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14 replies and 2 images omitted. Click here to view.
your problem is framing your entire premise on what other people think to begin with. third worlder mentality. dress for yourself and your own enjoyment.
This, Dressing well and dressing for yourself go hand in hand.
This is very true. It's also far, far more rare to have your expectations about someone, based on their clothing and appearance, contradicted rather than confirmed when you get to know them.
We live in a SOCIETY where you can choose virtually any garment at any price point, the only limiting factors are wealth and taste, every garment you wear IS making a statement whether you like it or not.
Holy cope
coping in a 3k+ fit every day

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fashion philistine here,

are these summer "relaxed" linen shirts supposed to be this long. I bought a CK one today and while the sleeves seem fine and the shoulders are filled nicely. it covers my whole ass.
Tuck it in nigga
think of them as an overshirt
which doesn't mean you can't tuck them in your pants
if it extends beyond mid-fly you should get it hemmed at a tailor. shirts tend to come long with the expectation you tailor it to your body.
they're supposed to be tucked. most linen shirts are still intended to be tucked, usually they'll make a point of it if it's not meant ot be worn tucked.
The extra fabric is to prevent the shirt from becoming untucked when you move around. Long shirts are meant to be tucked. If you want to wear it untucked, go to a tailor and get it hemmed at the bottom.

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The two halves of this post are in perfect accordance. Such symmetry and balance is rarely seen in fashion.
They're horrible and extremely tacky anyway. You dodged a bullet. Wear proper clothing.
i liked them :(
>i have no friends

Based on your taste in boots and utter shit ability to plan (serious these were the only boots you've wanted in 5 years and you still fucked up?) I'm not surprised.

For the future, look into proxy shipping.

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How do I twinkmaxx?
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>anyone know who this /pol/twink is?
annoying attention whore from Russia. he posts on /int/
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Patrician taste, ideal relationship dynamic in my opinion
sasha go back to your containment board
Freestyler. Drop the microphone. Straight from the top of my dome.
this dude is ugly though, extremely overrated

Previous >>18086713


Quick guide to prep: www.mreero.com/journal/how-to-dress-like-a-prep
Gentleman's Gazzete info on /TIP/: pastebin.com/QrNDDG60
The Preppy Handbook: issuu.com/fiyero109/docs/toph

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307 replies and 74 images omitted. Click here to view.

You morons have the absolute shittiest takes, a complete lack of understanding of the style you try and ape, you latch on to antiquated expressions as "fact" rather than taking the whole 30 seconds or would take to research and disprove that.

Tldr: "No brown in town" was a rule for England, and that got smashed by the Prince of Wales in the 1930s.


The 20th Century: Tides Turn
By the 1930s, Edward the Prince of Wales had relaxed some menswear rules, leading to softer materials and bolder colors. He also was a supporter of brown slip-on spectator shoes (the most common type of two-toned shoes) and brown shoes in general. By the 1950s, even English clothing guides such as Clothes and the Man by Sydney D. Barney advised:

“Business and Daywear in town: a lounge jacket with matching waistcoat and trousers with footwear in black or brown, according to the suit…Brown shoes with a dark blue suit are undesirable.”


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You would wear brown derbys to your friends wedding and black derbys as a around the town and office shoe? Goddamn this place is retarded.
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>black derbys as a around the town and office shoe?

NTA but there's nothing wrong with a black derby as an office shoe.
Is bread good for you?

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if you take another look at your picture you'll note a distinctly sausage like quality to what skin is exposed around the knees. no, it's either no socks, ankle socks, or straight up leggings when it comes to pairing shorts with sandals. but I'm willing to sacrifice ankle socks for the sake of compromise
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>wearing socks with sandals
Probably no socks, which I admit is more /fa/ but it's completely fucking disgusting.
maybe no-show socks
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If you wear anything other than crew socks, you're beyond help

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Picture a younger version of this guy and you get what im talking about

All that daddys money and trust funds just to look like a normal google software engineer
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koreans are, for the most part, really short tempered in my experience.
especially the women.
What happened with koreans?
10/10 rage over totally innocuous statements
Homegrown Koreans or american transplants?
both. the 'han' must be a real thing

That includes e girls right?
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settle down, chinklet
your natural low t is showing
Im fucking a barbie. Youre fucking a 1000 body count druggie.
Belle's an e-girl. Less sure what makes an e-girl, but it's more pink and more sexualized, like thirst traps.
Hannaowo also an e-girl, but closer to alt because raven black hair. But alt gorls don't post thorst trap stuff and don't exist only online, that's an e-girl.
"alt" is an umbrella term that includes all intentionally cultivated styles (usually associated with a particular subculture) that aim to differentiate themselves from the norm/unconsidered fashion. goths are alt, ravers are alt, scene girls are alt. anyone who's making an effort to dress in a way counter to whatever the current default style of dress is, so like athleisure, jeans and a t shirt + nikes, zara-core. "egirl" isn't really a description of a style, more of a lifestyle. someone like pokimane clearly isn't "alt" in any meaningful way, but the kind of archetypal thigh highs/tennis skirt/platform boots/heavy eye makeup egirl look would be, and descends from a (sanitized) mashup of various counterculture looks

Tips and tricks would be appreciated.
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ignore him man you look great in it
See >>18120955
There's little prestige in designer clothing because it's now primarily marketed at rappers and homosexuals. Debadging has nothing to do with "stealth wealth" because these garments are still overpriced mid-range crap, for the most part. True stealth wealth comes as-is, using only the highest quality materials and the best cuts for seemingly plain items, the difference is easy to see up close and can't be replicated with midrange branded stuff.
It's just an unspoken shibboleth to let others know you have money and taste. Question is, what's next?
I have roundhouse jeans I want to do this to but don't for fear of fucking them up
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>Buy clothing that is more expensive than it should be because it has a recognizable logo on
>Remove logo
>Wear mid-tier clothing that you overpaid for
Why not just buy actually good clothing that comes with no visible logos at all?
Why don't you just buy clothes from brands that don't add visible logo? I mean there's plenty of high quality stuff without badges.

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What’s the most effay brand of cigarettes?

Wanted to get pic related but couldn’t find it in Europe
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are the ones in the tin cans the same as the one in the carton packs?
who cares it's all the same shit with additives, I'd argue you menthol fags are low test
Pretty impossible to have FA packaging in this communist country but these are the best tasting and smoke profile.
Cigarillos or small cigars. Davidoff golds are good imo for the former.
There are no effay cigarettes in my dystopian homeworld of canada

Magnum P.I. was a fashionable guy.
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looks like they're smuggling wildlife into hawaii

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Does /fa/ admire the opium aesthetic?
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Oxymoron aesthetic. Opium is the white man's drug.

Weed is the negroid drug.

Face it, this aesthetic is cope because black folx saw YSL Opium fragrance and they they associate YSL = BLING.
it looks like they're going to fight vampires or robots
Children of Morpheus
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Yeah I really liked Blade.

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Can you still wear hoodies in your 30s?
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Tell me what percentile of worldwide power you think he falls into.
Different situations call for different clothing, so yeah.
does anyone remember the name of the company that manufactures reigning champ's hoodies for them?
the price gap wasn't that huge but i liked the fit better.
I know a guy in his 60s who wears hoodies and looks cool, it's all in how you carry yourself

t, 22 year old who wears thrifted suits everywhere and has no friends
I don't go to the office anymore, but when we were still doing that shit, wearing a suit to work would have been career suicide. nice hoodies are the new business suits, deal with it neckbeards

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Anyone tried these Saucony Omni 9 before? How do they compare in comfort and durability to similar New Balance and Asics?
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There's a very wide range of options between ugly cattle-core sneakers and dressing like reviewbrah, if you accept this possibility and are willing to do some research you'll be ok.
A pair of reasonably priced leather /fa/ sneakers for evening engagements is probably a good place to start, it won't raise eyebrows but adds a bit of polish and will help you look less like a complete dumbass.
Cool story, bro
From there you can look for a pair of casual loafers, only one step above sneakers in formality but you'll look like less of a cunt
>less of a cunt
Get off the internet for a while dude
>tee hee look what I posted, mom
Enjoy your Nikes and gooning
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>Enjoy your Nikes and gooning
Kek you got me. Well played..

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I had to shave my head recently. Does anyone know any good wig shops?
veio noooooo

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