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klassisk n
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såg en afrikansk tonåring som skulle springa med hennes vänner någonstans. det var lång kö till en rulltrappa upp och hennes vänner stod några meter in i kön så hon började springa upp för den rulltrappan som rullade neråt och kom typ halvägs innan hon gav upp och åkte ner

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Does this happen in your cunt?
It’s bullshit
No one wrote israel even once ?
How would you gain access to random mens balls though? Gay af.

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In Finland we eat tar flavor candy. uma delicia

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second thing I noticed was her cross tattoo, corrr phrwoar x
boomers: affording college from a fast food job they drove a muscle car too
gen x: tons of mental problems because of massive economic and cultural shifts
zoomers: in the most volatile state the west has ever been, growing up with a literal celebrity as a president, riots and protests
millennials: playing runescape in a smelly bedroom, wondering why the economy sucks
i think it was the Picturehouse in London centre. had never seen it before. one of the hot August evenings and i was in Soho and just happened to see it was on.

Like let's assume you're in an isekai or general fantasy adventure situation, and the gods of the setting have decided that you're getting an American subordinate or sidekick. What would your ideal be? A big muscly guy who beats up people for you? A fat guy who tells jokes? A crazy redneck guy with a lot of guns and narcotics who thinks you're a genius? I'm working on a serial novel about an American guy and an East Asian guy in the usual isekai scenario with the Asian guy as the main character.
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trans american gf like Hunter Schafer
This time is sleeping Time for lads in those countries though. It's about 5am. Make this thread after hours later. I'm about to hit the sack yeah. I'm waking up because my stomach hurt out of no reason for your curiosity
An enormous sassy black crossdresser named Bub Fox. He can tell wise cracks and knows street smarts to help the hero navigate the setting.
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I want a Chinese girl with green eyes

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why is NYC so gritty compared to other US cities? it got sovl
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This nigga thinks it's still 1982
I feel like the difference between sovl and soulless is people put less work into creating brick and mortar business facades and signage than in the 60s, So if an economically prosperous area replaces its old facades and signage with less expensive soulless shit then it looks shitty while a place experiencing urban decay that retains its old facades and signage it will look sovlful. The best is when old signage and aesthetics are simply well maintained.
it was built with stone rather than glass.
High density, it's old so it predates cars, and people actually pay specifically to "feel" more New Yorky. Meanwhile other large cities are pretty much built for and by oligarchs who pay for their own leisure with no concern for culture. The only part of New York that's sovlless is Manhatten, it's very affordable here you just have to live within walking distance from the hood, and New York ghettos are still nicer than the ones in the midwest, west, and south.

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i unironically abuse prescription painkillers to get through my minimum wage job
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because it's turning off the natural warning signs that your body creates to tell you that you're lifting that box like a fucking idiot.
>t. Democrat
nah it just turns off my boredom receptors instead
Yes. You lost and you're going to lose again. Now memetext my post and put a memejak on it, cancer.
if you're bored at any time you work in a baby bitch department or your store is failing.

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I love my MA1 bomber jacket it keeps me warm in cold early mornings and nights, how about you in your country?
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yeah my mentally ill gf is into it
I wear milsurp combat boots, they're comfy
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based schizo gf
>finn got a chuddette
is she a crazy sex demon?

German masters.........I kneel.....
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interesting, i wish i knew more facts about Finland!
the interesting thing about languages like finnish or russian with all these different word forms is that you can pretty much put the words in a sentence in any order and it'll carry the same meaning, because the information that english encodes in word order is entirely contained within the form of the words in such languages. it is thus rather easy to make rhymes. (though english also has an easy path to rhyming through our unusually high amount of synonyms)
>only low IQ individuals
anta baka~?
It's easier to lie in those languages, too.
note that English also has declentions, even if people don't really think about it


and so on

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spaniards be like
>¡Detrás de ti imbécil!

The more liberal and anti racist the country, the more advanced and developed it becomes. Simple as.
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In chile is the opposite, the more anti racist our institutions get, the more of a shithole we become and ironically more niggers and mapuchuds die in gruesome ways, since they are feral baboons who enjoy killing each other.
um sweaty what about the latinx
Based Czechia
I don't think Burmese are very racially hateful, they just hate muzzdogs. Probably a translation error
you're already used to having another race as neighbours
literally no one gives a shit about race here

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edycja pierdolenia kotka za pomocą młotka
mr księżulo tv: >>202468534
lis wspomniany: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FWw09bedkIc
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wuja inżynier geodeta dostał alzheimera
a głupia babka co siedzi, nic nie robi, nie potrafi radia włączyć i nie chce się nauczyć dalej żyje i przeszkadza. jeszcze dziadka zbazowanego przeżyła
hey this is not cool bro
we didnt do that, that´s just propaganda
w sumie z anonami tutaj najlepiej się gada co mnie osobiście przeraża
no to przychodź pomagaj dziadkowi i babcię rugaj żeby też się nauczyła bo nie możesz cały czas być

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Do people make face tattoos in your country?
Wait till they genitals on their heads

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>2015 is nearly 10 years ago
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good kot
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you look like DIS?
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I been playing Fifa 15
The contrast between fifa 15 music and later games music is crazy.
Everything fell off in the last 10 years.

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Live your myth in Greece
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nvm wrong file
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