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>Breaking news:
CONTAINMENT in-game event is live and running until April 16th
YEAR 9 roadmap has been revealed. 2 new operators, 2 operators completely reworked.

>Latest news:
>Official news:

>Marketplace (early access, approval needed)
Full launch during Season 2

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>G2 and Geekay out
lol kino
2.0 champs probably isn't but Plat/Emerald is generally dogshit in every game with ranked.
Ideally I actually want to stick in Plat/Em anyway because the second I hit Dia/Champ it's just going to be a cheatfest
The problem is teammates never capitalize on it
I can confirm she can but you have an extremely small window to do it.
What the FUCK do I put in the next predictions?

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I am pretty old school, I cannot stand for microtransactions or pay to win games. I never got to play EverQuest but have heard great things. I loved Final Fantasy XI and pre-combat Star Wars Galaxies. World Of Warcraft was fun back in the day but it has changed so much.
Guild Wars 1 was neat for what it was. I have tried brushing up on some up and comings that are featured on MMORPG.com but nothing really feels epic enough.
Is the genre dead or is there a future?
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Are there any MMOs that aren't gay?
Blizzard is run by fags and FFXIV is literally Biden Voters: The Game.
not osrs sorry
>FFXIV is literally Biden Voters: The Game.
God damn, I can just tell you're an insufferable faggot.
I've been having a lot of fun diving into older MMOs. There are so many with a few hundred players active that you can mostly still play entirely. It's fun hopping on for a few weeks and interacting with these dudes. My favorite ones I still make efforts to login every now and then to play. I actually picked up Mabinogi through this and it replaced my main MMO at that point and I've been playing it for about a year now.

In the future I think there are games to look forward to. Archeage 1 was fantastic early around Alpha period. Beta was good and so was launch but it went downhill. They knew that's where the game was most successful as they tried to launch restarts all the time.
So they announce Archeage 2 which will probably take all the good ideas of 1 and learn from the many, many, many mistakes,

Bright Shores is a new game from the Runescape people. I've not looked into it at all and don't plan to. I want to play it to make my opinion rather than seeing it all in previews. Similar to how I played Runescape. I have high hopes.

There's also a bunch of smaller indie MMOs I think could be worth trying like Monsters & Memories.
I am hoping star citizen turns out to be good but I don't have high hopes that they will figure out how to make it a cohesive and enjoyable experience.
At the moment it's just a bunch of interesting but buggy mechanics and features cobbled together in a vacuum and doesn't have enough players per server nor enough engaging interactions between said players to be considered an MMO despite the universe being a fully persistent world without load screens or instances.

> onionmc.net

> no usernames
> total anonymity
> IRC-style chat
> total freedom
> no logs, hosted in moldova
>see yuri kuznetsovjak bart simpson
sounds gemmy

you now remember rift mmo
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I liked it, shame it's apparently impossible to make a private server for.
Loved this game back when it was current. Had the server first Greenscale kill as part of Hext on Alsbeth.
I loved this game around 2010 and it's a shame it's dead
The tougher 'heroic' versions of dungeons were cool because they actually added a new area, thematic with the location, and more enemies/new boss. The 10 man raids were cool because they were alt-timeline, 'what-if' scenarios.
Because they turned it into a P2W game. This is the first game where I encountered the F2P/P2W concept and it's not even a PvP game or anything.

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Have been getting back into this game with an experimental setup, it gets a bit fucky depending on how much water is available but in general it's the most fun I've had since the sequel launched (it helps that they've fixed the networking problems)
lmk if you're interested in playing together ^_^

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Do we still have people playing?
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Move kharazim to support
>Man, I didn't realize I had spent as much time with abathur as I did compared to so many other characters, and I think I suck shit with him.
Said every Abathur in NA
>8 deaths alarak
that guy was a faggot all along and showed his true colors
all valla players are ugly trannies

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>What is this?
Korean anime-styled battle royale with moba controls/skills. Currently 8 squads of 3 for a total of 24 players per game but they may bring back solos and duos in the future. Game has been in early access for a few years and version 1.0 has officially launched on July 20th, 2023. Ranked season 3 started March 2024.

>Steam Link


>Eternal Return 1.0 Animation Intro (Full Ver.)

>Dr. Nadja's Beginner Guide

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t. fragile masculinity
>pick male
>rape your bitches
>sent back you to the lobby
ok sea
I accept your concession
Chiara Rape
>can't even type properly
you're not a male

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>What is this place?
A small survival server that started a few years ago (early/mid 2019). Most of the players who play on this server are either from Ukraine, Russia and America. Due to it's players wildly different demographics, the minecraft server is extremely chaotic and edgy. Complete anarchy.
The Discord's moderation is also kept at the bare minimum!
It supports minecraft 1.5.2-1.18, so you have a little choice there (even though 1.5.2 is objectively the best :)

>IP: betachy.eu
>webpage: http://web.betachy.eu
>Dc: https://discord.com/invite/KqZ796f
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Most newfags here are from second world countries like : spain, and russia.
-But I've managed to find people from US and build a big base together ..........
Server is ideal for people who long for old times of Simple Minecraft !

US. players who want to have a good time , are very much welcome.
No thanks

Are anons interested in playing some SWAT 4 Coop/PVP?
Yes. Steam/Discord/Some means of adding you? I'm busy most of the day for mother's day but would be super down to play when I'm back home. Ground Branch also maybe?


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/mmcg/ is hosting another modded Minecraft server, see
This time, it's based on TerraFirmaCraft, a mod all about primitive technology.

From the modpack's ATLauncher page:

This pack aims at providing a complete, believable and smooth experience from stone age to interstellar travel, with heavy engineering content in mind and guided with quests and manuals.

Survive, mine, craft, design your base and your automations, manage your power generation and consumption, shape the world with your hands and in the end create the massive factory you have dreamed of.

This pack provides many unique challenges in automation, as there are no magic block which can solve every problem. You will need to use all available tools, transport belts, trains, servos, redstone gates, or even computers to control them all

The gameplay can be identified with a few “ages”:
- Stone age to Bronze age provided by vanilla TFC.

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are you guys up for dawmcraft or atm 9?
you hosting? also dawncraft
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waiting for the moon landing
noone else is joining so i'm mostly just fucking around with opencomputers instead of blasting off solo
what the fuck is that page 11

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>mfw am too afraid to join, let alone speak in VC when i see a bunch of people online and playing together on the pisscord server im on
>brain tells me that even if had the balls to join, then it would be pointless anyway since i'd probably just get talked over and ignored
I can't believe i have devolved so much as a human being that just joining a voice chat session is a near impossible task for me to undertake. I see everyone having fun in the party /v/an group chat and i refuse to partake because i know i'll probably either be a laughing stock or ignored. It literally never fucking began for me holy shit.
youre overthinking yourself into a fucking ditch right now

you can be in vc and be quiet. Join, say hi and then answer questions.. you dont have to say anything else if you're uncomfy and get a feel for the people you're around. Doesnt have to be that deep

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How do people alt in Foxhole?
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dead game
dead general
The game perpetually surfs around the 2-3k player level because that's the maximum player count before queues start getting unbearable
Below 2k players the game gets dangerously close to being fun what with having access to comp fields and no queues on frontlines, so people start playing more until the pop issues naturally correct themselves
It's why I'm coping that the air update adds more servers for the air hexes so the population can increase a bit more but I know it will be a dead-on-arrival clannie only toybox like naval was.
>Decide to play back in january.
>Its great but nothing really happens.
>Get kinda bored but keep playing until February.
>Hear about this thing from Blizz.
>Get sucked into WoW's new thing, Season of Discovery.
Every. Single. Time. I feel bad.
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Imagine playing nu-wow while bitching this game is boring.
hello? chip on your shoulder central? what? I've arrived? great!

UkraineRP in garry's Mod is back....

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ITT: Random browser games you and maybe 15 other people know about
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Not one person mentioned well of souls? Jesus christ man I really don't belong here anymore
shame about all the grind to unlock new cards
Torn City, but its actually incredibly active with over 40k daily players and 8k online at all times, super PvP focused.
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You actually don't need to unlock anything. Let's say I have all the cards and you don't, we share card pools. You might get some of the cards I've unlocked in your shop, and vice versa. The only downside is that you can't "uncheck" cards you haven't unlocked.

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