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Are They Having Good Dreams?

Chapters 145-146
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That's it
The dump today will be a bit earlier, we'll start in about 2 and a half hours (around 20:20 CET), so watch out for that
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Well now it is I guess

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She is cute
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qa won
Based non-retard who understands that AI has developed since 2022 (unlike the rest of 4chan)
Look at her fingers

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>gamaran volume 21 comes out in 3 days
>rippers stopped at volume 10
why the fuck do they always do this? whats the point of doing things in such a half assed way? i dont wanna pay or use the fanscans cause the official quality is actually good. if youre going to illegally distribute something, people expect you to follow through. its not hard
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>The problem with scanlations in general is that there are way too many manga and too few translators. People like Hox had discipline and TLed till the end even if there were less than 5 people reading, but most others pick up 50 different series and drop them on a whim, usually without saying so.
still waiting for disc 3 of AP metal jack

This is more related to official translations not being uploaded, rather than anything to do with fan translations (in which this series has a complete fan translation from ages ago).

Hardly a unique thing either, with the sheer amount of manga being officially translated these days. This is a Kodansha series and hasn't gotten uploaded in a while, but you have enough niche licensors who translated stuff that will stay on a pay walled platform until they likely go under without ever being uploaded.
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>but you have enough niche licensors who translated stuff that will stay on a pay walled platform until they likely go under without ever being uploaded.
like pic related
>The ripper problem
the problem is that we are getting less hardcore anime/manga fans. We really need to create a community for this
there is a poison that is killing /a/, more offtopic and twitter threads are getting made. and people lrt it happen

Who is the hottest female servant and why it is pic related?
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I don't think I've seen a single doujin featuring both Morgan and Mordred. It's extremely odd.
For some reason that didn't come with my system.
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It's because LB6/FGO Morgan has vastly overshadowed PHH/Apocrypha Morgan who is the actually relevant one to Saber, the mom of Gawain, Agravain, Gaheris, Gareth, and Mordred via taking Saber's futa dick, and the ancestor of Gray
>yea, really.

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We continue with the Vol 3 chapters.

Previous thread >>266464609
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If this guy had more screentime there'd be nearly as many Sakamoto/Gin fujos as Zura/Gin fujos I still don't understand why Hijikata/Gin has as many as it does, too many fujos with shit taste out there
He has an ambiguous rotating harem including (but not limited to) Otae, Sacchan, Tama, Tsukuyo, Ketsuno Ana, and "if-i-had-to-pick-a-dude" Kyuubei. He also has direct interactions with the vast majority of the female cast who end up thinking how cool he is. Only best girl Ikumatsu remains steadfast for Zura only.
Pretty sure the google drive script requires every viewer to have the script running as well. There are much easier ways like uploading to https://cockfile.com/ or using a direct link. You can control playback by setting yourself as leader.
We should be able to do much better than that.
No, we can't. The series didn't go widescreen until like 200+.

Just a reminder /a/, there is only one Dejiko.
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wow i love di gi charat! thats dejiko!
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It's been fun, anons.
woah is that fucking blackface dude
He was born that way you fucking racist.

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>/a/ thinks this is fat
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Out of 10!
That's a very high score.
if you slap her butt how long will the jiggles last? this will determine if she's fat or not.
Shinka's ass has a Pi jiggle. It's officially 3.14 seconds of jiggling, but it technically never stops jiggling at a microscopic level. She juggles forever.
She is

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any other series which have THAT episode
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Secondlast episode of WEP was like that IIRC.
There are more but I cannot remember right now, not even the recent ones.
Marchen madchen last episodes.
Ergo Proxy, the episode with a kid who taught Pino to draw
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What the actual FUCK were they thinking? They completely ruined Kittan's introduction episode with that awful art style.
Guest director.

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Post anime characters eating burgers. Screenshots only.
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>screenshot only
Fuck you.
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Yuri Hime is out, this day you will forever remember what was taken from you
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No rape and dokidoki, I kneel.
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What did she mean by this?
I also remembered that time Manio reposted a screenshot of a post here making a summary/review of Kitakawa ending
She just liked it.
That the translator is a cringy permavirgin weeb.

Kaede Hondo is here to bring you more Nanjamo goodness! Episode 50, "Terastallize for Social Media! Dance Dance Kuwassu!!", airs in a couple hours.
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They really aren't. Roy's goal is just a side quest in Liko's goal.
Why is every post that defends Roy some eslshit?
Only touristcancer likes Roy.
The main goal is finding Lucius Pokémon. That's the main goal of the Anime. Doesn't mean other characters don't want other things besides that. Now if your complain is about not letting Liko be the sole protagonist then you can send a complain to the Pokémon company. They are the one's who love their girl and boy duo protagonists

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Season finale will be our deadline.

>how do I start
Here's the link to get started (lyrics, song, instrumental, how-to, etc.)
>where do I send it?
Submit to dashsianon@gmail.com
or reply to this post with a vocaroo or some sorta filesharing link.
I got room for instruments if we can get it going, so far we have bass.

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Believe in the anon that believes in you.
Did the full version of this ever got uploaded? I want to hear anon’s charming voice singing the entirety of Mahouka’s op.
I've included zips in the description that should have anons that submitted for that particular Ut/a/u Kuso.
I believe that was all the recording was, but you can find the file and check it out yourself.
Every other Ut/a/u Kuso has a zip that holds every anon featured in their respective video's compilation and more.
Looks like /a/ sings Mahouka is something I’ll be wishing for. The show is so underrated honestly aside from the Sasuga Onii-sama jokes.

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>Elves are only good at magic and being massive sluts weeeee
Why do so many anime protrays us like this?
Post some managas where elves are super cool!
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Freiren and Dungeon Meshi are changing things
Frieren and Marcille are the opposite of cool.
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Cool granny

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Copying successful things clearly works. After all, anime is still plagued by Devilmans and music themed X meets Y to this day
All the Madoka ripoffs failed because they misidentified what it is they're copying:
edgy magical girls, gay magical girls, magical girl deconstruction, magical girls with deadly stakes, or magical girls straight up killing each other: none of it is right.
When you see the reveal about magical girls transforming into witches it instantly clicks, when you see Madoka's plot developments you recognize them as good
>this feels right, I can get behind this
Not because you know incubators are evil, or because it's logical (it really isn't, that harvesting energy from the transformation thing is contrived as fuck and you all know it), the reason it works so well is because you have already seen this story before and that's exactly how it went.
The story is called Faust. Some madman looked at Sailor Moon or someshit and thought
>hey this looks kind of similar
>if this thing is Faust then the creature that grants wishes and gives you power must be the devil
>oh shit now they have to pay the price
And this is how we got here and why it's such a success: because the premise is genuinely a brilliant leap of thought
If you wanted to properly rip-off Madoka, you wouldn't do magical girls at all, you would try to force Faust onto some other genre like tokusatsu or something idk
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The image I posted proves you wrong.
Yeah well i don't have the reference.
>only has 12 episodes, 2 recap movies and 1 sequel movie
>highly successful and iconic series
NuAnime could never
Don't have to know Faust to know about the devil's bargain or monkey paw. And yes madoka was good because it devil's bargained. Copycats did not.
>If you wanted to properly rip-off Madoka, you wouldn't do magical girls at all, you would try to force Faust onto some other genre like tokusatsu or something
madoka is literally a kamen rider ryuki ripoff tho

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From the author of Tomodachi Game and the artist of Tall + Short, here comes Dead Tube!

> Tomohiro Machiya is a member of the Film Research Club and has always been an avid fan of filming. One day he is confronted by Mai Mashiro, an attractive girl on the swim team. She asks him to film her nonstop for two days straight. But, on the second day of filming, Machiya witnesses something terrible. However, as more and more of the school starts to get involved with Dead Tube, many quickly get in over their heads from the punishments for failing the contests. And, since he helped with Mashiro's video, Machiya must participate, and continue filming for this deadly game.

Chapter 20:
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Most of the Dailies seem to be between 4pm and 8pm EST.
Not so, I'm interested.
many might disagree but this is based
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>the artist of Tall + Short
She even looks like mashiro
Is this manga just an excuse to draw NTR and sluts getting fucked?

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