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why not?
I got the Uniqlo x Engineered Garments coat. Seems all right so I checked out what actual Engineered Garments jackets are like.
Looks like a lot of these aren't actually all that different to the Uniqlo one? Reckon they're worth it?

FYI I got the black one from Uniqlo. Not sure if I liked the black better than the other colours but I basically have other coats in colours like that and didn't have a black one.
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Looks fine. Wouldn't cop of a harrington if you're a rounded shoulderlet like me, though. I look like shit in them.
If you wanna look like a tool who's desperate not to appear as a tool, you hit the jackpot. In fact, I might pick one of these up myself.

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>model is 6‘5‘‘ and wears size XXS
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>model is 6ft 3, chest 32 inches, waist 34 inches, wearing size medium
>model is 7'0" and wears a girls XS
There must've been a typo somewhere.
When I was 155 lbs @ 6'5", my waist was something like 29", but my inseam was (and still is) 36" .. maybe they meant inseam.
Where do you get your clothes, bro?
I used to get medium tall slim styles from Banana Republic, but after they changed their image a couple years ago, I haven't ordered anything from them. Fuck em.
nah man i'm just a regular faggot

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>beards are like makeup for me-Ack

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Did you stop wearing skinny jeans yet /fa/?
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I started wearing a relax fit pair of jeans. I saw a photo of myself in them recently and they make me look straight up retarded. Can’t believe I fell for the bait. Straight fit for life.
Yes i stopped to wear skinny jeans.just because it isn’t fit for the current trend.and it’s not friendly for muscle guy.because it can shows your leg shape
>diamond supply
holy shit I completely forgot this brand existed
Zoomers didn't invent anything, they just took 80s/90s styles and somehow made it even gayer.

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If you're not femininity-maxxing as a white zoomer male in 2024 what are you doing? Zoomer women are all in love with androgynous and femme men, and it's more fun anyways.
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>got overly masculine neanderthal features
some females told me they like that tho, especially the ones with daddy issues
>Zoomer women are all in love with androgynous and femme men
this has been a well known about phoenomena for a long time.
there's even an ancient incel wiki article about it.
here's the problem:
women are only interested in casual sex with guys with more andro looks.
and your attractiveness falls off a CLIFF to them after early adulthood.
they will never marry you and you will die alone.
t. fell for this bullshit.
Then why did I start getting quite a bit more attention from girls when I grew a big bushy Tom Selleck mustache?
I’m not gay

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how retarded would it be to get a tattoo of a postmark? i'm very autistic and a big fan of the united states postal service, and i especially like these because i live in massachusetts.
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i'm literally op and you could've fooled me
tell me something only the real OP would know!
fuck i meant to include >>18119935 as well
i hate when this happens
i'm from north adams mass
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On its own it would look retarded. Something with a vintage postcard theme could work.

Are these speedos too small?
no, just their cocks
Really twinkstalker? Not only do you refuse to stay on /fit/ you're reposting your shit threads on /fa/?


how about my outfit.is good?
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dont tell the person wrong
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ah sweet, a schizo thread
fit is way too baggy
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Having belt ..where on?
Ching chong bing bong you will never retake Taiwan.

Congrats on wearing a T-shirt and pants.

Do these actually do anything, or is it a scam?
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It's fun and feels good. Especially if you keep it in the freezer and use it on your under eyes. But mostly collected dust desu.
It works in the sense it reduces swelling, improves circulation, and is relaxing, but it's not magic no.
>Especially if you keep it in the freezer and use it on your under eyes
What will that do
my girl friend reports that it works great, i've noticed some signifigant improvement in her face.

She's 31 and i'm 41, so we're both starting to look older. It tighten up her face quite a bit. I got a stemcell face lift, but might start this as well.
90% of women's skincare products are scams. Especially anything woo like jade rollers or quarts bullshit.

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How to style my protruding potbelly?
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How does this shoe feel?
Brahmins are the poorest caste. Always have been.
>All the Indian men I've seen been with
Sorry to hear that, get well soon. Best wishes
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Like him.
this is true.
However it immediately changes to pot belly at exactly the age of 32.
this is untrue

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>be 30+ year old
>finally able to afford grails
>look like a clown in them
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young people look like clowns in them too, but people expect them to look retarded.
How do you not know what a cut of material is? It's the dimensions of the material from when they "cut" it.
The back of the eyelets on the fakes have a ridge / indent around the edge. On legit pairs it's smooth / rounded with a single line at where the eyelet joins in construction. You could spend 5 minutes of your time finding a video comparing: https://youtu.be/xcxNALE11c4?si=H8AHkqcC3E5UvSAW&t=263
Took me two seconds, timestamp has the angle.

Hope you're full from the spoonfeeding now, Google exists, you should try using it sometime. You really need to go back to plebbit.
>250 on reps with that leather
I wish you had bought them.
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i zoomed in at the best viewpoint of both and the eyelets didn't look different here and by saying you think "the cuts are off" that could literally mean a hundred different things retard lol you have to actually be specific
also i don't know where you're getting your information about the leather rick uses from. the leather on these reps looks the same as the leather on the newest mainlines and the type of leather they use differs year to year
some comments about the leather
>I am always surprised by people fawning over the leather on Rick shoes. I mean it’s nice and all, but it’s far from noteworthy.
>yeah for real, I got a pair of geobaskets and the leather is nothing special. cool shoes though
its just a regular leather
For me it’s best ow than I’ve ever wear.comfy it can fits every style you wear .basic color
>the cuts are off!
>they just are!
thanks for nothing retard

>$1000 moisturiser... and people actually buy it.
How is this better than CeraVe?
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you should try and learn to fish instead of asking to be fed.

mineral = zinc oxide or titanium dioxide
chemical = octacrylene, oxybenzone, etc.

more titanium dioxide makes you look more pallid. i just order chemical sunscreens from japan.
>you should try and learn to fish instead of asking to be fed.
him asking you is him fishing
Why does the existence of slightly more expensive things make you so mad ? Is it because you know you simply will never be able to really afford it and there are people who are worth 100000x times more than you? Does it make you feel inadequate?
you're poor
>All moisturizer is pretty much the same

how long did you need to study for this revelation?

I wear everything in this pic
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Smart man here.
You are quite a noticer, there is indeed two bottoms on this pic.
By layering. The same way you can wear two shirts or jackets at once.
But wearing two pants at once is uncomfortable and weird.
There is absolutely nothing wrong with wearing a ball cap. Everything else in that pic though, yes.
never listen to any "don't wear x wear y" advice its always bad advice. you can already intuitively tell what you like to wear together

Why do people with tattoos get so mad at me when I ask them what their tattoos mean.
73 replies and 13 images omitted. Click here to view.
You will die a virgin
He was literally just a shepherd. Basically a random shithead on the steppes with neato tats that don’t particularly mean anything
>a shepherd
So he's more respectable than most schmucks nowadays, you're proving me right
i think i'm swiping left

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I’m the most effay person in this board
its over
rick has fallen

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