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I know art in general isn't in the best place when it comes to monetization thanks to things like AI and all, but something that's still making tons of revenue online is content creation, mainly videos and stuff, but social media as a whole. I've never been more than a hobby artist, but I'd like to use my art as a side hustle, though commissions now seem like they wouldn't cut it alone, so I want to make content, videos of timelapses and/or some lessons of what I know perhaps. I know now the main platforms for art are Instagram and Twitter, while for videos it's YouTube and TikTok, anyone here have any experience on any of these at all?

>How does monetization work between them?
>Which one is best for a hobbyist to have at all?
>Which is the quickest to get monetized in still?
>Are any of 'em more unreliable than the others?

I'm thinking of making videos and content for all of them on the side, though I've never done it at all before, and have no idea of what it takes for a real shot at getting monetized, not famous, just a bit of extra money for the month doing a task I don't find too troublesome or difficult. Are there any general tips and words of advice I should be hearing before doing any of this? I know that the chances of me losing motivation and giving up early are high, but I've got a drive and a part of me wants to at least try this out before giving up on the idea altogether. I feel like I could help out a bit too, we can always teach something we do.
go to biz

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Take a photo of any everyday object from your house and design something out of it. (Vehicles, Spacecraft, Robots, Character, Costumes, etc.)

Other Challenges you might love:
Moai Challenge >>7092050
Clock Challenge >>7156547
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My creativity is a bit low but I couldn't think of anything better than a retractable buzzsaw cause it was circular
Gotta be careful this funky bot doesn't cut through the pockets!
super cool
Sorry my grinding loomis heads didn't train me for that

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What brush(es) are you using, please?
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Working on pic related atm, here's the flat colours for now

Thanks bro! :D
idk what any of that means lol
He meant big forehead (mega- big, lo=??? Encephaly=brain)
Aw fuck I just realized it and see it now, will mitigate next time thanks bro

How do you solve pic related? I can think up all these wonderful scenes that are are PP hardening, but after spending hours trying to draw it down, its flat and doesnt excite even a single neuron.
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>intrinsic motivation
>motivated to perform an activity for its own sake
it's rather curious how such a phrase caught on in English, as it's simply a lie: nothing is done for its own sake.
>you've completely stopped using per se, per se which is nice anon
you might not want to get your hopes up. it's in my back pocket, waiting for the right prompt
>If you posted coom pics instead of old men I'd find you more compelling
respectfully, to cater to coomers is to wander off the straight and narrow
youre right as >>7168963 shows, people are actually mentally handicapped or maliciously ignorant
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I thought you didn't use chans, feeling bored lately?

I don't have any social media, but I want to start posting my art somewhere. I've been considering Instagram, TikTok and Pixiv, but I'm unsure where to start.

Also, if I post my art, how do I build a following?

Thank you friends!
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And it works just because these post are vids*
Why not post on artstation? It's for the pros
Is Tumblr any useful nowadays?
Which ones are the least cucked by AIfags?
I used all of them and never got popular as a nsfw artist.
Now I hate everybody.

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Thread to study the female body. Post your art, discuss artists, and post resources related to the subject of cute girls and beautiful women.

No NSFW, to differentiate from /sex/ /asg/ /other generals.

>All art styles welcome so long as the focus is cutesy girls/ beautiful women. Nobody cares about east vs west debates.
>Males are welcome so long as the image remains female focus.
>For male focused thread post in /cgsg/.
>Do not take the bait or derail. Don't be a sperg.
>Don't fight about different women vs girls, Nobody cares.
>No trans/lolicon/futa/. Go to /sex/ or /lsg/ for that.

Previous thread >>6916963
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For me it looks more like some of these old mail card art you'd find at stores
Also her
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New thread

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Is this artstyle achievable natty?
heretic, religious garbage? Sure.
Anything is achievable if you've got no life.

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Is 24 too old to start drawing
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Mr. Nigger is very unhappy with you.
The way he draws hair is god tier and of course it is, he worked as a hairdresser for years before he became a mangaka. That's what it means to build a visual library.
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I started when i was older then that, I don't draw very much either so if you put in the time and effort you will be much better then me. I don't really know how high your bar and expectations are.
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31 here, Id be super happy if I had started at 24 and had already 7 years of mileage under my belt. 24 is young af bro, most people are still wasting time in uni at that age and hasnt started living yet. Just pick the pencil, your future self will thank you
if there is passion, drive and determination then there is hope

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In case you needed proof that "making it" in the art industry is a fuckin scam. This dude paints like a fuckin toddler and calls it "his style." On top of that, dude's a fucking AWARD WINNING "artist."

Post more bullshit about the art world.
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you could be graduating 17 year old prodigy if you could paint like this.
>BREAKING NEWS: OP discovers money laundering
I didn't know women knew about this
The artist is also an indigenous Australian, and they tend to get a lot of handouts in the arts and such. He was likely given platforms that helped elevate him that others will not get the opportunity to have. I won't say his art is bad, because there's infinitely worse shit in galleries, and I'd prefer this in them than a women knitting from vagina yarn.

And honestly, looking at his work, there's a warm charm to them. I don't mind them.
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being a female.

Now that the dust has been settled how's bluesky in terms of networking and visibility?
they're stilling rolling out updates like dms and video so I wouldn't bother yet
already dead and irrelevant like threads.
It was a mistake to make it "secret club invite only", that killed the hype for normies, and thus, normies never came
It's 90% artist there
So, for "network and visibility", you will be only getting other artists that want network and visibility.
It's like a giant art discord in twitter format, a massive circlejerk of artist, but not the good kind.
Because all artist there are just people that wanted to be big on twitter and failed
its literally just refugees from twitter. is has no organic mass or activity. all of its features that make it even slightly distinct are completely unused because it simply doesn't have the population / activity to maintain them. specifically, feeds.
the only activity is duplicated from twitter by people who are just posting there in addition to what they're posting on twitter, or people who left / were booted from twitter and are trying to rekindle their own brand on whatever platform they can. nobody is on bluesky because of bluesky, it really offers nothing other than an additional, lower volume pipe to shovel content through.

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I'll go first, everytime I draw, I'm turned on by it, the strokes of my pencil hitting the soft paper like scratchy noise while I see the negative shapes in my drawing... I cant help but. Just feel so. hot. I tend to hyperveliate and lick my lips and say "Just like that babe?" softly I do keys to drawing, and did project 3b, I dont care about gender. I look up male model and cant help but notice his hips.

This also occurs with soccer too.

[spoiler] I should mention I was molested by a woman when i was 12.[/spoiler]
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If it's viable, hiring prostitutes and strippers could be an option.
are u literally me
Fake. She would've noticed
literally me
Please go into more detail of the time you were molested by an older lady when you were twelve
I promise that I won't masturbate

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Post art channels that actually teach you how to draw https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ii0BiZIykh0
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I also haven't seen many videos series with draw alongs - they may perhaps all be on twitch. Richard smitheman is a good channel but exclusively does figure drawing, a series where a bunch of people work through Bridgman or a Loomis book would be super useful. In general there are few social channels for art which is kinda a missed opportunity.
You know the difference between Japanese cartoonists and cocksuckers like you, that Japanese artists highly value their country and their industry, unlike you, who dedicate yourself to criticizing and tearing down the West.
You are worse than a crab, you are literally an idiot.
You are literally seething right now
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>You are literally seething right now

stop projecting
didn't know that meme was still around on the internet, brings back memories.

If I get good at art will it get me bitches?
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What about landscape Chads
I can be your bitch for you if you want OP
And draw good, or atleast artsy so They think you are ”creative”
It's nice to see you're still going Shinda, I took a long break and don't know if I'll be able to ever sink myself back in the way I was before.
I've never heard of someone getting bitches by drawing. Did you try everything else first

Did you make it anon?
Do you draw the kind of things you dreamed of drawing as a child?
Before you were obsessed with porn and violence?
Would your work make your childhood self proud?
re you drawing the kind of illustrations that shaped your brain as a child and created that artistic desire that fueled you in the first place?
You didn't give up right?
You didn't let that part of you die
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Wow... he is literally me!
Me too I was turned on by buildings, now I don't anymore
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The skills I have now, I thought I'd have them by 40 years old.

I'm 27 now, and instead of making more art
I enjoy watching art and knowing what's good and what's bad.
What's good and what's excellent.

The bad side, is that instead of motivating me,
getting more skills gave me the
'already did that, I don't need to do it anymore' feeling.
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The only thing I ever did from the show that I enjoyed the result of was a set of Squashed Thingies, because they were retard proof. I still have them.

had I drawn back then, my child (12 to 20) self would have draw porn
but current me doesn't want to draw it and wants to draw scenery, trees, rocks and buildings.

anons, what do you draw when you only got 15 to 20 minutes?

Studies take me over an hour, working on my own projects is usually a whole afternoon endevour.

But what am I supposed to do when I sit around at the bus stop or when there's still a two dozen minutes left in the lunch break? Situations like that leave me feeling like I wanna draw, I just don't know what I would in the short period of time
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Gestures, they take like a minute and a half so I could do a bunch of them when I don't have time
I used to draw college girls' asses back in Uni when I'm bored, took me couple of minutes each time.
just burgers? did you grind hundreds of burgers anon?

increbily based i kneel
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>What's in front of you to improve observation
>Something you've been studying earlier to test things out
>Some character you like to feel engaged
>For maximum adrenaline, draw straight porn. At front of everyone.

I myself am developing the habit to draw or doodle something during my dev dailies that take around 15 minutes just after I wake up. Although I can't maintain consistency because something explodes at my job anyway.
I'll be honest. I usually don't bother. Everything I work on these days is bigger and more complex, so trying to come up with something to draw in such a limited time feels like a waste of energy.

When I was younger I used to do a lot more casual sketching.

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