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How the fuck is this whiny incel manlet so popular with women?
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short guys with dark hair and sunken eyes are the new meta for anime guys. game freak saw hooni from suicide boy and thought "we should make our own sad little shota bait Twink."
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This. Prettyboys can’t be incels.
Women love menhera men
>tall mommy gf
>changing diapers
Im disgusted but intrigued

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It's the best day of the week!

Post all of your Serenas and Y-chans here!

Previous thread: >>55838999
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What could have been...
retconned ...
But Game!Serena never existed in the anime in the first place, anon.
Cute! Until next time, Serenabros!

It's Caturday!
Post the best feline friends!
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The most bussin starters fr
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Decidueye is made for big jomon-sinnohian cock, not your orcs.
orcs are hotter than niggas
We talking Empoleon or like a fucking Rhyperior?
the bussy starters
a VERY COOL lamp thank you very much

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Lions are weak faggot shit. Theyre lazy as shit, egoistical, degenerate and LGBT.

Even sylveon can destroy them.

Then again theres single pokemon that would kill all of them alone. And you think all the lions would attack the pokemon? Theyd be much busier licking each other dicks. goodbye faglions!
then why does every pokemon in the world not take damage when you use surf retards
they are room wide moves in mystery dungeon not world wide moves lil buddy.
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>have poison types release poison gas
>have on the front lines shitmons using flash x6
>have on the back lines strongmons using whatever beam moves and laughing at lions dying of poison and blindness

Why the fuck lionturds think they could ever win lmao. Even fucking caterpies could use stringshot to slow down the lions and have the bigger mons taking care of the rest
Is it 1 billion of the normal number system or 1 billion of the retarded amerimutt number system?

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Plants don't eat other creatures. They get those nutrients through the soil.
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At the risk of being condescending: Have you seriously never heard of carnivorous plants?
Serperior is not a carnivorous plant.
She's not eating it, therefore she still is a non-carnivore.
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Oh boy...

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If they made this an official regional form, what would the evolution be like?
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Birds Are Very Important
White rice? That's as bad as feeding him white bread!

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Any chance we finally get Dawn form in PLZA?
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>Implying lycanroc can beat swampert
Swampert nigga comes to ruin the thread
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How can i ruin a thread by the most degenerate schizo non dog poster? lol
arousing, you are
Lycanroc and friends

Come here for talk about all things Pokemon Mystery Dungeon.

Previous thread: https://arch.b4k.co/vp/thread/55819079

PMD Catalog: https://mega.nz/folder/tr8i1aiQ#AWzqkesoNSeSUGjHSug5dw

PMD Fangames Catalog: https://mega.nz/folder/QuYRBJAL#JhfXAuBdsZhQ_7jeIslqHQ
Romhacks Overview/Reviews: https://rentry.org/pmdglph

PMD Guides: https://pastebin.com/Dbq61R5u
Explorers of Sky Romhacking Guide: https://rentry.org/skytempleguide

Everything about the Clover Guild: https://cloverguild.com
Drawing Board: https://magma.com/d/7licqbohg0
Drawing Request: https://rentry.org/DrawReqPublic

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I don't believe him
alright diglett, move your sentry to behind the front door in that case
New thread

What went wrong?
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they were based entirely on the personality of a character that has 0 personality. that's what. lol

if it wasnt for her brother, team yell would be "nothing - the team". She doesnt even portray yelling. What does she even exist for? She has no purpose, no goal.
She's by far the worst rival and maybe even worst relevant character ever made in pokémon. She says NOTHING the entire game.

The only thing she has is a good design and music, underserved.
It would have worked if they gave us a context for some of them, like what happened with Team Skull in the anime, giving them a name, a background, a personality.

It would have been perfect if they told us that their city lacked services and suffered from poverty because the big companies have abandoned it following the Gigamax energy deposits, something similar to Detroit when the vehicle factories left the city.

Understanding why a group of people place all their hopes on a little girl, that would also give Marnie's character more strength by having that weight on her shoulders, leaving Piers as a mysterious character orchestrating an entire plan for his little sister to become in champion.
>okay so what if Team Skull but without anything that makes them actually good and liked by the fanbase

>Is a dark type special attacker
>can’t learn nasty plot
yet another victim of GF scarlet favoritism.
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Robots can't plot I hope
It's a raging retard, it can't plot nasty things
Why do you have that gif on your computer.
Now that they made fortnite rifle Inceleon and giant fortress warship Blastoise they could've made this into a futuristic tank retaking from the original censored design.

Why does gamefreak always needs someone else to do it before them so its not risky anymore?
>It's a raging retard, it can't plot nasty things
But vanilla Hydreigon's a raging retard and it can plot nasty things.

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>Double battles
>Your pokemon hits an electric type move on your steel type pokemon
>The attack hits the two opposing pokemon with double the power and your steel type pokemon is unaffected (like re-directing the electric current)
>You hit an electric type move on a steel type rival pokemon
>The other rival pokemon is also affected
How come they haven’t implemented this?
Sorry OP, I haven't eaten in about 20 hours and I don't understand if you've created an ability, a move, or a passive for Steel types.
It’s a dynamic
It sounds like you're describing Lightning Rod, but with the added feature that if it's an ally of whatever used an electric attack it amplifies it rather than absorbing it.
Maybe it would be better done as a "volt reflect" ability: If it's on the same team as the electric move user, it amplifies the move. If it's on the opposing team, it reflects it back onto the electric user's ally.
>How come they haven’t implemented this?
probably because it's fucking retarded
I would honestly enjoy if GF added a bunch of niche type-specific interactions a la dark-types being immune to prankster or ghosts being immune to trapping

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I miss the days when we were all screaming at nebby to get in the bag..

Oh and rubbing rirrie chan sooo much

Gen 7 was Kino
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If you think a fanbase is toxic, it just means that the gatekeeping is working as intended.
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>Implying I’ve ever not taken time out of my day to rabbu riirie Chan
>Implying I give a fuck how big Solgaleo/Lunala are like it’ll stop me from putting them in the bag
Why yes, I’ve never stopped loving Lillie even a little since SuMo, how could you tell?
>unironically using that twitter term
You were born after 2008 and use Discord.
ever considered that even red and green aren't that old so red and scarlet aren't all that different to literal boomers

>Let's Go Pee

This worth 60$?
I'm bored.
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>This worth 60$?
-let's go evolve
-can't evolve

-let's go pikazap
-the routes are tight corridors where you have to avoid pokemon obstacles

In which way was this even supposed to mirror pokemon GO? gen 7 map did that much better.
Its just "kanto" masuda autismo, this is pretty much exactly how a game made entirely by Masuda looks like, he believes only in the power of marketing and he doesn't think pokemon has a lore. Which is why you have such a drastic difference in all its aspect included the fact megaevolition is just there for no reason, whereas X and Y and ORAS took the time to explain exactly to exhaustion why megaevolution exists and why it's in Hoenn (but so do spin offs like Unite and Pokken while not even being made by gamefreak)

Masuda and Miyamoto need to go or they should make no decisions whatsoever anymore. Masuda is still good with making music and Miyamoto with..
i dont know, maybe gaming ideas, but their decision making skills are absolutely abhorrent by now.

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The End edition

>What is PokéRogue?
A Pokémon-themed dungeon crawler filled with gacha-brained mechanics.

>How do I play?
It's a browser game, if you're too retarded to download the client just play on the website.

^Fake offline client, play using this. You can eventually export your save to other custom servers. You will reduce server stress by having the assets downloaded. Make sure to actually run the .bat so the assets aren't streamed.


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>unnerve shaves a million turns off every boss fight
if you're metal bursting there aren't a million turns to shave off in the first place
suicide cursing into metal burst spam means even at 5750 the battle takes 9 turns at most, half of which are protect turns
I have never seen someone discredit themselves so fast
sure, grab a misty surge mon to provide terrain support for it and you're golden
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absolutely vile looking
only /vp/ can be so confidently stupid
you poor retarded faggot

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