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Does starting with digital sculpting ingrain the same bad artistic habits and mediocrity that happens to people who start painting digitally instead of traditionally?

It seems like the same thing where the technology allows lower skill people to seem better than they really are while simultaneously screwing over the higher end. I think trained traditional sculptors think about sculpting in a way that is higher skill than some guy who is trained in digital sculpting by some low tier industry hack and has never touched a piece of clay
Retarded nigger I sculpt both traditionally and digitally on a daily basis they are nothing alike and have very little in common please stop shitting out low iq plebian takes and delete this thread
They're nothing alike if you suck. A skilled traditional sculptor can make the transition to making high skill art (better than the stuff most industry zbrush hacks could make) in months. Once past the learning curve, it's just an incredibly easy version of real sculpting. Take a zbrush monkey and give them some clay and they can't even make a symmetrical blocked in head, it's substantially worse than what they do digitally
delete yourself

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Why did you guys choose 3D over drawing? Is it because drawing it's too difficult?

I've been thinking if I like drawing or 3D more and what to invest more time on, because with 2D you can also animate
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use a measure tool
Perspective and line work/brush strokes are the only things that you don't really have to worry about when doing 3D instead of 2D

Personally I chose both, not sure why people do one but not the other. Both are quite useful.
>Why did you guys choose 3D over drawing? Is it because drawing it's too difficult?
2d art lacks objectivity, making it harder. There is no "correct" way to get a good result.
3d has objective parameters that can me precisely measured that give me a non-subjective good result.
the technology was/is already looking rather good, and one day I dreamed of the idea that I would be able to acquire equipment good enough to have an entire VR or AR place /space/ virtual space where everything I created would be visible to me.
That was all the motivation I needed, still, I ended up getting better at drawing since i also decided to learn texture painting.

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Is it now time to admit that Blender has "won", /3/?
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And I'm also saying that it must be true that men must have their real brain into their genitals because the jannies are fucking retarded.
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Hey there! I saw your post about 3D rendering and thought I’d chime in. 3D rendering is such a fascinating field because it blends art and technology to create stunning visuals. Whether you’re aiming for photorealistic results or going for a more stylized approach like cel shading, the possibilities are endless.

One thing I find particularly interesting is the way rendering techniques continue to evolve. From real-time rendering in games and simulations to the more methodical approach of ray tracing for film, each method has its own set of challenges and advantages. It’s all about finding the right tool for the job and pushing the boundaries of what’s possible.

What’s your take on the future of 3D rendering? Do you think we’ll see more AI integration or perhaps new methods that we haven’t even imagined yet?
>cel shading
* incel shading
I reflect your curses back at you Cris because although you were born with significant mental limitations, that doesn't give you the right to harass everybody else.

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Could AI make rigging obsolete? I'm tweaking right now and obsessed with this idea of creating an alternative animation system that doesn't require rigging. Basically you would just have your sculped or retopo'd character, click a button, and IK/FK handles for animation would appear. But instead of bones and weight painting, which are essentially just constraints, the animation is purely done by deforming the mesh. kind of like fluid animations or blend shapes on steroids. the AI would then automatically constrain the deformation like weight painting would on a rigged character. I understand that this would result in worse performance than rig based animation and also cause problems with UV mapping, but just try to think of the benefits and how things could be 10 years from now. Pic related, my first attempt.
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I partially agree, in fact I'm trying to do something non-erotic that exemplifies the co
cool for hobbyists for quick generic characters but professional rigs are so complex and usually tailored exactly for individual animators needs that I doubt we will ever see an AI rigging tool. it's one of the safest areas of 3D to work in
You should not concern yourself with that because no professional is ever going to let you touch his animation rig.
Anon I understand it pains you to think about this but there are actual talented successful people who work in the industry on this board. Stop coping
That's funny.


Have any of you learned using this series and would you say it's worth the 15 bucks or am I better off just learning on various youtube videos?
I have never learned a single thing from cgcookie in my life.
YouTube is good for the basics and mid-level/hobbyist tutorials, but the quality and availability for tutorials for levels higher than that are relatively scarce. Channels with a good reputation tend to lock high-level stuff behind a paywall, but that isn't to say high-level tutorials don't exist on the site—they would just be from channels that aren't really popular and they don't go crazy with the presentation and whatnot.
>to answer your question directly: the courses in the bundle won't teach you whatever isn't on youtube, but the concepts within them are more throughly demonstrated (e.g., they show every single setting in each texture node). it's only $15 so i'd say go for it
buy a cgpeers account
courses are a ponzi scheme now
>>teach people skills that are obsolete thanks to AI and there are no jobs anyway

does anyone else do this?
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looks like bananas
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im new to 3d modeling p-p
but I have an apple of the same guy
now i love it :>
Hes a tad silly
Just a bit bonkers
A little crazy
you can have another render, as a treat

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hello, need a bit of help
I'm planning to make an irl coin and for that I'm planning to 3d print a prototype for making a mold out of. Probably will use the light sensitive resin. Anyway
I need to know if I should make my model the same size as the final print or make it bigger. The size of final print is diameter 27.3 thickness 1.78
I only realized how small it is when my low qality ref pics were around 100x bigger than the basic cylinder
tldr: if I want to print something small, should the 3d model be the irl size or bigger
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Sorry. I forgot you've transitioned >>981897
Chris is the
im not cris lmao
You are definitely Cris, don't den
This fucking thread kek

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Just my luck ffs finally have a week of free time to try to learn something and it's gone.
Not saying I'm lost without it but it would help.
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spotted the rapey pajeet do not redeem sirs bloody bitch rape
same guy from the comments right?
the people in here complaining about how complicated it is are either genuinely stupid, or too lazy to learn anything that requires any sort of discipline, and probably wouldn't stick with it if it was 5x as easy. I'm retarded at math and within a month of spending 1-2 hours a day 4-5 days a week im starting to get a general understanding of the program. Buy a course and do the lessons. not that hard. unless you're a broke dumb nigger.

The program is beautiful once it starts to click for you. Force yourself Anons.
This unironically. potential to make way more money for way less work
which course did you study?
what kind of notes did you take?
how do you make money?
don't worry about the moolah, bro

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>Just learn Blender, bro
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Yakub car
Someone is bound to fap to taht
Looks like a hot wheel car lol
God damn, that's some THICK ass right there
Trust me bro... Once you're done with the donut you'll be swimming in pussy. You just need to be confident with the donut bro.

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Hello, any Rhino users can help? I want to turn the rombus into a pyramid in pic rel but when I do Sweep 1 rail it gets all messy.(gonna post another pic)
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Am I not utilizing properly the arrows that pop up maybe?
Rhino? lol
This is a BLENDER board

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So, there is this show Miraculous Ladybug with multiple studios handling the animation process. We have 3 very cheap studios and 1 expensive Korean studio SAMG.

Recently, there was huge leak with models from the show, and ppl can make own stuff with it. But no matter what technics people use, no one can repeat what SAMG is doing. Any speculations what they are exactly doing to make models look like this? Triangle lighting doesn't seem enough, and Sun lighting don't really matches the outcome.

They're using Maya 2015 and Vray 3.05/3.6
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some of the other models throw a tonne of errors and it would take forever to track down all the plugins they used.

unless someone has a list already.
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well it threw a bunch of errors but once i re-pathed the textures the default render worked

output from Script Editor

I've also never used Maya before so if i can manage this rest of you retards can
It would be strange if they didn't. Postprocessing can be night and day. But there are also plenty of little tricks that can be employed, such as lights that ONLY influence certain meshes or components. Dedicated point lights for specular highlights on the eyes is a very common example of this and, while subtle, helps sell "life" to characters even in very dark scenes. Both of these can be used to set the mood and establish clarity in ways realistic, accurate lighting never could.
Damn this thread is still alive.
>Overall 3 lights
anon, somebody needs to study how studio photography works

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Is there a market for lowpoly modelling with high quality handpainted textures? How do I go about finding work asap with this skillset?

Most big boy jobs are pbr high poly bake retopo workflow stuff which I really dislike. My entire skillset revolevs around low poly 3d but there seem to only be poor indie companies using this art style.

What do /3/ ?
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Being a commercial artist is different from just being a artist. You want to do this for a living in 'the industry' you have to compromise and shape your ability to be a commodity.

There is market for the sort of art you are interested to make but it's mainly a consumer market. You have to be really ace at what you do and be head-hunted to a indie project using that sort of art if you wish to gain real paying work off such an ability.

Indie projects is usually a small group of friends or people who know each other that has deep trust for one another, getting hired onto such a project is difficult
even if you have the right skillset, you need the right 'in' and the right chemistry to get onboard.

I'd join all the discords and indie art communities related to your field of interest and start building your presence, posting stuff and finding your people.

this sounds like great advice, thanks anon.

Any tips on finding relevant discord servers?
Just tell people youre a minor confused about their gender and youll get discord invites nonstop
There is no market anymore. Everything is impossible now.

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What are /3/'s thoughts on this new GLITCH animation?

Personally, this is some of the most creative modeling and animation I've seen in years

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Episode 2 OUT NOW

Sorry for the wrong link. Here's the CORRECT ONE

I think its a concious stylistic choice to evoke the shitty edutainment aesthetic. [spoiler]And obviously to make the workload a little more reasonable.[/spoiler]
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Go away, Troy.

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How do I improve sculpting bros? Does this look like I need to know more Zbrush to improve? I feel like I can’t draw the planes and I fuck up on the mouth a lot
I want to improve and I’m really stuck. I’ve been following a head anatomy course and while I have improved a bit-it’s only a little bit, I think I’m not understanding a lot. I know I sound extremely naive in this whole thing, I just don’t know where to start. I can’t keep up in this course and make turd after turd without knowing I’m knowing how to improve after each turd
I bought anatomy for sculptors book too
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He’s not European. I mean I wanna get better and I will but if there’s something I’m not really getting I would like to know it if possible even if I sound like an idiot haha
what's the copy Bridgman twice of sculpting?
>He’s not European.
Bulgaria isn't in Europe?
>Does this look like I need to know more Zbrush to improve?
Maybe? You might want to hit dynamesh more frequently so you don't have your shit all stretched.
Just keep at it anon, this shit's difficult as fuck. It looks a bit like your sculpts are too flat in the face, look at side profiles more.

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any good tutorials on how to rig this thing, also how do you guys deal with the feeling of working on something and then ralizing that is not looking good enough. sometimes i want to just start again from scratch.
any good tutorials on how to rig this thing, also how do you guys deal with the feeling of working on something and then ralizing that is not looking good enough. sometimes i want to just start again from scratch.
Any good tutorials on how to rig this thing, also how do you guys deal with the feeling of working on something and then realising that is not looking good enough. Sometimes I want to just start again from scratch.
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the rigging tutorials by dikko on youtube are good if you want something free
How deep into rigging are you already? Can you make your own skeleton and attach it? Are you past that point and want to know how to make controllers?

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