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>the original Japanese anime opening
where was the outrage?
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That's hardly any better
>judging Japanese culture with a western mindset
Wow look at this fucking racist here
The guy was convinced that you could see the girl's pussy and then >>56470205 them nodding was saying it was a good thing that Pikachu exposed her pussy to everyone.
pedophile country
that's why they love Israel since Judaism allows pedophilia
Everyone was too busy singing along because that opening is fire.

How can you guys morally and ethically support Pokemon and Nintendo after what they've done?
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Don’t lump me in any of your shit. I didn’t buy and told you all not to buy Gen 8.
Palworld is Japanese
I don't remember any of my friends owning a Wii at the time. We were all playing Call of Duty and Grand Theft Auto.
>it's not controversial
And yet here you are arguing with multiple other posters about it. And you still haven't given a single example of a series that aged with this age group. Instead, you continue to make fallacious claims of alleged certainty that Sony and Microsoft changed their target demographics to suit a specific range of people as they aged. Just name even one, and maybe people on here would agree with you instead of just arguing against your nebulous sweeping generalizations.
Oh no, I was a cunt back in the day. It's just guys who liked things for what they were and didn't brag were coolest

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Its time to admit this games were good
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esl post
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You are right. that’s what I meant and confused the two.

I stopped playing after moon so I’m probably starting to get shit mixed up now.
Only after 20 hours
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Welcome to SWSH Customer Service. Please press a button.

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>Discuss husbando
>Worship husbando
>Bully husbando
>Post art, headcanons, greentext

Previous Thread


1. What song/music reminds you of your husbando, tell us about it.
2. How does Husbando sleep? Is he nekked? does he have pyjamas? What's his bedtime ritual?
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hang in there mate
Maybe the next thread should be for mental health positivity.

How would your husbands remind you to drink water and such
This is a cute idea, combined with AI the husbando suspension of disbelief may be able to get people through damn near anything
Idk why I never thought of this. I'm setting up a bunch of husbando-themed reminders on my phone.
New bread: >>56471519

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Your very own guardian/knight bride pet wife
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Never did get drawfag to do gardevoir on a motorcycle...
Your Gardevoir should always be psychically fit AND physically fit! No man should have to fear his partner can't carry him out of a burning building!
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why didn't she just see the future and stopped her trainer from pissing off ninetales
Loyal to the end...

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I want to battle Wally
Lillie, I want to know what the inside of her vagina feels like.
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Wataru my beloved so he can fuck me to within an inch of my life

Just a reminder for you both that Lillie is still just a child.
Be careful anon, some pedo Reddit tourist will reply to your post with "out of 10" or similar Reddit quotes

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Post Pokemon ships
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Grow up, faggot.
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>Post Pokemon ships
>Diglett sweated
>It's super-effective!
>Diglett fainted!

Another one down, sir!
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>>irl pedo, zoophile, incestophile who posted fetish content involving his irl child who he also lets convicted pedo and zoo friends hang around with
>>sells bootleg sweatshop rapeable pichu and shinx plushies with fleshlights
>>charges for animations of baby pokemon being raped, tortured, dismembered, pissed on
>>sells cum covered nasty body pillows
>>names their copyrighted characters
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Who are you talking about anyway? Never heard of this guy.
Because it's the year 2024
who and proofs
So OP's just being a faggot and saying shit
Nine has a kid? Since when?

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Is the level curve meme real
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and a bad and boring pokemon game to play
Entirely on you if you're going to waste your day on here looking for threads to argue about a game that you're not fond of.
I don't know why anyone would watch someone play a game so they are all boring to me.
It's not a "forced thing" it's reality, gen 2's gimmick was time (day/night cycle) so they shoehorned a fuckton of shit and timegated it (bug catching contests, random calls, daily events like the lotto, etc). Even the fucking rematches in HGSS are timelocked to a certain day of the week.
Personally I dislike this design so I'm not even defending Johto.
Kinda. HGSS is a bit more linear than GSC. There’s really no reason for the trainers after Mahogany’s candy bar guy leaves to remain with such low levels now that HGSS totally gated it after the Radio Tower event.

Why are firetrannies so smol?
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Infernape is a monkey and Rillaboom is a great ape.
Sister got so butthurt in the other thread >>56468188 and she made a new one lol
cute boyfriends
The Rilla is female
both male
don't be disgusting

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I = II > III = IV >> V >>> IX >>>> VI >>> VII = VIII
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Based and objectivepilled
Holy based
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9 > 8 > 7 > 6 > 5 > 4 > 3 > 2 > 1
Probably the best gen tier list I've seen on this board in the past 7 years.
Anything > 2 > 1

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She's Nafri, very common in France
Least schizo unovabort
well it is based on France...
>pointing out nigger filth literally in the image
XY made them actually shitty.

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Serverfags / my personal army go investigate the rise of Chipmunk Mouth. I know you were only a few years old at the time but during Eks / Why a common complaint was the rival's line of teeth becoming the standard, and it eventually did. Pinpoint the first use of this design in the Pokemon franchise. I will have my answer and you will have new material to gaslight with.
Gen 5 started chipmunk with bianca face another reason hate that flop gen

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It will not be fast. But it will not be merciless or unnoticeable.
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Approval date is the important thing though. And so is the specifics of the patent ie if they're too broad
Giving me retarded Switch doomposter vibes. I can't find the screen cap of that totally wrong /v/ post
This image is from years ago, you niggertard
The Japanese dark ages of entertainment is upon us
Riddle me this, Bitch: What part of approximately 9 generations in decline, give or take a few, was SUBTLE?

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