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477 replies and 121 images omitted. Click here to view.
t. Lolyfag.
You let Orihimefag's whole personality live rent free in your head, and >>266691707 's whole dick in your ass.
Based and Sanrio pilled.
finish your comms
Mega cute!
Cute feet.
Alright now stop with the slander. I ALWAYS finished my comms and usually did so within 1-2 weeks. If there's a request I dropped or forgot about just give me a reminder and maybe I'll pick it up again.
iirc I made 2 deliveries for that one and called it quits afterwards. I think it was Kanbaru and someone else I can't remember.

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How would you react if your favorite idol said this to you?
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This is some amazing bullshit you're spewing all over the board. It's crazy that those two actually took you seriously.
Cool it with the blatant ESL samefagging there buddy

18th Period
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For a second I thought he was using a bong
How do you mistake that with a bong? Do you not know who that is?
Now you can play the fun game of typing [Your name] the hedgehog into google image search and dying of cringe

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>character is depicted in at least one of these 5 poses.
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Is this a powerful magical warrior?
Top right looks like he's searching for his glasses.
What angle are we supposed to be viewing these from?
>Anon didn't deliver.
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Ah, mengo mengo. I fell asleep, and when I woke up it was already time to go to work. I'll deliver tomorrow though, I promise.

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Chapter 9: >>266580764
Chapter 10
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>does her phone not come with a microsd card slot?
Anon, this manga came out in 2019.
Also, that's a regular SD card (not micro), cameras usually use that or CF cards.
Does microsd still get used?
My year-old phone still came with a microsd card slot
Yes but not in phones. Phones generally no longer come with microSD slots, they haven't for a long time. If a phone does have it today, that's an exception, not the rule.
That's not true, it's only the expensive high-end phones that do not come with micro-sd slots. The mid range and cheap ones still do.

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Gohan will save the franchise.
He is the contrast to Goku who is a selfish fight addict, Gohan is more emphatetic and knows what he is capable of.
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Nulybro btw.
How come Bojack is the least fucked up of the Koyama penned movies?
What does “ong” mean?
The only good brother relationship here is fma btw

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What a silly looking figure.
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Big boobs, ........................................
Those are some good looking cats.
I especially like the long white gloves.
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Jesus Kuraisto
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Anigame 1/6, 22kY at chink land, probably 26-28kY for us gaijins.

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How far will Nina go to get followers?
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Tesco Value Minase Iori
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Did they do this to hint that she's a lesbian and wanted Nina? All she thinks about is Nina.
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I know the show turned into a Kawasaki tourism series but does Nina like Kumamon, mascot of Kumamoto?
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That's where that's from? Learn something new every day.

Can someone explain why people hate this character? I don't get it
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Same faggot who hates deku wants yuta to be JJK's mc
He’s a naruto copycat but without any of the redeeming qualities
All Battle Shonen MC’s are basically Jesus Christ.

>Deku is schoolboy Jesus, foretold by All Might, Night Eye, and AFO.
>Naruto is Ninja Jesus foretold by Frog sage and Jiraiya.
>Goku is Saiyan Jesus, foretold by Vegeta and Beerus.
>Luffy is pirate Jesus, foretold by Shanks, Vegapunk, Zunesha, & Gorosei.
>Ichigo is Reaper Jesus, foretold by Aizen, Urahara, and Hyosube.
Can someone explain why anyone would like this character? I don't get it
>dumb kid
>whiny / crybaby
>literally get the strongest power of the verse and ignore all possible downsides everytimes
>that is not enough here more powers of previous strongest guys

is there a single thing personality , look or story wise that is interesting about this character?
Like I get it if a kid or teen say he likes goku..
He looks like a badass fighting maniac and muscular martial artist even if some of his stories are ass. You can see the charisma that inspire someone to root for him.
The question is: who is best handled in that role and who is the worst?

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>it's Gojo!
Shut up, whales. It's YUTA BLANCO
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You can't confuse a 190cm+ Gojo with manlet Yuta
>69 years old and she is still energetic so I have faith
Sasuga turbo granny!
Yuji's Soul Punch BFs that are meant to be extra effective against Sukuna are basically doing nothing if he can just pop a domain whenever he wants.
While Gojo's that knocked him out had 0 soul interaction.
How would Kenjaku go about stealing Gojo's body? Remember, Kenjaku watched Gojo being sliced in half on the livestream and it was implied UiUi retrieved Gojo immediately once he died.
He bought Gojo's body from Mei Mei using Geto's cult money

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It me
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>This seems like the equivalent of English speakers trying to insert Shakespeare where it doesn't belong.
tewi is supposed to be really old (for a non-god non-lunarian 2hu), so you might as well be right
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Honey Come Chatka anime when?
Who counts as a god 2hu? Yukari?
suwako, kanako, sagume, chimata, etc

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/co/ mods deleted the thread there. No idea if it's due to off-topic or if a ban evader posted the thread. But I stole his OP image and reposted it here to see if /a/ will allow it.

Either way, they're debuting the actually watchable redub of Sailor Moon on American TV, or at least I'm assuming it's a broadcast debut. Otherwise it's reruns of Naruto and DBZ Kai for the billionth time.
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How new?
too new
Anime was probably well known by about 2013, but the common position was to hate anime.
It wasn't until around 2019 (when it stopped being popular to hate anime) when these tourists who bashed anime for years claimed that they were "big weebs all along".
Starting up the necrobump phase of the thread I see.
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only a few more posts until it's irrelevant again though

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Will the pre-part 2/anime hype ever come back?
no, maybe in Part 3 If Fujimoto somehow manages to make a Darkness moment again or something similar to International Assassins Arc

Double DUMP this time!
Today, we find out more about Yamada.
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all the stages of a man's life in one frame
i have liked this manga since the first chapter, it's one of the few titles i look forward to the next release of
from yamada's perspective, yes. her mom is probably swimming in debt and working a low-wage job so there's no leftover money in her budget and yamada's at an age where getting a part time job is iffy since her school probably forbids it
no, but none of my friends had gfs and no one bothered to explain to me about taking the initiative. i figured it out eventually on my own
Really? She got you to wait a week in one spot?

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Are they the most fearsome gang in anime history?
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Stop sucking cock you two.
On which side are you?
The heterosexual side.
Why do you support cock sucking then?
He's actually gay and loves sucking that shitposter's cock. Probably has photos of his cock saved in his computer because he's so feminine and submissive.

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