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I see a lot of people saying that they don't need topology in Maya. How does that work? How does Maya handle subdivision? How do meshes generated by Maya look like? What does Blender lack in terms of modeling tools since its users need to resort to topology knowledge?
29 replies and 1 image omitted. Click here to view.
>No. There is no such thing as "edge flow". The deformation is entirely defined by [proceeds to give a roundabout definition of edge flow]
wtf I thought the newest Maya solved topology?
If you don't want to understand, you're not going to understand. It's fine with me.
That's a nice showcase of how little topology actually matters for animations or anything else really.
He won't because it doesn't exist
>I see a lot of people saying that they don't need topology in Maya
Nah, it's just one troll messing with my topology thread.

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Where the hell is autosmooth normals?
Not a blender user but I think I heard they moved it to a modifier. Some anon was crying about it and people told him it was similar to how max's smooth modifier works.
In the modifiers if you are using the new one
press Q you'll find it in your quick favorites

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itt we post /3/ stuff that makes you go "huh."
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I will never understand why animu faec modelers always re-invent the wheel every time they start a new project instead of using a face mesh they've made in the past and just nudge vertices around until it fits the new character reference image. 99% of Animu faces are all almost fucking identical.
Reusing your assets all time is a good way to never improve
>anime face
>too generic
Anon, I...

I follow Andrew Price tutorial
thank you chris, very cool

How do you even justify a stylization like this? It's so disproportionate.
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you are on 4chan buddy, you need a reality check
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I like long ladies. Lanky ladies, even.
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>hoop earrings
good shid

What's the best way to import a fully textured, rigged Blender human model into 3dsmax, is the pictured Connector any good?
Import model with textures and re-rig it using CAT
Or maybe a better question would be how can my friend model/change the face of a fully rigged character that was made in Blender. My friend knows 3dsMax
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if he knows Max all he needs is an exported fbx. If he doesn't know Max, import fbx, use skin utils to extract vert weights, delete face from SkinData mesh so its just the body, modify the original import as desired, select both and use skin utils to import and map bones by name to retain the body's skinning. It takes less than 5 minutes minus the face editing. Material mapping IDs to UV channels/condensing isn't difficult either. I dont use blender so i dont remember how the export->import handles bones precisely, but it shouldnt matter.

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We have this over in /ic. I'd like to see anons portfolios and works. Post your socials.
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So you are telling me that you roam on 4chan and still take everything seriously?
4chan is an aspergers website though...
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made $400 on here last week https://becomeamillionairetime.blogspot.com/
>money bag.jpg
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Anyone has this?
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The old paradigm where people would spend money and then share the product with everyone is over
nvm it seems that you gotta pay 16 bucks to access the course
better than paying $156
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>need to pay 16 bucks to access stolen content

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Sup, /3/? I’m sick of Cris shitting up /v/ and all of the other boards with his dogshit models so I have decided to combat him in his domain.
You might know me better as the guy who made that one Jet Force Gemini picture, but I have much more impressive stuff than that.
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then why are you still this bad? I refuse to beleive you have made this little progress in nearly a decade
if you are using an engine, the only thing you need to watch for is the file system structure when doing file I/O
Over the course of the last decade, I probably modeled about an hour or two a day. Keep in mind I was in middle and high school at the time: I had homework to do, projects to complete, I had to make sure I did my exercises, and I was dedicating most of my time with web application development. Now that I’m in post secondary education, I have even less time to use. Don’t worry, I’ll improve eventually.
True. I’ll see if I can get export my game to other platforms in the following week since I’ll have a Mac to work with.
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holy mother of sovl
Based /3/ recognized fygoons genius

I want one of you to show me how to make low poly model like this. Please show me. Please, please. Please. I want someone to stream and show me. Please. Why the fuck do I have to learn on my own. Please show me.
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its pretty funny to see how mad people get over a few polygons.
im not saying its easy, but it is significantly easier than doing a detailed sculpt with the whole retopo and baking process.

at any stage in the process you can tweak your shape without having to worry about it, its just very forgiving
shit take
prove me wrong,
Show me 10 different artists that make good low poly right now, not baked textures from high poly.
I can show you 10 good 3d sculptors without a problem.
I make both things, you have probably seen a film with one of my sculptures.
But when I worked on a game company making a mobile game we had to go to Asia for good low poly modelers because of the shit artists produced here.
Hand painted low poly takes shit ton of time to make, and a lot less people can do a good job.
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>Hand painted low poly takes shit ton of time to make, and a lot less people can do a good job.

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I _WILL_ violate the physics.
wtf anon NO
just do whatever works best for you
What if I want my metallic surface to be a little bit tarnished?
Wouldn't it be a computationally cheap way to do that?
>Turn down metallic
>Have dirty looking texture
Or am I missing something?

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So I'm finally unbanned. /archviz/ was cool but was pruned in the ban I'm no longer in the mood for that.

So /3dsg/ anything 3ds max related. Tell me if you have any doubts using this god awful fucking piece shit of a software, wips, works etc etc.
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whats with corona scatter?
If you're still here, how would you do it manually? edit. spline then edit. poly and rotate some parts? or is there a way to rotate spline points?
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What's up with it? If you are asking why those lineas appear it's because cscatter uses a poligonal solver and no a uv solver like forest. Try and add a quadify modifier to your soil object.

Literally like that.
> is there a way to rotate spline points?
No spine points do not have an orientation per se, that's what nurbs are for. You'll have to do that poligonally.

I've found that making it manually is a chore but makes the best results. Leverage your modifier stack, use the path technique and then editpoly.
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when i have 1 bitmap texture pluged into a tile map, how can i make the texture rotate or randomize the tiling?
the material is applyed to a plane with 1 face, there any workout without having to use floor generator
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You could play around with osl maps. I personally use bercon map plugin with multitexture plugin.

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I found this old ass video about a news story where a bear breaks into a house and plays the piano in Vail, Colorado. It looks fake as hell to me, but the comments and articles on other news sites are making me second guess myself. I could use some insight from /3/. The part at 0:55 gives it away in my eyes. Am I insane? Or did someone successfully push a fake story with 3DCG skills to a bunch of news outlets?
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>the bear moving from place to place didn’t change the bounce light

It bounces all over the place, are you blind bro?
Scrub thru the video and look at the ceiling and walls, you can very obviously see how the ambient changes as them bright surfaces get occluded by the bear.
You’re both are off wrong, the bear shadow on ceilings mysteriously appears but not animated when it comes into contact with piano. Admit it, it’s fake.
because the bears shadow in the ceiling is the bear occluding the light off the bright floor, when it stands off to the side in the room it doesn't block as much bounced light off that surface.

There is nothing mysterious about this anon.
1)Lightning contracts is not the same

2)Abnormal bear behavior

3)reflection is abnormal

4)odd sounds

5)clipping of bear in chair

It’s not normal, the whole thing screams fake.

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The only way to truly create retro CGI is by using period accurate hardware and software, anything else is forced soul from coping zoomers.
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That kind of low detail "anime" is completely at odds with any actual Japanese CGI of that period (which i guess is the 90s since CGI would be rare in the 80s even in the west, that weird Golgo 13 sequence excluded) 3D animations of that period would look like Poppy the Performer or Gregory Horror Show, stylized but not really trying to emulate 2d anime, video game pre-renders in comparison would try to mix anime with some more realistic designs like pic.
I still don't know what he's trying to recreate here, the low amount of details says that he wants to do some psx real time model thing like those FFVII lego minifig people on the overworld, but for some reason he decides that the models need separate fingers for the hands but even less details for the face, also instead of texture work he uses all sorts of material settings that are too intensive for that sort of thing with all those reflections.
Nigga should just make his mind on what degree of stylization he wants, also whether he's a woman, a chud, both, or neither.
Ah Kurwa, forgot pic.
>material settings that are too intensive for that sort of thing with all those reflections

or perhaps, he might be using some dying crt displays with fucked colors and overcompensating for the lack of contrast/color accuracy.
Sorry i meant too hardware intensive (I was not sure to say if it was CPU intensive since 90s render farm 'puters usually had some hardware to assist in this kind of shit and i think some later SGI ones already had GPUs) the reflection on the desk and all the alpha see through stuff looks weird with the rather simple geometry, Compare it with this Babylon 5 screenshot for ants.
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And this.

Creating garment assets for game environments.

Seems it's a bit niche?

Pivoting from a Rhino + SolidWorks / Blender (to render) background.

What should I know?
Do you have tutorial/ resource recommendations?
**yes i have checked the intro guide**
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Does it make more sense to texture in CLO or bring it to blender and texture it there?
No. Marvelous has a view to layout uvs, just do that, export and texture wherever you normally do. Marvelous will export stitching at geometry iirc. You're better off building that into the textures with something like substance painter (or redo the stich geo procedurally in Houdini or geo nodes if you need autistic levels of detail)
is what you export from it meant to be bake-ready, or do you need to sculpt on top of it in zbrush?
how do i make hot underwear for my hot women models
i tried looking for tutorials specifically for underwear and got some super sussy suggestions on youtube
Do you retopo in MD, or do you export to some other program?

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