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Why do they call themselves European ?

Watching European football doesn't make you European!
because the alternative would be identifying with their indigenous or african side and they're deeply ashamed of their mongrel nature
harsh but fair post MENAbro

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So this is gallic culture
imagine being a celt that lost their language to the romans and then got their whole phonetics fucked up by germans. what a pathetic people.

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fine i'll do it myself edition

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Not only do G*rmans call blinkers Fahrtrichtungsanzeiger but I have, just this morning, learned that they also would refer to a jaywalker as ein die Verkehrskegeln missachtender Fußgänger.
TL speaker gf + being able to quote Zhuangzi + SHOCKing the natives + good employment prospects
Meds -> unconsumed
Medicine degree -> ignored
Parents -> disappointed
Yeah ik you’re partially right but it’s still definitely also a problem with the language. I think I would have to treat Japanese like a full time job for 2 months to make any real progress. Learning all the accursed moon runes is the worst part, but you can’t read without them so it’s really necessary. I got to 650something before I stopped being consistent and now I can probably recall like 300. The grammar and vocab are comparatively easy but completely unfamiliar so you have zero grace with cognates and stuff.

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Happens in your country?
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>You jealous, fleshbag?
a plastic skeleton gets more action than me
>if only you knew how bad it is

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same people
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what, you want to hold hands with her or something?

Both are evil slavic barbarians.

I wish they would keep slaughtering eachother for decades to come.

And to any russians or ukranians reading this :
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Jew brainwashing

Russia is protecting her borders
The usa is fueling a mass bloodshed
kek what happen? you gonna steal the copper of my electrical system
no, I have my fav country in that war, on the other hand i completely don't give a damn who will win in the Israeli-Palestine war
t. Polish Pan
the less uppity eactern bydło, the better

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Russia, but [finish the sentence]
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down syndrome
[clean toilets]
pretends not to be

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kurva anyátok
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az ő nemezise Song Simon, a kispesti fideszes japáncsúd
ez van
fidesz be like:
>először ukrajnának szóló pénzbeli és katonai segítséget vétóz meg
>aztán végül mégis megszavazza az összeset, mert valamilyen alkut köt brüsszellel
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értékes posta
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How does the Yucatan peninsula manage to be better than the rest of Mexico even though they're mostly Injuns? Mexicans always tell me that Indios are what cause all the problems in the country. The only bad thing I can gather from it is that the Injuns their are xenophobic towards people from other parts of Mexico.
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Then why is north Mexico such a criminalistic hellscape? That's the white part of Mexico.
Most successful military campaigns against the Maya in the caste war were staffed by pro-Mexico Mayas THOUGH. The Mayans still won their goals anyway.
unironically they are the whitest as well
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Most of the cartels started in the northern part of mexico like Tamaulipas and Sinaloa. Curiously, they are close to the U.S.A. Kiki Camarena back in the 80s was discovered to be a DEA agent acting as a drug dealer and Caro Quintero found out. Not sure if Caro or somebody else offed him but that would be the start of the mayor psychosociological warfare that we are in now. So all the cartel cancer spread from the north to the south, from the Sinaloa Cartel, Los Zetas ( which unironically were ex special forces trained by U.S military in Tamaulipas ), La Familia Michoacana and the latest and strongest one, Cartel Jalisco Nueva Generacion. CJNG is the one taking over the southern states like Guerrero, Veracacruz and Chiapas. Unironically, this cartel has drones like the UK-Russian war. Where did this technology come from? I would think the cartels would get there sometime if they are not already since there's information obscurantism here. But as the book by Oswaldo Zavala, the cartels, don't exist.

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what's life like in London?
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Not really. The stereotype of Australians all being blond surfers doesn't exist in reality.
They are made by leftist fat woman
Where the jeets at?
it's great here
Like that

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A Greek friend told me they only study Greek literature in school, nothing foreign. Is that really true?
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You should seek professional psychiatric help for your deranged delusions and compulsive kleptomania.
we do exactly the same lol
>There are top class Indian authors that you likely never heard about
Because they are only read by indians
>How many Italian authors can you list other than Dante?
Machiavello and Petrarca
>Because they are only read by indians
They're read by people interested in literature and world culture.
He's not known for his literary works, but political philosophy.
Italo Calvino
Giuseppe di Lampedusa
my mother actually did Lampedusa's il gattopardo in school

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In Germany? Where do these little creatures congregate to socialize, and how can I get to know them in a natural, non awkward way?
German women just don't do it for me, y'know?
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You just KNOW that she's BWC-only.
Little Chang wouldn’t know what to do with all that.
Go to Okinawa then
I've met one Okinawan before. Very pretty, almost looks SEA.
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thoughts on brown Asian girls?

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>being insecure about public perception
no balls beta, no wonder its seamonkey flag
>marry a taller girl in ur countree
So shes 1 60
dunno but it would probably attract some funny glances from others.
it's unusual but certainly not shameful. I'm sure other men (me) would be jealous and women would want to get you into dating other women (them) but no it's not shameful at all.

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My country has no white women and it hurts me everyday
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What makes you think that?
I wish your country gets a shit ton of white women that turn it into an even bigger shithole than it already is.
Im him nigga
We will breed
Same shit here. Whites went extinct not long after 911

>noooooo you can't just ignore stroke order
Dumbest phrase ever, I pretty much never use nor see handwriting, the only reason why I'm practicing handwriting in Japanese is to get myself used to the shape of characters so that I can read and type effectively. But realistically speaking, I will never need handwriting, especially considering the fact that I'm not planning to permanently live in Japan.

Based or not? I'm just starting to learn Japanese, literally bought Genki a month ago.
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Interestingly, I saw it on many buildings, and most normies don't even notice

Can you elaborate?
Not comparable at all. I wish retards would stop pivoting to English everytime someone says something about a logographic language (there are two). This is more like someone talking about whether or not you drew the middle line of the 'N' before the right or left even if it looks exactly like an 'N'.
You need stroke order for dictionaries on pc/phones. If you don't follow stroke order, the dictionary will think you wrote something else.
My ancestor, yellow turban clan, see this script, they throw you over wall of china with mongolian
>Can you elaborate?
Early kanji are easy to remember by sight, like 日 青 etc. But when you want to memorise 記 and then also 紀 and thats a mild example, having written it and knowing how the strokes go helps a lot in remembering what the proper kanji looks like vs. a similar kanji. That also true for kanji with a lot of strokes, even if they are simple basic terms like 曜. Its a common trap between knowing few kanji and knowing 4k+ where you can get easily confused.

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