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What's the best art advice you received?
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No, it's actually less harsh than wacom surfaces.
An acetate sheet would be better for tip preservation if a bit slippery.
>What's the best art advice you received?
some of the best thing an artist neglects is relaxing time. That's why I play plenty of video games, like my wife Alissa Chung.
this really is one of the worst tips i've gotten.

>anon discovers thinking
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That large shadows with defined shapes are MUCH more appealing than many small indecisive shadows on a figure.

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Post your work and I a /beg/ will give you as much constructive criticism as I can
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Very nice
It's so dark almost like you try to hide something haha
The eye that is open looks less like an eye but more like a screen. Its a very simplistic way of drawing eyes for such detailed piece
Also, I don't know what it is with the boys but something strikes me as off. I hope someone else can describe it better
Clothing general seems to be very tight looking especially around the arms
The chocker has no volume of its own , it just ends and starts where the throat does, its actually even smaller
But all in all good job
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Nice anatomy study but I think you went a little too hard, making the muscles visible which gives the entire thing some unnatural colouring
The shadows in general look too dark
The crotch area also looks a bit funky desu I struggle with that myself still so I rather not go into greater detail
All in all good direction but you should study how other artists would draw this

Left has some nice colouring but the way you drew the pattern on her clothing makes it feel a little flat, it should bend a little I think
Right has a good attempt at a slightly more complicated angle, the arm suffers from it a little though
Also the knife has no volume of its own though
Pretty good
I hope this retard schizo dies soon

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Has anyone here actually deeply, intently, and thoughtfully studied Proko's OG course, Figure Drawing Fundamentals?

Stan seems like a better artist than Vilppu, Eviston, Dodson, and all other meme ic teachers combined. The only other teacher who draws better than him is Steve Huston.

For those who did actually study Proko, what kind of gains did you make? Would you recommend it to beginners? intermediates? Would you even recommend it to pros?
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> Stan seems like a better artist than Vilppu, Eviston, Dodson, and all other meme ic teachers combined.
lol, lmao you got filtered by dark core shadows
he didn't invented gesture, box mannequins and beans
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I know good overcast lighting when I see it ;)
looks alright, needs fewer pixels though
Courses are for people without talent or absolute beginners who don’t know what to do at all. Talented individuals learn by simply drawing from books they choose to pick up which happens because they know instinctively how and what to study

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>traditional painters can make the transition to digital almost effortlessly and very quickly make art that better than digital ""painters"" who have been doing it for years
>digital ""painters"" seemingly regress to near /beg/ levels if you make them do anything traditional
Really makes you ponder. The same also holds true with sculpting vs digital sculpting. Digital in general is an impoverished, hacky ""medium""
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>Although he already has experience with digital art (he worked in Photoshop)
wow, it's fucking nothing
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Yes. They are already used to no-layer drawing. Digital artists tend to overuse layers.

When the artist whose trained on no layers comes to a media where you can choose to use only 1 layer, he can do well. When the artist who is too used to using multiple layers comes to trad media, it can be difficult to adjust at first.
I don't have the time, money, space, or ability to carry a bunch of paintings around with me as I move every 6 months kys.
Is charcoal and graphite above digital art?

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Video Course General v.28

Hampton edition

>Matrix channel


The rutracker search plugin has some nma stuff

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second this, I bought it and am doing the exercises as they come out. Brent Eviston's course is better (i've done that one, as well as DoTRS).
Man, can you download and shase these brushes, please? I think they're free for people that have premium

It feels like I bought a very expensive course just to get a bunch of stupid exercises. You would learn more by taking random objects and trying to draw them yourself. That course is so mediocre
Don't have a phone and it's banned in my country lol.
Does anyone have a download of Robert Hale s anatomy lectures that are on youtube? They are pretty kino

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Thread to study the female body. Post your art, discuss artists, and post resources related to the subject of cute girls and beautiful women.

No NSFW, to differentiate from /sex/ /asg/ /other generals.

>All art styles welcome so long as the focus is cutesy girls/ beautiful women. Nobody cares about east vs west debates.
>Males are welcome so long as the image remains female focus.
>For male focused thread post in /cgsg/.
>Do not take the bait or derail. Don't be a sperg.
>Don't fight about different women vs girls, Nobody cares.
>No trans/lolicon/futa/. Go to /sex/ or /lsg/ for that.

Previous thread >>7056387
cute girl anon.
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I posted this a while ago, but thoughts on these designs?

see? It's easy to draw popular stuff, you just need to keep drawing and git gud anon
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>anon has another schizophrenic episode
sounds like a lot of coping and seething desu fampai
I accept your concession.
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Anon said the thing!
you're so heckin witty and epic, sister!
Continue seething about numbers, anon. Your ideas will surely get you somewhere and not another rant about muh discord boosting.
>cloutschizo still seething that one random anon doesn't deem meaningless numbers meaningful by spamming that he actual cares
unironically needs to cope that 80% of his followers are bots

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There's plenty of porn artists who primary draw straight art yet all their real sexual experiences are either with men or MTF trannies, even though cherry picked Twitter artists aren't exactly a good representation.
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Why the hell did you have to bump this stupid thread.
>animals fucking and making animal kids they can't raise fuck shit up for the whole species
Thanks, Captain.
It's fine to try to replicate Marine's handiwork if the objective is to study.
I'm a het foid and think that stronger jawlines on women are beautiful. Usually. If they look feminine otherwise, it can really bring a nice balance to their appearance that makes them more striking.
But that said, masculine looking women are still women. If you were going hard for roided up women with chins that could crack pavement, I would question your sexuality. If you just see features in other guys that you would like to see in yourself, and muscle mommies give you a chub, you're just straight and have whatever taste you have. Asking /ic/ if you're gay is pretty gay though.
Isn't sex also a bonding thing?
Also orgasm happens if you stimulate the erogenous zone(s) enough, doesn't matter if you are into it or not or who or even what is doing it.

Something tells me straight woman. 25% chance it's a straight man instead 10% anything else.

What kind of content is good for a SFW Patreon?

Are there examples of a SFW account that you subscribe to?
Electrician tutorials, disassembling power tools to describe and review the components. Different types of motor, plastic, housing, etc.

Hope that helps, good luck.
resources to learn X that are so good it's worth paying, not much more than that, I don't tend to pay for shit anyways
Content that you're already a fan of, that's understandably a lot of work and needs a bit of financial help (such as comics or animation). Trying to build a fan base up before the patreon plea though, must be quite difficult.
courses and animation content get the normies hyped

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For stupid questions and questions that don't deserve their own thread.
Post here if you don't expect your thread to reach 100+ replies.
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Thanks, anon. I understand what you say, but the image I showed is from a game and with a resolution of 1400xsomething it can look like pic related. So, how can achieve that? I understand the part of not showing much info because of too little space, though.
Likely polymer clay. A popular brand is super sculpey or monster brand
For figures I'd recommend figure drawing alongside copying bridgman. You don't really know what you're learning until you put it to the test.
>or rhythm? I don't understand the terminology sorry
that would be gesture. there are good youtube videos that cover its basics but if you want to really understand it you should find some books on it. Hampton's figure drawing is a pretty good starter though.
Likewise, i am now a fan of this artists work!

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Why you should not trust youtube shills:

Do not read anything into pressure levels. 1024 is more than enough.
If you have any additional questions, ask them.
Remember to ignore all chinese shills.

Recommended tablets:

Intuos 3, 4, 5, Pro, One by Wacom

Small (10-11"): Samsung Galaxy Tab S6 Lite

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lmfao wage cuck you have no right to exist
So any of you kiddies have your parents buy you the new ipad pro to doodle your animays cartoon pics?
is there a way to avoid sweating all over the screen? i swap gloves every 30 minutes and i'm still wetting it, god i hate summer so much
what kinda gloves are you wearing bro
I wear drawing gloves even when not drawing at my computer nowadays (sensory stuff) and never sweat in them even though I'm pretty sweaty otherwise, maybe you just have naturally sweaty hands
Fuck apple so hard man
I walked past a best buy earlier so I went in to see the new ipads for myself
The new pen feels nice, the haptics are great. The etched glass screen is pretty good too.
But goddamn I am not spending money just to upgrade to this. And I know they could have made the new pen backwards compatible. I know they could've just not paywalled this nano texture shit. But of course they won't, because they're fucking apple.

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/ic/ humour
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This is cute.
I like this.
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There, that's the entire thing.

The punchline ended up being murder, actually.

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How does one get commissions? On insta there are accounts with a third of my follower count receiving regular comms. On twitter I find it very hard to receive exposure, and using the site makes me very depressed because of this. But again I see accounts with fewer followers than me receiving comms. Does a better commission sheet help? Do you just beg harder? I need external validation
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Majority of my clients come from DA. Pick a fetish/niche you like to draw and make sure people into that fetish can find you. Pic related is my 72th commission batch WIP
Genius. Didn't want to lie but I'm desparate, I'll try this if I still don't get commissions
Are you Jujudrop from deviant art?

Anyways, is drawing porn or fetish stuff objectively the fastest way? I'm not really into drawing that but I'm tempted because I hate the fact that my hobby isn't bringing in pocket money
Yes, I am.

I can only talk of my own experience but when people commission art they want something personal that tickles their funny bone. Niche fetish is usually something people want to pay for as they get to see their personal kink come real. So yeah, sex and fetish sell. And it should def be some fetish you yourself are into and understand, because it shows in your art if you have passion for it and people are more likely to comm you to draw it for them
Thanks, your work is great btw. It's not my fetish but I see why it's appealing.

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how often do you guys draw?
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Like 1-3 hours. I try to get a drawing done (at least inking) every day. Even if I absolutely don't feel like it or if I hate what I'm drawing.
I'd say 2 hours a day at least. Hard to draw less honestly, I'm having a lof of fun. I have a lot of free time and I work from home. Really easy to get multiple reps in of figure/gesture drawing.
Jerking off is great for improvement of art skills though. It improves motor functions and hand dick coordination which is vital for artists.
not enough
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>Jerking off is great for improvement of art skills though
this. if your schedule doesn't look like this, you're NGMI

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How do you go about shading a line artwork?
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is this guy amd the pixel art gifs guy same ?
yeah this one is nice
I see Lady Dimitrescu here. Hot big ass, big hat. And the claws.
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