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scg - STEM career general

Postdoc outcomes edition

Previous Thread: >>16347256
This thread exists to ask questions regarding careers associated to STEM.
>Discussion on academia-based career progression
>Discussion on penetrating industry from academia
>Or anything in relation to STEM employment or development within STEM academia!

Resources for protecting yourself from academic marxists:
>https://www.thefire.org/ (US)
>https://www.jccf.ca/ (Canada)

Information resource:
>*The Chad author is seeking additional input to diversify the content into containing all STEM fields. Said author regularly views these /scg/ threads.

No anons have answered your question? Perhaps try posting it here:

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Ok, which plan do you think is better?

Plan A: Intelligence
+ Autumn 24: Physics course at Skovde University, IT courses at Metropolia University of Applied Sciences
+ Sprint 25: Russian language classes at Malmo University. IT courses at Metropolia
+ Autumn 25 - Autumn 26: Intelligence Studies at Lund University. I can graduate with Bsc Intelligence Studies in January 27.

Plan B: Education
+ Autumn 24: Finish my MA in Upper Secondary Education, IT courses
+ Spring 25 - Summer 26: Physics, IT courses. Hopefully get a triple teaching license in Mathematics, Physics and Programming/IT by Summer 26. Can maybe get a full-time HS teaching job around January 27.
I graduated from a middling state university and was able to get into PhD program (at another middling state university) by knowing my field well for an undergrad, having some relevant professional experience, and hitting it off with a professor whom I could called. You had better grades than I did from a better university. You can absolutely get in somewhere, but you're also correct that better American graduate schools are flooded with good applicants.
Does Sweden have an army reserve like the US? If so, you can just get them to teach you Russian and how to be an analyst or whatever and study whatever the hell you want while going only going to drills twice a month.
As I understand it, Totalförsvaret (lit. total defense force lmao), is badly paid and very competitve
Might still be worth it if having an active clearance pushes your CV to the top of the pile.

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Science has become a status contest for normies who care about prestige and social standing, and not about truth and progress. Real nerds who focus on intellectual curiosity and solving problems are alienated by spending months on untruthful window-dressing for prestigious paper-chasing, networking, and academic politics. What we got from that are replication crises, shallow research, and billions of normies peer-pressuring themselves into injecting themselves with genetic technology tested for two months.

The main motivation of normies is social status. This is e.g. why they hate you when lay out clearly why you made a particular decision, they see the facts you share (that nerds would just find *interesting*) not as information but as challenging their social status when they decided for something just because it's popular. That's why their monkey brains generate the automatic reaction to devalue and punish you for it.

Normies are driven by status alone, so what if we created a **system where status doesn't matter**, that actively alienates normies and attracts nerds again? How would that look like? Anonymous contributions, judged only by anonymous peer-reviewed merit, no names or institutions attached. Discussing data like in the old internet times instead of polishing it up to create content for the publishing industry and elongating an academic CV. Could this force normies out and bring nerds back to the forefront of real scientific advancement?

Let’s come up with a bunch of ideas to fix this mess.
Just do math. Progress in math is so slow it has always been the best deterent to normie activities. See Gauss who was a sheltered bigot when the French revolution was happening, or Jean Pierre Serre who didn't give a single fuck about hippies in the 60s. Math is the only refuge for people who can't stand normies. Add to that interest for classic books in literature (minimum 200 years) and you have a decent intellectual hygiene.

We got more maths than we might ever need.

Meanwhile, nerds need fields like medicine working effectively too.
it's all branding
rename scientist to statistcal technologist or some shit and leave what science is becoming to it's own devices
then when the masses catch in to the cool new thing rename it again

Is there any bigger frauds than psychiatrists? They claim authority over the proper functioning of the human mind, yet 99% of their job is saying "schizo" or "bipolar" and "take your tranquilizer".
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I am a hyperrational individual from 1000 years in the future and I consider all leisure to be results of mental illness, lowering societal efficiency, hence requiring immediate pacification with central amygdala alcohol injection.
Praised be the central regime.
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then why are narcissists not locked up?
They don't actually analyze your brain to produce a mental health diagnosis. Like imagine getting a cancer diagnosis without doing a biopsy. It's entirely based on subjective interviews with the patient. It's sociopolitically biased and consistently produces wrong results.

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...where the dark matter particles?
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why cant we just admit that general relativity doesn't actually work for objects the size of galaxies and bigger?
Everything gets based on drawing inferences from closer objects in order to understand observations of more distant objects. Things will be fine in our galactic neighborhood, but nobody can really be sure how much garbage assumption gets sucked into the models when we're looking billions of light years out.
So GR could be just fine while we totally misinterpret the photons that are trading energy between distant galaxies and telescope sensors.
It works for black holes which are bigger than galaxies
impeccable reading comprehension
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when did you realize STEM degrees are a massive scam and that you should have gone to med school or a top tier business school instead depending on your strengths?
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Anon wtf are you talking about bro?

Just Google statistician jobs and look at the pay you idiots.

Cybersecurity pays well.

My area is flooded with DOD contractors and weapons manufacturers

Theirs semiconductor manufacturers as well in my area.

All stem high paying careers

I know people personally making 200k at l3 Harris and Raytheon. My cousin works at Boeing making 100k as an engineer he went to the most basic unheard of college.

Stop the lies and demoralization
Americans doctors just rob people blind, then sell useless pills to them
>Cybersecurity pays well.
hard to get into, undergrad in it is utterly useless, terrible work conditions where you are routinely undermined and undervalued by management that fundamentally resents your paycheck existing because it doesn't actively produce profit. Cybersecurity fucking sucks.
>first example that comes to mind of a condition that is necessary to be "treated" by a doctor is an autoimmune disease very likely caused by a poor diet, intestinal dysbiosis, and immunogenic food additives
Working in the defense industry is immoral.

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Why is this hurricane season such a boring bust? All of the scientists said it would be the most active ever.
just wait about a fortnight
>Why is this hurricane season such a boring bust? All of the scientists said it would be the most active ever.
Weather is very hard to predict.
Saving it all up for next hurricane season (or the next, or the one after that).
When the sunspot count is high the sun produces a higher fraction of it's energy in shorter wavelengths and the additional UV flux scatters in the upper atmosphere, warming it.
Hurricanes depend on a cold upper atmosphere to create the potential energy which results in the strong updraft in the inner eye wall that results in the very low sea level atmospheric pressure. With a warmer upper atmosphere that potential is reduced and thats why high sunspot counts result in weak hurricane season.
This has all been widely known for over half a century, anyone predicting high convective storm activity during a high sunspot count period is either very ignorant of relevant basic common knowledge or they're intentionally making a prediction they know is wrong in order to be deceptive or as a joke to see how many idiots are dumb enough to fall for it.

It's literally my dream to go here when I get my bachelors in compsci.
Have any anons on this board been to Antarctica before?
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I'm a freshman in college right now, so I've been considering compsci or ICT but to be my major but compsci seems to pay more.
I saw some jobs that require bachelors in compsci though. Mostly networking jobs. Hence why I want to get a bachelors in compsci. I don't know, it's all confusing to me.
Getting a cruise to Antarctica is a good second option, just not the kind of thing I really want.
Visit the cities next to it, people who go regularly can be found there, some people even have homes
Not that difficult, if you just want to see it there's plenty of cruises and flights that go under 10k and even the full shebang of going to the pole can be done for less than 100k, with a comp sci degree you can easily afford that as a vacation if you save up a little.
You could probably get an IT drone job in mcmurdo as well.
there was an anon on this board who said he worked there and he said that scientific progress completely halted once for a month when a bitch broke up with her boyfriend (also worked there) and the bitch started fucking another guy at the station and only then could they resume work
Yo. Tooker been gone a minute. Where you at

Why are math students worse at math than physics students? How is that even possible?
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What the fuck are you talking about?
It's all sat based
math has become jewish, thus it relies more on memory than logic compared to real physics calculus.
that's why only physicists learn real math.
Why can math become Jewish
Oh lol

/bio/ general — corporate victim edition.
Any discussion about biology, genetics, biochemistry, botanics, zoology and pharmacology are welcome.
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Well, I'll post the info from the dying thread
Basic Info For Tourists:

Biology Journals to Read New Research:

Top Bio News Headlines This Week:

QOTT: Tell me about your professional life. What's your specialty? Which of your research projects has been the most enjoyable/rewarding? What are your career goals?
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Is khan Academy course worthwhile?

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Name one non-physical thing that can be proven to exist independent of physical objects. Just one.
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A retard exercise, literally everything boils down to le brain because that's where thoughts of concepts come from, we think.
(1) You started by splitting "free will" as "free" + "will," which is already ironic per se.
(2) You then chose an arbitrary antonym to "free" in order to state a tautological definition, furthering the irony.
The list goes on but start with that.
>(1) You started by splitting "free will" as "free" + "will," which is already ironic per se.
No, it is already split, you were being ironic by writing free will as "free will" and trying to make it one word instead of a compound phrase made of two components where a certain quality of agency, ie will, is said to have the property of being free.
(2) It is not an arbitrary choice, it is contextual, what non-ironic definition of free do you actually think people mean when they discuss the will being free?
>a certain quality of agency, ie will, is said to have the property of being free
>what do you actually think people mean when they discuss the will being free?
I'm not going to do your work for you. Link to any definition of free will given by a proponent of free will that defines free will as an untrapped brain.

Why do you think is the objective reason women fail this task? Concept of gravity is non existent in female brain?
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Btw this may be because they know on an intuitive level that it gratifies the man to correct them and explain the answer, especially if that man is the one presenting the problem to them. Being perceived as intelligent doesn’t matter to them so they probably don’t even read the problem and just play along with the man’s self gratification game
? That doesn’t contradict what I said
This actually allows us to empirically test my hypothesis. Have another woman present the problem to them instead of a male. Then I guarantee they will be able to do it, especially if the woman presenting the problem acts as if she doesn’t know the answer because this will give the subject an opportunity to mother the other woman
Cultural impact in toddlers is as large as among college students? Are you retarded?
Is it in a vacuum?

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Imagine if science did not separate from philosophy, but would be a large section called natural philosophy. Do you think it would be good for the development of science or not?
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I'm a natural philosopher and have phd title
more like governments quickly realized the danger of people questioning their authority
>asking why an apple falls? you can do that. But questioning why I get to steal from everyone and call it a tax? death.
Enlight us
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How is it not? You appear to be blind to basic simplicity. Do you also think that science isn’t just repeatability? It is.
He is retarded

Were his overtly sexual psychological theories just schizo ramblings or was he right?
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I don't know I'm not sure he was 100% correct about everything I think alot of his ideas were more presumptive rather then empirical.

Not to say he wasn't totally wrong but definitely not right ethier if I had a measuring device that could predict the accuracy of his work I'd say about 40% was correct
Anatomy is destiny.
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I don't know I'm not sure anon was 100% correct about Freud I think alot of his ideas were more presumptive rather then empirical.

Not to say he wasn't totally wrong but definitely not right ethier if I had a measuring device that could predict the accuracy of his work I'd say about 0% was correct
His theory consists on "We have 3 souls". Complete nonsense. Pavlov contributed a lot fucking more to psychology with his "Neuron Activation" model than this hack.
>Being a retarded american is empirical evidence
My parents loved me and I am 100% loyal to them. My mother coddled me and I treat her as an equal rather than what she expects like a superior in a position of power. None of this has to do with freud bullshit. If you treat people well they will like you, whodathunkit?

how does hypnosis work from a scientific perspective?
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You are skitzo
Exploiting a backdoor created in the process of facilitating social functions that require some level of roleplaying and/or subordination.
There's nothnig mysterious about that experiment. She clearly just figured that the other people must have been told information that she wasn't made aware of that they stood up for. Either that, or she just didn't want to look weird by being the only one doing it.
A hypnotist came to my middle school assembly once but all he did was get seventh grade girls to kiss him on the lips
That’s illegal

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How do we know this??
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Finding out it's not all uniform and neat is like finding out dinosaur fossils aren't really bones or a lot of NASA's space images use false color. Or atoms aren't neat like that either. Science is a lie.
theres no lie in those things you mentioned, just a mistaken reliance upon the most basic and introductory understandings in each case.
It's how they are always presented so you just assume. Especially false color nebulas where they either use multiple spectrums or assign a color to a specific element. And rarely whenever you saw a picture in a book did it say "false color" or what that even meant.
>It's how they are always presented
in the lowest brow pop-sci articles. It's silly to call science a lie if all you base your understanding of any part of it on comes from such sources.
>you just assume.
there is your error. Why assume such things instead of making the effort to know more?
> use multiple spectrums or assign a color to a specific element. without saying 'false color'....
That would depend upon the level of the book it appears in. It is always possible, especially these days, to check into the source of the image and how it was made.
It's no lie to present an image combining visible light and near infrared, with the IR represented with a certain palette of visible light colors so we can see them unless it says clearly that 'this image is how it would look to the human eye' or something like that.

I've got an astronomy book right here, at a level for the interested amateur adult, and its full of such images. But you can tell from the context of the chapter and page what they are showing you.

To assume its all lies and deception instead of trying to understand each image in its context is bizarre.

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