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What year did you join roblox in, and what was your "go-to" game of that era? Feel free to respond even if you're a filthy newfag.
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If you're willing to put in the effort for ~500-1000 videos, you could take recordings from your viewers as well, that way it becomes a megacompilation of its own.
But all in all, not a bad idea by itself.
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>had this image saved since 2020
i think i predicted the future by downloading this funny image ages ago
is there any way to get my copyrighted t shirts and clothing deleted before i get caught in the next DMCA wave? ive archived all i could and backed up all my old models locally and replaced them with blank gray parts but there doesnt seem to be any option to get rid of clothing or other certain assets in the develop tab like "images". id rather not get my entire account nuked for a t shirt of kirby i uploaded a decade ago.
carter didn't get aids though?
kuz did thoughbeit

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>What is Lost Ark
A free-to-play MMO ARPG set in a vast, vibrant world with thrilling fights, endless customization, and endless adventure.

>What is Lost Ark really
A misunderstood game. It's not for everybody but the people who do like it, like it a lot. If you want to play a PvE action MMO with the best raids and combat in the genre, Lost Ark might be for you.

>I have questions
Ask in the thread and someone will assist you.


>In-game Chat
Make an alt on the server of the chat owner, send a mail saying you want to join and include the name of your main.

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Oh I'm dumb. I meant Slayer.
But I'll join the discord though
NAE: discord.gg/W8gvrvs5
EUC: discord.gg/TCtba93y
hmmm nyo i don't think i will be joining
animal print underwear is the most trashy desu, still love the curves
Can I get more booba? I need to tribute something quick

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A thread to discuss (the absolute state of) Space Station 13 (SS13)
Space Station 13 is a round-based, multiplayer role-playing game set on a chaotic metal deathtrap masquerading as a space station. Do your job and try to survive, or get picked to be an antagonist and sabotage the crew!

Played on the BYOND Engine, install it to play - http://www.byond.com/
SS13 Hub servers: https://www.byond.com/games/Exadv1/SpaceStation13
/tg/station website: https://tgstation13.org/
/vg/station website: https://ss13.moe/
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Same thing happened with Bay, IIRC. I think there was nobody from Bay 12 by the end.
>the old community will never return to the game

"The old community" are the trannies that have ruined the game. Everyone that didn't go crazy from being terminally online got a life.
SS14 is releasing from play test in a couple months and consistently has maxed out servers. It's unironically saving the game by bringing in young blood that aren't middle aged adults corrupted by 15 years of chatroom mental illness immersion.
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There's been talk on some servers about trying to get new players and a new audiences, but does SS13 really need that? Sure, the player count has been dropping, how how many of these new players are going to have a net positive impact? Keep in mind they're likely going to be a full decade younger than the player base from the golden age of SS13.
I think some of the old players who left would return if there was a server that wasn't filled with nu-SS13 bullshit codebases, rules, players, and admins. /vg/ is the closest there is but it's not perfect.
At the moment nothing has seemed to come from that one vtuber who streamed on TGstation, thankfully, because vtrannies are cancer who would only make the game even worse. I commemorate those Terry players who ate bans to grief the vtuber and spam her with nigger. I hope one day they get unbanned and the TG administration team properly thanks them for their service, and doing the job they wouldn't do.
>I commemorate those Terry players who ate bans to grief the vtuber and spam her with nigger
Is there a video of it?

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Have cheaters essentially ruined FPS games for anyone else as well? Years back I enjoyed playing PUBG, but then it got ruined by an influx of an unholy number of cheaters. I used to like playing Siege too, but cheaters at higher ranks and ubisoft's retarded decisions rendered the game basically unplayable for me. Same situation with Hunt and higher ranks too, it's all either cheaters or rats, or both. Got into Tarkov a couple years back, but it turned out the EU region in that game is one giant farm for Chinese RMT cheaters, there also isn't any matchmaking in Tarkov, meaning cheaters play in the same lobbies as shitters and aren't put in high containment ranks. Bf1 used to be great as well, but so many servers specifically in the EU region seem to be filled with either cheaters or high level sweats who have all meta guns unlocked these days.

Don't even get me started on games like CSGO/2 and Warzone.

The only shooters that I found have very few/almost no cheaters are HLL, Squad and Insurgency, but these games are really boring and heavily promote camping due to their low TTK. There are also no meaningful progression/goals in these shooters, essentially you just camp around, rack up kills and don't really get anything for it, besides some xp/points that let you unlock cosmetics.

Basically at this point I'm pretty much completely out of fun games to play.
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didnt know you could shoot through this glass
Why does that look like some Chink mobile game lmao
Wait is cheating also a problem on console multiplayer?
Yeah, we had devices for year that can intercept the controller signal.
thing is, the threshold for buying a device is infinitely higher than downloading some free bot software on your pc.

the hard reality is that consoles are your best bet for any multiplayer game. so much for "pc master race". When I play souls pvp for 2 hours on pc, i get 4 or 5 cheaters. on playstation i've yet to meet one.

as others have said, it is a cultural and generational problem. you used to get chewed out or your teeth kicked in if you cheated irl. online shields all repurcussions.

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Welcome to Alacity, a world where you have full control over your actions. The server has been online for coming up to 2 years, with over 30,000 people joining at least once. Enjoy raiding, griefing and building bases, and doing pvp with other players. The server is running on version 1.20.4, and you can connect with 1.12.2 and above. The IP to connect is alacity.net.

Formerly Wiimmfi's

Wiimmfi (Nintendo WFC Revival):
For DS, use:
>a WEP or unprotected network (guest network or secondary router)
>an unprotected mobile hotspot
and set one of these as your Primary DNS (both connect to Wiimfi):

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they very much look like that
>The backlight was a game changer in several regards
Obviously, I'm not defending non-backlit Jewtendo products, but devs had to work around that limitation, hence the saturated colors.
It wasn't a limitation for devs at all. It was technological limitation at its core, something that simply wasn't advanced enough to get there, afaik. at least it wasn't around back then otherwise lots of people would have ended poor from all the batteries those handheld would eat.
can you guys makes qr codes for virtual console for super mario /v/orld for o3ds
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>mfw you only need to download the firm then luma will enable a switcher for you to select what firm you want to launch
>you can have godmode9 and openagb just fine togheter
I guess... I can now finally play gba natively without faggotass dark filter and without taking home menu space slots with a long wait to launch. Learn from my mistakes, /vm/

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Is it possible to enjoy MMORPGs as a functional adult?

pic related
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It's pretty good, especially if you're willing to use a mic and team up with randoms.
I logged in today for the first time in 6 months, assisted some dudes build a thing then squaded with them for 40 minutes, planning attacks and watching their backs - was great fun and very easy to get into.
Some battlefronts can be terrible - particularly bridge stalemates - and dying over and over again can be frustrating, but when you finally get the artillery needed to break through it's a great experience.

A single player can turn the tide of a battle with use of scouting and map markers to direct other players.
What would be reasonable expectations as to when Riot's MMORPG and fantasticpixelcastle's "Ghost" will be released?
>each taking a tax on your loot
This sounds like it'd be a very bipolar system. Groups will either take no tax, or they will take as much as they can.
>anyone setting up a checkpoint would actually have to man it.
People will not want to do this and they'll just sit afk at the checkpoint. If it requires button presses, it'll be botted.
anyone remember this really obscure japanese(?) action-rpg mmo? completely forget what it's called. i know it wasn't dragon nest, at least
I wake up at 8, and usually start having free time around 5 or 6. I don't go to bed until about midnight (7-8 hours of sleep on average), which leaves me plenty of time to do things besides chores.

Even then, if you have time for games, an mmo is just a game you play for a few weeks at a time. The decent ones these days don't expect more than that, unless you *want* to put the time in.

Conan Exiles bread

Age of War Chapter 3 is out, and it's Funcom's finest mess yet, just in time for the devs' holiday leave.
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yeah, seems likely. The current chapter being god themed and how we were supposed to fight gods in purges
farting build
RIP tsw
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What feats should I focus on first?

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NEOTOKYO° is a multi-player first person shooter that provides a visceral & realistic combat experience in a rich futuristic setting.

The game is a standalone Source mod, so you don't have to own HL2 or Source SDK to play.


There is always a game every Friday evening, around 18:00 UTC, and there's always a possibility that a game is going on during weeknights and the weekend.
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How sweaty / competetive are these games?
I've played NEOTOKYO before a couple times years back, how have things changed?
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I'm a pretty average player and I manage to do alright.
The support class can shut down sweaty recon and assault players pretty well.
There is a dedicated competitive scene for the game if you're into that.

I don't think much has changed, the game doesn't receive any updates other than new maps made by the community.

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Is it worth it?
I've played EQ a bunch in 99, and I've always wanted to go back.
TLPs are lame and gay, with krono bots and retarded redone zones.
Project Quarm has none of those issues, plus coins have weight and other neat classic shit.
But now I have a level 10 Druid, and the reality of the difficulty is setting in, and it has occurred to me this server is full of EQ autists. The world feels less magical with all these people talking in depth about the mechanics.
Do I really want to commit my time to this?
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the gofundme goal has been doubled quarmsisters, hop to it!
Daily reminder that you can play on this server without interacting with or giving any money to the admins
>He reverted it back to Gypsy.
no he didn't
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>replaced all references to gypsies with "consortium"
>people actually play on this server
lmao explain yourselves Quarm sisters
>replace Gypsy but not Kodiak
That makes no sense. Kodiak Bears are called that because they're from Kodiak Island in Alaska. So if they're going to remove a Earthly cultural ethnic term like Gypsy, why not that?

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Wakfu has a mono-account server, there's a guild on INT1, inquire within the thread.

Helpful links.


>Dofus Retro
Sub is required, soul is priceless.

Helpful links.

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Imagine Dofus with Waven art...
>inb4 just wait for Unity
Never ever.
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Wow, that's kinda sad.
That just Steam and not people playing from the Ankama Launcher, but I won't bet it goes past 500
Technically the gameplay is fine but... that's literally it. Doesn't feel like anything besides a super casual mobile game, it's not even a gacha. Character progression is very limited, you do your build, then what? Make other builds? Sure for some people that's fun. But the game intentionally kneecaps cosmetics for paid skins, so no hats or player customization. The game itself is a grind to even get upgrades/level up. The whole dungeons things is literally a grind, just a progressively harder one to unlock the next level.

Dead project. Total waste of resources. Cute but not sustainable and not a good live service game worth supporting. "Side activities"? They could just tack that onto their other games like Dofus already and it'd do it better.

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Anyone still playing Arma 3 or Arma reforger?
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It's difficult because the Xbox players are usually high as fuck, a child, or an idiot that shoots you because they can't tell friend from foe. I haven't found anyone doing actual scenarios or events though, it's always been a locked server for members only but we're still just playing the GameMaster/Zeus mode.
>Xbox players are usually high as fuck
This, holy shit everytime I try to strike a conversation with a player during transport some guy will be high from weed. Why are Xbox owner stoners?
Well they have the stock but not the handguard.
>download the reforger experimental
>ai driving is actually not bad now
>dare I say even good
Actual W for BI
How rare

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The EU server opens on the 29th.
Which weapon are you going to fame up first?
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To be fair, recalling to bank when you are in a party is always a selfish move unless you lootsplit. You did the right thing.
You're a cuck for giving someone else your property. You know that? You're a prey animal. You're a victim. You were virtually raped and mugged. Some smelly brown man has your shit.
Do you still live in a car?
I don't know man, it's a psychological thing I guess. I went in wearing a set worth fuckall, and I treat found but not yet banked loot as something that could be mine, I'm not attached to it emotionally. I used to play enough DayZ and Tarkov to know no gear is every really "mine", it's just my turn with it. The combat fame was nice though (which was the main point of us going to the mists in the first place).

As for the projecting with the cuckoldry shit, once again, I wouldn't know.
The other day I put on one of your recent videos as background noise, and you were talking about how you might have to find a job because the Albion videos don't pay nearly enough. I hope it all goes well for you, Benji.

>inb4 if you don't care about it why did you make two posts and get so defensive about it
I just wanted to bump the thread I guess.
I'm not Benji you nigger.

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Anyone playing on any of the private servers, Homecoming, Thunderspy, Rebirth, etc.? Made any meme characters or cool OCs you want to share?

Please no server feud autism.
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Your ideal solution is the dumbest fucking thing I've ever heard.
Is it? NCSoft are greedy shitheads, but they at least paid employees are frowned upon for meddling in games.I'll take a bored Korean GM with zero interest in City of Heroes as an impartial leader over community run server jannies who regularly break private server rules and play favorites with their butt buddies. I'm looking at HC, but I have no doubt it's an epidemic in any and all private servers - CoH or otherwise.
You're a dumb retard and favoritism happens even if employees are paid. Your solution would be a faster death sentence for this game than it already is. HC getting involved with NCSoft is already fucking stupid and you want to take it to the next level.
You stupid fuck, the genie is out of the bottle. Anyone can host a server now. That said an "Official", NCSoft run server would bring back old players who would officially hear about the game and not be run by social outcasts, troons and retards.
You'd rather the game be run into the ground again by the fucking indifferent Koreans that shut it down in the first place? You really are the dumbest mother fucker I've ever seen. Oh wow City of Heroes is official! Now we can enjoy pay-to-win micro transaction and wait for the inevitable shut down again while the Koreans add nothing new to the game and just keep it around with a skeleton crew. So now instead of the game being run by people who actually like the game it's run by a corp who don't give a shit, sounds a lot like HC actually.

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Level down: >>1261488
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Can i just pretend to know whats going on and start a hnm ls?
On Horizon? Not a chance, you need a fucking mega corporation to get a claim
Yes ask flonnezilla.
Shouldn't have said nigger or harassed staff in tickets
for me it's SIRD but I respect you

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