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Previous >>18086713


Quick guide to prep: www.mreero.com/journal/how-to-dress-like-a-prep
Gentleman's Gazzete info on /TIP/: pastebin.com/QrNDDG60
The Preppy Handbook: issuu.com/fiyero109/docs/toph

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Is bread good for you?
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How do i combine this crean yellow pants? I dont think this fit works
thats not necessarily a /tip/ specific question, just learn the color wheel
i'd go with blue in any shade or perhaps green in a more saturated darker shade
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alright thanks,ive got some blue
i need to get me some blazer at some point

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if you take another look at your picture you'll note a distinctly sausage like quality to what skin is exposed around the knees. no, it's either no socks, ankle socks, or straight up leggings when it comes to pairing shorts with sandals. but I'm willing to sacrifice ankle socks for the sake of compromise
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>wearing socks with sandals
Probably no socks, which I admit is more /fa/ but it's completely fucking disgusting.
maybe no-show socks
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If you wear anything other than crew socks, you're beyond help

Tips and tricks would be appreciated.
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ignore him man you look great in it
See >>18120955
There's little prestige in designer clothing because it's now primarily marketed at rappers and homosexuals. Debadging has nothing to do with "stealth wealth" because these garments are still overpriced mid-range crap, for the most part. True stealth wealth comes as-is, using only the highest quality materials and the best cuts for seemingly plain items, the difference is easy to see up close and can't be replicated with midrange branded stuff.
It's just an unspoken shibboleth to let others know you have money and taste. Question is, what's next?
I have roundhouse jeans I want to do this to but don't for fear of fucking them up
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>Buy clothing that is more expensive than it should be because it has a recognizable logo on
>Remove logo
>Wear mid-tier clothing that you overpaid for
Why not just buy actually good clothing that comes with no visible logos at all?
Why don't you just buy clothes from brands that don't add visible logo? I mean there's plenty of high quality stuff without badges.

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What’s the most effay brand of cigarettes?

Wanted to get pic related but couldn’t find it in Europe
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are the ones in the tin cans the same as the one in the carton packs?
who cares it's all the same shit with additives, I'd argue you menthol fags are low test
Pretty impossible to have FA packaging in this communist country but these are the best tasting and smoke profile.
Cigarillos or small cigars. Davidoff golds are good imo for the former.
There are no effay cigarettes in my dystopian homeworld of canada

Magnum P.I. was a fashionable guy.
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looks like they're smuggling wildlife into hawaii

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Does /fa/ admire the opium aesthetic?
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It looks like they're copying the berlin look
I like the opium style and chill blacks but I hate narcissistic blacks lol. You narcisssitic blacks all are zesty faggots that got butt raped by your mom's boyfriend growing up.
it looks like they're going to fight vampires or robots
Children of Morpheus
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Yeah I really liked Blade.

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Can you still wear hoodies in your 30s?
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Tell me what percentile of worldwide power you think he falls into.
Different situations call for different clothing, so yeah.
does anyone remember the name of the company that manufactures reigning champ's hoodies for them?
the price gap wasn't that huge but i liked the fit better.
I know a guy in his 60s who wears hoodies and looks cool, it's all in how you carry yourself

t, 22 year old who wears thrifted suits everywhere and has no friends
I don't go to the office anymore, but when we were still doing that shit, wearing a suit to work would have been career suicide. nice hoodies are the new business suits, deal with it neckbeards

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Anyone tried these Saucony Omni 9 before? How do they compare in comfort and durability to similar New Balance and Asics?
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There's a very wide range of options between ugly cattle-core sneakers and dressing like reviewbrah, if you accept this possibility and are willing to do some research you'll be ok.
A pair of reasonably priced leather /fa/ sneakers for evening engagements is probably a good place to start, it won't raise eyebrows but adds a bit of polish and will help you look less like a complete dumbass.
Cool story, bro
From there you can look for a pair of casual loafers, only one step above sneakers in formality but you'll look like less of a cunt
>less of a cunt
Get off the internet for a while dude
>tee hee look what I posted, mom
Enjoy your Nikes and gooning
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>Enjoy your Nikes and gooning
Kek you got me. Well played..

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I had to shave my head recently. Does anyone know any good wig shops?
veio noooooo

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Why are low tier men so obsessed with violence
It's the only way they will make a mark on the world.
>Cargo shorts
>, thin frames glasses
> t-shirts

You have conflated chudcore with virgin core.
They were supposed to die in war. They can feel it. They crave it. Instead, he is an amerimutt martyr. He could have simply been killed an celebrated but instead he chose chudom
80% >>18119756 with 20% tacticool

For me, the point of fashion is to attract other people. Girls for sex, people at work to think highly of you, and so on. Logically, this means you should just buy whatever the highest % of people will like. That is what I've been doing for years and it works.
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>In both professional and nonprofessional settings, individuals often make a significant effort to learn and adhere to dress codes, etiquette, and other written and unwritten standards of behavior. Conformity to such rules and social norms is driven by a desire to gain social acceptance and status (see Cialdini and Goldstein 2004) and avoid negative sanctions such as social disapproval, ridicule, and exclusion (Kruglanski and Webster 1991; Levine 1989; Miller and Anderson 1979; Schachter 1951). In the present research, we propose that under certain conditions, nonconforming behaviors can be more beneficial than efforts to conform and can signal higher status and competence to others. We argue that while unintentional violations of normative codes and etiquette can indeed result in negative inferences and attributions, when the deviant behavior appears to be deliberate, it can lead to higher rather than lower status and competence inferences.
What if I'm too autistic to NOT be able to tell whether the mannequin fit is sarcastic or hideous
Sure, high status guys can get away with acting/dressing like spergs, but nobody's reaction to seeing a guy on the street acting/dressing like a sperg is "oh wow that guy must be high status!"
"Under certain conditions" is doing a lot of fucking work there

If your goal is just to attract the most women and impress people at the office then you should 100% be trying to do what everyone else does, but better.

the purpose of this board as a whole is to discuss fashion as an interest and an art form, not to looksmax
buy what looks good on you. don't try to be something you're not but rather be the best looking you that you can be
This is true and what females refer to as "big dick energy", if you've never experienced women gasping at the size of your cock you'll never be able to pull it off, being a conformie is the best choice for the majority.

Post things you've purchased for your girlfriends before. I'm looking for good styles and reliable online retailers to buy from, hopefully not too expensive though.
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It's a choker for a girl's neck.
How much does the heart ring emphasize the Adam's apple?
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i hope she likes it
Why are you buying clothes for your girlfriend. Is she a child? Let her pick out her own clothes.
I’ve gotten her an issey miyake bag and some nessy khem shades.

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Do clothes look bad nowadays because they’re all cheaply made? It seems like you have to spend hundreds on something for it to look nice, whereas in the past everything, cheap and expensive, just appeared to be made with better material.
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its meaningless because "made in usa" only refers to the final sewing/assembly of the garment. you can ship straight up slop textile straight from china, pay an illegal immigrant below minimum wage to sew it together, and call it "made in usa" legally.
the brands that don't do this and aren't ripping you off will tell you where the cotton was grown, where it was milled into textile, and often times they'll give you the exact names of the farms and mill. without that information (or the equivalent to it for other garments) made in usa may as well mean nothing. usa is a high tier region to grow cotton in but not even really the best in the world.
there isn't inherently anything good about making textile in a first world country. its like the selvedge line on jeans -- a company that pays first world wages to their textile workers IS LESS LIKELY TO cut huge corners elsewhere. that's all it means. more likely to not be shit. doesn't mean it isn't shit.
Partly but it’s mostly the people themselves looking like shit.
ww1 -> ww2 meatgrinder of white death then mass immigration really did a number on the average american and european physique. europe was hit less hard by immigration, or at least less quickly than america, but it was made up for in all the weird eugenics shit that happened over the last century like scandinavians force sterilizing guys who looked too swole at the gym.
Clothes have always been expensive. They just figured out how to manufacture fashionslop at the speed of light and now $10 for a pair of pants is normal.
>now $10 for a pair of pants is normal.
And people look at you weird if you say you spent $100 on one pair.

Why do pigtails mog all other hairstyles for women?
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I like bangs on women
are you a bishop?
Because you can use them as handlebars
Head is better and more effective as a handlebar for a blowjob/facefuck, hips and long open hair are better handlebars for backshots
Are you all virgins here
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saars how to dress? i want to look like king.
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You can't be fat without lifting heavy weight. Hit your hairy booty to the gym, retard.

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