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I'm tired of the cat. Also how could Shuro give up on this so easily
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Most anons wont live past 60 either. Life expectancy is dropping so anons in their 20s will probably die in their 60s. 30 is the new middle age.
They can live to 100.
Its called chile
These are fun, thanks DBS.
>eating soup for the autumn
why would you lie to be in a japanese video?

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You wouldnt marry a fox... right?
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could be wrong but china's version of otaku seems to have always liked kemono, so i guess more companies are going for that market.
my only evidence of this was because most kemono artists i see online are chinese or taiwanese and a lot of games from steam's chinese new year sale were kemono
Where is this one from?

It's treated as one niche fetish among others in Japan from what I've heard.
Is that the same author as Tenko? The art looks amazingly familiar but I can't place it and nothing is turning up on reverse searches.
Fuck, I meant the Tamamo-chan.

ITT: hot girls stuck in terrible anime
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That's a boat
>just that its never gonna be finished
IIRC it was based on LNs. I am assuming they were never finished, dropped by the author who got bored of them prehaps; happens to quite a few LNs.
Asuna's expression is screaming gangbang

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Sensei's (canon) wife is so small.
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>it was fun
she says それなりに so it wasn't even fun. it's like i guess it was fun, or it was somewhat fun which makes it worse
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>That panty shot
So that's WHY Nagisa likes Hifumi

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Kaiten will be Kyouko's movie. It's her time.
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Yawn, so were seriously discussing the merits of original series now?
Alright, (cracks knuckles, cracks penis and testicles, slams them on keyboad)
The struggle is hopeless to begin with, the wishes are monkeys paws. Hope in the series would start out moderately, and rise a little, then progressively fall to rock bottom.
Especially because of the expectations that come with the maho shojo genre.
Until it reaches the end, and its paradoxically an ending with infinite hope but also very little hope.
It's like a teenage girl with a pure heart discovering her dreams, but learning the truth of the world and how her dreams are incompatible with it.
Only through an act of total sacrifice can she hope to change the world.
It's because homu fails, but not only does she fail, she creates a timeline where mado can't be rescued and suffers infinitely for her and others sake.
I feel like most of the story solely exists for homu's arc, she carries the hopes of the viewer, to save mado, even at the cost of herself.
Kyubey is a good commentary, forcing young people to toil endlessly to prop up a monstrous system using the promise of false dreams.
Theirs no malice per say, but lying about the nature of things is a small but vile act, and something we do to the suckers who are born into this on regular basis.
We don't even think about it, I think in turn we're lying to ourselves as well.
Also, timid girl becomes goddess through infinite suffering she willingly excepts.
Hey ack you missed a spot >>266702912
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But tomorrow is Sunday...
Yeah, that's why you shouldn't come to school. It's not open. Duh.

Best cup
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Why does this poster fuck adult whores in real life?
Kuudere, can cook, can clean, very clingy and spoiled when you get through her, also this >>266708325
this image is nearly 10 years old
I like this but she doesn't look like illya
Why are some men naturally more masculine than other men?

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Enjoying generic homo vibes is a complicated endeavor, for example watching something like windbreaker simply because it has hot blooded fighting and not much of a complex story is still good because of the spurned love vibes that several characters give off, but that feeling of consuming junk food aimed directly at you can never be thrown off.
Even something like cherry magic which has very little drama and is just a wholesome romp with two homos getting married can leave you with a cozy feeling but that same sense, but is that bad? simple stories that serve the purpose of eliciting feelings are complex to pin down.
However the 801 appeals of more bombastic complicated plot based homo stories are still rather eye catching.

Also is sex required at the end of it all?
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I've liked this adaptation this far. Only thing that bugs me is no opening from SID
Yeah I suppose that's all I should watch it for but considering this series tries to have a plot every arc I can't help but judge it very harshy for it. I can't even shut down my brain and enjoy because it keeps nagging me with hints and tries to make me think about what the solution of the arc mystery could be even though I know it's just gonna both be the most stupid and nihilistic solution I can think of. I'm tired of it.
It may be shallow of me but I really did pick this series up because I was told it's about a cute evil shota being a victorian detective and having homoerotic tension with a handsome demon and as long as I get to see that I'm satisfied.
I NEED to see him manhandled and dicked down as he cries in pleasure and becomes a sobbing mess. then later asks for a second round blushing
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>they naruto run towards each other
God, opening folders from 2017 to look for this reminded me shockingly that Kado wasn't even the worst show that year. There were at least three other candidates, one of which had barely 0.07% of the value Kado did. How the fuck does that happen and why did I still enjoy that season so much more than now?

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Is slavery in any sekai acceptable if you're a benevolent master?
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People tend to group all forms of slavery as the same thing. We have the slave trade from the colonial era where Europeans got slaves from new world aboriginals to Japan. This was a large scale slave trade and the one western world think about when they hear about slavery after all their nations were built on it be on the main country or colonies. Ancient world slavery were mostly people captured in wars, criminals, indebted people and family members sold by their own family due to debt. There are even cases of people selling themselves into slavery to escape poverty even if those are rare.
Break the other end
Nah. Needing a magically or legally enforced contract to keep someone around is both sad and cringe. If the protag wants sex-slaves, then they should be charismatic and skilled enough to make free women Want to be their sex slaves.
The real chad thing to do would be to start a slave revolt and overthrow the oppressive systems that require slavery to function.
There are major disadvantages though. Slaves need heavy security and constant overwatch to keep them motivated as there's no profit incentive for them to actually work hard.
There's also the issue of slave revolts, which are either always a high risk of occuring if you keep your slaves healthy or you keep them too sick and weak to revolt at the cost of making them barely productive.
Economically speaking, it's generally more profitable(for the company) in the long run to employ a healthy middle class workforce than a slave colony. The issue is that any company can see incredible short-term profits through widening the economic gap between classes, and humans are often short-sighted.
Most people are natural slaves anyways, specially women

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it's owari da for ritsu
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Should the girls in yuri manga have mommy issues or daddy issues?

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How far will Nina go to get followers?
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same thing Ryou wears
Tesco Value Minase Iori
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Did they do this to hint that she's a lesbian and wanted Nina? All she thinks about is Nina.
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I know the show turned into a Kawasaki tourism series but does Nina like Kumamon, mascot of Kumamoto?
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Well Kazuma, what are you waiting for?

Kiss her.
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The whole memory wipe happened after the casino trip which is why they allowed him to stay at the castle. Also the last time we see Iris in the main series
Really? Shit, I swear I remember there was a throwaway line about him getting his memory back at least before the final volume. It was an opening line to a chapter, I think he swore vengeance on Claire or some shit.
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I'm curious, Did Darkness or Megumin have received a punishment by their actions? Or the punishment is only for Kasuma and aqua. I mean, darkness is a terrible friend and Megumin is directly responsible of several big problems.
Oh look its the schizo again. Hi schizo!
I can smell your craziness from a mile away, so don't try to deny it.
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post some low detail konosubas.

On an unrelated note, the script I use to make the captcha auto-align isn't working anymore. What are you guys using?

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Good. Fuck /tv/ crossboarders, and I say that as a /tv/ crossboarder who at least knows how to compartmentalize. Already ruined this board with le heckin' """"KINO""" spam to every fucking thing that excites your neurons.
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I don't get it, what's the funny part.

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What is your opinion on girls who are just heads in cages?
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Would do her maid and make her watch
Robo Nixon my beloved
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Remember that time when Shinobu threatened to kill Araragi but then they became best friends like nothing ever happened?
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Glasses girls with braids are fucking awful. Hanekawa looks a million times better with short hair and no glasses and the tiger stripe hair is cool looking as well. I don't mind the other ones either but Hanekawa is a definite upgrade.
Almost every single one is worse than the original. Only Bee looks good with short hair. Sodachi is just awful and I really liked her original design.
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Tsukihi was so pretty
What does it even symbolize? The end of their arc? I remember Karen cut her hair abruptly so the hair did not interfere with rrgi while she carried him, right? guess it happened after toothbrushing
Based short hair appreciator.
When I draw girls I always give them short haircuts.

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