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White woman makes a poor Pajeet suck on her toes ;__;
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why do you think the feet are clean?
God i wish that was me
I want to be a footstool for gorimem or a Arab shehzadi.
if the incels here could get a teenage white girl to not call the fbi on them they would literally suck her toes all day too. the disgust is jealousy
I can appreciate a womans feet in sexy high heels but I never had a desire to suck on toes

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edycja dnia matki który niedługo będzie
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ja kocham Rosję, przepraszam!!!!
śmierć p0lsce
czołem Wielkiej Rosji
xD nie jestem jakimś cwelem jebanym w dupe
w gre gram
jak tak bardzo kochasz rosję to się z nią ożeń
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Being Finnish is a humiliation ritual
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Being finnish is being the happiest, most accomplished person in the world
>Why would they ever want to give up their Fenno-Swedish identity?
Why does Sweden want to give up it's Swedish identity?
Anyhow you'll never be one to care for reason and facts since your autistic brain will always twist the facts around this matter
I would have infinitely more respect for a Swedish Neo-Nazi who wants to burn Fenno-Swedes in an oven than an autistic coping yellow cuck like yourself who is desperate for approval from Swedes
Rubbish. I'm not emotional about this subject, like you obviously are. I just look at the facts and call it for what it is and Fenno-Swedes obviously won't give up their identity since it's very beneficial for them and that will continue to be the case. I like Swedes, Fenno-Swedes, and Finns btw, so you're projecting some beliefs onto me.
The beneficial thing is that Swedish speakers have their own institutions for higher-education which take in students at rates between 300% and 400% relative to the general percentage of Swedish speakers in this country and naturally with much, much easier entry requirements.
As I was trying to explain to you earlier, this one little trick is what makes the overwhelming mixed-language family majority register their children in Swedish-speaking schools thereby maintaining the numbers of Swedish speaking Finns but with the one cost being the final and total elimination of of the partial Swedish ancestry in Swedish-speaking Finns over some generations.
If this doesn't fit your simplistic ethnocentric narrative about Yellow Jews that scheme behind Finns backs too bad, but it's the truth.
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>greatest swedish achievement is the slight possibility some finnish man has 0,1% more swedish genes than any other random finn
Buckbroken beyond comprehension

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This Thread is for discussion of the language, culture, travel, daily life, etc.of Japan
Let's talk at least in Japanese and English. Take it easy

Previous Thread:>>197266440 #(Cross-thread)
Learn Japanese Thread:>>>/int/djt

Please declare before making a new thread. and put the next link.
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乙そしてグッジョブ( ¯꒳¯ )b
Didn't think anyone still remembered Gen'ei wo Kakeru Taiyou

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>invented online payments (PayPal)
>invented reusable rockets (SpaceX)
>invented space internet (Starlink)
>invented the electric car (Tesla)
>invented the future of public transport (Hyperloop)
>invented the future of digging tunnels using space tech (The Boring Company)
>invented AI (OpenAI)
>invented free speech social media (X / Twitter)
Is African American inventor and businessman Elon Musk popular in your country?
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he's a uppermidwit but unironically objectively good for spaceX and subjectively good for making bluecheckoids seethe, the rest are basically scams
He should launch his own currency.

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Édition sus à l'anglois
Ancien : disparu
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Je peux mais je m'en tape si le fil disparaît. Je pense même que ce serait mieux pour tout le monde.
why she wearing steel? stabbings?
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Il faudrait migrer...
jeanne d'arc cosplay i assume
Ahah sur twitter je passe sur un gars qui parle d'un vin algérien qui s'appelle Koutoubia, et les trois quarts des réponses c'est des marocains qui se plaignent du fait que c'est le nom d'une mosquée de marrakech.

Met grizzled old french war vet on the train today, he told me he killed spics, he gave me spic shekels as a souvenir. Wtf I love french tourists now, please more of your come here, you're the best.
Also what can 20 oil spic tokens buy me? Not that I'll ever part ways with this souvenir.
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ask him more info if youre still in contact, maybe he fought in a civil war and then immigrated to France via the foreign legion? Although now i read France was involved in Argentina
Oh no he was born in France but his dad a Spaniard and his mom a Croat, yeah I'm in contact with him I'll probably phone him later today to ask where he is and how he's doing.
nice. Used to met former militaries too and they were mostly nice, the young ones are the opposite.
This gentleman is born is 1964
He joined the army when he was 19 for 5 years.
>they were mostly nice
This guy was EXTREMELY friendly, it's hard to overstate how friendly he is.

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Is this a common snack in your country too?
Yes, but for me, it's either plain kalamata olives or your pic but with green olives and olive oil, garlic, and lemon.
at bars yes

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What country deserves to be BIGGER, in your chuddy video game fantasy?
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>secure grain access
but they can just deny it at any point unless they are under direkt military occupation. they literally historically denied sending any grain to Germany in ww1 after Russia signed the peace treaty of brest litowsk
The Hasburgian empire which removes the cringe dual monarchy and encompasses all the Slavs of the balkans and Ukraine
Wait for the next dlc
No follow up questions.
RECENTLY I thought about why the KuK failed. I don't think it was that they were necessarily multi ethnic. I think the big problem was mainlyy that many of the ethnicities that were part of their Empire also had populations in other countries.
Like lets look at some ethnicities
>Czech, Slovak, Hungarian
these were almost entirely only within the KuK and were among those ethnicities that were less unhappy with the rule. I THINK I even read somewhere once that there were voices within the Czech movements that wanted to stay with Austria
>Poles, Ukrainians, Romanians, Serbs and other Yugos
These had large parts of their brothers in other countries or even had their own countries so for them aspiring to gain a country of their own was more desirable. I think they would have been less unhappy with the Austro-Hungarian rule if they were entirely within the Empire and had a decent amount of autonomy

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fine i'll do it myself edition

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bro if c'est is filtering you then language learning isn't for you

new deutsch input just dropped

app sucks ,she is is elle est what they offered would be like it's.

On every people asking questions on reddit you'll see the same shit with natives saying "hmm yeah no you're correct duolingo phrase it weirdly".
it's a shit app ,people really need to drop that shit. It makes you repeating one hundred time a word that you already memorised the third time and make weird sentences that can be ambiguious for english speakers.
Go fucking grab a textbook and stick to it.
I once tried the final German challenge for the lulz and it marked my natural expressions as wrong and the corrections were expressions no one uses.
Not only do G*rmans call blinkers Fahrtrichtungsanzeiger but I have, just this morning, learned that they also would refer to a jaywalker as ein die Verkehrskegeln missachtender Fußgänger.

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מהדורת שבת היום
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או שזה היה "מרמרה", אני כבר לא זוכר
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יש מלא בקבוקי נביעות מאחורה אז זה כנראה בית מחסה כלשהו לא יודע אם מעל האדמה או מתחת

we’re not all leftist faggots, but sadly many are
true, they will gladly get genocided by their retarded pet useful idiots they worship
israelis will fight back and are based. jabotinsky was right about the diaspora

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Sgary edish

Formerly : >>197387102
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kek I'm actually considering it. She laughed at a bunch of my jokes yesterday and I saw her profile on a dating app so I know she's single.
The only issue is that she's a 9/10 and I got 0 chance lol
There's another qt neighbor that I met yesterday and got along with pretty well and who's single too, she's a shortstack that one
It's not really common I'll say that much
Ac and tank heat pump, don't fall for the memes
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Why is a heating/cooling heat pump a meme?
Supposedly saves more money than an AC (but is more expensive).
>is burning 1000 calories in an hour even possible
If your brain is big enough.

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Polish people used to have names like Szczepan and Bożydar. Wtf was wrong with us?
just use háček like normal people you freaks
spamming letters doesn't make you look sophisticated
It's spelled Jacek you moonroone using swine. Jan for short

What is happening in China?
chinese are beginning to mass migrate
How many Picoseconds until China collapses?

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The awrah (parts of the body not allowed to be shown) of woman in front of other men is her entire body except the face and the palm of hand.
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why are muslims such chuds?
So a muzzie woman can give handjobs and blowjobs and still be awrah?
there are literally an entire genre of porn with women wearing hijabs because showing your hair is haram but sucking dick on camera is a-ok
But the man would be the one showing his awrah.
Blowjob is haram. Look it up

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