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tell me i hear everything.
5v5 was a good change and don't let anyone blinded with nostalgia tell you otherwise. Nobody played tank and everyone knew it
It could be better to have a 4 vs 4
just sayin
Locking the heroes behind a timesink and a Battle Pass.

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>be me, in overwatch 2 game
>hardstuck gold support player with 1300 hours on mercy gets on mic to shit talk teammates
>dps gets on mic yelling slurs talking about "i am retired with 600k in the bank faggot"
>they go back and forth for half the match about finances and other irrelevant shit
>dps unironically gives his uncle's name and says "look up my uncle pussy he's one of the richest men alive"
>we fucking lose a 2-0 lead as they begin to throw the game
>2-3 defeat
i wish i was making this shit up, why are my teammates always so retarded?
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thats the stupidest thing ive ever heard, no shot the female playerbase of overwatch makes up more than 10% of the total, and the majority of them are probably in bronze if they even play ranked at all.
I think you'll find it's the F2P third worlders, and not the female first worlders. Retard ledditpsacing incel, work on your racism.
Crazy thing is, I've seen women wear the Overwatch logo in public. Only once, and they were as fat and pink haired as you could imagine but I've never seen that with any other game franchise that wasn't pokemon.
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>Plays Overfag 2
>calls other retarded
skill issue

being a team leader is part of team games. you knew it could happen, and you didnt try to stop it

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>Early Access - Friday, June 28, 2024 (2:00 AM PDT)
>Release Date - Tuesday, July 2, 2024
>Promotional Site

>Final Fantasy XVI Collaboration (Until Wednesday May 8 at 7:59 AM PDT)
>Yo-kai Watch Event rerun (Wednesday April 24 at 1:00 AM PDT until Patch 7.0)


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Just choose whatever race, gender, and job that appeals to you more and clear quests, anon. It's one long ride and you want to be comfortable doing it.

You won't need addons.
Is the Chaos/Omega FC active? Looking for one currently
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n i c e
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Everything related to VR multiplayer games is welcome.
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>I spend way too much time dealing with the guns
>contractors and pavlov
Literally how
>the collider grip was so small for the front grip and it completely soured the actual fast paced gameplay.
I wouldn't even call the solution simplified controls. Grip snapping is needed in most VR games to make up for the lack of weight and physical feedback inherent to VR. H3VR at it's worst is jank and frustration, great for slowing the gameplay down but it doesn't feel any more realistic when your magazine flies back out of the magwell because your hand happened to be clipped slightly too far inside the gun.
lining up sights
putting on and taking off body
>lining up sights
>putting on and taking off body
>any tips?
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I think fully extending your front arm is the most common way to aim in VR. Once you've found a comfortable way to aim down sights it's just building up the muscle memory to maintain it without getting tired too quickly. Virtual stock is a good option if you're very shaky or struggling to line up the sights, it works well with the arm extension method but there are some minor downsides to using vstock and it won't feel the same in every game.

Contractors is harder than Pavlov to get comfortable reloading because the virtual vest movement is consistently awkward. I have nearly 2k hours in various vrfps and still often need to look down to find my ammo or grenades in Contractors.
In both games play PvE modes like zombies if you want to get a hang of the guns without being shit on by other players constantly. For PvP play modes with respawns and try to compensate for your weapon handling struggles by using good positioning like using partial cover and having safe routes to retreat.

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Previous >>1205425

Minerals in arms
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People who drink leaf lovers special are alright.
>order leaf lovers.
>r*dditors leave.
It is the best filter tool.
is omen even doable without the engineer platform cheese?
yeah? i mean, assuming you have hands and no debilitating illness preventing you from dodging slow purple lines
>call down resupply pod on the pad opposite the key - this is always the plasma caster pad, and you can stand on top of the resup to safely activate it
>do the same, but instead call molly on top of the pad
>if there's drones, hope & pray
will join later if ur still hosting

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guys hi. please join this server the server ip is constantiam.net
the server version is 1.19.4 and you would need a copy of the game to play on it
i need friends since everyone on the server tries to harass me everytime i join because i destroyed some other dude's items.... please join thanks :)) my name in game is JimmyApe
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I'll play on your server for $5 a week.
i should probably check in on my base to make sure it hasnt been griefed
Who needs friends when you can have minecraft cats :3
Hi guys I am new player can I join?
server is down

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>200% mixed Juice!
>Cheap turn based RPG
>But you can play as a cute little loli
>Online multiplayer
>PVP only

Does a turn based cooperative RPG, where you can play as a cute loli truly exist?
Asking for a friend of course.

No MMORPGs please, any other genre would suffice as a substitute if necessary though.

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>What is Advance Wars By Web?
AWBW is a fan-made site where you can play Advance Wars online against other players from around the world. It is primarily based on and plays like Advance Wars 2: Black Hole Rising with additional elements from Advance Wars: Dual Strike. This includes all units, COs, game mechanics, and more, for a completely unique Advance Wars experience.

AWBW is designed with the 'mail chess' concept in mind, where all players of a match take their turns whenever they are available to do so. This means that games can be played at your own pace, with support available for both short, live games spanning hours at most, or longer-lasting games taking place over the course of days or weeks!
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shame how underrepresented Davis is
I’m only interested in gameplay not coomer slop.
Sure why not
did yellow time out his turn?

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>What is Sonic Robo Blast 2?
Sonic Robo Blast 2, abbreviated as SRB2, is a computer fangame based on the Sonic the Hedgehog series. It is a 3D platformer developed by a group called Sonic Team Junior, using a modified version of the Doom Legacy source port of Doom. It is closely inspired by the original 2D Sonic games for the Sega Genesis and attempts to recreate this style in 3D. Entirely original to SRB2 is its multiplayer mode, a variation on classic first-person shooter games with Sonic elements.

>2.2 Launch Trailer:

>Download The Latest Version:

>Download Older Versions (also includes it's prequel Sonic Robo Blast 1): https://www.srb2.org/download/historic-downloads/

>Places to get mods for the game:
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Mysdick, Slob and Pervy Poo a shit
All hail the NutsJr
If this for DRRR, wrong thread: >>1285103
seeing the mess going on in the sandwichface thread on the mb, i am genuinely concerned for the future for all of srb2.

theres so much shit going on in the background.
all I hope is that SRB2 is good with its new update, I'll stay positive since DRRR is fun. It's frustrating but I keep coming back to it. I'd still prefer they finish the missing zones though!
i definitely want all the stages down before 2.3 but i doubt that

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whats up fuckers
minecraft beta 1.7.3 on eclipsegames.org

no rules

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hello retards
minecraft server running version 1.1
join disc https://discord.gg/zWZ7SB6Ccu
for ip
Discord is shit, no way fag.

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Risk of Rain
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>sunken tombs
thats just a desolate reef fork which is just void locus.
Talked to the creator a while ago and they want to make it an actual stage which is cool. Probably wont happen tho
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plushies and sheit
also host when
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acrid plush (soulless)
this is because the only person actually fucking passionate about modding at all is Rob and he's exclusively a survivor modder and regularly fucks off from nearly all means of contact.
this community sucks dick
Probably most, if not all of them honestly. I don't really see Gearbox killing any of them off with the mostly unserious vibe 2 has going for it and after they already changed 1's canon to have Huntress survive too, with more characters from 1 likely to come back.

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Interaction Speed edition

Game info:
>Dungeons and Dragons-esque PvPvE extraction looter
>Can play in trios, duos, and solos

Playable classes:
>Barbarian, Cleric, Fighter, Ranger, Rogue, Wizard, Bard, Warlock, Druid (releasing soon)

Three areas to explore:
>The Ruins of Forgotten Castle (three maps of progressing difficulty)
>The Goblin Caves (one map)
>Frost Mountains (one of three maps released, WIP)

Playable races:

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not an argument, just admit you're retarded
the game turned to dog anus the moment they introduced solos/multiple maps, but got progressively worse as they added things like AP and free HR and other gay baby shit. you are all truly retarded for continuing to play it. take me back to alpha 5 where everyone got dumped into the same mode and had to dealwithit. simplicity and chaos > gay faggot treadmill meta horsecock discord-monster features for babies.
The AP system was a mistake

holy shit fuck this gay ass game like actually fuck this game into a grave
>He didn't already know there was a leaver penalty
So then the people crying about the game actually just don't play it, understood. This has been my suspicion for a while as there were people(probably you) complaining about ruins non-stop. This thread and their discord are the exact same thing (:

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MMO beta in 11 days, If you know, you know.
enjoy the crypto miner launcher
shut up butt-rice
Is there any other pages on the site?
Only ones I've seen are /begin.html /hope.html /faq.html and /wander.html
Any proof this is real? and not >>1288870

Halo has fallen , Microsoft killed it , 343 killed it , their greed , they where blind , no one will ever buy a halo game again thanks for their bad decision making destroyed the franchise , they gotta pay for their sins , they took from us one of the greatest games ever now gave us shitty Micro transactions

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MMC Halo 3 is just annoying sometimes. I dont know if people are just better now but BR starts are utter cancer. The only playable mode is Auto Slayer.

Even then it just feels like...halos sandbox is vastly overrated a majority of the guns are kinda ass outside of power picks.
Non-power weapons post Halo CE have been basically useless all the way up until Reach with some minor exceptions (notice how the Bruteshot and Grenade Launcher both aren't necessarily power weapons but are really solid if you can get good with them?), and even CE had a useless needler. But man, quick camo with plasma rifle + it could headshot + rotation and movement stun, that weapon was a monster. AR shredded people up close, Fuel Rod was never on original Xbox but it's probably the best iteration of the Fuel Rod Gun.
I’m with you. Halo went from great (1&2) to terribad.
I've never played another game where the ranked/competitive mode wasn't just the regular game but with MMR. Is this not normal in COD? I can't even find a ranked match in halo infinite there's not enough players, who is it that wants this?
this is retarded. in actual competitive games no one would use any of the other weapons anyway. It might be fun to blow someone up withe the needler but its just not something you'd pick up in a serious match. I also don't fucking want to use an AR basically ever as it's boring and takes exactly 0 skill to use with matchups being decided on who shot/meleed first.

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