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>See modern game
>It has mocapped animations without weight that seems like the character is under water
>Character moves a slow speed
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more like vidya animators are bottom of the barrel amateurs that don't understand basic animation principles
Nobody understand. But you understand, Cris. You understand everything.
shut the fuck up, I work in the industry so I know most people here are talentless film industry drop outs
I don't know Cris, how I dry my computer?
Yes Cris, I understand more than you, go back to your containment thread

Is possible to convert an image of a human model to a 3d model (Blender) using Ai (StableDiffusion)?
Trying to find such a tutorial.
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If you have a lora i guess you can openpose it to make a reference sheet and then take it from there in blender and doing the needful tracing
Yes, but not in blender and the 3d model it's kinda low res
Not currently, but I'm working on a model called analshart-5 that will eliminate the need for human learning to accomplish anything ever, just grunt at your screen and the model will pick up on your intonation and facial expression and be creative for you so that you never need to stimulate the soft pink thing between your ears with unnecessary, nasty effort again. Once the seed funding rounds are done I'll send you a link to the model, but be aware, it's a suppository.
It's the same thing I'm working on. So I don't have do see people doing their "base model" that never goes anywhere over and over.

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redditors are niggers and removed my post without explanation so here I am
how do I do it, bros?
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I'm confused at this question. Can you be a little more specific? I think I can help.
I got you bro, open up a 3D view in Revit. Go to Insert tab then Link CAD, a file view will pop up see attached image, then in the place at box select your level and hopefully it will show up, sometimes you need to fuck around with positioning type and manually drop it somewhere, sometimes you gotta change the import units cause idk. Use the align tool, AL on keyboard to line that shit up.

Fuck Reddit
Also change layers and levels if you need to hide shit that's been hidden in the CAD.
Go into autocad and wblock all levels as individual dwg files. Move all the object to 0,0.

Go into a revit floor plan view and link cad (not insert cad) each dwg file to their respective level. position origin to internal origin and deselect correct lines that are slightly off axis. make sure your project base point isn't in the stratosphere.
You didn't ask copilot for help but instead waited for hours on /3/ of all places for some anon to help you? Lmao. Asking questions without showing you even tried tells a lot about you as a person.

I want the best tutorial I can pirate. I want to learn the basics of 3D from modeling to animation, I can use blender or either pirate Maya. I have access to cgpeers because im a super badass
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I always found Imphenzias tutorials on youtube pretty good.
was enough for me to get a foot in the door with modeling and animation.
Grant Abbit's stuff is great for beginners and his stuff is available on rutracker. Have fun anon :)
YouTube can be a good source depending on what your after and humble bumble have a good deal on books and courses at the mo, I know you said pirate but worth a look.

Has lots of torrents for tutorials and despite it been russian site they tend to be in English, I advise for ease of use login to the site then once logged in use Google translate to help navigate
Watch out! We got a badass over here

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that actually sounds really handy
do you mind sharing what extension you used?
for environment? unironically google maps street view. yeah the quality aint exactly HD but at least its 360 degrees and you have multiple point of view for reference. it is as "real life" environment as its gets. perhaps you can cleanup and upscale with AI and even take a few shots and do photogrammetry
Sorry I didn't get notification for some reason.
The chrome extention seems to be removed from the store, but I looked up some alternatives:
Display Image List:

Seems good
Not an answer and that looks like shit.

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is this shit ever coming out
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fuck off iFag
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Who bought you an iPad, Cris?
Blender is trying to make a tablet version too.
2028 at best I suppose.
Maybe if the developers stop adding useless rendering and wasting time on small animation projects. They would complete it by now.

How do I get to this level of 3d as FAST as possible?
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The proko drawing basics series on youtube is probably a good place to start. It doesn't actually matter where you start too much. If you like anime then draw goku. Just draw what you're into. It's way more important to gain enthusiasm and interest right now. Art is about learning every day, and you need to know that you can learn every day and to look for opportunities to learn. They're everywhere! Get a sketchbook and start drawing all the time.
Photography is a good way to train your eye too. A phone is plenty good enough, just try to take nice interesting pictures. it helps to keep your brain in an artistic mindset.
You can open up blender and zbrush and play with it too, look up tutorials, flippednormals is good.
Get your youtube algo to just show you art tutorials and watch them for fun instead of fail compilations of whatever you might watch now.
The most important thing is don't get discouraged when you suck.

drawing musclemen
the pdfs here are really good. You can find them on rutracker
Burne Hogarth's dynamic anatomy is really good too.
There's a lot of good anatomy textbooks for artists, just make sure you accidently buy a scam book full of AI renderings. You can't use AI for reference because you can't trust it to be right, and you can't trust yourself to know when it's wrong.


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meant to reply to this
do not listen to this guy, he doesnt know what he is talking about. Proko is a joke, so is hogarth.
You need to become a Hustlers University scholar

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nefwags can't coneforce
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did I do it right?
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no matter what i do, i can't move the cone over
hard mode: do this in houdini
Only if you make a sierpinski triforce.
Then do it in signed distance functions.

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Downloaded a cg zip file off of discord today that was flagged as a trojan virus. The funny thing was that it was actually my own maya projects folder that I had uploaded and shared with the support like 2 months ago. This is a major discord. Don't know if something is going on with windows defender definitions or what. It stopped me from opening the file and deleted the file and i scanned my system a bunch of times and I'm clean. Moral of the story : do not take anything for granted that you download, even if its your own file from discord. Who knows what type of stuff has been injected into it. Do not even think of pirating stuff.
There’s a hack that allows the 3D file Maya or Blender (.mb .blend) to become a script for virus. It will use MEL and Python to execute the commands. No real fix and neither developer cares.
so you're saying someone replaced my legit file with a hacked one?
this was on a major official discord server, meaning for used all over hollywood, for a commercial product
its weird, its not just this file being marked as a virus, its all 7z files downloaded from online since i saved it as 7z. It doesnt happen with regular zip.
Right and hackers dont give a fuck about micro servers with a dozen users talling about inuyasha fanfiction. The bigger and more legit the server the more likely it is to be targeted.
Imo your anti virus is dinging any file it detects containing embedded python scripts.

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/Questions Bread/. Post your 3dcg questions here and hope for good answers. Lets'a go
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Metallic on this level might just be coloring the specular highlights. I'd use a color mix node, experiment with blending modes and fade in the normalized albedo value into the glossy color.
>>>/diy/ have a 3D printing general.
Beginner in Maya. UVs just aren't clicking for me. I don't get it. Is there any explanation other than "my model/topology is shit" to explain why my UVs curve and stretch so much even on not particularly crazy surfaces? I have to put so many cuts in until I'm working with dozens of little pieces like a goddamn jigsaw, which can't be correct when I see other people's UVs.

Like, what the fuck is going on in pic related?
try pressing "auto seams" and then unfolding
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was it this board or was it somewhere else that i saw that there was a website for orthographic or mostly orthographic reference images? i swear i saw that there was a site dedicated to this but i can't for the life of me find it again

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Don't mind me
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I am going to mind you...
You have been mound.
Need to see her on a skateboard doing a sick ass grind down a stair set.
*hides thread*
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Thanks, Anons!

Animating is hard.
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You're a real one. Thanks.

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Hello, ive been working on game on my free time doing models, animations and levels, problem is im not able to find a programmer for this to work with revenue share. Yes i know its hard to find people to spend time in an unpaid project and yes i know my models aren't AAA but in my opinion they look decent.
I have been looking for programmers on reddit and most of the time the just end up quitting after a while
Basic game loop is similar to Deep rock galactic and Lethal company, pretty easy to work with them and popular Hiring one is impossible for me now.
Should i keep working on it and then try to find someone? is it even worth working on it ??

Some images: https://imgur.com/a/siqaPl6

sorry for bad English
thanks in advance
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Cris does that all the time.
eyo sorry for he late replies
there are propably somewhere to 12 unique ones and the rest of the itemes are resources, craftable etc.. these are a bunch 20+ maybe

Thanks but that would be impossible for the limited time i get
So what i did was creat an "Item" class that held all the data every item would have. For me that was a name, value, weight, and an icon. Then particular items like crafting materials, clothing, consumables, etc had their own classes descended from the item class. All of the items were held in arrays held in a globally accessible object.
The actual player inventory is arrays of a class that just holds 2 integers. One int is the index for the item and the other was the quantity of that item the player posessed.
incase you're super duper newb.

You know how when you make variables in unity they pop up in the inspector?
like yout type:
>public int money = 0;
and in the inspector on that component now there's a little number box called "Money". You can make your own thingies to put in that list. They're called "Classes"
So if you make a new c# script in unity it automatically types a bunch of shit. Up near the top there's like
>public class MyScriptName : MonoBehavior {
the "MonoBehavior" is another class which your script is <inheriting> from. So your new class has all the special properties of a monobehavior automatically. And if anyone needs to talk to a monobehavior they know how to talk to your new script.
What you can do is replace "monobehavior" with "System.Object"
"System" is a box of special objects that belong to the operating system. The unsexiest most generic things. The "Object" class is the most generic type there is. So when your class inherits from the object class you're making a brand new thing defined by you.
One extra thing is to add a little market that let's unity know this is the kind of thing we want to show up in the inspector, right before the class definition.
So try this out (remember to delete the update and start functions)
>[System.Serializable] //this lets unity know to print it out in the inspector

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this eclipse bussin fr fr

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Is it possible to sculpt ths in Blender? Why or why not?
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stockholm syndrome
It would be practical to start off in Blender and add the final details in Zbrush.
why would that be practical?
It sounds like I was advocating that as a superior workflow, but the point was that you should at the very least use ZBrush for the finder details, because it can handle higher polycounts and it has sculpting layers. My suggestion assumes that OP wants to use Blender to sculpt it, most likely due to being accustomed to it.
>Why or why not?
You probably meant to ask "how or why not".

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tutorial GOAT. bob ross of 3D

so many of these tutorial people are unpleasant to listen to. having a nice voice is more important than indepth autistic knowledge, especially at the beginning stages when most of the information is variations of the same shit.
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i feel bad for this guy. for all the hype this film got, only 80k views in 9 days is an objective failure, especially for his channel size and for how much shilling this film has had from other creators like grant, p2design, smeaf, etc. honestly it's kinda boring and slow paced and seems to be targeted to kids. which is weird coming from a guy who's made jiggle physics tutorials, something tells me his audience isn't in grade school. but at least he accomplished something, unlike me kek
I wish Adobe didn't lock my pirated Photoshop copy. the things I would do to this motherfucker's smile...
Buy Affinity before it becomes subscription based. It works just like Photoshop including the plugins. The same money you spend on Photoshop can be spent to save 10000000% more on Affinity.
yeah I was thinking that but I keep putting it off because I'm too lazy to learn new UI.. but buying it just in case it becomes subscription only isn't a bad idea
I think it was simply underwhelming. You hear about this magnum opus film five-plus years in the making, and it's... blob shapes that aren't even rigged. Disappointing.

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i want to rip the Transformers models off the chinese PUBG mobile, is there a way to get them? tried asset ripper and ninja ripper but neither worked
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tried both, didnt work
anyone else?
Just eyeball it. It's over

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