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>one kills the jeets
>the other kills the women
steppe chads... i kneel....
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it was three egyptians that started it, everyone thought they were pakis or jeets, and started attacking all south asian looking people on the streets
They even killed a Turk too according to the news.
basically three egyptians beat up a kyrgyz guy in a hotel and someone posted a video of it on social media, there were also paki bystanders in that hotel
arr rook same
Am I missing something?

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What country deserves to be BIGGER, in your chuddy video game fantasy?
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The Hasburgian empire which removes the cringe dual monarchy and encompasses all the Slavs of the balkans and Ukraine
Wait for the next dlc
No follow up questions.
RECENTLY I thought about why the KuK failed. I don't think it was that they were necessarily multi ethnic. I think the big problem was mainlyy that many of the ethnicities that were part of their Empire also had populations in other countries.
Like lets look at some ethnicities
>Czech, Slovak, Hungarian
these were almost entirely only within the KuK and were among those ethnicities that were less unhappy with the rule. I THINK I even read somewhere once that there were voices within the Czech movements that wanted to stay with Austria
>Poles, Ukrainians, Romanians, Serbs and other Yugos
These had large parts of their brothers in other countries or even had their own countries so for them aspiring to gain a country of their own was more desirable. I think they would have been less unhappy with the Austro-Hungarian rule if they were entirely within the Empire and had a decent amount of autonomy
of course there would have to be a loyal government and ideally German troops stationed in Ukraine too

but having a secure land connection to an allied Ottoman Empire would be good too, lots of arable land in the Ottoman Empire that would just have to be developed and made productive

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Zoomers look at this in horror and disgust.
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The Volvo's in that pic are so called "A-traktor" builds. A loophole so kids age 15 and up can drive cars.
They are limited to 30km/h (or 1st/2nd gear depending on the car) and usually cut into a "pickup" truck style. They are registered as tractors and since you can drive tractors here from the age of 15 and up (normal car is 18) it's a popular thing in the rural parts of the country. City people hate them kek.
I wanna cum on those abs, does that make me gay?
I didn't know that, my mom just had a turbo wagon, quick car for its size.
women think we want bimbos, and to a large extent dey right
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>turbo wagon
Oh yeah, talking about turbo wagons, the 850R was a legendary car both on the racing circuit (STCC/BTCC) and as a cheaper "sports car". Sure, FWD sadly unlike the previous years of RWD Amazon, 140, 240, 749 and 940 models but still a beast.
They dominated the scene for a while.
Video is a perfect example.
850R in front of a E92 M3, keeping the lead easily.


Fucking shame Volvo stopped making based cars.

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Happens in your country?
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I wish I was dead
i wish
>You jealous, fleshbag?
a plastic skeleton gets more action than me

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What are some English idioms you've recently learned?
hallo sars
Barn burner

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Eating square curry pizza for the first time while finishing 2 different kvases in the country of Ukraine.

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okay but you export raw food and then a Serb buys that yoghurt, mixes it with something and sells it back to a German in a Balkan restaurant in Munich for 3x higher price
Not sure exports work that way
this is not a pizza
the point stands, you export raw (or less processed food) abroad while you cannot process it yourself into something edible and you need immigrants for that because they magically can, with the same ingredients they prepare something that tastes much better
Most stuff precisely isn’t raw, it’s frozen and semi processed food. Yoghurt, frozen pizza, frozen salads, schnitzels, whatnot

And it’s not because they’re great, but price-optimized so to say

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Cuck edition
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The serb C++ and catrobat(has multiple versions) are the only cyrillic programming languages.
There is also an Albanian version of Catrobat kek.
Yeah but their pictographs aren't precise they'd basically need to create an entire new pictographic alphabet for the computer.

this will happen to all programmers

Why are Brits known for having shit food? Theyve been culturally relevant for centuries and they have many aristocrats who run their own kitchens et cetera which i imagine would lead to some kind of a flourishing food culture, such as Spain or France

But instead the typically British food is.. Spam. Or something

Why did this happen?
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last bump to get any excess seethe still remaining
>everything is brown
Is that a bowl of feces
My bad, it's some kind of liver concoction. Mämmi is black-ish, but also looks like feces.

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Why does this keep on happening in Japan?
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she was probably asking for it.
I'd have a boner for the rest of my life
Japan has less rape and more sexual harassment instead.
The West has less sexual harassment but more rape.
I was groped all over Asia, but I’m a hairy white guy
Japan used a different definition of rape until like 2023. I don't think these statistics are comparable.

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>tfw see the rising levels of online hatred against my kind (blacks, deserved or not)
>tfw frightened it might lead to real life attacks or repercussions
wat to do?
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I don't in any way support TWD or any genocide, I just want everyone to get along and prosper
thanks but I don't think you should be quiet about the issues blacks or browns introduce into your communities either
>he is talking about Saudis growing racist
They are? Why?
Don't worry, people irl do not hate black people and they will probably not attack your family. It is just edgy internet people
كسمك يا خول يا بن ستين منيوكة

I am sudanese and i wish they would attack the uppity and violent types, and recidivist ones. scum that needs to be wiped out

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Do you enjoy reading the news in your cunt?
absolute kino on paper honestly
I want an AI trained entirely on daily mail comments
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i love when they try to make sense on internet memes
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how do brits feel when they see 4tards being filtered by their tabloids?
Fucking kek

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The awrah (parts of the body not allowed to be shown) of woman in front of other men is her entire body except the face and the palm of hand.
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why are muslims such chuds?
So a muzzie woman can give handjobs and blowjobs and still be awrah?
there are literally an entire genre of porn with women wearing hijabs because showing your hair is haram but sucking dick on camera is a-ok
But the man would be the one showing his awrah.
Blowjob is haram. Look it up

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Do you love Italy?
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yeah sure
this says a lot about society

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Do girls still cook in your country?
only boomers

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roman-era mural of egyptians and arabs

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>those are levantines
yes, arabs
>arabs are black
we are white and also black, depending on mood and time of the day
but really? we have never subscribed to race theory, we've always been arabs and nothing else
You are Babylonian Assyrian my nigga. Not arab

I don’t know why it’s so hard for people to realize that demographics change over time. Early Egypt was probably more universally light skinned but late Egypt was basically multi-racial and thus darker skinned. This is how pretty much every civilization has worked. Rome starts as light skinned meds and then gets browned. China starts as light skinned chinks and then gets browned. In the end, it might the case that browning tracks perfectly with the peaking and subsequent decline of all civilizations in history.
It was the reverse for egypt

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