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does you're cunt have distinct regional subcultures?
No jews are the only ones with regions and regional culture
when i was in spainland you had some regional drama with the barcelona people im sure you got em too
not really, we're boringly homogenous and monoethnic, so much so our parliament had to make up an artificial language named "Silesian" only so we could have some le diversity because all European nations have 100500 of different languages and dialects within their borders so we felt like our homogenity made us an outlier.

but in real life Poles from all corners of the country are the same, speak and pray the same way, look the same, think the same.

judeo-germanska edicija
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ja sam sad popio kafu kod kuce
malopre bio rucak i baba pravila kolach
Bilo je dobro dok je trajalo. RIP garsonjerko
pa i ja sam je kuci popio nego idem sad u grad s drugom na novu
Fragment razgovora izmedju 3 normana koji sam nacuo. Naime normani su razgovarali o tome kako je neki lik nekom šuknuo :

"Ti si se malo iznervirao, da se opustiš, aj ti popij casu toplog mlijeka i lezi spavat" A ovaj ce njemu "Pij ti mlijeko, mi se oženjeni drukčije opustamo pred spavanje.."

Normani: ahaahaahahaha

E ovako ti normanderosi ismijavaju nas incele iza ledja. Zelim normanima tesku bolest i smrt.
imam 23 eksjuer sam

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Walkable cities are the future for the LGBTQ+++ people
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I think about visiting Amsterdam to fuck the whores there. I frequent this sex club in my city in which cucks bring their wives to suck the dick and occasionally be fucked by strangers. all is well but most of them are kinda ugly. An advantage over Amsterdam, though, is that the entey is just about 9.5 USD. I imagine Amsterdam's hoes are far more expensive than that. Gotta save some money for the trip
>isn't possible to have a walkable city and huge American style housing so what do they suggest?
Medium density housing
Oh great another reddit interaction bait thread
great, another netherlands hate thread
This (terraced houses) is a poorfag thing here and there are just so many fundamental issues with it.

Noise from neighbours, less space, no private garden/yard, no space for cars etc

Met grizzled old french war vet on the train today, he told me he killed spics, he gave me spic shekels as a souvenir. Wtf I love french tourists now, please more of your come here, you're the best.
Also what can 20 oil spic tokens buy me? Not that I'll ever part ways with this souvenir.
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Wtf you're right, it's literally nothing.
This can't even buy you a soda can here.
It's odd that he has that as "republica bolivariana" became a thing around in 1999 and that bank note was circulated 2007-2014 (per this website, a new one is circulating).


Venezuela around that time had a semi-functional economy despite semi-high inflation. Since the early 80s, the economy has been fragile and Maduro somehow is even stupider than Chavez. But 1) that note isn't in circulation anymore 2) current bolivares are worth literally nothing. I still have the pre-bolivarian bolivares somewhere in my closet.
That is worthless
He killed mexers, his first deployment was in Mexico he told me.
told you, was he a significantly older guy? If he was, seems doubtful that he was mercenary. Maybe you met yourself a french serial killer who went to south america to feed his bloodlust is probably doing the same in tunisia now.

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Timmy bros...
>Polish names be like
And it means russian cum slut
Saar, what about the needful?
Go back to poland then mike wozowski?
Everyone in poland has jewish or latin first names however

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Both are evil middle eastern barbarians.
I wish they would keep slaughtering each other for decades to come.

And to any jews or arabs reading this:

>noooooo you can't just ignore stroke order
Dumbest phrase ever, I pretty much never use nor see handwriting, the only reason why I'm practicing handwriting in Japanese is to get myself used to the shape of characters so that I can read and type effectively. But realistically speaking, I will never need handwriting, especially considering the fact that I'm not planning to permanently live in Japan.

Based or not? I'm just starting to learn Japanese, literally bought Genki a month ago.
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Interestingly, I saw it on many buildings, and most normies don't even notice

Can you elaborate?
Not comparable at all. I wish retards would stop pivoting to English everytime someone says something about a logographic language (there are two). This is more like someone talking about whether or not you drew the middle line of the 'N' before the right or left even if it looks exactly like an 'N'.
You need stroke order for dictionaries on pc/phones. If you don't follow stroke order, the dictionary will think you wrote something else.
My ancestor, yellow turban clan, see this script, they throw you over wall of china with mongolian
>Can you elaborate?
Early kanji are easy to remember by sight, like 日 青 etc. But when you want to memorise 記 and then also 紀 and thats a mild example, having written it and knowing how the strokes go helps a lot in remembering what the proper kanji looks like vs. a similar kanji. That also true for kanji with a lot of strokes, even if they are simple basic terms like 曜. Its a common trap between knowing few kanji and knowing 4k+ where you can get easily confused.

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Its over
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why does 4chanshout about IR when its practically nonexistent statistically IRL? Even the commonest group in the US melting pot is with latinos (40 percent of 19 percent of marriages) and the children come out as white
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She's just a plane ticket away
ngl, guy looks like he's fun to hang out with
That nigga looks like a manlet tho
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He's got a similar phenotype as Mac from Predator

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edycja dnia matki który niedługo będzie
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ja na dole
no i git
u was na podlasiu je się kogiel mogiel z żyjącą kurą?
ale nikt tak nie robi
>X latka
lina + gałąź + ty = buju buju
nie wiem jak jest na podlasiu, nigdy tam nie byłem

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Why are rich white men like this?
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If a 19yo is too young to decide who she wants to date, they shouldn't be allowed to drive cars or vote either
white, indeed...
poor people think so. jealousy is an ugly thing.
You still can't read an comprehend English?
I mean if I'm super rich, I'll arrange the procurement of several young beautiful but destitute girls to serve in my torture dungeon. Not even going to use them for sexual purpose just for torture toy.

Finnish niggas will unironically tell you that they defeated the Russians LMFAOOOOOO
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But enough about Poland
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So... what's so russian about it?
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Also note how Baron Harkonnen is the evil guy in the Dune universe, even though that name is clearly Finnish.
*evil RUSSIAN guy
I think we are the only ones calling that dish the "russian little salad"
America should claim everything with tomato and potato in it.
potato and mayo

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What's the point of their existence?

They're like the most NPC region
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>Do noting, got hated
>Do something, got hated
>Do something like what Westoid did, got hated
What make The World so butthurt about SEA?
we'll soon become one of the most important region in the world. while yurop turns into a pisslamic shithole like any other.

yes i'm aware of the existence indogstan and its neighbors but they keep it to themselves at the very least.
SEA and EA agreeableness = the key to their social compliance, integrity before the law, and superior migrant status

stop mocking it
t. from a race famed for its social 'faux-pas'
Buffer zone to prevent wiggers and n1ggers ruining East Asia (including vietnam), both in peace and war. Also potential cheap labor and market to serve our EA masters.
You will be important in the sense that my small town's brothel is very important

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what's life like in London?
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Do Australians like surfing?
>Muslims sitting on the bus and praying in their rooms
I know the images aren't meant to be sympathetic to them but without context it makes it seem like Muslims are the only people acting somewhat normal in a society of druggies
When I was living in London I saw Osama Bin Laden carrying a baby
Not really. The stereotype of Australians all being blond surfers doesn't exist in reality.
They are made by leftist fat woman

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Did people fell for the electric car scam in your country
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I think the new EV GM vehicles are pretty fucking good too. They're just heavy as fuck and expensive.
Yeah. And it's completely unfeasible in large parts of the country considering how empty large parts of it is
I know a guy that bought a tesla few months back
I talked with some drivers of BYD and they said nothing but good things about the cars. Of course we will have to wait a couple years to see how reliable they are long term but so far they seem really good. I can't wait to see Xiaomis next car.
It looks cool as fuck for an SUV until you find out about the price. 150k? Even if I had the money I wouldn't buy that. The Xiaomi car is 30k and I would legit buy two of them if I could.

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