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Going to start dumping film scans from my recent trip to Japan that started in February. I've developed most my film, but I still have a handful of b&w rolls to develop. I'll post that stuff if this thread is still up by then.

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God I hate this place. No discussion of the actual photography but as soon as you rats see a black guy you lose your minds.
Whatever you can say about reddit at least they actually talk about the photos on their photo boards.
I like it.
Why's it so soft though?
Get on a random train. Ride it till the end. Walk around a bit. You're guaranteed to find something good to shoot. Especially when you hit small towns.
This is pretty much what I did. I only planned where my accommodation would be, otherwise I just went wherever I was feeling in the moment. I coughed up the money for the 21 day JR pass, so I wasn't afraid of detours. I took the longest route from takayama to kanazawa, and it was well worth it. It was hard to not hit the touristy spots at all as I was a first timer. I've been constantly day dreaming about going back. I really want to hit hokkaido in the summer and do some hiking/backpacking. Something about summitting a 10k in the morning, then going back down the mountain for ramen is super appealing.

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shot at a 30th on accident, I expected a softer image desu

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Anyone have experience with wide primes? I was looking at either the 20mm f2.8 or the newer 20 f1.8
I was previously using a 12-24 f4 but it got damaged so I wanted to try something else

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What's wrong with the 20-35mm?
Not enough range?
Notoriously a soft lens. Not worth what you can get for the same price with nicer lenses
You mean besides the fl range? It’s such a meme lol. Why is everyone making these super weird seemingly pointless “lite” zooms? Canon put out a 24-50, sigma has the old 24-35, are they normie fodder?
I'm kind of leaning towards the Z8 just because it's the second-newest camera in their lineup and the ZF has a fairly deprecated sensor. So does the Z8, but i can live with that for the megapixels and insane stacked sensor performance. I usually make cameras last at least 8 to 10 years, so $3500 ain't too bad.

I might also yolo and get a canon r6 ii instead, though. Feeling spunky.
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OP here I'm glad I ordered the 20mm 1.8 when I did, it arrived just in time for the Northern Lights last weekend.
The 1.8 came in handy for sure. If I had just used my 10-20 f4 lens it would not have looked this great

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Have you ever bought a lens only to return it to the store later because you needed it for a particular event?

I hesitate to do so because I don't need such lenses in the long term, just for special occasions, for example trying to photograph the stars with a lens that costs $2,000 and then returning it afterwards.

Have you ever done this? Because rentals are expensive and too restrictive
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it's doable if you're good at not leaving any traces, and I mean ANY traces.
don't use it for too long before returning it. less than 5 days is ideal.
don't do it too much, else they'll catch on.

t. done this before
Well the jews at B&H are on to your little scheme, and wont be having any of your jewish tricks. …i guess.

You and your jew fetish seem pretty fucking sad desu
Jew fetish?
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Whatcha doin, rabbi?

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They rent lenses you know.

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I was given a 1940s projector and about 2 dozen reels of home movies from 1936-1960s. I want to try recording the picture from the wall instead of sending them in to be digitized (about $1300 for all)
Two issues: the projector has a variable speed knob so there’s no way of knowing what speed it’s running at (fps)
Second: I don’t know what the frame rate is of the captured film, did home portable 16mm cameras have a standard rate?

When I try to capture with my video camera I get rolling bars and blurred frames because the recording frame rate (I set it to 1/30) is out of sync with the projector. Anyone have any advice?
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For me yes, If they were my grandpas movies it would be worth my money but I got these second hand from an estate sale, I’m guessing he’s the kid in these videos. He was 95 when I saw him.
I’m mostly interested in the historical aspect of these, his parents were pretty wealthy in these videos and a lot of places they visit are very different now
After watching almost 4 hours of home movies I feel like this family would’ve been cool to live with lol
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I do have some old reels that came bundled with some gear i bought and it would be cool to see what is on them.

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I didn't realize 16mm frames were so close to each other, I guess it's nice that almost no film gets wasted.
Epson Scan (with V600 and V850 that I have at least) can auto-detect frames from 35mm strips. I wonder if it would be smart enough to detect 16mm frames in the same mode. The 35mm holders hold either 3 or 4 6-frame 35mm strips, so best case you'd have 48 16mm frames per cycle. So at least 2 seconds of footage. But it's at least 5 minutes of work (setting up film strips and scanning itself) per holder, so not really viable. And you'd have to cut the film into strips, too, which sucks.
I wonder if you could build a dslr scanning rig, have reels attached on both sides of lightbox, and have RPi it something controlling motor attached to one of the reels, and automatically trigger the camera too. You could probably automate cropping and exporting the frames to prores or something too. Would be an involved but pretty cool project to do.
>60fps on the projector would destroy it lol.
stop being a pussy, other people have done it
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Life looked good back then. This family has 16mm Kodachrome color video of LA, Florida, Hawaii, Gautemala, Mexico, Sweden and, South America all from the 1940-60s. That alone is pretty neat.

i hate the chinese but fucking hell can they make a good COB this thing has rocked my cock off every single time i've been able to use it

battery sucks though, wish they'd make the entire line v mount compatible

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how do i get more photos of people doing things like this?
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But the street is where the thieves are
Go to another street
use a strap don't be a pussy and don't look like a bitch
Black people will fight anyone, regardless of if they look like a bitch.
Straps don't matter, they'll just sucker punch you while you're trying to compose a shot.

you carry too much fear to be doing anything with street photography. it's all communicated subconsciously when you approach someone. people will think you're a dickhead.

been thinking for awhile about maybe opening up my own Used Cameras Shop but not entirely sure where to start or what I need to do in order to get it off the ground and not just be an idea but a plan I can get into action with
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I live in one of the biggest urban sprawls in this country and there's not even a NEW camera shop that has a large selection within 35 miles of me. There's one closer but they don't have a ton of stuff. I'm not sure that's really a good business move. Refurbishing broken shit and selling at a profit is probably a better business
Nice idea, I wish I had one locally desu. How will you compete with international used marketplaces like MPB for example?
Not him but I imagine the only way a shop like this will survive in current day is to offer socialization, like meeting, workshops, competitions ect. It's the only thing that the internet can't do
desu yeah. Nobody wants to spend money on old outdated technology. I have a camera i got as a graduation present literally ten years ago and i only used it a couple times. Sad, but, my iphone is probably better now. I do like the pictures it took but idk why i would lug around a big huge camera when I already have my phone. I do like my polaroid but i dont have friends so i never use it lmao

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I've selected a couple of photos from this year to share and get some criticism if you guys will
The sequence is not chronological but rather loosely based on themes, whether of subjects or medium experimentations
Anyway, here it is
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oh my, if I were to know how deeply displeased and unsatisfied that random person would be I would never have even taken the lens cap off in the first place, much less would have I taken those photographs

no but seriously, I shoot what catches my attention
so, in short, I shoot what I find interesting, and not what is 'beautiful' or whatever
and those interesting things can be aesthetically pleasing as well, and it's on me as a photographer to portray stuff in a certain light (and it can be pretty or it can be repulsive or whatever)
The dent in the truck photos in the beginning of the thread, for example. It's a dent, it's not pretty, but it makes that truck different from the other ones, and in the context of the photograph I believe I managed to approach it in an aesthetically pleasing way: it has texture, an organic shape that at the same time is conflicting with the sense of 'indestructibility' of a gigantic truck like this one, and also complements its brute aspect

Only shooting conventionally pretty things to me is the equivalent to being a picky eater: it's childish, as if you didn't develop a proper palate, a proper sense of taste
Shooting cats and flowers and little cottages at the hillside can be nice, but only being able to appreciate that is kinda like those kids who only eat candy, cereals and random shit with copious amounts of corn syrup

Photography is not meant to be always pretty, it's a medium to express yourself
You can choose to express a wide range of emotions and impressions, or you can have a narrow and shallow approach of only showing beauty, which is not what I'm aiming for in the first place
>no but seriously, I shoot what catches my attention
Well you must have ADHD
>Photography is not meant to be always pretty, it's a medium to express yourself
Well express yourself man, but I am not seeing any intent with most of these. There is no composition, no playing with light and shadows, they are just photos of buildings probably taken at mid day.

Funnily enough the only interesting photo is your self portrait
Because you did played with the light and tried some perspective.

You wanted to be a /p/oster taking photos of building corners but unironically you might be better at taking portraits.
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>You wanted to be a /p/oster taking photos of building corners but unironically you might be better at taking portraits.
kek I can live with that

>no but seriously, I shoot what catches my attention
>Well you must have ADHD
I like shooting urban scenes and its transformations, and its workers
hence why there are so many photos of trucks and machines and people working and the restoration of the museum etc.

>There is no composition
>no playing with light and shadows
I truly don't take criticism personally, I believe it's great for improving, but would you elaborate on that please?
because I'm honestly searching for some in-depth criticism so that I can think about it (and either incorporate that to my work or not, but at least think about it so that I make more conscious decisions in the future)
But just saying "oh it's bad", "you didn't shoot pretty things" is null
>picrel: pretty things
By unfocused I mean that they're lacking a clear subject. I didn't even notice the couple to be honest.
Try playing around with light in a scene to pull the viewers attention. In general we pay attention to the lightest parts of an image first. If you place your subject there, the viewer will naturally understand the context of what you're trying to show them.

This is tough to do in wide shots, mostly because wide shots are just tougher to get right. The wider the shot the more other things are in the image to distract your viewer.
thanks for the feedback
yeah, sometimes in wide shots it's tough to direct the viewer not only because there may be many things going on at once, but also because we have much less control over light
The most I can do for some subjects is select the time of the day (and the season etc.) that I go to shoot it
If I can't control light, I'll pay more attention to "control the light" in terms of the way I frame it

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Howdy, just posting some pics from Queenstown NZ. It was my first time over there. These are just screenshots of the pictures I took, hence the black borders. Feel free to contribute.
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peak asesthetics
Too visually busy. Bike is annoyingly close to the edge of the frame.
perhaps you can find some bortle 1 sites
Nobody is stealing your photos
>jUsT uSe YoUr PhOnE
You could have had a really cool photo but instead you have over-sharpened, mushy garbage that is more computer generated than optical

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No bait this time, lets just enjoy the different qualities of the two mediums together.

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What film were you using? I quite like the look of it.
gold 200 developed in the cs41 kit accordingly to standard instructions, scanned on a Nikon Coolscan LS2000 and Vuescan, inverted in lightroom with negative lab pro
Other than some troll setting very yellow auto WB on the leica they rook arike
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nah its just me not having an ir cut filter yet, the m8 likes to make fabrics purple and foliage yellow

here, i made an edit just for you, didn't touch the white balance at all, just hue-shifted the yellows into green

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Thanks. I might try to bulk buy some gold when I get back into shooting 35mm. Seems like an acceptable quality alternative to portra without the assrape price.

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I've been trying to get into pinhole cameras lately. Does any anon here ever practiced solargraphy? Need some tips and tricks.
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Here's the one taken with the left one.

Pictures were digitized with a regular DSLR with two lights pointing the photo paper in a 45 degree angle. Exposure checked with a gray paper beforehand.
How long did you expose these for? Judging by the sun rings I'd guess around 3-4 weeks, right? Also, did you develop them or just scanned them as they are?

I wonder where did those white marks come from
About three weeks is correct, since the exposing time was tied to the duration of the course. I scanned them as they were, no need to develop solarographs.
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I know some people do develop solargraphs but if I recall correctly that's if you just use one of those semi-diy pinhole boxes for 20-30 seconds of exposure.
Film photography is chemistry

Obviously I still use my MILC, but literally iphone cameras are fucking perfect for photography in general. You can even shoot RAW and have 3 native focal lengths to choose from (3 different lenses).

If the old magnum photographers could choose between an iphone or their clunky 50s film cameras they would've chosen an iphone 9/10 times.
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gimmicks like this exist now.
Filters and anamorphic lenses to bolt onto your phone to make them look less like ass. They're good fun to play with.

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The only non-nigger manufacturer you're talking about are Xperia phones with their pro camera apps. They even have a two-stage button where a half-press triggers auto-focus (just like a real camera!). Otherwise, you can map the volume buttons but still no AF half-press.
post-processing (typically mitigated by shooting in RAW) and cancerous ergonomics. You have most of the controls available to you on most camera apps these days but you have to use a touchscreen to adjust anything at all.
Also, you look like a sad faggot taking creepshots when using a phone.
>iPhone photo
>Android UI visible
imo, either use your phone or go at least aps-cope/cuck/crippled/cringe/castrated, no point in going below that if you want kinda serious shots

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What is the most hated camera brand?

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naw bro it happens in my 2018 release of camera raw as well so its not just one release
There still is.
Sooc jpeg: soft, zombie colors
Processing foolji raws in any program: a wait, for sure. Why do they take so much longer to load?
Fuji simply because they suck. Its a rare case where there is a such thing as bad gear and a pricy camera actually has worse IQ - such things have been unknown since the death of the canon DSLR.

Fujifags seethe hard about nice gear too, like they think good image quality is a bad thing and you shouldnt even have the option. They are all aged 20-30 and do not know that most film is significantly higher resolutiom than an xt5 because all they ever saw was walmart 4x6s
fuji for sure
looking at brands in terms of general "why would I not use them" points, can think of the most for fuji, but i can also think of a lot of niche "why would I use them" points
they're really only ideal for a very specific set of niche preferences, and sub-optimal for most
other brands feel like their better general purpose options, or have 1-2 clear usage cases
the mass normie popularity (and inventory issues) probably gives a sour grape feel to people who might otherwise be ideal users, similar to leica
definitely seems to inspire the most hate here for sure, its just a shame people cant be honest about the faults without exaggerating or relying on more dubious criticisms

pretty crazy how much the sentiments have changed though, they used to be seemingly universally liked, even here
still one of my favorite brands to use though, but most people are better off looking elsewhere

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mind-bending colour toning edition
Previously: >>4304692

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very cool and well-framed photo anon. I like that every side of the house is captured with something around it (grass, trees or sky) to frame it. you could warm up the white balance a little though to remove the banding around the edges of the tree and the roofline. yeah, I had another look. the white balance is definitely too cold. oh yeah, I also remembered that you should have moved left (maintaining the same distance from the house) to simultaneously elongate the horizontal dimensions of the house and remove the awkward bit of road in the bottom right. still though, you’ve done well to identify this composition anon. well done.
without a word of advice
you should be ashamed of yourself anon.
>inb4 your advice is shit
>inb4 kill yourself
>after <<don’t you have your own website ken?>>
I’m trying something out of the ordinary. if you believe ken’s style (which I’ve never viewed in detail) is so beneath you, do something better than him or shut up. one picture is worth a thousand words (and I have to reiterate this on /p/, the photography board of all places).
Never posting here again was your advice.
Don't feed dogs with edibles anon.

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Hello, I want to start taking pictures but I only have +-200$.
Interested mostly in photography, but it would be nice if it could still shoot video not bad as an add-on

I've seen some videos on YouTube where the GH2 (hacked) showed pretty good quality, is it worth getting it or are there any better choices? What would you recommend for a beginner?

Thanks in advance

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Judging by the replies he was wrong and got btfo hard.
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or what about real camera with phone? (even has built-in selfie camera)

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Kinda cool
That means I always have to carry my camera
>commodified hobbies
I think I've seen that in a Youtube video essay

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