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Old Thread: >>10886934

Featured Idols: Signals (WOMP WOMP)
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Nobody saw the post that Non Sweet is gonna perform at Tokyo Idol Festival? This is as big as Paida touring with Babybeard. Maybe kaigai idols are actually gonna fucking make it in 2024
it’s really big but also it’s not that far of a reach considering their affiliation with shun in japan
any other kaigai group could never reach tif if they didnt have connections like nonsweet do
most people who actually support talent in the community and want to see people go far don't hang out here
Wow it’s like being talented and knowing people outside of your crabs in a bucket friend circle actually works?
This being said, I’ve seen in the past people comment on groups just being bad performers.

This is a pretty good explanation, but when you are watching a kaigai idol what do you think they absolutely need to do to be a good performer and what are your performer red flags/things that make them look shitty ?

>sfw board
>four lewd threads with over 300+ replies
kindly fuck off back to your designated porn boards saars
Also, hellsing thread
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Most of it is one guy spamming and talking to himself fairly often btw
Its not illegal there and good if it is.
>wore(was based off some like military youth program
It was called Hitlerjugend (Hitler Youth)
Theory of mine, the pornindustry is behind that too, so they can sell more dvds now
>sometimes you just want to admire beautiful cosplay.
By hot women

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Popular female cosplayers seems to of become more of dressing slutty for attention than putting together a well made costume for a hobby
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>wtf a posterboy for faggots is a faggot? how could this be happening let me run to tell /tg/
>Its called having some self respect.
but a lot of them will be rich by 30 and by that time everything would've forgotten about them, then the next generation of cosplayers do the same fucking thing
and still has way more money than all this thread combined
>actual real cosplayers converted to thotdom
well this arent actually bad honestly
>I'd be content, but they sell themselves as something they're not and get offended when someone calls them on their bullshit
absolutely, just be upfront about it and call it a day

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How do I make a historically accurate gambeson for a Renaissance faire?
Ask >>10873579
You're cute...ish. I'd say hi to you at the Ryanair.

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Gratuitous use of religious iconography
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>What’s your dream dress?
>How long have you been looking for it?
>Are you open to other cuts/colorways?
>Why is it your dream dress?
>How much would you be willing to drop for it?
>Anything else?
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OP here! I’ll start.
>What’s your dream dress?
Ribbon Decoration JSK by Angelic Pretty in the pink colorway
>How long have you been looking for it?
Just now. I’ve seen it before but it was never a dream dress for me, just something I liked… But now I’d die for her!
>Are you open to other cuts/colorways?
Yes! Anything but black.
>Why is it your dream dress?
It just feels so elegant and OTT yet still the pinnacle of sweet lolita, fits my style exactly.
>How much would you be willing to drop for it?
A shameful amount.
>Anything else?
Wut. I’m a sweetfag but thing is tacky af kek. To each their own…
People who live in glass houses shouldn’t throw stones.

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share images of your favourite maid cosplays, whether it be the cutest girls or the most fashionable and intricate designs.
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Jesus this breast plate doesn't even match her skintone. Why does Rem always attract the worst kind of retards? Horrible cosplay right here.
incredible. even the halo is well done
>alien face photoshop
this is incredibly fucking unnerving

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This is a containment thread for all questions like "how do I get a cosplay gf?" or "how do i hook up at an anime convention"

>required reading

>I can't get laid IRL. Can I get laid at an anime con?
No. You need the basic competence from IRL

>Thread prompt:
What are your con romance stories? Either victories or defeats
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My wife attends conventions. I met her at conventions. I also fuck women at conventions who aren't my wife.

I still don't get why my advice isn't valuable. You haven't explained why you're dismissing my advice based on the source.

Ha that is a funny meme
>it's autosaging
A better fate than most of these threads can hope for

Lolita coords with cardigans
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it might be axes femme
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nice vendetta

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Will there be any good pre-made fallout jumpsuits released now that the show is a success? I got this micco one and it’s good but a really high quality one would be better.
Fallout is dead. It will now be infected with normalfags that only play the Bethesda games. Do whatever you can to distance yourself from it.
Fallouts pre-Bethesda were pointless to cosplay because resolution of outfits was incredibly low you braindead /v/ professional noplayer
Where it died was with Fallout 4
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This ^

That said anon just go on Etsy and get something made by a Polish person
This is me. I actually watched the show and was rather impressed. Some choices I'm not wild about but I feel it was a still a mostly faithful adaptation.

whats male equivalent of cosplay like this?
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so its about being hot? how do i get hotter? would helltaker cosplay (suit and glasses, rolled sleeves) bump me up?
Just because you're dressing up as a harem protag, it doesn't mean that girls will actually flock to you, especially if you give off desperate creep vibes.
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it has always been about being hot.
Thanks for the kek. Can’t wait for the new game next year

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helloo!!! I did a Len cosplay not too long ago and i was wondering if yall have any advice C: !!
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We need the IP counter back.
Looks good anon! Very cute.
If you want to get into leatherwork that'd make better versions of the arm/leg cuffs. But it's hard. You may be better off with a thicker vinyl, just to make them less ripply
Not bad! If the tie is detachable from the shirt, I'd recommend switching it out with an actual yellow necktie (color matched as best as you can) since those are usually better quality than ties that are made to go with cosplay sets.
this takes me back
props for not having a wig that’s crimped to hell to look like a mmd model

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January 5th (1/5, ichi/go) is Strawberry Day. time to share cute strawberry shit to sweeten our miserable world.
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cute thread
ya super!!!

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What are your thoughts on dark elves?
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Why don't black people choose race-appropriate characters instead of embarrassing themselves like this.
Like what?
>why do blacks steal from others
Elf is elf
I prefer the ones that are either pitch black, dark grey, or very dark blue. Such colors give them a mystical and otherworldly appearance while brown or dark brown makes them look like Mexicans or West Africans with pointy ears and Caucasian bone structure and noses.

>My interest in anime cons was reborn when local cons hosted in my local mall.
>When the local mall no longer hosts any cons, I've decided to learn to travel on foot and use public transportation to go to the cons, from going to the malls in my city to state-to-state travel, relying on Google Maps to show the way.
>This is coming from a guy who doesn't stray too far from my home neighborhood.

It's quite tense given the danger and being in unfamilar territory but it's fun.
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I had to travel to New York for a work conference and cosplay as a normie.
From Seattle to London. Wasn't worth it.
I did 5 hours for a Tampa con and a Rays game
Magfest in Virginia from Washington State.
I traveled from the west coast to the east coast for a con

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