my ass how normies and drawfags think that characters twisted into poses or standing diagonally with perspective are good references.

No problem. I just remembered that High Moon's War for Cybertron included turnarounds of the characters in the game gallery and artbook. I'll see if I can find a link.

Sorry lad, I have nothing. Your best bet is to use a model kit itself as a reference.
No worries! I appreciate what you’ve given

>>characters twisted into poses or standing diagonally with perspective are good references

For sure. Shit is so annoying
>sculpting for simple geometric shapes
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Are there any good (free or paid) mech tutorials for Maya?

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your board has suffered greatly so I drew this cube
hope it helps
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looks like bread
holy shit
holy shit
Qrd on why /3/ got nuked?
like a dozen boards got nuked because some mod went full retard
there was a "we're sorry" thread but not sure if it's still up

Will it blend? That is the question.
ooooof.... OP faggotry... DONT BREATH THIS!
is it safe to eat food from the same utensil that has produced millions of hours of nasty ass porn? That's why when I'm looking to prepare a nutritious and delicious smoothie, I always start by asking myself, "Will it Autodesk: Maya?"
I once ate a tube of girl scout thin mints white watching the entire catalog of these vids back in like 2007. Thought I was going to vomit after.

Last vid I remember is the original iPhone.
Our wonderful society has made porn out of every medium possible, and that's beautiful.

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