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Am I too late?
Its taking me around 20 minutes to find a match late at night in NA.
Am I learning a dying game? Any advice for a new player?
I figured I'd try each hero at least once before deciding on a main
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you can also see up the pillars if you move right up next to them and know where to stand, but shit's risky. dont do it if some of the enemies are missing on the minimap.
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or just picrel and every match just turns into a botmatch with somehow even more retarded AI
Heres the Actual 2 ways to use manta
>1, Bait out initiators
Use manta in trees and control one illusion to attack the creep wave, works better if your tower is already getting pressured
>2, purge silences
This is mostly why manta is bought, dispell roots, silence, fight-changing debuffs like meld, etc. so you can get your abilities off and sustain fights
I am trying different heroes and learning stuff with ai matches, not sure if want to go into some player games and see how they can be even more brainless
>pick razor
>lose game
every time

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Why do modern multiplayer games feel like a second job? It's been so long since I actually had fun.

Everything is battle passes, dailies, ranked climb, FOMO, manipulative algorithms, skin economy, anticonsumer practices, deceptive marketing, prolonging gametime, EOMM, bad mechanics, etc.
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sea of thieves also springs to mind
Speaking of board games, Talisman('s base game) is going f2p on the 23rd.
it's just a microtransaction haven with contrived excuses to create the suggestion of a game
shame talisman sucks but hey at least it's suckage you dont have to pay for
>it's just a microtransaction haven with contrived excuses to create the suggestion of a game
>never added a level booster
yeah pretty much

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>What is Ninjala?
Ninjala is a free-to-play arena brawler where you face off against other players using special weapons, skills, and green cum gained from magic Ninja Gum.
>Is there single player content?
Yes, although you do have to purchase it. Ninjala is primarily a PvP game.

>Official Websites

Anime Episodes, Manga Chapters, and More: https://pastebin.com/xVggDhQ6


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Where is my free jala?
GungHo can't afford free jala anymore, please understand
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don't worry anon, if you put your ninja through this official GungHo(TM) Jala hole, you can get up to 1000 jala for free!
you just have to get your ninja to crawl through the very tight Hole(TM) for the free jala
No Ulterior Motives guaranteed
Wow, what a deal! I'm glad GungHo is finally giving the players what they want.

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Booba edition:

>What is Vintage Story?
Medieval block autism

What is a hobby you picked up irl with inspiration from vintage story?
For me it was brewing.

>What’s New?
Not much. Ded hours. A few people went back to og. A few to random servers from the official nigcord. Wigger made an anarchy server that only he plays.

>Do I have to play the listed servers to post here?
No. Singleplayer lads are welcome too, just try and keep it civil and avoid dick-cord talk.
>Servers: NOTE - No servers with discord will be posted in these threads. If you can prove a server listed has a discord I will remove it. If you make a server with no discord I can add it, otherwise, discord posts are off-topic to the thread.

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In regards to prospecting, the only metric worth paying attention to is the qualitative descriptor as for whether to mine or not. The percentage just gives you an estimate on how much there could be.
Cave diving and occasionally doing a node search is the best way to find shit imo
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>open vintage story in memory profiler
>80% of it is vectors as classes
OOP causes braindeath
tell it to tyron in exactly as detailed a post at that (it'll let us laugh)
good programmers don't make games because they can just get a much better paid job with less work hours that doesn't include geting berated on the internet by know-it-alls constantly

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So, is Guild Wars 2 worth playing? The only MMO I've ever put significant time into is SWTOR and I've always been interested in trying it out. Any other MMOs worth trying out, like say Elder Scrolls Online?
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>Reminder that Taimi has been dying for 12 years
Haven't we all??
Also reminder ANet completely memory holed Magdaer.
Man I really tried getting into GW2, but I just did not like the combat. I found it very surface level and repetitive. It's a shame because I really like everything else about the game. Great music, fluid movement, fun exploration, and it just feels like an actual MMO with a ton of shit to do.

And one of the factors that eventually got me stayed alongside the game was community. Ask anything on /map, let that be your most petty problem you have encountered, there will always be people coming to aid. Also all big group events (METAs) are filled with life and interactions. The somehow still living optimism I have been seeking all along after going for WoW raids on the nine millionth private server already kek

Besides that, I think the most of endgame time is filled with mastery grind, collections grind (including Legendaries here), and finally some harder combat in raids and higher fractals.

But as a player preferring solo content... you must stick to open world pve then, and there aren't enough events to keep you hyped in the long run. Unless you are a story and atmosphere sucker like me - but then it might be better to look for other alternatives. (I am currently trying out SWTOR and its stories, for instance.) At this point I have done most shit in the game and I only log in once for stacking up Wizard's Vault rewards in every season and giving help to folks I know and currently playing the game. Sometimes I go back on alts re-experiencing the adventure in core Tyria maps but I will never be able to discover the world as I have done it for the very first time.

GW2 is literally the MMO for social butterflies hah

it's fine. being b2p means you can always come back, no stress due to gear decay either. what does suck however is the price for the seasonal content if you've never been around at their release or rerun. sadly, story is garbage mostly and decent at best, maps and mounts are really superb and the game's strongest point. combat is alright, action camera mode is very enjoyable. community is super friendly and helpful. everybody in the main hub looks like a fucking clown because of shiny cosmetics. pvp is good, i hate pvp yet played nothing but pvp for months. i haven't even done any group content because i can't stand talking to people, i hate mmos with a burning passion, the game is very solo friendly. the cash shop is of course filled with shit and "pay for convenience" but none of it is truly needed and at least you can buy its currency with ingame gold.

eso is a worse version of gw2 with a tes skin like swtor is wow with a sw skin. i played this trainwreck at launch. the famous angryjoe review holds still true to this day, don't be fooled by redditors who call themselves tes fans. sure, they "improved" the game by making it less shit, doesn't mean it's "good". eso is a fucking disgrace. it's a hideous loooking game that lacks artistic direction. the armors are all painted on your skin with floppy floating parts attached to it to simulate depth. the animations are horrendous. the horses look like stuffed animals. the combat is very bad, it's floaty and lacks impact. the effects look extremely pathetic, too. oh, and everything is monetized, from fashion to content to storage space, it feels very crippling and is quite expensive. the game's balance is all over the place, too. you constantly have to deal with absurd nerfs and insane design overhauls that nobody asked for. its story, lore, setting shits on everything you knew before. if you can ignore that it's "decent" enough on its own due to the sheer amount of voiced dialogues and regional quests.

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Now that the dust has settled... what do we think of Seon and the Anniversary? New expansions are always great since that means more toys to play with but I don't agree with them pushing a stronger emphasis on custom epics and bringing back hell mode to facilitate (lol) the process. The Anniversary did help give out two (2) guaranteed 4/4 pieces but if you didn't have enough 3/4s already the results won't be significant enough to warrant a switch from a fixed build. Maybe it's because I'm a lucklet and call it cope but I'll stick with Archon so I can turn my brain off and unga bunga through dungeons, thanks.

The other Anniversary rewards were helpful too and just as you expected from every year. Geared an alt with the free rare clone avatar and emblems, topped off with the fabled +13 weapon ticket which boosted their fame rather quickly. Now I can larp as a chink whale with that sweet sweet sweet pink glow.
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you can solo everything in the game except for bakal raid. there's a weaker version of it called total war that gives less materials but with enough clears you can buy all your fusion armor pieces
thanks, cutie.
one more question, does the game support 4k yet? last i played it only had 800x600
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800x600 is the native resolution but yeah it should work if you do fullscreen or window(free) and adjusting it by dragging the screen. there's a detailed page on resolution changes about a year ago somewhere i'll see if i can find it.
i finally found it or so i thought... not only was it hidden somewhere completely unrelated but i was wrong about resolution it's just a bunch of options for the chat window. still a nice feature
Yes, and it has decent support for widescreens, but you want to stick to a multiple of 600(height) so the sprite-work doesn't look blurry as shit.

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I know there have always been cheaters in the game, but nowadays I encounter one every three games, and it's impossible to play the game. The worst part about it is that after the match against me, they will keep playing because they know that VAC won't do anything about it. The player in the screenshot, for example, has a 3-year-old account and started cheating after only 2 rounds. He probably has been cheating for years, but there's nothing I can do about it. I don't know if the reports send go directly to a shredder machine or what.
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>4 man from mexico on my team in premiere
>they are too stupid to ban the enemy team's best map for some reason
>we obviously lose
>they report me
>2 day cooldown
what the fuck , uninstalled.
Big sad but Big true. This has become my stance as well. My dream was to go pro too but had to swallow that black pill.
Reminder that cheaters always have the advantage against anti-cheat programs. It's not like Valve can just push a big button that says "Stop cheaters". https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SgkgsgaBBCA And just remember, whatever super big brain idea you have either will not work, or can actually be used by the botters/cheaters to get rid of legitimate players.
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>be me
>play wargame lobby
>russian pre-team blatantly maphacks to arty our cvs on a large map
>call them faggot niggers
>get banned for 3 months

this is literally all online gaming now
>youtube being spammed wtih valve banning cheaters shill videos
>every other premier lobby has at least one sussy fag in it

it would probably take less than a minute of some valve employee spectating a match to ban the obvious ones but who cares just keep buying keys guys!!!!

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A vanilla 1.20 Paper server, open to JAVA from 1.18.2 And above or Bedrock clients, even pocket edition.

Pirate and cracked friendly, with chat reporting disabled for those who want to avoid Mircrsift's ever worsening tactics.

A server with obsene amounts of lore, a few adminstrators come and gone, and a recent bout of cancer now in remission, we present you /v/craft! Now in it's fifth year!

Current map opened June 2021 (1.17), and expanded with fresh 1.20 terrain. End and nether are trimmed periodically.

JAVA - mc.chimpout.club:25600
Bedrock (all others) - mc.chimpout.club:19132
Map - http://mc.chimpout.club:9788/

>How to can I join?
Official and pirated clients can join in without issue... unless you can't figure out how to make a password for your player on the server.

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no thanks, I'd rather play on a dead server than with you insufferable faggots
The server should get get a world reset
The map should be extended 500 blocks in all directions but only cherry blossoms should spawn there resulting in a pleasing pink border the whole way around the map
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da bes minecraf server on v
unfortunately not many people here play minecraft, and would-be newer players are going to more heavily shilled servers instead :(
When browsing /v/ I see new minecraft server popping up and shilled every week or so.
It's been almost a year when I joined /v/craft. It was pretty smooth so far, the last thing I want is server going down in flames and losing all build progress

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You guys you know any good free MMORPG?
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FF14's free trial is more generous than OSRS's.
I like haven and hearth, fun for a month
one good free, please
How the fuck do you even function? Go play some shitty overcrowded wow private servers, you will fit right in with such attitude.
Retail Mabi is weirdly active right now. Server feels pretty full becasue they merged all the servers into one a while ago. Apparently global is pretty small compated to the korean server though.

I'm enjoying Retail so far, for what its worth.

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Welcome to the thread for the one and only MMO that let us explore and play in J.R.R. Tolkien's world.

I've been replaying it for a few weeks on Landroval with a friend now. We got to Evendim the other day. I've also been grinding professions like a madman to keep up with our level since quest gear seems to be mostly trash compared to crafted one. We're playing on Fearless for landscape dificulty but even then as a party it really feels easy to crush anything except for zones that are explicitly made for fellowships like Garth Agarwen.
Any /vm/bros playing the game? What were your recent adventures? Or maybe some of you are abc wizards that like to play music in-game?
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Their netcode has been hot garbage for pretty much the entirety of its existence, worse now without the original devs to tinker with their spaghetti code. It's a fucking mess. Same devs as DDO so good luck ;-)
Update: Our kinship is called Farmer Maggot's Militia. Send mail if you want a good kinship on Arkenstone!
>They're all insufferable redditor millenials.
checks out t. Gladden
Game looks really cool and I'm looking for something for me and my gf to play but I'm having financial issues right now, can I enjoy it without having to sink in muh shekels?
Only flaw is not having LFG with scalable dungeons like SWTOR. Most people are spread through 150 levels and unless your are part of a very active kinship you won't find anyone to group with.

/vm/craft is the unofficial 4chan Minecraft EarthSMP server, using a 1:500 recreation of Earth as the map.

Chat reporting is disabled, allowing everyone to engage in freedom of speech without getting their account banned.

Current map opened in December 2022. Since then, several thousand players have joined and we have had several years of history, politics, and lore.

>IP: vmcraft.me
>live territory map: vmcraft.me in browser
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Black Lives Matter, justice for Travon Martin and George Floyd, fuck you, this is an offical BLM server where we don't support racist ass people like you
This is the best server which has ever existed, I rate this 13/10
This is the greatest server humanly possible. If you don't rate this 10/10 you need to have your mind evaluated
How common is griefing? What MC version? Is there an economy?

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>This game is absolutely gonna be the CoD Killer you guys!!
>We had some public beta tests that nobody has heard any kind of feedback from, and we aren't promoting it at all, but it'll definitely be a good, healthy competitor to CoD!
>Don't worry, we won't let it sit without updates for a year before publicly executing it! When have we ever done that before?

Talk about modern or retro Arena FPS games in the competitive/action vein, such as:
Quakeworld, Q2, Q3-CPMA, QLive, Quake Champions and UT'99-2k4, UT3, UT4 (rip)
Also welcome to talk about highly anticipated indie developer game Diabotical and nu-retro titles like Wrath: Aeon of Ruin, Amid Evil and DUSK.

Non-main stream retro AFPS titles such as:
https://toxikk.com | https://www.warsow.net | https://www.xonotic.org
Ratz Instagib, Nexuiz, Reflex Arena, Shootmania and mods for any well-known title are all welcome.

>brakfst oats links
quakeworld.nu | playmorepromode.com | quakelive.com
>brakfst of Champions
>children's game

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>why does this thing exist
it's a boring choke/corner spam gun just like the grenade launcher
nyx sexo
i'd beat that backlog if you know what i mean
what's her actual sprite look like? did they do her model justice?
Yeah because Nyx's ability is busted. Ranger's orb got a drastic damage decrease but Nyx can still deal 125 damage without you even being able to see it coming. Nyx can also drag out games by running away and teleporting into unpredictable places. Sometimes it's entertaining to play mind games with Nyx though but only if the player is less skilled.

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>steam url
>games you're looking to play
>games you don't want to play
no trannies
no furries
be a decent human being
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Sorry its just more of a solo queue game for me.
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It takes a thread like this to make me realize how few things I actually want to play with people anymore.
Same, but I think a lot of the games posted here are just bad.
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IDK, I play whatever I feel like playing. I do play a bunch of fighting game too. But not shown in the pic
Also interested in playing Sven Coop

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could Starbound multiplayer take off on 4chan? I couldn't host but I would play on someone's server if they hosted.
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Not him, I like starbound and terreria a lot, but the anon is right. There is no world where building or exploration is better in terreria. I love terreria for the combat/boss loop. Both have some strengths.
I'm not gonna go through the same song and dance again. I'm sorry you have shit taste and are wrong, lad, let's just move on and talk a out hosting or playing or something productive instead of this inane dogshit argument.
NTA but you're wrong and also a faggot. Take the L and move on.
Dude, the buildfag is right though. Terreria is ugly and lacking compared to starbound builds. Just look at the average steam screenshots under the game.
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>NTA but you're wrong and also a faggot. Take the L and move on.
>Dude, the buildfag is right though. Terreria is ugly and lacking compared to starbound builds. Just look at the average steam screenshots under the game.

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