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>it's an atmospheric reentry episode
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Felsi is a snapshitter
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gbitch sucks
Felsi Fucks
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That is indeed Yoshihisa Tagami’s GREY
what about it
does it have giant pilotable robots
You need do more other than just ape template threads.
Grey was a short, fun romp in a world made of lie-covered shit. The mecha ranged from WW2 clunkers to a gigantic floating version of that Buddha dildo, all lovingly detailed. The MC, although described by the author as "a punk," is a determinator par excellence.
Grey's anime adaptation was, hmm, acceptable, but imo the manga was pretty damned good.

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According to the description:

>"This is a talk between Toshio Suzuki of Studio Ghibli and film director Mamoru Oshii on the film “Avatar” after Oshii's declaration of defeat.
Other participants are Mamoru Oshii fundamentalist and writer Mabai Noda, “Sky Crawlers” film producer Tomohiko Ishii, and “COMIC Ryu” editor-in-chief Shuichi Ohno.

Director Mamoru Oshii declared defeat against James Cameron's “Avatar”.

Toshio Suzuki and his colleagues are discussing what kind of film they would like Director Oshii to make in the future in order to win over Director Cameron."

There's sadly no automatic captions, but I'm curious why Oshii was so impressed by Avatar at this point in his career considering he directed Ghost in the Shell, Patlabor 1 and 2, Jin Roh, and other arguably better movies. Even the Japanese comments seem to agree Avatar was just a mediocre movie with good CG and superior funding from the US, so it all just seems out of character.
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Visually Avatar is amazing. That's an indisputable fact. Its everything else about it that is mediocre to bad.
He's carried by yoji shinkawa
>"Toshio Suzuki and his colleagues are discussing what kind of film they would like Director Oshii to make in the future in order to win over Director Cameron."

I want to know more about this
>Mamoru Oshii fundamentalist

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>hchcsen nuked his account again
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Google should help
It doesn't
Is there one for Turn A?

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Nope, not gettin' out of this chair.
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Reminder Eustace is a newtype
He blew up Di Lungs car with his mind


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>you see there was another guy who looked just like Casval, same height, weight, and age who happened to be nearby and was going to join the Zeons
>Casval stole his identity and the other guy conveniently died
Please tell me this origin shit isn't the real backstory of the original Gundam. this is laughable.
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I get mistaken for one person all the fucking time as O absolutely believe it.
Zundam bad dawg
Kek I like this post.
>The Origin is just a bar story from Quattro that ends up being so hard to beleive cause of his ego, but he's so absorbed he lacks the self awareness to see how ridiculous it sounds
This is my headcanon. The ending gets interrupted with Kamille saying that never happened! And him storming off, Quattro looks around the room and sees the entire argama crew raising a brow, and he wakes up to the fact he just outted himself when all Kamille did was ask who Char was and how the OYW went down.
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>Oh yeah Amuro was totally a smelly NEET before I came along

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If Crossbone is so great, then why hasn't it been animated? Isn't the UC timeline the most popular Gundam?
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Because Thunderbolt exists
Fate doesn't do it either.
and then Unicorn happened
and Thunderbolt and Origin reinforced it. Oh, and Hathaway. It can happen if Bandai wants it to happen.
Those still carry the themes and plotlines from the main UC series. Also they took place directly after CCA. Crossbone is practically an AU.
Go tell that to Vfags

Xabungle Graffiti, official subs from the SD-BD, BD encode from U2, so you can finally watch it in decent quality.
Also Xabungle TV batch, Hidive and AXSUS Hat subs, same U2 encode, since I didn't make a thread for it two weeks ago.
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...doesn't he survive in the TV show? I swear he appears in the final shot.
Most of the civilians are unkillable maniacs. Don't forget even Timp took a nuke to the face.
>Episode 15, 9:05 Axsus Hat inserted a joke about Horla's mecha having "plot armor" when he really said that "Its power's on another level."

I really hated when subbers used to do things like this.
I think both work because of the gag, Fatman because he's canonically indestructible, Arthur because it's Graffiti and anything goes.
Graffiti has the added bonus of giving Elchi a happier ending, since her losing eyesight permanently is kind of uncharacteristically dark for Xabungle.

Fatman comes running, but Arthur only appears as one of the Innocent when it goes through the people they met along the way; a handful of the characters shown there are alive at the end of the show, but most are dead.
Eh, it didn't bother me in Xabungle. The show's not taking itself seriously enough (at that point, at least) for it to be a problem, unlike :3 or transgraham, which were irritating.

Anyone here see the Dynames SAGA yet? I wonder of they're still working on the 00 project after Revealed Chronicle.
What'll they do? Give the next main suit 3 drives?
The last official word we got was that the 00 sequel would be delayed until 2027, in time for a major 00 anniversary. The delay was due to Bandai rushing forward projects they could get ready in time to make up for COVID delays, and they wouldn't have 00's sequel ready in time for the 2022 anniversary.

In past interviews, Mizushima stated he wasn't sure if he'd pick up where the stage reading started (Graham and Laeticia) and tell the full story of the Innovator War that happened in the time while Setsuna was gone, or if he'll focus on a different group but in the same timeframe. He also hasn't stated whether it'll be an OVA, Movie, or a full season.
I remember that interview, thanks for the additional info.

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The weapons don't feel powerful/impactful. I hate every character. The sense of weight feels way off making things feel awkward. But you can make your Mech look pretty cool so there is that.
Also its overboost equivalent doesn't feel fast, either
The game doesn't tell you that, but it's in the sourcebook. She was 24 at the time of the moonfall, and that happened 42 years before the game. Physically she stopped aging then. So she's 24 physically and 66 chronologically.
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That animation makes me feel they had bigger plans for this had the game made better numbers. Nintendo did start an E3 with the DxM announcement after all.
Well, there's a sequel coming, so it did enough for that for what it's worth.

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How come there's no Mecha Isekai anime when the genres positively demand to be combined?
>hit by a truck
>wake up in another world
>god grants you any mecha you want
>you have to defeat the evil empire to return
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Yeah, Orguss proves that isekai has always been a trash genre.
He's too retarded to read in between the lines without the plot explaining that to him. OP is a dumb halfwitted speedwatching faggot.
I just realized, Digimon is isekai too
God Shou's mpm.is such a bitch that entire arc was damn sa. I felt terrible for him and the re s t of his family at yhe arcs end
Really? Why do they use the Butcha-U art on Novelupdates then?

>designs the gundam, the mobile suit that wins battles and eventually the war
>motivated to stop young people like his son being thrust into war
>final fate is going mad from hypoxia, abandoned by his son and dying from falling down the stairs
>his circuit from when he went mad is a joke item nearly every time it appears

Why did the they hate Tem Ray so much?
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I always thought the scene was a joke but that's his last chronological appearance ever, I think the implication is there
>his money
He didn't have enough money for the fruit basket he wanted. There's no way he could afford a plush retirement home.

Also didn't he die from the fall.
Removing Yas headcanon out of the equation, what was terrible about him?
It is a miracle it even works.
Even though he's under house arrest in Zeta, I assumed the Federation gave Amuro whatever he wanted just to shut him up
I could believe he probably asked for them to send money to his mom or something

>make a Build Vigna Ghina custombuild
>forget to include it in your metaverse build thing
>shove it into the new seed movie and say Okawara made it
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Bro if you read anything about the movie you'd know Fukuda said he ignored every other Gundam show since Destiny so he wouldn't be influenced by them. Orphee's mech suit is a parody of Lancelot Albion end of story.
Burning down Bandai HQ won't show that you own all of Gundam, Fukuda
I will soon enough
Gimme those funky alternate versions from the book. I want the Super-Armed Tank!
>Build Vagina China

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Who did it best?
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you can't just slap some chobham armor plates on a gundam and call it a "full armor" nigga!
0 gundam
But the Crossbone already had a Full-Armor variant, somewhat

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ITT Mecha that got their shit rekt HARRRD
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Mika didn´t deserve to die
Can't wait for a SRW re-enactment of this finale, it's gonna be sooo grim for whoever is on the enemy side...
I can't believe Roberts killed off Brainstorm and we never learned what was inside his briefcase.
Is there a single western comic that isn't just miseryporn? Why the fuck is everything I see about IDW transformers so wretched and depressing?
I'll let you in on a little secret: Transformers is not quite mecha fiction and is in fact mecha skinned western superhero fiction. It's about a bunch of colorful individuals with unique powers (who are infinitely reused and recycled in stories retold ad infinitum) who fight each other in long and convoluted duels. Naturally therefore the comics are mostly drama and also fujobait.

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