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Is fashion gay?
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I live in america amd the white boys here like him even the middle class ones and upper class ones
Seems like white burgers aren't that soft than euro whites.
It's nice to see a redpill youtuber finally showing the trans community some love
dude looking like he's about to teach me the art of drunken boxing so I can defeat the three tigers clan
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Trans and white women, i see some similarities that i enjoy. I'm a weird mulatto.

>you do skincare? Lol that’s kinda gay dude
How do you respond without sounding mad? Pic not related
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this is not true, that being said I've only ever gotten approached in bars, never randomly off the street
>seething at being called gay reports them to Hr like a fag
she might have been on to something you fucking loser, cant handle the bants
the jews? idk probably some false sense of being above the rest while knowing full well that nobody fucking likes them and that there was a reason or plenty of reasons that one painter wanted them all dead. just like gypsies and any other leech
if you're waiting for women to approach you - you have internalized a female mindset. you will never make it unless you adopt a masculine mindset and express it as a masculine behaviour.

ie. approaching women if you like them and making a move.
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Don't fall for the drape psy-op. It's being pushed by guys with shit physiques to try to get you to hide your body.
As soon as you get fit, start wearing the tightest t-shirts and flex and show off at every opportunity.
Since I got fit I went to about 20 first dates and the times I got sex on the first date was when I was wearing ridiculously tight $10 t-shirts.
Ignore drapecopers and show off your physique.
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Yea I love also shit like silk
In oversize it feels like wearing a pijama
Comfy is comfy, but you have potential for an impressive body for a relatively short period in your life. You should exploit the opportunities. There's plenty of time to be comfy when you get old and saggy.
Post body and fit
This one always shuts them up

>Takes shower
>Oils my hair
>Leave it at it is for 1-2 hours
>Wash it with water and style it using comb
Is this good hair styling routine bros because I don't wanna use shitty products to style my hair since I don't want hairfall
Yes. 100% coconut oil is all you need for hair. Stay away from degenerate goyslop hair products. Nobody ever needed them. And while you're at it, don't use shampoos either. Use a milk body soap. If it's good for your skin, it's good for your hair, since they're made of the same thing (keratin).
coco oil is comedogenic as fuck
Learn basic English before posting pajeet monster
is it ok to put this in your ass
the contents i mean
yes. It will stink really bad though. I had to explain to my mom why the toilet smelled like death.

id this t-shirt. now.
michiko london jeans distressed skull tshirt fromt he mid 1990s
Retard shirt for fags
woah, thanks

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Is it effay to wear kino schizo glasses to make sure no one is sneaking up behind me at all times?

like rear view mirrors, but for people.
yes but only if you have the personality and skillset to match
I am a black belt in krav maga, was a primary instigator of the Q myth and gamer gate, know how to make text games in twine, have encyclopdia like knowledge of the 12th century arthurian Writer Chretian de Troyes, and If I am not horribly insecure mood (c.~20% of the time) I am aloof and people find me sincere and charming.
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I also know how to tie over 12 different kinds of knots and know how to use Microsoft Excel and can speak conversational latin.
made me kek!
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>over 12

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What core is this?
90s grunge
Ojaimark, it’s a slightly obscure style from the late 90s early 2000s.

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Post trenchcoat inspo, best way to style one etc
harry potter lookin ass
Good thread idea but its summer and im not in the mood to look for coatpicinspo. Soz

i love /fa/
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rate his fit
>harry potter lookin ass

That's Yves Saint Laurent you fucking philistine.
wingardium leviosaint laurent

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smoking to stay skinny edition
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If you get there and don't deem it worth it that's totally ok.

I feel like everyone talks about *getting* to a certain weight and not actually *maintaining* that weight.
nta but I do the same thing with long sleeves. my elbows are so bony.
It didn't feel worth it to me, I always wanted to be skinnier. I realized I've never been happy at any weight. Don't expect to reach your goal and magically feel better. Being skinny isn't the final solution, it's one of the many steps you need to take for a better life.
>Don't expect to reach your goal and magically feel better.
Worked for me. Looking into the mirror each morning and seeing my flat tummy always makes me smile.
I permanently disfigured my body by being obese. Even at 17 bmi I looked fat because of hanging loose skin. You could see all of my ribs and most of my vertebrae, but no flat stomach, unfortunately.

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Rate my outfit and guess my lifestyle.
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Hi there
This board broke it
20 is her body count
And probably 60 dogs

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Not sure if this counts as /fa/ (jannies you're free to delete this if it doesn't) but I need a new wallet. My old leather one is falling apart and I need a wallet that's fashionable yet fancy. Any recommendations?
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>white heterosexual man has entered the thread
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paying exclusively in gold coins
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Plastic/fabric wallet with a chain hooked to your pants.Esp if it's got Ben 10 print on it .
zippers and coins are double bad for cards in a wallets .i destroyed 2 bank cards and 1 ID because the coins would against the cards thru the thin internal fabric. get a coin purse, donate all coins or buy separate card holder. most people have more cards than coins ,anyway so ditch the coins imo.
Look up Ashland leather. I think they're out of IL. They make most of their wallets out of shell cordovan which is one of the nicest leathers around. I've spilled cleaning chemicals on mine, dunked it in salt water while fishing, dropped it out of my car etc. thing still looks great. I have this one, I replaced my pos Versace eel skin wallet with it and never looked back.

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I bought these ultra sexy shorts today
did I do good?
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No if you’re girl yes you can wear and ur sport bar go into gym attract incel.if you’re man i suggest you wear like normal people
she will 100% not put up with you, let alone give you a chance.
Only wore it once because everyone called me a fag while pointing at my ass.
Guys should only wear loose fit.
Rightly so.

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Is it normal for a woman to be wearing a foundation shade that has significant difference from the color of the rest of her skin? I am an incredibly pale woman and I'm genuinely considering tanning the rest of my body darker to make my foundation shade of choice match better. I have no idea if this is an insane train of thought but I wanted to get some opinions before I go crazy with the tanning lotion. I see all these other women with rather unmatching shades and begin to wonder if I really need to be worrying about it.
>Just find a foundation shade that matches your skin color!
My skin is pale to the point of being blue because I am a NEET who only goes out at night and I have yet to find a blue foundation that is as thick as I like.
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Do NOT do this. Tanned women are UGLY AS FUCK. Pale women are ARYAN-HYPERBOREAN BEAUTY. The world needs MORE pale woman.
This is very tuberculosis chic
>foundation shades
Disgusting. Ignore thots.
kalindra looks the best here

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would it be retarded to cop a Louis lock chain if my entire wardrobe is thrifted/discount brands and I have 0 interest in designer clothes? I just think it'd be nice to have an accent piece.
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I made one just because I like bladee. Btw you don't need to pay the absurd premium for it coming as a premade necklace, you can just go to a Louis store and say you need to buy a replacement lock for your mom/gf's Neverfull bag. They'll sell you it on its own for like 50 bucks and you can put it on a ring pendant on your own chain for way cheaper. You can spend the saved money on getting a nicer chain than OP picrel zozzle
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>paying 1k for a fake gold necklace
Buy an unique one-off piece from an actual artist, instead of stupid branded nigger trinkets.
this, don't pay $1000 for designer jewellery shits made by fob chinks in italy out of "metal"
the only reason to wear fashion brand stuff is to signal to other idiots who care about the name more than the quality. They see you wearing that but you're wearing dollar store jeans? They'd rip you apart and get away with it.

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I lost a lot of weight (350 to 230). I still have a lot of loose skin and gyno. Is it reasonable to wear compression clothing to hide my loose skin and boobs? Feel guilty about it desu but also still feel very uncomfortable in most clothes
after (i put a shirt on)
You do whatever is the needful. You have no reason to feel guilty about it. If women can literally wear war paint in the name of makeup and hide their real faces, then you have every right to wear compression clothing.

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