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How does he fare against your favorite /m character? Doesnt have to resort to fighting
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>ywn have a fat mecha pilot boyfriend who complains how tight his cockpit is while you make him a homecooked pasta dinner
Are you just incapable of making a thread that isn't template or needlessly comparative? This is why people tell you to FUCK OFF, /co/! Just make a normal thread if you want to talk about shit!
Any Getter-3 pilot winds up dying against him as tradition.
>/cotard raging in a thread again
Everyone know you're samefagging too, you practically replaced zetarager at this point
>keep making shit threads
>keep getting called out on them
Stop making shit threads.

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How did Char manage to say that it with a straight face?
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Anon, you're forgetting it's an almost 24-meter tall fuckhuge ball of metal covered in laser cannons
I rember fighting yje Zock in MS Saga it was the first boss to give me somthing resembling trouble
that dream sounds kinda cool, i wish i dreamed of mecha too. since you mentioned a yellow mono-eye i assume you were chased by a zaku sniper type, maybe its gun broke down.
I learned to fear the Zock when I played Journey to Jaburo on the PS2
it's the first real boss period

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Outsourced Edition

>Power Rangers Cosmic Fury:
Currently available on Netflix

>Official YouTube Channels:

>24/7 Streams:

>Boom Comics Recent Releases/Announcements:
- Ranger Academy
- MMPR: The Return

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It's okay. I was also underage when I watched Ninja Storm.
That's not how it works
You don't look at a school yearbook and pop a boner when you see your crush
It's okay to be nostalgic over feelings of having a crush but still being aroused is sick and wrong
She was 18 by the time filming wrapped. She was over 18 by the time the Dino Thunder team up happened, and she was in her 20s when she came back for Once A Ranger. It's fine. It's nowhere near as bad as, for example, a PR fan saying they want to fuck Justin.
>PR fan saying they want to fuck Justin
Yeah, I think pedos get stoned in Saudi Arabia

hehe penis
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It's weird. I know I watched all of Victory, but I remember literally nothing of the Keilas Guilie. Is cock blindness a thing?
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Pretty much.
You probably would remember more of it if it fired against Earth, but the point was to disable it/turned it towards the Zanscare.
>Imagine how disgusted the animator felt.
Only if he's low T


I'm obsessed with these upscaling models.
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it's called gamma correction
Fucking LOL
Fuck off tourist.
Welcome home purist.
This show is niche in such a way that I would not recommend it to anyone even though it is very good. It's something to get into on your own.

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Previous thread: >>22454197

Wake up, sleeping courage!

Previous and current news:
>Action Toys J-Decker revealed at WonFes 2024, currently at prototype stage
>New quarterly graphic novel series Brave Universe Sworgrader just began
>J-Decker HD Blu-ray/DVD slated for July
>GaoGaiGar and FINAL Discotek localization out now (includes Blockade Numbers and Pachislot clips)
>Hakaiou manga ongoing (Conqueror's Thralls arc), King J-Der side story by Tsunashima Shirou also ongoing
>SMP J-Decker slated for July
>Upcoming Koto kits: Great Fighbird, Da-Garn & GX Parts, Pegasus Saber, Land Bison, Seven Changer, Great Baan Gaan (8/24), Mach Sperion & Weapon Set
>Cross Frame Girl Goldy Marg & Stealth Gao II, Star GaoGaiGar Set slated for June, GaoFighGar in prototype stage
>Hobby Japan AMAKUNITECH Genesic GaoGaiGar slated for May, Sworgrader announced; AMAKUNI Genesic Head Display Model with new Guy voices slated for Sep-Oct 2024
>THE GATTAI Might Gaine out now, Might Kaiser for April, and Good Smile Shop exclusive Might Gunner for May, Seven Changer for September, Fighbird for March 2024, Granbird, Sky Saber and Land Bison in development

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Chapter done.
Huh, just noticed a small typo in page 10. I'll upload the fixed version to Mangadex ASAP.
>Great Baan Gaan falling down the votrex while displaying the VARS logo

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I was talking to a friend and he mentioned something about how theres a gundam manga where all the mecha are gijinka'd into anime girls? Is this true? What is it called?
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>shows Sinanju
>shows Strike
>"Zeta Gundam"

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>normie faggot being forced to watch gundam seed and gundam seed destiny in preparation for the movie
>seed is pretty ok
>starts gundam seed destiny recap movies
>minerva is constantly getting attacked by earth forces
>kira: athrun pls stop fighting you cant
>kira decides to just fucking fight minerva even though everything so far seems like self defense?
i truly don't know if i'm missing something. what the fuck does kira want to happen? "athrun pls just let them kill you guys, cagalli's crying." clearly the dumb bitch isn't getting through to orb, how the fuck are they going to stop orb and the earth forces from attacking minerva? i don't understand why he's only fucking lecturing zaft when they're the ones getting attacked?? is there something in the show that's missing in the movies or am i crazy?
>is kira fucking retarded?
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Reject SEED and SEED Destiny
Embrace SEED Astray and the absolute crazy of it.

I highly doubt the majority of the Destiny broadcast audience back then kept up with anime message boards. Anon is definitely exaggerating the variability in ratings episode to episode.
Magazines published vague summaries of upcoming episodes on a monthly basis.
In Japan? They have tv commercials with episode previews.
Sorry, I just wanna give my two cents.

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What's everyone watching or reading or building? Looking forward to anything this year?
Let's keep it /m/-related.
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Anon, learn to read.
When I say "conclusion from episode 27" I mean the conclusion of the romance drama, not that they should've ended the show there.
I'm quite enjoying all of the stuff after the timeskip with the racial relations and issues, I just don't enjoy the love triangle nonsense.
Stop projecting.
>the love triangle nonsense
That's quite literally the backbone of the show, everything else is just a setpiece. "Bro just develop the characters faster lmao" is a midwit complaint.
I would disagree, and assert that the backbone of the show is the interactions between humanity and the zentradi.
I do not feel that the love triangle has been given enough legitimate weight to be called the backbone, it's more of the secondary plot.
If the love triangle has been confirmed by the staff to be the main thing for the show, then that would be bad imo because it's not written particularly well.
Inspectors is a fanservice adaptation of SRW OG2, a fanservice game for people who are fans of SRW, a fanservice crossover franchise for fans of mecha in general
It is like the last thing you should get into as a mecha newfag (though if you can't appreciate the Obari animation, leave, you will never enjoy mecha anime).
Went into Back Arrow only knowing that it was by the same director as Code Geass, but I wasn't disappointed at all. Wish we got more products for the characters and mechs.
Ah, part 1 was a treat, hope you enjoy it, Sanada was my favourite. Didn't watch the original but I did watch the og for Captain Harlock. The show was better than the unrelated/potentially-standalone Arcadia remake. From what I've heard about some of the themes of 74 Yamato, I would assume both of us would prefer OG Harlock over OG Yamato, but I could be completely wrong on both accounts. I hope you enjoy part 2, so I might be tempted to pick it up as well.
I actually was not aware the novels were translated and available on nyaa until now, so I couldn't tell you. The OVA was great, apart from the episode previews outright spoiling you on many things you'd want to see blind. From what I was told, the new LOGH anime with the worse shiny pretty-boy designs follows the novel more closely as well, although that's not exactly an answer to your question. LOGH is a mandatory watch here, and I swear it's not dry. You'll have fun, I promise.

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I never really thought about Gundam weapons being based in real life since so many of them are so sci-fi-ish but now that I see the resemblance I can't get it out of my head.

Anyone have some good examples of Gundam or other mecha weapons or items that come from the real world?
I don't think we need to mention the Re-GZ's AK.
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That's a psg1.
>The rocket weapon seems to be more of a Soviet RPG-2 despite being labeled a sturm faust though.
Looks more like the unproduced panzerfaust 250
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funny thing is the Tallgeese Dober Gun pre-dates the Lynx Rifle.
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need to update this with a few newer additions like >>22631536 and the Jesta Cannon rifle resembling an XM29 rifle.
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Dobergun was inspired by WW2 anti tank rifles. like pic rel The M.SS41 on particular

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Code Geass has one of the few Amuro clones and it's the funniest fucking one because it shows why Amuro doesn't have clones like Char.
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I don't understand why won't he switch it up or get new material? Why leave such obvious tracks? I don't get it. He's literally signing his own posts in broad daylight. Why pretend like it's obviously not him?
You are the dumbest asshole on this board.
Fuck you
Suzaku and Amuro are nothing alike aside from being super Ace pilots and even then they differ greatly.

Amuro got bodied in early 0079 only kept alive by the gundams armor till about the Ral fight, he's a soldier who wants to limit damage and keep people alive but had no greater goals nor does he have any deep-seated self loathing.

Suzaku is an instant ace in the Lancelot able to fight on even ground with skilled enemy pilots like Toudou and Kallen in no time flat. He wants to fix the system from within or rather that's his cover for his death seeking (kinda makes me think of that popular interpretation of Char trying to use Axis to get a final duel with Amuro) he only really has brown hair and Ace status in line with Amuro

What was the name of this mech? I kinda forgot, heh
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Except that Axis absolutely had access to some Zeta Plan data, they have been cooperating and sharing tech with Anaheim for a long time by then. Specifically, the overall design is clearly derived from Zeta but the separation feature is most likely a successful version of what Prototype ZZ Gundam and Kappa/Sigma Gundam tried before ZZ elected to use a normal core block system.
Either stolen tech or a backroom deal, possibly both.
It wasn't anaheim itself. Anaheim engineers defected to neo zeon. Neo zeon unironically got more tech from the federation and Titans.
Yes there absolutely was. Luna Titanium Gamma was invented by Axis before being provided for Rick Dias and following machines. Speaking of, just look at Rick Dias's head sensor and compare it to the Gaza line's. Sure, there were defectors but Anaheim was happy to cooperate with Haman when it suited their interests, which was the majority of Zeta and still a big part of ZZ.
Captured is the word.
Feddies sent out their best but still couldn't stop the invasion.

Did TTGL successfully invoke the spirit of Getter Robo?
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>Did TTGL successfully invoke the spirit of Getter Robo?
Only if you are an OVAFag, because manga getter (the superior story) has a completely different point and message to the point they are not even comparable
>the superior story
lmao what story. it's just a pile of shit
Anon?....hurry up & put this little low t bitch fag:>>22632701
in his place. He can't get away with it.
No, like everything else trigger has done it's a poor mans version of a pre existing series because they can't come up with anything original without ripping something else off shamelessly.
Right around the time moot embedded Libera me from Hell on /b/.

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Which shows have the leanest mechs?
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surprised this took so far into the thread to get mentioned
She deserved a worthier pilot.
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It's kinda thicc but the rest of it's pretty skinny
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