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i'll work as a male nurse in a hospital for a month and there are young nurses that looked like they never had a man working with them before.
how can i improve my chances at impressing them? everyone wears a uniform and fragrances are banned, is the best i can do just working on my haircut, skin and physique?
or is there some secret alpha
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Here’s some advice: don’t date nurses. Keep them around and friendzone them, let them want to date you, but don’t date them. Don’t even have sex with them.
any particular reason? what's wrong with dating or having sex with nurses?
years ago i was having really bad vertigo attacks and ended up going to the emergency room during the worst one, while checking whatever they were checking a nurse reached into my pants and held my penis. is that normal?
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Wear this bad boys.

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I don't appreciate the prospect of potentially being judged by others for my fashion choices
Because I thinks it stupid to wear a 300 dollar niche fragrance while looking like a bum.
Migrants, third worlders
Why? If I’m going to the supermarket I’m not putting on a fucking pair of leather soled shoes
If your just going to the supermarket than why put on some fragrance then?

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Previous thread: >>18115434

NEW Luca Turin reviews on Substack: https://lucaturin.substack.com/

Informative Videos for newfags to Perfume General
FAQ - Frequently Asked Questions for newfags
W2C bottles

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Isn't it in the masstige category on that retarded chart? You know the one
>expensive and mass-appealing
It's a spectrum anyway. Some frags from very respectable houses are expensive yet appeal to a wide audience (e.g. Invasion Barbare), others are also expensive and slightly less inoffensive while still being easy to like for most (e.g. Baraonda), others yet are both expensive and challenging (e.g. Tauer L'Oudh)
>it's not really expensive enough to be considered a prestige brand
Do you think that really plays much of a role?
Nicolai and most of Tauer's frags aren't very expensive either, what makes them "just niche" as opposed to prestige brands? What would you say qualifies as a prestige brand? I think in the eyes of most, the fact that their frags are not as expensive as some other brands like Malle has no bearing on how prestigious they're perceived to be
>they aren't mass appealing
They're very interesting and complex but generally not extremely challenging save for a few exceptions. Something like Chergui or Santal Majuscule is fairly easy to like imo. When you say "nichiest niche", brands like Prin or Ensar Oud come to mind.
Maybe my nose has reached a point of no return though since I'm starting to appreciate ouds more and more
I don’t know why but I have four from zara and as >>18120295 said tender amber and something sand dunes last all of an hour and that’s it.
tobacco collection rich warm addictive and sensual vanilla have acceptable performance to me however.
if you’re stupid enough to buy anything from zara (clothes or perfume) you deserve to be slaughtered like the goyim cattle you are.
Cosigned for sure.

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Please post fits fro men, and women from 1920's-1950's
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They apparently got a fashion designer to help come up with pic rel cause they couldn't quite nail down her look
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The facial expressions of a woman who's being told she will be fucked in the ass in exchange for getting all the luxury goods she wants and then realizing she's turned on by it.

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Picture a younger version of this guy and you get what im talking about

All that daddys money and trust funds just to look like a normal google software engineer
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What happened with koreans?
10/10 rage over totally innocuous statements
Homegrown Koreans or american transplants?
both. the 'han' must be a real thing

/balding/ and /finasteride/ general.
Sticky: http://tuxbell.com/index.php/Balding

Holy trinity:
Tabs: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Finasteride
Lotion: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Minoxidil
Shampoo: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ketoconazole
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how much is a fucking drop???
like 0.025ml more or less
>Why is everyone suddenly so obsessed with balding?

zoomers are beginning to reach the ages where the norwood reaper comes calling
Pretty much this. I’m 26 and I have been religiously watching haircafe
finasteride is harmful to incels because it keeps them in their comfort zone
if there were no hair loss drugs, the incel would have to grow some balls, shave his head, leave house to hit the gym and improve his personality as a result, which would naturally lead to a gf
thankfully, fin will make sure the incel stays home hoping for a miracle

Are they more promiscious than american women and asian women?
The same as American. There's no longer any cultural diversity in the West
The must have item for European cities in 2024 is a burqa to prevent acid attacks and to make sure you don't accidentally tempt a pack of heckin peaceful muslimerinos to rape you due to economic uncertainty.

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Why did this outfit became so fucking popular in asia?

Literally all the girls wear this style when going out.
Asians are thinner and have no qualms showing their flat bellies (and their legs as opposed to their prudishness for deep necklines).
They're a singular hive mind. Consider the propensity for females to follow the herd, then add the fact that they're asian; we're talking about a doubling of conformity here.

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>vid related. pic not.

i wanna give the /fa/ tyrants a middle fingering too! and stop being a consumer scum.
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This pic reminds me of... Never mind.
she's tartar roots.
very nice. she even has that peasant physiognomy
You don't have to wear the real historical clothes if you don't want to. You could just incorporate a lot more wools and linens into your clothing materials, instead of relying on synthetics.
i wanna a noble grapist though

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how expensive is it to do all this
also do you really trust tret from india lol
Retinol is basically the same but relies more on consistency. Also use it at night as it fucks shit up if you go out in the sun with it on
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yeah i do it in the pm and use sunscreen during the day.
i use retinal with an A. it is supposedly stronger than retinol because it's only one chemical reaction away from tretinoin (all-trans retinoic acid)
60 euros for 12 tubes?

And yes, they are actual pharmaceutical products

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If women dressed like this the world would be a much better place.
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Late 10s Eastern Euro core
Except for the hair*
I hate alt girls and e girls
Looks like an onlyfans cam girl twitter whore

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which anime character has the best fit?
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You are all weak and will have your women taken from you.
Clark Kent, based inspo to bloat, cromagnonmaxx
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Why is he so dark?
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Based mediterranean bvll

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Why do trans "people" find this hairstyle unattractive on men but women love it?
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I fuck trans women - doubt they would dislike this

They tend to just like more traditional masculinity desu
hahah this guy fucks dudes. FAGGOT
Bro why would you give a shit what troons think about anything? Literally all they do all day is rummage around for shit one social media to be offended about until they eventually ACK.
huh? I have been trans a long time and never heard an opinion on this hair good or bad. It is the pretty generic hair everyone has in my country at least. maybe theres some trans person online who says it looks like the hitler youth haircut who went viral? I wouldn't know but it's all I can think of
Shaved sides and poofy hair seems low class imo

That includes e girls right?
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Belle's an e-girl. Less sure what makes an e-girl, but it's more pink and more sexualized, like thirst traps.
Hannaowo also an e-girl, but closer to alt because raven black hair. But alt gorls don't post thorst trap stuff and don't exist only online, that's an e-girl.
"alt" is an umbrella term that includes all intentionally cultivated styles (usually associated with a particular subculture) that aim to differentiate themselves from the norm/unconsidered fashion. goths are alt, ravers are alt, scene girls are alt. anyone who's making an effort to dress in a way counter to whatever the current default style of dress is, so like athleisure, jeans and a t shirt + nikes, zara-core. "egirl" isn't really a description of a style, more of a lifestyle. someone like pokimane clearly isn't "alt" in any meaningful way, but the kind of archetypal thigh highs/tennis skirt/platform boots/heavy eye makeup egirl look would be, and descends from a (sanitized) mashup of various counterculture looks
Yeah alt girls and e girls are hoes
Theyre always into weird shit
High test chang

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can someone ID this yellow thing? It looks like some kinda linen cardigan but it also looks oversized as fuck

also tips for finding this color? when looking for yellow i only get ugly dark yellow gold looking shit
Possibly linen, but more likely merino wool

I literally just bought this, which honestly closely resembles what you're looking for

Unfortunately it's sold out in the US website market so I had to purchase it from the European website and had my friend in Europe act as a shipment forwarder. Apparently it's arriving in 1-2 weeks, their country mailing courier is slow as fuck lol but then again so is USPS...
thanks man that actuallly looks pretty close but the difference seems to be the seams/collar, is it just me or does it look thicker, like sewn or something on the middle seams
The outfit looks really nice and fresh but I'm not sure if it would work as well with lighter hair color.
i'd call that lemon yellow
or close to flax which is less saturated

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