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When does it get good?
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He should have won.
When you stop having shit taste.
Fuck off
at least its better than the lesbian of mercury
It's a 10/10 show until the same arc begins but the ending is sad af

Baldios walked so Ideon could run.
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>I'm guessing Zambot wasn't popular?
It was one of the best selling 70's anime on home video.
There is no need for a movie, I suppose they wanted to make different shows with different shit.
>It was one of the best selling 70's anime on home video.

Which probably isn't as impressive feat as it sounds given the time and the fact that TV shows were made primarily to sell add space. Not that it's NOTHING but it's like how CULT MOVIE basically means it bombed in theaters first.
>Which probably isn't as impressive feat as it sounds given the time
That's probably true, but any anime selling high enough numbers to rank next to or around future boy conan has to be some impressive feat. Tho, i've never the actual numbers, only that zambot 3 was among the top 5 best selling anime of that decade.
Kids didn't like it, Otaku adored it, and hence bought it when it came out on video. By that time Gundam was in full swing though - no way Sunrise would bother trying to reboot an old show from the same director when Gundam was such a huge hit. Sunrise stopped doing old school super robots after Daiouja in 81 anyways, anything not child oriented was going to be real robot from then on. So the window of possibility was likely very small.

Whose more autistic?
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>Also, the one who walked up to his comrade and about killing said comrade's best friend.

That was really the most confusing thing. Yes Talia and Rey were correct that they had legal reason to take Kira down and Athrun had to accept that, but Shinn knew he and Freedom's pilot were pals and knew Athrun didn't approve of them trying to take him out, so going up to an obviously upset Athrun and going "I just killed your buddy, praise me!" is autistic blindness of the highest caliber. What did he expect would happen? At absolute best Athrun would just keep his mouth shut and begrudgingly accept Kira as a sacrifice for world peace but he'd never outright be happy they killed him
Yeah, that particular one would like to brag about trolling up /m/ and /a/ and her style was pretty idiosyncratic. Sometimes she would almost hold a conversation when not shitting on others' interests to be some low-effort troll.
But if she's one of Zetarager's clones, it's all the lamer.
>Sometimes she would almost hold a conversation when not shitting on others' interests to be some low-effort troll.
>But if she's one of Zetarager's clones, it's all the lamer.
Ok, i know who you're referring to, now. I didn't know she was named "Akumatsu T". Yeah, she goes around this site shitting or being weirdly hyper critical on other people's taste. Saying dumb shit like "only a X or Y would like that garbage" or something to that effect. Like you said a bit, she's also really terrible or incapable of holding up a discussion or coming up with an intelligible counter argument without making an ass out of herself.
It's real pathetic, don't get why people like that like to brag about "TROLLING 4CHAN" especially when some /m/ type spaces are so limited and you can recognize their style and opinions right away. At least be a tripfag if you're going to be that attentionseeking.
>don't get why people like that like to brag about "TROLLING 4CHAN"
No life losers with very limited social interaction in real life. For once, THEY themselves get to be the bully. They get a kick out of it because they're boring, quiet unsociable losers in the real world. Online, they can be someone they are not or wish they were. Cowards, is what these individuals are.

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What were they thinking releasing this crap?
The only pleasant thing is the credits music
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Yeah. Crimson Group also bankrolled the Successors because that detail was needed but making PoD actually good wasn't.
What's Hikaru's ending?
iirc its basically the exact same thing but with some unique hikaru banter before she gets cucked
It's still one of the most beautiful animated films I've ever seen.
Too bad it's animating >>>/trash/

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Front Mission 2 Remake is not fun.
It feels like a job.
Worst part is that I can't grind skills in the arena and then just blast through the game like 1.
Enemies' shields are a fucking bitch.
And sometimes they just skill-chain me to death in one attack, while my dudes rarely chain even 2 skills with feint.
Am I supposed to save scum this game?
Am I missing some broken strategy, like arena skill grinding in FM1 or Ryogo soloing in FM3?
Also what the fuck SKILL stat on computer means?
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If you're looking for another turn based strategy mech game, there's this releasing in 4 more days.

It's made by the studio who did POWER DoLLS series.
Did your good PC short-circuit from blood when you dropped it on your testicles?
Why does it look like Animal Crossing?
This is not how I remember Power Dolls.
I will never forgive them for getting rid of the swoop in to battles that happen on the same stage.
How is that not EASIER to do nowadays?
>Is this supposed to be Roid?
Iirc, yeah.
>Why would he become a fucking terrorist?
It feels like complete shit but if you think about it, it really is the only option Royd has. I mean, he was already an independent guerilla fighter (read: domestic terrorist) by the end of 1.

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Opinion on the Seed Freedom english cast?

Amalee? Isn't she a youtuber or something?
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Don't feed that idiot. He brought up Debra Wilson and I still don't know why.
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Stop misgendering a person whose look and identity are unknown, u oldtype bigot. Is ur mind weighed down by Earth's gravity, bigot?
It reminds of the dub for Godzilla vs. Biollante saying AHSUEKA
Was that the one done in hong kong or one of those early NYC dubs?
mike stirlinkaas?

The truest threesome of the series who should literally do everything together in a three-seat Knightmare Frame.
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>Code MENT real theme music intensifies.
Why do people hate her for being this ingrateful brat sister who didn't keep her head under the rocks about her big brother becoming a terrorist leader?
C U C K! G A Y A S S!
There will always be people who will hate antags for being antags, on principle. No matter whether the MC is """gray""", or the actual Satan.
Mix that with Nunally's fans being manchildren who fetishize the weak, meek, powerless girl she starts off as, and you have a perfect recipe for hate the second she becomes an adult.
Question of the month: How would Shirley raise her hypothetical twin daughters from her accident threesome with Lelouch and Suzaku, if they're going to be laughed at in school for having "two gay dads"?

>Let's try another Kira
>Oops, all gay !
Considering Kira himself is a failure ,it makes his existence even more sad, Imagine being a failure of a failure.
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It is a pity that even though the site is still up but all the animations had been taken down a few months ago

He at least writes his own scripts and aimbots unlike you who have to do falseflag operations to acquire and reverse engineer them
And you're just Rey in a fur coat
Given that politicians like to use nutty extremists as muscles to enforce their will (like the SA to the Nazi Party), it could be the case that Durandal lied to Aura to make her and her children into useful pawns -- at the very least they could weaken the Eurasia Federation. Had the Destiny Plan succeeded, Durandal would've had able to contain nutcases like Aura, but it didn't and he died.
Who's this, Gayra Yamato?
So he is Jesus.

Literally, Jesus, the Jews also wanted a warlord but God gave them a holy man whose highest form of violence was whipping them for ripping people off in their temples with bullshit and wanting to guide people to essentially an ascetic but peaceful lifestyle.

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>In a new interview, Anno hints that the world of NERV isn't gone, though the legendary director might not be the one at the helm.
>"I've been releasing movies for three years in a row, and I'm completely exhausted. I think I'll be happy with directing for a while. I guess this is the end of my career in movies. For a while, I'll be working on 'Yamato' (a special project for the 50th anniversary of 'Space Battleship Yamato', which produces publications and events). I think it's a good idea to direct myself now. My schedule has been compressed due to the coronavirus pandemic. Because of that, I was physically and mentally exhausted from having to release new works. I'm not a very strong-willed person, so every time I release a work, I get cut down on it. There's hardly any left"
>In the same interview, Anno hints at the idea that "there may be plans" for a new Evangelion anime project but didn't share the details of what this story would entail. Hideaki also stated that "someone other than [himself]" might be helming the project, and said the creator might have a high degree of freedom in revisiting the world of NERV.
We knew this already, he mentioned this when 4.0 came out but it would’ve been the end of Eva’s original story and more of an au of sorts not unlike gundam
>I guess this is the end of my career in movies
I hope not. His live action movie work has been pretty solid if not perfect. Still dude could use a break considering he did three Shin movies in a row.
>For a while, I'll be working on 'Yamato'
now this sounds promising

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Old recordings.
I've noticed they get mistakenly listed as "specials" on some database sites. Could also be because New Story of Byston Well never got an English release and these are bonus's for it (or the opposite I guess). Which is a shame. I think using BG art for the mecha was an interesting idea and the OVA is actually a solid fantasy romp that gives you more of feel for the world. The 2nd L-Gaim compilation OVA has that fun extra bit of animation at the end, I wonder if these have any extra animation or anything of note?
aura bump
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Tomino's best mother character, now in digital animation
the costume design in dunbine look so fucking ugly i can't

>Virgin pre-cancelation Adventure
>Mimi wore lipstick, but never got tied up nor gagged. Instead, Matt-who already got tied up as early as episode 3-not only got mummified but otn gagged.
>The Ishida brothers digimon fused with anyone but each other.
>Half of the digidestineds digimon never achieved their megas.

>Chad post-cancelation Adventure
>In 2020, Mimi finally got tied up.
>In Tri, Omnimon Merciful Mode covers every combination of any two OG Adventure digidestined digimon which was what we wanted in the first place.
>In both, the OG digidestind's digimon achieved their megas. Biyomon, Palmon, and Tentomon all got the right ones.

And you people call me the flat earther? Also, Digimon thread. Inb4 not /m/, make up your minds.
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>so all you can do is take the original show, add in more lore, and alter it to modern shounen sensibilities.
Agreed. Still it was decent...at times.
Yeah, I agree. Some of the stuff in Adventure 2020 was cool, but it will never live up to the original.
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>You can't evoke that wonder and fear (in the case of Tamers) about technology anymore
Yeah because we totally aren't having a technological revolution with AI right now complete with crazy fearmongering about playing god just like in the Y2K days.
We aren't

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THE GUIDE: http://gunpla.buyfags.moe/


For those new to gunpla/plamo or even just new to this thread; please read the guide. Please read it before asking questions, as there is a chance it has already been answered there.

For the unclear, "plamo" is a shortened form of "plastic model". If it's made of plastic, someone can probably help you here!
If you're new, you're gonna fuck up. Don't worry! If you're experienced, don't make the new people worry!

And don't forget to report shitposting and spam.

>Why won't anyone answer my question?
Try being specific, especially about your materials and process. Post images whenever possible; even if the kit/part looks bad, you are more likely to get help posting images.

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The realization for me was when I got some Godhands as a Christmas gift. The difference in quality was enormous. It unironically cut down my build time by a massive amount because every cut went from needing trimming and sanding, to at most a very minor slice with a hobby knife after a cut.
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Working on a custom Arbalest. I finished the basic shape of knife and arm sheath. Need to work on the gun. Ill add smoke launchers and wire to the sides of the shoulders. Got the idea to add the bars on the top from votoms.
New thread

how easy is it to DIY a lightbox for pics?
Since you are incapable of performing the most basic first step, for you it is next to impossible.

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Sir, I have some suggestions. How about we added one more eye to our Mobile Suits to increase vision on our Mobile Suits?
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>earthnoid: brown globohomo one world country
>spacenoids: purebreed ,superior being, the samurai of the universal century.
cope earthnoids scum
Why does vengeance of requiem depict zeon as woke and diverse race rather than glorious warrior alien in 0083?
To be fair, majority of background humans look awful in CCA
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Because jews fear the samurai spirit, and now that they are done destroying the west they're coming for glorious Japan, it's gonna take a while because the japanese aren't as """"diverse"""" as other western shitholes but the plan is in motion first the culture then it's people.

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Former Dirty Pair animator posted on Twitter that the opening planet from the first episode of the OVA isn't actually animated. Instead they painted a planet onto a big styrofoam ball and recorded that instead.

Tomino saw them do that and did the same for Earth in CCA

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This cut
I never saw any nerds ever complain about either scene, so mission accomplished.

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You can already hear the muffled screams while A Day by the Sea starts playing.
You forgot the feathers with all that tar.
paint thinning is for tryhards

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