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Post cosplays you're working on, plan to work on, or want feeback on, and motivate each other. Let's get back to our roots and away from the softcore porn, or at the very least survive alongside it.
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doing last minute plate armor. canvas panels with slits cut in them, i push the fabric strips through and fold them so i dont need to use up any more fabric glue.

i'm almost blind, tried and i cant do it, the risk of burning a hole in the costume is too great. if i have time after the whole rest of the costume is done i'll try to figure something out
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I didn't know that model magic shrinks when it dries but fuck it, another clear coat and it should be good.

Also, my little brother says that tabletop stores will 3D print things for you if you provide the files? I didn't know that was an option
These days even some public libraries and schools have 3D printers and will print if you bring the files and your own filament
you should also just ask around, i know several people who work in software/hardware and have 3D printers for recreation at their office building
What can I do to fill out dents and bulges in a sculpture? I made armor from a mix of thermoplastic and flour but it's impossible to make it all smooth and even.

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>cosplayer starts while taking the hobby seriously
>does props, full costumes, sometimes sexy but only if she genuinely likes the character
>she notices her few sexy cosplay gets insanely more popular than the non-sexy stuff
>eventually, she does more ero-cosplay than non-ero
>starts selling content but is non-risky stuff
>then goes full erotic with risky angles
>some pictures have little glimpses of her areola
>she is still against nudity
>after constant begging (and because she already sold some pictures and knows they would eventually leak anyway) she post her tits
>then full nude
>cosplay is set aside and most of her pictures now are lingerie, nude, ocacionally cosplaying the waifu of the month
>at the end, you can find hd pictures of her spreaded pussy

Why does this happens so much?
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I just threw up.
if it is the same person
this chick just humiliated herself online for chump change lmao
That's most of girls. They often think they will be making at least minimum wage but most of them end up earning like, 40 bucks a month
Theyre retards kek
Not the same person but that last link is disturbing.

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What are some cosplay stories that you'll remember for the rest of your life?

Wholesome: Cosplaying some My Little Penis characters with my then-gf when a little girl started freaking out over how great we looked. She got her dad to take loads of pictures with both of us.

Less wholesome: I saw a fur-suiter yelling at his wife.

Least wholesome: Walking to the convention center behind my friend's sister in her Sailor Saturn cosplay, on a windy day. She either didn't notice or didn't care that her bare ass was playing aggressive peekaboo with me. Only time I've ever wanted the walk from the hotel to be longer.

Sad: I was at Twitchcon when that lady broke her spine.
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I'll remember the first time I went to a con by myself and I met my best friend and we partied the entire weekend. This went on to him introducing me to my curent best pals and going to a bunch of party conventions around Ohio. Best memories i've had at conventions involve him. Some of the best was us sauntering through the Kalahari at Colossalcon Prime talking to everyone and getting a big crowd before going to the villas to party some more. He was on the dealer and staff badges for last year's Colossalcon. I'll be going to this year's Colossal Prime handing out weed edibles and pouring out some sake for this interested, we're gonna make this year special.
Will be on the look out for ya buddy
whoa, that's legendary.
got any recordings?
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did i post here already? maybe i did but whatever;
start at 47 seconds.
my first convention. never been to one before, just found out it was in town the day before or something, get a last minute ticket.
as i walk up, i start seeing cosplayers, first one i see is very obviously a boy dressed as a japanese school girl anime character, then more movie characters, storm troopers, wizards, hobbits, mad max, rei, asuka, shinji, you name it. hundreds of them before me, nerdy things i've only seen on screen suddenly in reality, and i can buy most of them or interact with them! it was magical and the feeling is only captured by the jurassic park theme music.

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Well hello, Florida Seagulls. It's been a slower year here, but I know you're out there and you know I'm out there. Our local scene keeps on with one location change after the other doesn't it? HolMat where MegaCon is, OtakuFest where "Super"con is (impending lols there), Mizucon where OtakuFest was, Anime Iwai at the far end of Palm Beach County
>Alternate Title: Musical Venues Edition

>Anime in the Park - April 20 - Groveland
>Sarasota Anime-Fest - April 27 - Sarasota
>KirbiiCon - May 4 - Fort Lauderdale
>OtakuFest - May 17-19 - Miami Beach
>Mizucon - May 24-26 - Miami
>Collect-A-Con Orlando - May 25-26 - Orlando
>Finn-Con@MDC June 15 - Miami
>Anime Festival Orlando - June 28-30 - Orlando
>Metrocon - July 5-7 - Tampa
>Florida Supercon - July 12-14 - Miami Beach
>SWFL Anime-Fest - August 11 - Fort Myers
>FT-Lauderdale Anime-Fest - September 15 - Fort Lauderdale

Comment too long. Click here to view the full text.
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It really was but thats what Mizu's for
Anything like what? Room blocks? I'd think it's before then
What are the biggest draws according to floridians

t. Out of towner
What’s the parking situation going to be for Otakufest?
In a word? Shit. Also don't go anywhere near Lincoln Place
We in a dog's mouth right now.

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ITT: why you couldn't go to a con last-minute, and how that impacted you.
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Come prepared with a back up plan next time then?
there is no taxi or uber. there isnt even a bus or train system. sure, once you get inside the city there is, but not when you live outside of it
>there is no taxi or uber
you're retarded. next time call up a taxi service from the city and ask for a quote for your location. they'll charge you a hefty amount for the cost of the miles to the pickup address, but it's not like it's impossible.
the city is 3.5 hours away by car. that is relatively short, but even choosing the closest town to me that has public transport, taxis and ubers from there dont go out to where i live. uber won't even give a price estimate. this is why i had paid for the hotel room and tickets and so on for my ride in exchange for them agreeing to drive me - because there is no other way to get there other than driving, or at least getting driven partway until public transportation starts.
Last time I checked, public transportation betwen cities is a thing in the forst world. Maybe you should consider migrating out of whatever third world hellhole you're living in. Might be a bigger priority than cosplaying, wouldn't it?

reviving bc the previous thread from a while ago got nuked

what's everyone's thoughts on cosplay photography in 2024/the foreseeable future? it seems like the amount of bullshit we have to put up with as photographers in the cosplay scene only increases day by day and the cons outweigh the pros
Then stop doing it, it sounds like it's making you unhappy.
If you don't like cosplay photography then don't do it anymore!
don't do it anymore!
don't do it anymore!

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In December last year I bought some blue contact lenses for a convention. I didn't use them because I didn't have time to put them on. I want to cosplay any character (I don't mind cross-dressing) with blue eyes so I can use the blue contact lenses and the money I spent on them does not go to waste.
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a couple characters in .hack//sign or the .hack// saga in general with blue eyes
johan liebert and anna liebert from monster have blue eyes
several characters in geneshaft with blue eyes
also in a lot of anime, eyes change from blue to purple depending on the scene
Whatever this is. It's adorable.

I lost my nail inspo folder on my old pc so I'm starting with a mini dump in hopes of other anons dumping as well :)
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Scrotes are too sensitive to handle the concept that not everything is meant for them. Nothing new. Now back to our regularly scheduled program
these are very good though
>t. scrote
ok gulls, I know you're too sensitive I won't bother you again for a few days
>when you stab someone with your nails
Does anyone order nails from specific places? I know a lot of people like to make their own, but I was wondering if there were also gulls with favorite press-ons.

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who's going? what are you going as?

this'll be my first con since like 2007.
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wait a minute.

they're hosting all of the cons on the same floor?

I was under the assumption that they would be taking place in different sections of the building. What the fuck?
Short answer is YES

The main stage at the very top of the map is shared by all of the main events of these 3 cons.

Anime Impulse is basically just vendors mingled with K-Pop vendors. They have very little programming of their own, just a place for fans to gather and create their own fun.
Also 2 dozen Vtuber guests because they take up no space, just a monitor.

The con is also using the rest of the 4th floor, including the outdoor park space. At least weather is decent enough in May that it's likely not incredibly rainy or windy or cold like at Sakura-Con.
it's actually a fairly small event. all of their "road show" versions are like this. that's why they're able to have so many of them across the country.
crap. i was so blindsided by that it was gonna be my first con in over 10 years that i missed this fact. i hope the people there are awesome because between the travel, hotel, cosplay, tickets and food i am paying way too much for this thing...
I'm local and I paid $300ish for 3 tickets a single night at a hotel. (I'm going with my husband and brother) I'm hoping it's at least decent.

We're doing dumb ass dungion meshi costumes so it should go over well?

Looks suspiciously the previous OP pic but with a new account
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The "and" was for the fact that these people exist. Try to learn reading comprehension.
Has anyone ever had closetchild send you a completely different item than you ordered?
This happened to 2 people in my comm, so yes.
Not CC specifically but one of their sister shops, yes. They refunded me and let me keep what I was sent rather than exchanging it.
>I don’t think a lot of you guys appreciate how good you have it with LM compared to the old LJ sales. If LM didn’t exist we’d probably be stuck with the terrible user experience of Facebook sales groups like a lot of other hobbies.
This so much. Lm is godsent

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How come there are no western cosplays of the lovely Katsugano siblings, but only Asian ones?

new larp thread

Now with 87,45% more polearms and a little bit of hydrophobia

previous thread
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I sold off some gme and made like $1600. Probably just gonna order the chow set and some extras like Pic related
That looks retarded, and most games will make you remove the glass bottles.
Meant to tag >>10914472
Got some hits on that but they were all being sold in the US for some reason :(

My options seem to be between these
https://www.epicmilitaria.com/german-wachbataillon-jackboots.html ("made in UK", might be china tho)
https://www.militarysurplus.eu/product-eng-16429--German-High-Boots-Wachbataillon-Used.html (Mil-tec)
https://www.asmc.com/boots-leather-jackboots-black?number=23181 (Mil-tec)
https://www.militarysurplus.eu/product-eng-40149-GERMAN-SAFETY-BOOTS-WITH-STEEL-TOE-CAP-USED.html (surplus)

I need a solid weatherproof complement to my actual medieval/larp shoes, which ones should I choose?
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Ehhhh... I hate it personally, and >>10914481 is right about the bottles.

I'll be honest, I also hate them all. They look way too aggressively modern to my eye, but it's your call. I would suggest probably dubbing and polishing your medieval shoes, and wearing proper wool stockings with them. And not standing in water. In the end, it's your decision and money.

Pic Are my 15th century boots, freshly dubbed with hot beeswax, before being polished. Watertight, and keeps them in good condition. Another good option is clogs for pattens for your medieval shoes.

Less than a month away, time for a general
Anyone going? Got any plans? Any parties planned?
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I'll be Ness from Earthbound, Ethan Winters from Resident Evil and Peppino from Pizza Tower!

Also neat! I saw a server a while ago but there was nobody in it. It was hard to find a lot of people talking about the con.
the con has been a dud for the past few years because of the drawn out covid bullshit
this is the first year they actually have some good international guests again
I get that, that was pretty much most cons for the past few years.
I typically went to Fanime for the longest time but that cons been actively going to shit, so I opted to go with a friend to this instead, I might do Anime North or Momocon later on down the line, I just wanted to see each one first.
I'm glad there's even any guests at all for that matter.
I go to AZ because I live 30 minutes from Raleigh and I know a few people who also go every year
never been to another con
That was me with Fanime partially, I live near San Jose and I used to know a ton of people who went, now because of the previous reasons mentioned it's not really worth it for me anymore.
Plus I just wanna see something different, going to the same thing always is a bit tiresome.

Just wanted to share the cosplays I completed last year
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I can't tell if you're the real deal or some degen playing pretend, but easy test:

What ribbons were you handing out at Katsu this year?
The cute ones!

But in all seriousness how am I supposed to remember such a small detail like that!?
Oof, it is a degen. They were hololive ribbons to match the hololive cosplay. Plus I doubt the actual cosplayer would be on here when acen is happening rn.
On a separate note, the katsu 4chan meetup was cool.
Just got done ripping my cock off to the one on the right, think I'll try left next or maybe 2nd from left

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Anime North is only a month away, anyone else going but not buying a ticket this year?
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I'm the Chad. Let's hang out brother
I also masturbate.
I'm a man, if anyone is acting like a fat whale it's you whiners shitting up the thread constantly and adding nothing
One more week hons, hope you remembered to buy your Anime North badge to visit the heckin' chonker truck-kun!
That's actually the only reason I did, yeah

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