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Last axel is, in my opinion, one of the best enemies there is, right on par with Evangelion
and the sword of the stranger.

I'm an old (28) guy now, but I remembered last exile as the anime I really enjoyed and was
expecting more depth, more complex characters, more complex storyline, but no, it is just terrible, it's flat lining.
What is happening? They butchered the entire thing.
Right now I'm at episode 2 and can't watch it anymore, it is so childish compared to the original material, it is unbearable ...
I am so disappointed...
Am I the only one ?
First off, work on your typos. F7 isn't going to save your ass.

Second, season 2 of Last Exile is kinda crap, in the sort of way that Gonzo was looking for a hail mary and didn't know what the fuck they were writing as they were writing it. It's a janky mess of a show, and I'm sorry to say it but it doesn't get any better as the episodes go on. Also holy shit season 2 came out 12 years ago where has the fucking time gone?
I liked LE2. Felt like it had a cohesive setting and I'm a sucker for fantasy politics.
i was using speech recognition, guess it isn't perfect yet.
>12 years
I stopped watching animes like 10 years ago so I was just wondering and found out that
last exile so I had a continuation and so I watched the 1st and 2nd episode and was more than disappointed.

Why does this series consistently attract the shittiest TL possible? Fahrenheit, fucking really?
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A TL that is curtailed completely to local audience is like 4kids version of One piece. At some point it starts looking a lot less like the author's work over somebody meddling in between for dumb reasons.
Will we see Muzan absolutely destroyed tomorrow?
Machikado Kazoku and some other anime I don't remember also do had yen changed into dollar.
anon is correct, japan didn't adopt the metric system until 1921
And Taisho era lasts until 1926.

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>Elves are only good at magic and being massive sluts weeeee
Why do so many anime protrays us like this?
Post some managas where elves are super cool!
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gyaru elves when
It's called "dark elv" in Japan
>posts a mutt dark elf

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>Chisa X Pon
Heroine gets "raped", lost her virginity and impregnated while she is in a relationship with the MC, and then they try to make friends with the rapist
>Cross and Crime
Femc gets gangraped and later cheats with a band vocalist
Heroine gets gangraped and mindbroken by thugs
>Hinowa ga Yuku!
Side girl gets stolen by warlord, she pretends to submit while waiting for an opportunity to exact her revenge.
The protagonist's brother seeks revenge against his fiancée's rapist
>Akai Ringo
Kinda. The actress with whom the protagonist is obsessed turns out to be a slut. Childhood friend gets rapebaited
>Wolf Guy - Ookami No Monshou
Heroine gets gangraped by the main villain for 14 chapters
>Textbook of Revenge

Comment too long. Click here to view the full text.
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>ntr guys inexplicably always draw mega hot girls.
More like you are an amerimutt/black and like women with huge asses and boobs since NTR is infested by that which also happens to pander to american tastes
I regularly read this. It’s alll fakeout that eventually stop before it goes too far, usually through the mc stopping it or the FMC growing some balls. They seem to like each other but haven’t truly admitted it yet.

Of course, this is the Karami zakari author. I’m pretty sure she’ll use the fakeouts, so when the NTR actually happens , it’s that more shocking
Thank you so much anon. I'm gonna check them all later
>Immortal Ridge
>Mc finds out his gf was having sex with someone other guys

I've never even heard of this, MangaDex only has 6 chapters, and the first chapter doesn't really have NTR vibes. Any anons know more about this manga?
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This is /NTR/ gold.

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Why the fuck is every anime cleric a blonde, white woman?
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did you not forget someone?
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I only care about guild girl and elf. all other girls are boring and unfuckable.
guild girl is literally the most boring girl and a fucking cake on top of that
>>266703990 (OP)
The second you said "white woman" you question already became invalid, absolute twitter brainrot.

Chapter 505 - Kuma
Last Thread (503-504): >>266467515
The Beginning: https://desuarchive.org/a/thread/246835384
Previous Chapters: https://desuarchive.org/a/search/subject/Daily%20One%20Piece%20Chapter/
Arc List: https://pastebin.com/ZvbWA3Ri

We are on the cruise!
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They are sailors after all.
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holy FUARK...
Al Capone is pretty famous outside of america. He's like the quintessential gangster.
This scene lives in my head rent free. One of those scenes that just works much better in the anime.
Yeah, (almost) everybody at least recognizes the name as belonging to an infamous gangster if nothing else.

Insane how this schizophrenic dogshit isn't universally decried by fans of the original. This is when I realized Gundumb fans have no standards.
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Gundam is amazing in that the protagonist is usually retarded and the immediate action is dogshit but also fun and watchable. Where the show really shines is always the political intrigue and the philosophical questions it poses to the viewer.
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>kick out Tomino
>bring in Gainax chads to do the writing
>make the first Good Gundam show
It was a fluke, which is why every other non-Tomino Gundam is garbage.
Every non-Tomino Gundam is better than Tominoslop besides 0079
mobile suits are power armor, not robots

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Chapter 29: Flying
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fuck you
That's boring.
Imagine jumping those sick ramps.
Thank you, Sayori.

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forehead flatsies give me life
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I can fix her
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I would show her my love
she is not broken
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do you think there's something stirring in the heart of this kunoi- I mean shoujo?

Mao Mao is still the best girl since winter 2023.
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What kind of name is maomao? Sounds like the fat kid's nickname
it's chinese
MaoMao Zedong
It's for kitty. You wouldn't get it.
better than cao cao

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I need to impregnate this chubby chocolate serpent. I hope we get to see even a sneak peak of her and her sisters in the anime, too.
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The 3 sneks activate neurones on their own ways
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>I'm happy that it'll at least get people talking about this series again.
Pretty much how I feel about it.
It'd be cool if she was saying my name

The Sanrio Character Ranking Contest is here until the 5:00pm May 26, and the Kuromi Gang needs you! Last year, /ourqueen/ Kuromi only got 3rd place and this year she is 5th in the interim results, but with your help she might get 1st place this year and defeat the dog menace once an for all!
You can vote for as many characters as you like, but only once a day for each character per device!
A few other Sanrio characters can benefit from getting some votes, but it's not really necessary to vote for anyone other than Kuromi desu.
Votes approved by the Kuromi Gang include:
**Kuromi** (obviously)
-My Sweet Piano
Go and vote for Kuromi RIGHT FUCKING NOW!, unless you are some faggot dogfucker of course.
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Sanrio but edgy
That's why they're worth the money they're paid.
That makes sense.
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What was your reaction when reading through a manga and suddenly came to an abrupt end? Consumed by rage? Filled with confusion? Drown in disbelief and denial? Perhaps, plagued with uncontrollable laughter at the absurdity.

Nevertheless, come. Relive, share with others, or experience for yourself the first time some of these short lived (maybe justifiably so) creations.
Make valuable lessons be learnt. And never forget, the true ending was the friends we read questionably sourced Japanese cartoon drawings on a handicraft forum with along the way.

Fishes may be out of water, but subtexts remain forever. Some things just never change...

>Fish people have been welcomed to the town where the human girl Wakasa Otomi lives, and they are integrating well. The fish people can be identified by the physical marks of their fish species, though they take medicine to keep their lower bodies human rather than a fish tail. Otomi loves fish people, and is eager to meet as many as she can! One day, she meets a new transfer student, a lantern fish girl named Tsutsumi Anko. Anko is a bit self-conscious about being a deep sea fish, with a tail that is not cute like some other fish girls. At school, she and Anko deal with various fish problems that intersect with issues an ordinary human high-schooler would face.

Chapter 16 & 17 & 18 & 19 & 20 & 21 & 22 >>266480406
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Time for daily turf wars.
That's a lot of ink.
So many miko! Do you have enough spellcards?
Pimping ain't easy...
Yukatas always look so lovely.

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Draw your last pathetic card anon. The great demon Shamiko doesn’t have time for 3rd rate duelists like you. Kekeke…
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>You do not need to shuffle your deck
So I have the option to shuffle it or not?
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Get out of here, Shiroko!
She totally should next month, especially if her medicine is getting pricier or she’s not getting paid my the manga is on hold.
I assume that's a temporary fixture.

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Chapter 93

Previous: >>266506467

Nakazawa went to an economic round table involving the prime minister and various business and economic leaders but he seemed preoccupied and his speech was slurred. He and Mangame then met with Shima to tell him that they were going to be bringing him back to the main office in the fall where he'd be made a director so he met with Hideharu Yada to tell him that it was time for him to come back to Sunlight as its president. Nakazawa, meanwhile, was at a hotel with Chaco Mama but when he went to use the bathroom she found him collapsed on the floor. He was rushed to the hospital with Shima, Mangame and Chizuru also coming and eventually Nakazawa's wife and daughter. His family was told that when Nakazawa collapsed, he'd hit his head and was effectively braindead with no chance of recovery. His family made the decision to take him off life support and he passed away at the age of 65.

At his funeral, Chaco Mama and Chizuru thought the whole thing was strange and decided that his wife was a cold person for not even staying by Nakazawa's side as he passed. So they decided to create a scene by loudly crying on the casket to embarass her and Noriko and Kumiko (who'd returned from France for the funeral) joined in. Later on, Shima went with Kumiko to Chaco where they were eventually joined by Chizuru where they drank and reminisced over Nakazawa. Shima passed out but had a dream where Nakazawa came back to say goodbye and warn him of tough times to come while the women noticed that he was crying in his sleep.
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What did you expect?
Impressive, anon.
the intanetto?
this is how I felt everytime I ctrl F’d “shima” in the catalog for the past month
Don't drop it now.

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