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Is the anime style becoming more and more accepted in the American Comics industry? If I want to make a living as a penciller, is the anime style a viable thing? Also, is it possible to make a good living penciling and inking comics for publishers that aren't the Big 2?

I heard horror stories of anime-style comic artists unable to find work in the early 2000's, but surely things have changed now, right? Anime is quite literally the most commercial art style that exists. I find it hard to believe people aren't accepting of it, even now, in comics.
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Frank Miller too
wait, really?
Yes, especially with Ms Marvel and Gwenpool
>american comics
>mediocre capeshit by jobbers

idk if you guys are just bad faith weaboos or genuinely ignorant of real american comics.
Reminds of when Jim Lee drew Goku on stream and half the chat was chimping out about how he wasn't copying Toriyama's style.

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Post art book/tutorial pages/screenshots without context
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finally a good fucking thread
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What is the most efficient way to practice? What is the fastest way to improve?

We ought to have this discussion more often, but /ic/ always chimps out when people ask actual, art related questions.
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All methods work if you draw.
No method works if you don't draw.
Drawing from memory has its place as a fundamental. But it's kind of ridiculous to literally try to draw everything from reference and immediately try to draw from memory. Sometimes simple accuracy drawings are just as important as memory recall ones.
Not everyone can be the next Kim Jung Gi
it's an int level exercise imo, drawing something you don't understand from memory and haven't processed through the fundamentals is pretty useless.
I'll make it simple

Pick a subject, characters humans lighting backgrounds objects, a type of texture, whatever just pick something you want to be able to draw

step 2: find photo reference

step 3: create accurate copies

Step 4(optional) : find people who's art style or stylistic choices you enjoy regarding the same subject.and keep a mood board of their drawings next to yours (You can also do master studies but it would be better to create you own piece with the mood board reference on the side)

Repeat for every aspect of art, linework, shapes, colors, animation, paneling, flourishes, objects, people, expressions, design etc etc

Practice until you are satisfied, eventually you'll improve your eye and see your past work as not up to standard

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Drawing something you don't know and then studying reference as a spot the differences game is the most effective way to beat the brain's ego preservation system.

If you can draw a circle you can do the shrimp exercise.

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I wasted 7 hours of my life doing this and it looks so fucking bad. It kinda frustates me everytime I need to use watercolors
eh, don't be so hard on yourself. I like the vibe of this

I think your values are too similar, and you can make better use of negative space.

You'd benefit from some perspective practice too, a solid week of study and you will see improvement.

Look up "10 minutes to better painting" by Marco Bucci he gives tips that can help you immediately too
anon, most artist take 5-10 years to improve. It's not a race, it's a marathon. There nothing wrong with being bad, you are doing better than most people because they either don't draw or quit within the first week.
You clearly have potential. And what anon above said. Don't come to this place for advice, since you're able to draw. People here use their time to do anything but that.
7 hours isnt long. you are starting to realize why most do weeb shit. trace a 3d model or paint over an instathot for fotm anime shit and get praised for low effort by retards or spend days on an actual piece of art and thousands of hours practicing for little to no recognition. youll know you are an artist and see the effort in others. or youll measure all ypur success based on likes and retweets. choice is yours.

i can look at an inked piece of work and know the guy spent a day on a 2x2 square of grass. i know avg person wont even look at it or care. i can look at avg ctrl paint cutesexyrobutts tier "artist" and know they put 2 hours max into the digital sludge they shit out daily. i know coomers will praise that. i dont care. id rather make art. you can set aside that pieceyou are working on and focus on studies for grass and sky and anatomy. you can improve each aspcect over couple weeks of work and come back tot his piece for a redraw and see vast improvements. most wont care. but YOU will know its better. YOU will see the difference.
MA ke her nakid.

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Submit your art here, and during the next few hours two artists will be redlining your work live on Picarto! We'll be in a voice chat together, so you'll be hearing two perspectives!
Keep it respectful. :^)

-featuring Marmalade Mum and Apuru-kun

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Thank you to everyone for participating and letting Apuru and I red-line your work! We had a lot of fun figuring out what to fix and coming to different conclusions for more perspective! There's no right way to correct something since something can always be done better. <3
Feel free to keep posting more works you want a red-line on since I'll be back again!

Tomorrow around the same time I'll stream, and perhaps Apuru will join me again. I'll do my best to help as many of you as possible!

Didn't save it as a VOD sadly
The stream was quite scrumptious. Enjoyed drawing along
Is there a recording of the stream?
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Join us in the Drawpile sometime, mommy. We'd love to have you!


See what you can do in a set limit of time. Pic related don in about an hour and a half.
What can you do in between 1 and 2 hours? Post results here!
Get to drawin!
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There's some talking about the fact that the "God of War" series of games may have that same issue. Kratos already went against the greek, roman, and nordic gods. Can they do the same with christian figures, or hindu, or islam?

About the issue, if the sacred figure of christ, or whatever angel or saint may be, is trapped and possessed inside a physical representation, that would be like idolatry, that blasphemous thing must be destroyed, and the enslaved spirit liberated. So you should be allowed to fight that idol representation and crush it to pieces with righteous violence. That could be a way out to solve the "political issue". I bet these are the kind of conversations that must be happening in the directive board of those companies making games, with a team of lawyers and theosophical experts LMAO.
Back again friends. This one took 35 minutes to make. I am very happy with how this came out.
Recently, i had seen one of you in a progress thread claiming to toss out a very well done 20 minute sketch. To say i was impressed was to say the least! It only showed how much more i need to grow as an artist. While i think i can draw some subjects reasonably well, i always take a devistating amount of time to get there. So much time wasted on the little details that only matter to me, the artist. I hope in doing this exercise everyday, i become more confident and accurate in my choices. So to make a reasonable with even a slight bavkground made me feel quite proud!
That is a good solution if it must come down to it. If i could, however, i would try to have it be that the player does "kill" them. (Once killed they will turn to ash and blow away back to their chosen destination. For the blessed that would be at heaven's gate, and the damned would emerge from the eternal lake of fire. I think this would allow for the player to feel righteous resentment especially if each holy boss gives an attaboy to the knight once they are killed. The game ultrakill allowed the player to feel a kind of kinship with the souls of hell, and i want something similar, and especially a parallel resentment to the archangel at the end, with satan!
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Hello again friends. In this challenge, I have learned to accept some things for the way they are. A confession i must make, is that I have been commissioned to create monsters (my favorite thing to draw) but my indecisiveness has led me to stall finishing these for months now. While at the moment the work i am doing is for free, i am disgusted by my lack of progess and, at times, skill. In pic rel, the left head has been bothering me FOREVER. I just couldnt properly attach it to the rest of the worm. However, i gave myself an hour to simply do the best i could with the placement and called it done when the hour was over. Now i have to clean up the piece and move on the next part. Perhaps the commissioner can find someone to perfect it? But thats okay, im still learning and will get better. No exercise today, just an hour on this.
BASED Krita chad
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Back again wit another sketch. 25 mins for this one. Pic inspiration: https://youtu.be/eAiVgLgSdu0?si=QJtt21vFuV888A7O
How odd that someone so against ai would be inspired by it. I must grapple with the feeling of it. Lol!
Thank you friend. I have never been called based nor a chad before! But yes bless the folks behind krita, as i would not recomment any other free art program so highly!

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No /TRAD/ general? Aight, this will be the trad general. Post your recent trad artworks/WIPs in this thread.

I will begin. Will really appreciate critiques.
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Twisted Tree.

Just an idea that came to me driving through the rocky hills north of Los Angeles. Ink and Paint.
>I want you to make it look like I'm burning in hell.
>Say no more.
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Did a quick watercolor painting today
Very good work, but may I ask what your goal is with this? If this just practice, then doing smaller pieces is much more productive.
That’s amazing anon. He looks bloody based

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I've been an artist my whole life really and I feel like that lifestyle made me soft. Sitting at a computer all day, just drawing shit for clients, all my colleagues/friends are soiboys or women, I don't want to be like them. How can I balance my artistic endeavors with being properly tough?
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I do work out but that's not enough
Look into being a volunteer firefighter
read hemingway + bukowski and copy frazetta
Get into fist fights with homeless women at night
you're posting on 4chin instead of already doing something about it, wtf are you expecting to happen

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I don't understand how can someone have such clean lines using graphite. Everytime I draw my lines end up chunky as hell, is it the pencil? Graphite size? I don't get it
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there's no point comparing yourself to seasoned pros that have been drawing amazing since they started and made money and fame off their art with MOTIVATES and INSPIRES them to be creative and plus ultra. Drawing as a /beg/ with a tablet for no reward while you fight off thoughts of suicide is not even in the same ballpark as what pros do. Of course your lines are going to be worse.
Holy projection, Batman.
I'm .... projecting that horikoshi is a good artist???
That's computer generated.
Mechanical pencil you dumb noob

>random coworker tells me he's an artist
>Ask him about his work which he proudly shows
>I tell him that I'm also an artist and show him mine knowing it mogs his to kingdom come
>He treats me coldly every single time we've interacted afterwards
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Why are you bumping this?
I almost never tell "artists" irl that I do art because of just how significantly I am better at it than them.
its the best thread on /ic/
congrats you're an asshole. Get some social skills. If someone is clearly much worse than you you just compliment them and don't show yours unless asked you autistic moron
and to do it to someone you work with every day is super duper double nigger stupid. You just traded a small moment of smug nerd pleasure for the rest of your time working amiably with someone god how dumb can you be stop taking social cues from 4chan

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Hi /ic/
Can you criticize my silent comic
I still an amateur and developing my skills, practicing every day despite my busy university scheduleand your advices and criticism is really important for me because it's direct and real (not sugar coated like the one's I got from my peers)
Thank you
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You rushed the work here
Like someone to wrap it up quickly
Put more effort in it
Some panels are great
And the others are kinda flat
Try to maintain the same level of details in every panels
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Since I follow the OP
He posted this today with this caption :
"Today is my birthday
I'm always trying to develop my skills in drawing so I can make people happy and in the same time to express a feeling or opinions
That's why to celebrate this occasion, here's a drawing of a girl holding a slice of watermelon

Happy birthday OP

back to r.ddit faggot

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Would you say the Artist 22r is a good drawing "tablet" it seems to have a lot of good features for an insanely low price there has to be a catch no?
no, we already argue about this many times, is the same as cellphones. In phones yes there are shitty models really cheap, all can make calls and do the core part, but in the middle range we already reach a point were all the devices are of the same quality, and the differences are just in the competitive part were brands give or sacrifice some aspects to add to anothers, then you have high tier devices were all of them are the same but they have some, particular, extra, that is not relevant to the core demand, and make a difference, really specialized products or just a bun of extras to pretend.
With drawing tablets is the same but you have just one key core aspect and nothing more, the drawing part, and that's it. We already reached a point were all the devices work good to draw like, since a few years ago, more than a few. My particular opinion... from like, since 2018 more or less, any device after that of the big brands are good, any, I'm not even talking about the drawing part but all the aspects of the devices, because if you talk about just drawing well.... you can draw perfectly with zero problems with devices from like 2014 or even further back in time. The bamboo wacom is from the 2009-10 and works perfectly.

With screen devices, yeah, anything starting around 2018 is good, from apple, wacom, huion, xp-pen, xencelabs, samsung. Of course you can't say the same from some cheap rebrand products or the ones that are specially, specially made to be cheap and short live, like i dont know... ugee, or parblo, even those are
functional, you know... the cell phone analogy.
Have a 24r. Screen is somewhat dimmer with the pre-applied screen protector, colors are good but imperfect.
These non-laminated screens have some deep parallax, setting up calibration helps significantly but it limits you to be the same seated position every time when drawing with the same screen tilt. Not too much of a problem for me since I set it up in a way that encourages good posture. But it is something to keep in mind.
Tilt pressure goes wonky transitioning around the horizontal, as shown in that one video in the drawing screen thread.
Got a couple dead pixels but not too distracting. Calibration is weird around the extreme edges of the screen, but I don't find i typically draw there. Calibration is also strange around the left half's upper middle. Not too bad, but noticeable.
If these are the things you can accept, go for it. But if you're looking for a perfect device, save up for a better brand.

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The Russian academic approach is that you learn to constructively understand things so well that your imagination drawings can be anything you want effortlessly, right?

Makes sense, but proko was trained in the academic style and his imagination drawings suck? He seems to need a model or reference to draw the simplest things
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>Korean names all sound the same "hyung boo woo la wo gon gi"
Koreans are white skinned, charismatic and beautiful, japs are dark skinned, cringe-retarded and ugly, aka jiggers.
Are you just mad that Japan fucked Korea so hard? Koreans and the Japanese are slave workers, the Koreans have it even worse.
After 20 plastic surgeries lmfao
>tinfoil lunatic catalogues random threads going back 5 years
>i-it's all one agent, maaaan,, internet is dead, maaaaaaan!!
Those were randomly fetched with a quick search. Many are missing;I've been there for maybe 5 or 6 years, I saw that thread quite often.

It's not just the that also anon. For example the Sorolla thread, say you report it and for once the janitor did their job. One or two days later you'd see a new Sorolla thread, same pic, and within the first few posts someone baiting the pedo thing again.

Same with the "where the dog at" thread, same with Pollock, etc.

If my memory's correct, there are unarchived /ic/ periods.
Because it's just plain high skill realism.

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share anon art here.
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