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Thoughts? Assuming the subscription costs don't matter.
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isn't stuff like this done with the new bifrost graph they've been working on for the last couple of years?
i don't use maya these days, but it's what i started on. i still got love for those marking menus.
It's a single shader. It's not an array of geometry.
Am I a retard or can't you just pirate it?
Blender? Ha ha ha ha ha, are you even serious?
i got all the autodesk software for free from school & i was thinking about learning maya at a basic level over blender

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I've been running integrated graphics on my ryzen 5 5600g and I keep getting crashes during renders, I assume the 500mb vram keeps running out or something
anyway I figure I need a GPU, Im looking at either an rx7600, rx6650 xt, a770 if I find a good deal, something like that

curious to hear what you guys are running
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better for what? what are you going to use that card ?
It's going to be a sad day when the 4090 is no longer king and I lose my big dick energy. Then all I'll have going for me is my personality and it'll truly be over
Memory chips on my GPU are failing, causing the monitor to have massive amounts of artifacts on the screen and some sections to not work at all. This gpu only lasted me a year and a half. What should I do now? I used to be running on dual gpu with a 60 series, and now I had to remove the faulty one, so I'm running on single gpu and my render times have doubled.
this, don't get the higher end cards for a gen that is just about to end, just before it ends
The new cards will only be ~30% better at best.

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>short films - make a real fucking film
>robots as they're too lazy to animate people
>12 fps Spider-Verse nausea
>it's 2D anime... but 3D!
>ugly Pixar blob people

What else?
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>3d films, make a 2d animated movie like a chad
>3d art, make a real painting like the old masters
>Cg in movies, do it with puppets
>3d printing, print in 2d black ink only
>3d waifus, they are pigs and filthy whores, just 2d waifus for me
3D as a whole should die
We need to come back to our roots, only drawings in the stone like our palaeolithic ancestors, the rest is shit
using MetaHumans with shitty motion capture
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Fuck that. Post 3dkino that will NEVER die

a casual image that i will use for my new album
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Have you tried getting a degree in psychology instead of posting?
No, what for?
I'm the guy you responded to, thanks for providing a legit sounding answer. I suppose the people nostalgic for this are the ones who are maybe half a decade younger than me and this is part of their connection to what then remained of a 'pre-internet' type world.

Obv the internet was already there for them but it was in it's infancy without the social networks, tubesites and smartphones etc.
I guess I understand what they say when talk about how legacy media and games had more 'soul' I'd tend to agree with that statement.
Where I'm lost is when they point to things like 'Frutiger aero' and 'Bryce 3D' type aesthetics as representative of that 'soul'
because to me that would represent the peak 'soul-less' of that era they're reaching back to.

Maybe it's more about having something easily reproducible that's just iconic for the time. Like how ugly juxtaposed neon colors & slalom patterns can invoke certain 80's nostalgia.
Low effort and ugly, somewhere along the way you forgot that you actually need to be an artist to create something good looking in bryce

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Missing features and lacks artistic improvement to match with Unreal and Unity
All marketing PR talk, no real experience in using Blender. Knows nothing about the real reason.
>Open source
Open source projects doing dumb things like glTF animation implementation, dead software, not documenting important stuff, heavy relaying on Blender instead of other 3D software
>Unity and Unreal
They have a monopoly in 3D games, not a single open source can export to console. Open source projects limits artists like you and me with dumb ideas like TIFF format. Heavy restrictions to Windows only. Dumb downloads for developers like Microsoft Visual Studio. None of that matters with Unity or Unreal.

Never trust YouTubers
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You're kind of a fucking idiot thinking people dont know Godot is still lacking a lot of tools. His whole video was about going to Godot because it is free and open source like Blender and won't get Jewed like Unity that he was using for the past years. Him taking on Godot and getting people into it is planting seeds in hopes of Godot improving in the future.

You're ignoring a lot of context to make yourself mad.
Its rendering, physics (with Jolt) and audio are fine for my requirements.
If a project needs high-end graphics, Unreal is way better. Otherwise, Godot seems perfectly adequate.
It's saved me a ton of time, and has many useful features that an off the shelf render engine wouldn't provide, like file compression/decompression, support for various file formats, networking, graphics tablet support, and surely a lot of other stuff I don't even know about
>you might just grab an off the shelf render engine and start from the ground up
quit talking out of your ass, retard
I replaced some of Godot's nodes with a custom system and I still use nodes for anything graphics/audio related because it's a lot of fucking work to replace them and they work just fine.
You have never written anything "from the ground up".
Yeah i'm sure toddlers watch pixologic youtube Lives where some random 3d Aurtist rambles incomprehensibly for 4 hours
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who and what are you even talking about?
imagine starting a thread like this.

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All RODIN needs is a brief description, a 2D image and within seconds it will generate a 3D mesh asset with the desired amount of polygons that can be exported in formats compatible with Maya/3DSMAX/Blender/etc.
It's currently in a semi-public beta where people can apply, releasing next month.
This is just generation 1 but it's already this good.

How will this affect the 3D artists?
Mass layoffs in the 3D industry expected?
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Until we can run these AI models locally this shit will always be censored.
No those were character creator, AI is a fake idea and steals 3D models. If you try to say Mikey Mouse (A public domain character) you get nothing because no one has made him in 3D.
>it's already this good.
does it pass the "3d turing test"? (aka a blender doughnut)
Whenever people talk about a new generative AI that will cause massive layouts, a bunch of legal barriers appear on the way once it gets popular enough. Either that or it's not as good as people claim it to be. Being only used to recreate models that have already been done to death and not much else.

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spend days looking for the reason the rig kept getting fucked and deformed, went trough all bones and realized for some reason blender put 50% strength of all the mesh on both breast bones........ removed them and now it works as intended with automatic weights

but now when i try to move the character the mesh doesnt move at all even with the right weights on, help?
Maybe the lock/rot is locked?

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>"don't use blender EVER. never ever EVER use blender PLEASE use literally ANYTHING else or you will NEVER make good art, EVER"
>search "#b3d" on twitter
>significantly large community that creates portfolio-tier content with the most visually and technologically impressive 3d bullshit i've ever seen
is this a bit or something, or
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Oh come on that’s a fuck ton of lies, Maya has working Python and working software. Your point of Blender’s freedom doesn’t apply because of the software cheating to create a phantom version of the files. Blender can’t create anything without additional plugins and can’t maintain the level of detail without bugs. Not even the most experienced Blender users can understand bone structure, the dumbest developers decided to never care about such things. It won’t matter how great the project will work in Blender because it doesn’t in real world applications.
>Blender can't create anything without additional plugins
This sentence means nothing, its just blank ignorant statement towards a software you dont like/are afraid to learn to use. Provide an example or gtfo
>Bone structure
The way blender handles bones is admittedly stupid because its stubbornly keeps to itself while other even non autodesk software maintain the joint hierarchy structure which autodesk set. 4.2 seems to be headed in the bone hierarchy direction and imo they're easing the users into the more accepted hierarchy structure

This also does not refute my point of letting the modelers use what they want.

Regarding plugins- if youve ever been in a professional environment, you probably realized that most will have custom tools and even modified versions of maya to suit their specific needs. The good thing about blender being open source is that professional programmers could essentially tailor make a complete custom version of the software tailor made for the needs of your pipeline. You cant so this with autodesk products, or you can but its highly limited by the propriety locks.
Yes, this problem >>982233

And this one >>981764

Big problem here: >>981381

Last one: >>970017

You’re never getting any fixes for these problems and the blender developers don’t care. Also, you people are trying to make it into CAD capability but failed to even mention how to import and export DAW files or similar software. Blender is not worth anything.
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It should be illegal for companies to only sell subscriptions for their programs.
That's how you end up with abandonware

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Post anything Gunt related or of a Guntish nature

>I want to use the Gunt model

Gunt's model should be here:
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quite verbatim what i said is what i meant
if you dont know then dont worry
we will never know
I dont need to, was born Gunt'd already.
she cute

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this guy looks like chudjak,
also are mechanical /CAD mods in blender worth it? assuming most of us aren't going to buy solidworks

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I made product renderings for a client and it went great but now the client is asking for an animation like vid related.

I tried the (newly updated) particle simulation in C4D to try to create a body of liquid and also tried xParticles but both runs like shit on my M1 MacBook. I tried my best to optimize the simulations following multiple tutorials online but I cant get semirealistic results.

Now that I am thinking about it I might be vastly overcomplicating things since I basically just need to raise the product from a plane that somewhat sticks to the object.

Does anyone have an idea for a method I could use to achieve the effect in a much simpler way? I must be missing something.
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VFX just means you do it as compositing in a videoediting software. You render out your mesh and a depth pass and inside your video editing software you'd set up layers to blend it all together to make a transition between your CGI and your other layer using your Z-depth.

I work real-time stuff so I haven't touch any videoeditor in years but 'adobe premiere' and 'after effects' was what I used back in the day and it was really easy to just jump in and use those as it's basically a photoshop for videos and I already knew my way around photoshop inside out.

There's probably better suites available, all the VFX tryhards used different software back then too but I can't recall their name.

How's that discerning eye of yours now you sad fuck?
pretty good, man; feels great to be better than everyone else. how you doing?
Is this even particles and not a plane intersecting with a special shader?
OP's video is using a high viscosity fluid sim in reverse.

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I've been using SourceFilmmaker over the past year to make a voiced-acted visual novel. It's called "Please Fur My Wife" and Pizza Girl is one of the heroines that you can date.

There's a demo out and you can see a few completed SFW scenes at youtube.com/@chadchan3d

The game's premise is that you're one of the last humans in a world of furries. This was an NTR fetish parody game (still is) but it's growing into a story about furries vs humans.
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So what are the 3dcg related updates? Have you made any transparent sprites you can reuse?
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The updates are in using 3DCG for storytelling. I made sprites initially but felt that it was visually limiting so I chose instead to make a million renders for everything.

In hindsight, sprites is the right way for an efficient workflow.
How much is every ren
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Every render is about 8mb but when the project is compressed for distribution, each render becomes about 200kb. As of now the project has 1,300 renders.

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Need help, I'm relatively new to charactermodeling in blender and ambitiously chose to go for an anime-ish style. I edited the normals to make the lighting more presentable, but to my knowledge you cant edit the normals for individual shapekeys, which sucks because facedeformation messes with the light.
Is there a quick and easy work around for this or do I have to redo my shapekeys manually, but better?
It's supposed to be a game asset at the end of the day.
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>>982233 (OP)
that is done with normal transfer.
Cant be exported>? Cant be exported to what? I use custom normals in a unity project and they imported fine
If you're using data transfer in Blender to keep the face normals working through deformations via shape keys, just know that deformations will still break the face normals on export to Unity/Unreal. You'll have to modify the face normals per frame like how CC2/Arc System Works handle it.
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Another solution which I've seen used in Hi-Fi Rush and Genshin Impact is to use an SDF texture. You'll have to set up a custom shader in Unity/Unreal but the huge benefit here is that face deformation of any kind won't destroy the normals. Downside is that you're essentially using psuedo lighting. It's not 'real' but it doesn't matter.
This, the best sol

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Is lowpoly handpainted still a thing? Is blizzard still hiring tons of artists for WoW assets? What do you guys think of my ancient tome?
Low poly 3D is currently trending. But the texture work is typically low resolution as well, in order to simulated early 3D graphics like the Playstation 1 and 2. I think high resolution painted textures look better than low res pixelated textures. But I personally find the WoW style appalling to look at. I'm more of a Wind Waker kind of guy.

I don't know what Blizzard is doing. But some of my favorite indie games could have benefited from better texture work. Like a Hat in Time would benefit from higher quality textures. Maybe knock on some doors in the indie space to see if they have work?

Tome looks cool.
You wanna make your portfolio you make this same book in a dozen different styles.
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It's for that labor that AI was made.
I fucking hate that st

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I spent so much fucking time trying to get a pirated version of Cinema 4D working When i get it working the Redshift not working right when redshit working some other shit crashing

Why the fuck did i think just because that shit more expensive it was better than blender when blender addons & renderers are so easy to install

>but in reality i do want to go into mainly motion graphic simulations & animation so it might be better
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FR I used to get by with the 'Education' version of Maxon One bundle, but they changed the fucking system so now I can't get it. It's borderline impossible to get a pirated version of C4D + Redshift to work properly. FFS
I've been hearing this for over a decade now.
Blender is still not even close to 3ds.
How long did this take?
I think. Cinema is b
If you're actually good, it won't matter what software you're using. They all do the same shit, especially these days, the differences between them is negligible in 99% of cases. Blender's free and convenient, so just use that until you're good enough to make money, then pickup whatever your studio/client wants you to pickup.

Unless you're some kind of small brain who can't handle learning new software. Then get Maya, Zbrush, and Houdini.

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