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Modern inspired by Victorian but we make it spooky edition.

Last thread get archived: >>10851320

Thread before last for some mysterious reason did not and is still listed on active threads (WTF jannies?): >>10756184

Last two years these threads were barely active and and it took a year for each to reach image limit or get archived prematurely (WTF jannies?) but whatever.
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That's some chunky bicc fishes

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Asuka Cosplays
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If I buy a Unit 02 kigurumi and carry around Kyoko's Asuka doll, will that be enough to attract hugs from Asuka cosplayers?
I cosplay asuka and I'd hug you (but beware I'm a 5'4 200 pound male)
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Memepantazis is my fav Asuka. I woudl do almost anything to bend her over and rail her
Would you [spoiler]fight an ant if it was this -> <- big?[/spoiler]
i wish there were more brazilian girls that looked like her

iirc it happened to take place around the 2010's with either the new 52 and/or the suicide squad movie but i'm not sure on how everyone decided to start dressing up as her

(for that matter, did any major (cos)player dress up as her prior to 2011?)
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honestly i doubt the bodysuit is considered "slutty" as it were

honestly it's more covered-up/kid-safe
Forgive me for staring.
Bruv that’s JNig, she wants people to stare. That’s what her whole career is based on
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update from the man himself: i totally miscalculated the “when”
>not sure on how everyone decided to start dressing up as her

She's a female power fantasy. Does ANYTHING she wants (including killing kids) with zero consequences.

Old thread >>>>>>10660802

>Please read the FAQ before posting in the thread (always updating)
>Artist Spreadsheet
>How to order from Vograce (now with video on how to set up files)
>Convention List (always WIP)
>IP taketowns (based on artists contribution, may or may not have been a one time thing, use as a guideline)
>AA Inspo (thanks anon!)

Comment too long. Click here to view the full text.
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Since the botification of Etsy, there doesn't seem to be a centralized or even commonly used marketplace anymore. Most people I buy from are using their social media to do the heavy lifting and then have their own website. As a buyer, I find it frustrating because I don't have time to dig for hours in the search pages and click through each profile and each link to see if MAYBE the artist still is selling the item I saw in the video. I enjoyed being able to browse many kinds of items that I knew for certain were on sale.
This has been my experience too. I still go to AA, and honestly solely go to AX for AA, but there have been so many times that I'll look up an artist after the convention and realize that they sold other merch because I wasn't able to see it on their booth over the herd in front of me. It's hard to shop when you have to bob, weave, and avoid getting bumped into or suffocate down there.
ntayrt, but why is that? Wouldn't recognition of a popular artist in AA drive sales?
Oh god, I didn't realize that I was responding to posts from last year. I've been talking to a corpse
I think it will once they start realizing it's not pulling the money in. These tiktok artists are all very similar with little originality. They all aim to have the same procreate looking art, same displays, same products etc of the same themes and fandoms. The artists are all the same homely renfaire looking women or autistic they them girls too.
They all overshare everything and are always admitting to barely making profit and attending failing events. These trends are also oversaturating the popup markets which invites more failure. They inevitably spend more money on merch and generic yet elaborate displays only to complain about barely making booth fee back. Then they make tiktoks and reels of themselves crying and showing their failed products to garner sympathy and pity sales. They complain about struggling with the "algorithm" while using the exact same trending audio/music/sound clips all the other tiktok artists use. It's nauseating and exhausting but on the positive it helps the more seasoned, creative and unique artists stand out more. The bubble will hopefully burst sooner than later.

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To counteract all the moids here and the overwhelming spamming of slutty girls, here's a thread dedicated to the cuties who cosplay.

Emphasis on the "cute" part. Bodybuilders cosplaying just to show off their abs are just as bad as the girls who only do it for onlyfans.
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you mean like a bitch?
T. Balding 30+ moid
when her weight starts with a 2
Shhh quiet moid go pick up your hair from the floor is getting it dirty

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Marin (and variations) and Yor were the obvious FOTM cosplays for last con season. What are your predictions for this year?

My predictions:
>Yor spillover from last year
>a fuckton of Kobeni and Makima
>Mitsuri from Demon Slayer (her arc comes out in spring)
>Vash Stampede for guys
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>Then again, not a lot of people would be willing to openly say how they are a fan of this anime would they?
normies think this is a pedo show so yeah you're not gonna see many cosplays, doesn't help how exposed it is (i wish modesty laws weren't a thing desu)
Many cons have introduced dress codes since the Kill la Kill cosplays and their wardrobe malfunctions. I don't think people would be able to get away with such risque outfits anymore.
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I wonder if monogatari coming back is going to pop some cosplayers
thought the only person that would do monogatari in 2024 are boomers and japaneses
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How am I only hearing about this now? I'm working on a panel and was wondering whether or not to include Monogatari. Looks like I've got my answer, so thanks for the heads up. Also, I saw both a Hachikuji and Shinobu cosplayer pretty recently too so there's that
> A lot of people just aren't going to want to do the bodypaint and beyond for Karlach and Lae'zel, and the armor adds more cost and complexity
As predicted, Astarion, Shadowheart, and Gale, with a little touch of Halsin for the fitness bros specifically in their camp outfits have been the most popular.

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Guys, how old is too old?

Like, I am an oldfag in his mid 40s. Used to be very involved in the con scene back in the 90s and early 00s. I am currently on a very nostalgic mood about those days of yore, and planning to visit a few of the big cons to see how's the fandom nowadays. Would I be, as you youngsters say, cringe? Worse, would other congoers immediately assume I am a creepy pedophile? I don't really want to ruin some kids con experience like that.

Two things, I would be attending alone because the few con buddies from back then that I still keep in contact, are too jaded and busy to give a shit. Also, I am considering if it is a good idea to go cosplaying as an old timer character.
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No such thing as too old man, I see plenty of people in their 50s. Plenty of characters to cosplay no matter what age you are.
Ah great , I have 11 years left
Dude do what you want. I'm telling you because I'm insecure about my age, I'm about to turn 36 and I see the lines on my face growing and I'm full of regrets and a desire to go back and try again. But I still plan to go to cons, I realized now more than ever how short life is and how fast time goes by. Do what makes you happy so you have no regrets.
It truly doesn't matter, as long as you're having fun and enjoying yourself that's all that really matters. Don't stress about it too much!

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We're just under four months away now.

Have you got a room yet, or are you still hunting?
Set on your cosplay? How's it coming along?
How do you plan on getting there?
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got a room, but don't know what I'm going to bring.
I wanted to do something biiig! but I won't get anything big done in time, so I'm thinking more casual and achievable.
I'm leaning towards one piece stuff, I've been obsessed these past 6 months or so. so I can't think of anything I'd rather work on
My buddy has apparently moved in nearby, so it looks like I'm finally gonna make it for this one. I'm finally completing the Atlanta trinity. Feels good man
What are the other two? Momo and AWA?
As someone who is always glad to see more OP stuff at DC, please don't be another low effort Luffy. The characters change outfits so often that there's a shit ton of cool stuff you can do. It pains me to see someone who just cuts up a pair of jeans, slaps on a red vest and straw hat.
Oh look, a gatekeeper. How cringy

I think this cosplay looks good

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hey /cgl/ this me cosplaying as my cat rupert, who is on my shoulder for reference.

Does anyone else here cosplay as their pet, or have tips on how to cosplay more like a cat without looking like a furry?
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Awesome to see rupert happy as usual, as a cat lover myself, I'm glad he's being cared for by someone so loving.
There was a video I saw of you posting a torrent of photo's of rupert.
Would you still have the magnet link? I can't seem to find it and the one in the video has bits cut out.
Just leave the thread and go to another you braindead retard.
This isn't the only thread on the board, you inbread vaginal belch.
Spamming is against the rules
You could do a tail, ears, and paw gloves.
I think drawing on a nose and whiskers works be good too.
I think that's probably the limit before you look like a furry.
If you do those giant paw shoes that's furry territory.
Post the costume with upgrades once they're completed
your posts would be deleted anyway

May 17-19, 2024

Are you going for the whole weekend?
What are you cosplaying?
Is your cosplay done or are you con crunching?
Are you hosting a panel or working a booth?
Going to the rave?
Favorite part of the con?
Any other activities you’re looking forward to?
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Don't forget the "if you can't beat them join em" mentality
Any Bocchi cosplay groups/meet ups? It's our (my husband and I's) first time and he's dressing up as Nijika. We'd love to meet a band! Have weekend passes.

New thread
I'm 40, anon, so you can feel safe in the knowledge that someone there is older than you. And yeah, you'll have a good time! Whatever you like out of your con experience (I'm there for the panels and DH, others go for the costumes, others for the gaming, etc), it's got something for you.
I'm almost 40 and so is my wife. Go get fucked up and have fun. Unless you're being a creep no one cares how old you are.

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When did anime conventions in the west become pride events?
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this is only half true. there are a lot of genuinely compelling yuri series out there, but most of them never get translated or even scanned. the yuri that actually makes it to the western audience is the stuff that appeals to larger demographics instead.
Yeah, I really wish that the "blanket popular" stuff wasn't made for such obvious reasons- I do totally acknowledge the subset of genuine lesbian relationship manga that is out there, completely inaccessible to our weeb eyes.
as a yurifag, i'd say it's only somewhat true.
you have the stuff you're talking about, but i'd argue that's less about fetishization and more just girls only casts are more otaku friendly, since otakus get triggered by men being around their waifus.

you have 2 side of yuri really, the CGDCT anime like you're talking about, where it's just overly cute. and then you have the more lgbt heavy romance side of things, and there's a spattering of random generic romance in the middle as well.

you do have plenty of yuri artists like takemiya jin that does tend to go heavier on the actual gay culture of japan, and most other long term yuri artists have written works or talked about their experiences with it.

the CGDCT sometimes dabbles in actually going gay, but the vast majority of the time it's just some flirty lines and girls being cute so that nobody gets triggered about used goods or whatever.
Gay stuff has always been at cons in some way, but there was definitely a point when it went from "LGBT things welcome" to being a pride event like you said. I remember going to A-Kon in 2018 (the last year when they were at the FWCC which was GOATed but also bankrupted them); the con is in June during pride month and that was the first con where I definitely noticed a ton of people running around with pride flags, so I'd say 2018 is when they became pride events. But I also haven't seen too many pride things at cons after the lockdowns ended, so looks like they also stopped being pride events in 2021.

Ahegao prints died because they were a stupid fad to begin with. No one outright banned them, people just realized they were cringe.

>They openly sell porn at cons
It's getting harder to find at cons from what I've seen, but I think it's less about NSFW things being banned and more that it's a demand issue (why buy doujins when I can just read them or torrent them?). It's also one of the reasons why there are fewer vendors selling anime DVD/blurays.

>the facebook and tumblr boogeymen (boogeytheys?)
yeah, i think doujin became less popular when scanlations became more common place. no one buys hard copy porn if you can find a scan online for free.

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Anyone going to smash this year?
Who are you cosplaying as?
Do people book hotels for this?
>Anyone going to smash this year?
>Who are you cosplaying as?
Whatever waifu of the season is going to get me the most clout.
>Do people book hotels for this?
rip 1 aus poster...
>waifu of the season is going to get me the most clout.
which would be?

do you just go in cosplay to the con then?
>which would be?
I was thinking Frieren atm but that could change.

>do you just go in cosplay to the con then?
Pretty much. There's a horde of cosplayers doing the same, so you don't stand out too much.

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i dunno when drawthreads tapered off here but i periodically check back and there just never is one. so ill be the change I want to see in the world. post coords for me to draw, thank you. (and other artists too of course)
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your style is so neat! looks very polished, love it

also pls post coords gulls, i want to draw
Stay on the board; I'm actually drawing now.
>a-anon l-let's genocide the kikes t-togehter
y-yes m-my q-qween
Aw thank you both so much! I wasn't expecting to get even more drawings, I'm lucky :) They're both ver pretty
I had said before that I'd like to draw a bit too but couldn't make the time for it. I will try to do it now. I think all of the coords posted here have already been drawn at least once so pls post some more! If anyone has a picture with a pretty background or interesting pose, I'd like to practice drawing those but otherwise I'm still happy drawing a regular coord shot! It might take me a few days to get to it but I'll try to do at least one!
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imagine this but kumyas. can a drawgull make it happen?

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I need a gf that would obsess over me to the point of killing people, in death note

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