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Episode 7 today.
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Why is this gremlin so sexy?
1/4 English Rose. It's fiction, so we can all pretend that English Roses aren't actually ugly as sin.
Anime cuts out a lot with her.
> if the parasites are in matter based bodies cant he just mist dispersion them all?
He cannot, this will only destroy their physical form but they're not beings of this world, it would just lead back to them hounding on students after being destroyed. Miyuki's cocytus worked because it freezes the soul and is and has always been the most broken ability in the entire franchise.
> last season he figured out how to deal with them right?
Yes, you are about to witness some extreme amounts of onii-sama glazing next episode
>She thought her entire life that she would be Tatsuya fiancee,
Wait, what? The anime hasn't even hinted at the slightest degree of attraction towards Tatsuya from her.

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Why is the church in anime always comically evil?
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kek this one is really making /a/ mad
/pol/ larpers are still in their crusader phase
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>Nips unironically have no idea how Christianity works after slaughtering all of the missionaries in the 1600s.

Christianity in Japan was evil.
Do people forget that the catholic church also exists?
It's really about the aesthetics.
The japanese knowledge of the church stops at:
>"it's a world-wide hierarchy which employs complex rites and a distinct, codified aesthic"
so it's natural that it's easy to use such a concept as the villain if neither you nor your readers know any better.
Similarly, you wouldn't say that Japan is very christian just because western-style weddings are trendy there: it just looks nice to them.
On the other hand, it may also the usual abuse of the "epic subversion" factor: in Evangelion the church does not appear for example, but they still call those monsters "angels" for no real reason other than the fact that it sounds more "mysterious" and "unexpected" than just "demon" or any other typical bad guy name.
There could also be the fact that despite liking hierachy in general, for some reason japanese culture doesn't like it too much in religion.
I think I'm just stating the obvious in all my points here, but on the other hand this thread will happen again in two weeks, so.
>fedora tippers in this thread thinking they're being clever with their parroting

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What are your fears, hopes, and expectations?
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Did they properly convert the distance at least?
I wish we got a Junji Hito style series where chapters/arcs cover the DAA from the perspective of regular people and the influence DAA have on their lives.
Far superior to the Dumb Blue
I mean Ciel and Noel memories pretty much show that. Regular people meeting DAA=nightmare where dying is actually best thing can happen to them
Far Side Remake. Sacchin route will be like that. DAA pov.

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New chapter's out.
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Dont know specifically about the people handling this manga but many localization companies have editors who have 0 knowledge of japanese
A thread with replies isn't a dead thread, dear doomposter.
So did the author read all the comments saying she was only in love with Lemon in Sunao's body and made this chapter to pretend that was not the case? Sunao was out of character being so thoughtful and eloquent.
I checked, and Orange specifically has people who are native proofread stuff.
Native doesn't have to mean Japanese born, as a lot of translators and editors aren't actually Japanese, but just live there.
You'll see that with a lot of Jump stuff especially.
That's true. It didn't start as an over the top gag manga, and I don't think it'll ever be one.
I don't see how he was eloquent. He's just not a stuttering mess with Natsumi. And that's definitely not Lemon, since you'd be able to tell Lemon by her inner monologue.

Why did they get so up in arms? I thought Americans loved violence on TV.
They have a different enemy now with pedophilia which is equally as bogus, but the boogeyman was violent media = violence
they are simply insecure about foreign media
People like that always need a scapegoat to distract from the fact that they can't bring up their kids

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New chapter is out, dumping.
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PPPPPP's piano eyes are very unique even in a media full of weird eyes
>Also, like, do I even wanna know what a lovey-dovey orgy is?!
yes and you want to have one with rui and oya
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mimin kawaiiiiiiiiii
magical girls are over, this is the era of magical horny hags (who look like girls)

>casually lifting your teammate's skirt
>casually getting under your teammate's clothes
what kind of dynamic is this?

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Why does this series have the worst fanbase of /a/ (outside of shounen franchises)?
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No. He's an obnoxious piece of shit who will only achieve that the people in these threads hate on IM. Ichigo Mashimaro isn't even his favorite anime/manga.
that's not Gochiusa
It's just a bit of bants, what's the big deal? Should every thread be an image dump and cumbrain comments?
Engaging in fanbase war is retarded.
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It's more than that. It happens every fucking thread, and it's clear that there are malicious intentions. Like an attempt to completely demoralize anyone who's liking these shows. Maybe it's just a single poster, but if that's the case, he's fucking OBSESSED.
It's clear that he's giving IM fans a bad name, though.

Lillie was supposed to become the new face of Pokemon. What happened?
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my dautherwives
Going by the trend, its probably getting a Legends game instead.
This Elio is damn near unrecognisable without his hat and mullet.
Funny I was 21 in 2016 and fell in love and have sex with her too!

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>absolutely no charisma or personality
>whole schtick is to appear with a faint smile and soft voice and magically make people do whatever he wants and kill themselves

Is there a more overrated character? Johan is literally a blank slate character. Ruyk is memorable and charismatic, Griffith, Yujiro... hell, even fat Major from Hellsing is dope
Yet Johan is considered top10 of all time.
Is this a joke?
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Who and where?
It was one of those failures of the "show don't tell" creative writing rule.
His genius was mostly told to you instead of him doing impressive things and making you believe he was a genius.
It's why Monster starts out strong and then gets worse and worse over time until it ends. You're gradually realizing there's no real plot and that the villain isn't really smart or interesting.
Only good part of Monster was the autistic detective.
I'll spoil all the mystery manga written by Urasawa for you: they are all like that.
Johan is evil, to a magical realism extent.

He's like the Judge from Blood Meridian, if you're reading his character as some kind of real person, then you're missing the point.
You're not meant to point out the various contrivances behind his actions, he's there to motivate other characters to react and reveal their own natures.
>brainlet author tries to write an extremely intelligent character
>has no clue how so he just gives him literal superpowers making him able to brainwash people just by talking to them
Many such cases.

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What did you think of Shigaraki’s final?
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Why would he tell anyone that he’s secretly trying to take over Shiggy?
Ok, you seem decent enough to have a discussion with. You do realize Shigaraki’s character has been reaching his final station when Deku arrived at UA? He got to take his body back, he thought of his friends, he got to understand it wasn't his fault, he saw his his father turned that way, his grandmother got to save him and apologize to him, someone reached his hand to him and saved him when everyone didn't 20 years ago. All that happened before 423. Yeah AFO took over and possessed him again, but that was because Shifaraki’s hatred was destroyed, Tenko was saved, it was hatred that let him fight AFO and get his body back, it was hatred that revived him when Miruko destroyed his pod, and it was hatred that got him the army/friends. Yeah, it could have had more than 2 chapters, but this one is still good. No need for 30 chapters of Shigaraki fighting AFO and helping the heroeslike Obito. He accepted himself as a villain and asked his family in PLW's dream to not deny his existence.
epilogue nigga, epilogue
Final arc: shit
Resolution to most characters: shit
Lady Nagant: cute
Final battle: shit
Mirko: nugget
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Total villain death. Kill villains, Behead villains. Manchester Smash kick mutant villains into the concrete. Alabama Smash villains into the trashcan. Via Dolorosa Crucify filthy villains. Defecate in a villains food. Float villains into the sun. Stir fry villains in a wok. Toss villains into active volcanoes. Urinate into a villains water. Texas Smash villains into a wood chipper. Detroit Smash villains heads off. Report villains to the Hero Commission. California Smash villains in half. Curb stomp pregnant villains. Trap villains in Tartarus. Crush villains in the trash compactor. Liquify villains in a vat of acid. Eat villains. Dissect villains, Exterminate villains with 1,000,000% Delaware Detroit Smash. Stomp villain skulls with red boots. Cremate villains with Prominence Burn. Lobotomize all villains. Mandatory abortions for all villains. Drown villains in shit infested water. Vaporize villains with the United States of Smash. Recipro Turbo Kick old villains down the stairs. Feed villains to mutants. Slice villains in half with Blackwhip.

Deku would approve of all of this btw

Remember that time when Shinobu threatened to kill Araragi but then they became best friends like nothing ever happened?
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Rewatching Bakemonogatari and I usually skip over Monkey but didn’t this time.
Holy shit, Kanbaru’s voice actress is pure sex, like she’s molesting every word.
no - yes - yes - yes
yes - yes - yes - no
>I usually skip over Monkey
What? Why?
Monkey is best.
> usually skip over Monkey
That's not good, I usually skip Nadeko, because I know what happened after

With isekai infesting the industry, why is so little of it science fiction? You'd think more people would fantasize about living in a space opera setting. I know I would.
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>gasoline in medieval era
>Also there was always greek fire, which we don't have an exact recipe for, but was pretty similar.
It still amazes me that we still don't really know it
You don't need gasoline for napalm, in fact if you aren't using modern gelling agents you're probably better off using diesel anyway, but generally speaking you just need a flammable liquid. That said it isn't impossible to make a poorly refined gasoline in the medieval era, as like with most crude oil refining, it's just distillation. You take the crude oil, put it into a sealed tank that you heat until it boils stuff off, that you collect in a condenser.
Well the issue is that there are a lot of possibilities, we don't know what the recipe was, but there are actually many ways to make things with the ascribed properties, with methods and materials they had available.
>crude oil
sure it's conveniently in open

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Sensei's (canon) wife is so small.
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Kayoko showing Maki how it's done
I don't even know what Chihiro is talking about.
I don't know what Haruka is learning?
When is the better version of Maki being released?
I hate boys.
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Nani!? a blackhole?

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Why is Sxarp so poor?
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Sxarp stole the precious thing
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I'll let her keep it.
I want it back, or I'm calling the police.
AI apis are expensive, even those of smaller models, so it's cheaper to have a list of phrases and images so the cost of running the bot doesn't blow up
So where are they? France? Germany? Belgium? Because they sure as hell are not in Japan.

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