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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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Alternate title: "Eager for a New Thread After a Full Month at Bump Limit Edition"

Keep it /cgl/-related! Cosplay or J-fashion like Lolita/Brolita, Aristocrat, Kimono, Nanchatte, etc.!


ITT you may post:
- Useful guides that can be applied to crossplaying/crossdressing
- Questions, help, sharing advice to improve your appearance to pass temporary as the opposite gender (Male -> Female, Female -> Male)
- pictures of crossplay/crossdressing coords, selfposts
- personal experience/stories regarding crossplay/crossdressing

NOT allowed:
- Anything in sexual context/fetish stuff
- Anything related to gender transition like hormones, operation etc.; >>>/lgbt/ might be the better place for this

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Wearing unisex stuff or even slightly girl leaning stuff (pleated shorts and tights).

I had a tiny bit of work done so a slight change of clothing and a bit of makeup makes a huge difference
i'm too much of a bonehead to be a maneless lion
Im sorry anon I dont get what youre saying. Are you bald without a wig or something?
In nature a viable mating strategy for a lion is to lose his mane and blend in with the lionesses, threatening unsuspecting males who approach.
I am simply not of that character, body? frankly maybe i could pull it off without padding, but that's not who (me) is.
eh, padding doesnt really matter much if thats what you want. I cant think of any situation where that would suddenly change how someone would percieve you

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Long live the King.

Old thread lasted like 8 months. Go team and our complete lack of anything going on of note.

Weathers warming up, hope you’ve been working on stuff over winter for the new season.

Cons listed not endorsed. Just copy pasta from 1st search for UK anime cons.

Manchester Anime & Gaming Con 2024 April 6-7, 2024 Sugden Sports Centre
Cardiff Anime & Gaming Con 2024 April 13-14, 2024 Cardiff Students' Union
Portsmouth Anime & Gaming Con 2024 April 20-21, 2024 Portsmouth Marriott Hotel
Japan Fest Welcomes Asia 2024 May 4, 2024 Cromford Mills

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no, unfortunately my friend who did this cosplay with me in the past has moved away recently. so I was a lone-soldier this time. If i had to choose, i always thought of myself as cosplaying yuu because i am tall and european. not short and japanese/asian like chi. Also my helmet is more similar to yuu's (see photo, I only have this one blurry photo showing my full cosplay, I'm there to enjoy the con rather than take photos so i don't bother taking any usually, but then regret it)
I'd love to get an arisaka rifle for this cosplay. (dis-armed of course) although people have difficulty getting such things through security even though they are allowed by their rules.
this anon didn't come and say hello :( i can only assume you were too intimidated by my alpha-chad aura, have no fear, i am a benevolent commander.

I saw you at the end of the day and it didn't click ;_; I should have kept a picture to hand to remind myself of what to look out for

I'm sorry anon!
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look out for me next time, i am going to keep doing this cosplay untill i get to speak to someone who recognises it properly. a few guys have recognised it at past conventions but for whatever reason i couldn't speak to them properly at the time.
It's kinda weird seeing thier clothes irl (chi& yuu's) becuase ... it's literally just milsurp. just a normal oldschool soldier. i think only really the symbol and pack are identifiably different, and even they look like a medic's cross and an old british army pack from WW1 (my friend who works in army surplus even mistook it for one!)
When and where did you see me? sat or sun?
Ah, my bad on the late reply anon

I saw you towards the end of Sunday as things started to quiet down in the vendor hall - I saw the cross on your helmet/uniform and for some reason my brain decided it was a fallout thing instead of the actual honest-to-god symbol that GLT uses...

As an aside, did you think the vendor hall was a bit meh for such a big con? Artists alley was TINY compared to AL manchester last month

I'll be at Animecon in Birmingham this june and some other ones too. If you're going to those I promise I'll look out properly!
vendor hall was pretty good imho, about average, some good things caught my eye though and i ended up spending a lot, so maybe it was above average.
feel like it was better pre-covid, as all things were, but it was above 5/10 this year.
>Artists alley was TINY compared to AL manchester last month
may well have been, it was in the other building, yeah? I tend not to spend much time there, fewer things which interest me there.
in my experience anime-specific conventions have a big artists alley in general.

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ive like never cosplayed b4 at all nd i LOVE stocking SO MUCH but i have no idea where to get the outfit and stuff… everywhere online is so expensive and/or just shitty material. would i be better off making it myself? im not sure how 2 go about it lol XD
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I cosplay one of the only Garterbelt's you will ever see.
It's great, always have big bop off, even better with groups.
you're blind, retarded, and into man feet
Lose weight.

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All matches have been sent out, happy shopping!

>Shipping deadline: December 13
>Grinch check: January 31

>Rules, Hints, FAQ and more:

If any issues arise, contact us ASAP:

Remember to include your ID number, as well as their gift tier, in the package you send to your match.
When you receive your gifts, you're REQUIRED to post them in the thread, along with the tier and both your and your Santa's IDs. If you could also include them in the image for future reference, that would be super helpful!

If you have any questions or need clarifications, feel free to contact your match in the thread. If you don't get a response, email us and we'll forward whatever questions you have directly to them.

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With lolita fashion being an expensive hobby, it makes sense that the 20 tier is unpopular because even a pair of brand socks cost 35 without shipping, so it's stressful trying to think of a gift that feels worthwhile enough. Maybe a higher jump between tiers would work better (Card - 50 - 100) for good-faith participants, but that could attract grinches like you said. It's a tough decision.

As for no feedback, there could be a disclaimer on the sign-up form that if there's not a suitable match who is ok with it then you may be bumped to the lower tier. That leaves some room for organizer discretion if a participant does have a history of participation but also some questionable behavior then the organizers can tell that individual there was no suitable match and observe their behavior in the lower tier another year.
I've only participated int he SS once, several years ago, but would like to again and I think Card - $50 - $100 makes the most sense.
the $20 tier wasn't so bad since non lolitas joined. one of my matches was just a cosplayer so i filled the bag with snacks and smaller merch items. but i could definitely see it being a problem if it was only lolitas. my match was a lolita, but she really spoiled me, and while i love that i wouldn't want anyone to feel obligated to spend more than the requirement.

maybe we could limit the $20 tier to non lolita participants? then again, a lot of the card tier gifts look far more than $20 worth of items.
i'd agree to this. a few years ago i did a $20 tier and matched with a lolita and she sent me some craft fair wooden normie hair clips that i threw out. i'm not a brand whore either. those generic taobao ribbon clips would have been better. the issue is the board is dying so participation in general is lower. i kind of think we should open up literally all tiers to basically anyone, have them do a quiz/survey and just make sure the number of new participants has enough grinch relief. these events always have a chance of people grinching, but the spirit of them is giving, not receiving so i think with the state of the board it's silly to have extra requirements still.
we didn't have any grinches this year, which feels like a positive sign.

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I was wondering if I ever make a cosplay, I firstly understand what makes it bad. Even if I dress properly, make up, good wig, I feel like it would look bad anyway. I was wondering if it is something else, like face structure or just being ugly. Also not talking about cosplays that don't match body build or those that want to look bad ironically.
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>There are also simple changes you can do to your face that makes a big difference towards looking more like another race. One is "Asian eyes" (monolids) versus "Western eyes" ("epicanthal folds"). Anyone can have either one of these, all you need to do is fold your eyelids a different way and then hold them in place with eyelash glue.

Nah, this doesn't fly in the cosplay circles
Another cool thing would to see how other people have fixed or redone their old shitty cosplays
Free drugs sounds good to me.
They won’t be free brother. Trust.
It flies in the non-cosplay makeup circles, so dunno why it wouldn't work with cosplay. It's just an alternative or addition to certain types of eye makeup. For example if you want 〜anime eyes desu〜 including Brock eyes or huge shoujo eyes, refolding your eyelid can help create the appearance of a bigger or smaller eye, as well as change how deep your eyebrow ridge seems. I think most people don't talk about it because it's mainly done by Asian women and half-racial people.

How was Holmat? Anything interesting happen?

Anyone keeping an eye on the cosplayblackbook IG for the latest drama?

Any future plans?
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Unless you're including Kirbiicon in there, not really, no
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There we have it, folks. It's a week later and further than ever, but at least we're not stuck waiting until summer only to find it's cancelled. And most importantly, no atrium
NYS, retard.
You seem upset
Why are there 2 florida threads?

Foid here,
I'm starting to think cosplaying is only worth it if you're attractive
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just because you grew up in a dysfunctional family and have a shitty personality not even a mother could love it doesn't mean women don't love men. if we take all violence on opposite gender, abandonment on sickness, hours spent on domestic chores statistics, I could go on forever. women do so much for men than men do for women on a daily basis. and most of the time they dont even acknowledge it. the most likely cause a pregnant woman can die is murdered by their partner and knowing that and the fact there are women out there still willing to date and marry men, you guys should be thankful.
You don't need to be overly attractive to cosplay in general, the costume/look just needs to be done well. However as a photographer I will say that shooting portraits/cosplay is absolutely 90% about how attractive you are. People don't understand how insanely easy it is when the subject is attractive. The less attractive, the more work you need to put into finding the persons good sides, helping them pose and stuff like that. Women at least have makeup to hard carry them.
Odd given the closest experience men can have are with their male friend they are willing to die for (examples, soldiers, gangsters) and often have some respect for the enemies they killed (theres enough interviews of old veterans who realized the people they killed were fighting for their country)
This is the final foid boss fight
men have more respect for the enemies they kill in a war than the women they leave at home raising their children, got it.
kill yourself

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/mkg/ - Mobile Kanojo/Kareshi General #14

Afterlife edition

Last Thread: >>10397387

>The most discussed apps/games are Moe Can Change!, Dream Girlfriend/Nijikano, Dream Boyfriend/Hoshikare, and Animal Boyfriend/Gijin Kareshi, but people are encouraged to introduce new games.
>We generally discuss dress-up/simulator games and smartphone/cellphone apps for waifus or husbandos.
>Occasionally discussed games include Fairy Doll, Potion Maker, Mandrake Girls, Soul Girls, etc.
>To our newfriends: please remove any /mkg/ tags and lurk more to ensure proper etiquette. We might be a dress-up game general, but we are already dead, Jim

>/mkg/ Tips, Etiquette and Linkdump (spreadsheet of names for MCC, DG, AB, GK and FD):
http://pastebin.com/iPbE3f4d (embed)

>English Wiki links:

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is it supposed to overlap like that?
Is this your first time witnessing a clusterfuck?
I was more sso focused on posting than making the cordination look good

Cosplay Butts 3

Last thread: >>10786393
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It's still there, you have to log in with an Instagram account tho since they think he has 18+ content
holy fuck who is she
the girl with double assholes
Melody is a cool person

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>Lose and be ordered to pay 100k
>Lose appeal and be ordered to pay 376k for wasting everyone's time
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to be fair, those guys get pussy because they "don't control women" by letting their girls sleep with other people (most of the time in an open relationship/polyamorous way) and do onlyfans
>Realistically though, he would do anything to get out of jail.
There hasn't been any criminal charges yet and Vic won't pay a cent to Marchi and Rial.
>persona hunting ground
The guy in question, or at least his (or THEIR presentation) was pretty jealous in ways.

I mean male feminists are full of shit so it's not the secret path or whatever the redpillers say
kill yourself

is being into cosplay at age 30+ cringe?
I don't mean token master roshi boomer
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What about a Kamen Rider cosplay? Asking for a friend.
Embrace the fatty and go as a fat character. Own that shit, and then when you get in shape, do that. I believe in you!
No, but go as age appropriate characters. There are plenty of anime with adult casts so you shouldn’t need to go as a 17yo highschooler
Only hispanic WOMEN, and mostly cause they turn into the blueberry girl from willy wonka the second they hit 30z. White women still age the 2nd worst though. Black women age the best, but only cause they’re only dropping one point from a 3 to a 2, lmao
Yaoi paddlers (and yaoi enthusiasts generally were mostly straight women fetishizing gay men, not actual faggots.

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I'm too old to understand this subculture please enlighten me
like how do you feel when you larp as an anime character makes you feel like
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i dont
It is for me. Though my wife just plays dress up and role plays the character. I just get to live out my nerd fantasies.
Boosting this. The larp here is so obvious.
if you're a soulless normie whose only hobby is masturbating to porn everything is a sexual kink I guess
Around Halloween a couple years ago, I reflected that I didn't do a single thing for the holiday anymore, not since I was a kid. I got this strong urge to get a costume, a good one. It all sort of spiraled from there.

I'm going to attend and cosplay at FanExpo Philadelphia this year. I was just wondering if anyone else was going to attend or if anyone's been there before.

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MIGHT go on Sunday. Original plans fell through.
Shouldn't have let my fiance con me into waiting in the neil newbon line. It's wayyyu too long
Arcade was pretty lackluster. Still fun, but I wouldn't go more than one day since I don't really care that much about Marvel/DC/Star Wars.
So there was some kind of marathon this Sunday, and the cops shut down half the damn city. I had no idea, and neither did Google maps. Had some fun when I finally got there, though. Played DDR for the first time.

Some good costumes there. I mostly remember the men, for some reason. The standout winner was the guy with the elaborate, full-body Groot costume, but there was also this tall guy dressed as Jorgen von Strangle, and this old guy with a Kingpin costume so simple you just had to admire it.
Finally got back from Philly. I had a great time.
The kingpin cosplay was cool

Guys I wanna cosplay him but Idk what shoes does he use?
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This is the closest thing I could find
>the most important aspect is to be a brick shithouse
That's the hard part
In Helltaker's case the only thing you need to match is the face. He is fully clothed so you can use extensive padding for the muscles. If you get the anatomy right it will look just as good as the real thing.
But do you have the build?
>mfw facelet

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Is it normal for people to ask for pictures and immediately leave after?
Or is this another Switzerland specialty where everybody hates socializing?
OR is it because I'm male?
How do you even make friends at a con?

I went to a convention as Chainsaw Man last October and while over 20 people asked me for a pic, nobody actually stuck around or even made an attempt at small talk. I was hoping to meet people.

There's another convention coming up next month and I'm not sure if I wanna go get photographed and go back home all alone with no new contacts or friends again.
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>Is it normal for people to ask for pictures and immediately leave after?
Yes. If they want to chat they will but usually they just want to take a pic and leave. If you want to chat you gotta be the one to engage, don't wait for them to.
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how do i keep a conversation going? if i ask a question they just give a quick answer and its awkward silence and if i ask another question it feels like im interrogating them
you aren't going to get big conversations with everyone. if you don't click with a few questions and it naturally fizzles quickly, its okay to move on
My friends and I walk around with a water bottle filled with vodka.
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That's why I also mentioned seating areas. "Hey, can I sit next to you?" is an easy way to start a chat with someone because if they say no you never had a chance of talking to them anyway.

Two things to remember:
>You will get out what you put into a conversation
>Most people love talking about themselves

Ask questions that can't be answered with yes/no. If they're giving short responses anyway, offer your own input on their answer before leading into a probing question for more detail. If you ask how long their cosplay took and they say six months, you could say
>Wow, that's a long time. What part of it took the longest to do?
Rinse and repeat. If they answer a question with something you disagree with e.g. liking Naruto, you bite your tongue on the judgement, acknolwedge the validity of their view, and mention your own as a preference rather than a superior position.

After a bit of this you'll have some confidence with your rapport. Especially if they're asking you things too. Here's where you ask for socials - ideally for the purpose of scheduling a meetup the next day of the con - but that might not always be possible. Point is to at least make it clear you'd like to hang out with them at some point which is why you're asking for their info. If it's gone particuraly well you could ask to tag along with them then and there too

Ganbare your best anon!

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