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EVs have a larger carbon footprint than real cars do
Yeah no shit. Look at any black country. Being black and poor in america is better than being rich in any African country. Atleast your safe in america. Unless another black man murders you lol.
no shit faggot

but the more plants we have the more oxygen and renewable resources

why are leftists so fucken dumb lol
I hope you're trolling.
Fanum tax skibidi rizz

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How to into Logic?
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So listen to everything he says. Got it.
Learn how to write basic proofs. Then pick up

>Introduction to Mathematical Logic (Hodel)
>Model Theory (Chang/Keisler)
>Proof Theory (Gaisi)
>Introductory Set Theory (Levy) or Set Theory (Jech).

All cheap dover books and good. Obviously start with learn propositional logic, first order and then maybe second and higher order. Learn some basic proof, model, and set theory. Maybe learn alternative foundations and perspectivevs like typed/untyped lambda calculus, category theory, general type theory and homotopy type theory. Also helps to learn some programming for computational shenanigans, learn Haskell or Scheme and implement stuff. Learn Coq or Agda, or Lean.
If you ain't got it, you ain't got it.
read logic textbooks
fuck off were full

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Shouldn't gases with only three translational degrees of freedom have a higher diffusion coefficient than a gas with additional rotational and vibrational degrees of freedoms, because they don't have to distribute their thermal energy towards these rotational and vibrational degrees of freedoms, which don't contribute to the diffusion coefficient?
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You obviously don't know that.
molecules with higher degrees of freedom have THE SAME translational kinetic energy at the same temperature as ones with lesser degrees of freedom.
that's a translation anon...

name a gas that can't rotate
No you stupid jew back to preschool

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I am tired of acne in my face for two years now. Somebody recommend me genuine and 100% working products,methods and not some bullish goyslops.
you sure do seem to like talking about yourself on social media, pizza face
As only thing or with something else?

What are you on about nigger
Hit the gym at a sustainable pace so you don't give up, coupled with careful nutrition to build up muscle. Aim for three years of continuous work on those muscles.
Does 4chan count as social media though

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Get a degree in business. Climb the corporate ladder or go into business for yourself. Also consider a job in government, or criminal justice. You don’t want to end up homeless do you anon?

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I'm in germany and I pay 100 euros every semester. So around 700€ for a bachelor all in all, while working on the side making 1500€.

I recommend not living in the united states. Also STEM was the best decision of my life. I finished an apprenticeship in trade before (electrician). Which would end, in me working my whole life for 3300 bucks. (50% tax in germany, so around 1800 after tax).

With my engineering degree and the position I'll aquire in my company, I can make around 8000 euros, around 4500 something after tax. So dunno what these people are on about.

If you are in a field of demand, like STEM, medicine, Law, it's a pretty safe way to a good life.
That's what I got on this
which is supposed to be 99% accurate. On the WAIS my GAI was like 130 but my short memory and speed subtests were like 85 IQ cuz my memory and attention are so completely fucked due to ridiculous panic, OCD, insomnia, etc.
>I recommend not living in the united states.
>50% tax in germany
I recommend not living in Germany. Holy fuck I cannot imagine having that much of my income stolen. I make $60k per year and if I add up all my taxes at the end of the year they account for less than 15% of my gross income.
You sound alright - it sucks being surrounded by NPCs and held to impossible standards that they implicitly know and obey. I've never held any form of employment since it's so far outside my comfort zone of academic stuff and based on awkward interviews and normie headgames, wtf.
dont care fag

Bill Nye, Neil Tyson, Carl Sagan and the rest of them. We get it, humans are made of stardust. Why don't you study something actually important or controversial like race and IQ.
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And that is part of an effort to steer people away from their more reliable and solid traditional belief systems and trap them into scyence atheism, which can be changed at a whim top down because "the scyence has changed".
Rent free
Short version - As much as we all get irked by popsci faggots, the bottom line is that 99% of the human race don't get their cocks out (or their checkbooks) for binary light curve measurements or Langmuir probe sweeps or particle pair correlation plots like scientists do.

Non-scientists have to be persuaded that all this science shit that they don't understand well enough to see how it impacts their daily lives is still worth taking a big bite out of their paycheck to fund, and popsci faggots do that by (for lack of a nicer way of saying it) trying to dumb down the material in a way that doesn't come off as patronizing to laypersons.

Where it becomes a problem is when the popsci faggots think their ability to translate research for laypersons makes them equivalent to actual researchers or puts them in some kind of special position to dictate what government policy on research should be. NDT is particularly bad about this, and buys into his own PR too much.
The problem is that normies now think these entertainers are top of the field experts and associate their likeness to scientific authority, leading even worse retards like musk or the hundreds of "science" channels on youtube also gaining credibility. Pop science has made people stupider
Tyson nuggets tranny confirmed?

any good alternatives to scihub for accessing more recent publications?
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How many TB do you need?
> for accessing more recent publications
Did they stop adding papers ?
not OP but they usually don't have the newest paper i.e. ones that have just been published last month or so.
>last month or so
They stopped uploading new papers three years ago because they're getting sued.
How is this possible, don't they operate in areas in which no one cares for US copyright?

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Why do scientists brazenly maintain this antiquated model of Earth's core?
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Because they know they can spin whatever grandiose lies they want so long as they control the peer review process.
Imagine riding along with the water molecules over thousands of years
I am very surprised no-one has mentioned oil yet.
Without starting a flame war, what are the implications?
Oil is extracted from rock at depths below 5km by various gases and fluids which in a supercritical state at the depth, it works the same way supercritical solvent extraction does in laboratories, the solvent releases its extract ones the pressure on the solvent becomes low enough that it can no longer maintain the supercritical state.
>Why do scientists brazenly maintain this antiquated model of Earth's core?
The two articles you listed don't contradict the model...
Yes, for many kilometers below the earth's surface there are micro-organisms living in rocks in very low concentrations. Also there is a tiny amount of water in almost all rocks.
There are even pockets of super-pressurized water, air etc.
No it isn't literally an inverted ocean and amazon forest inside the Earth you dumb fuck.

Low concentrations of life deep in the Earth can easily exceed that at the surface because you're comparing huge amounts of volume with just the two dimensional surface of the Earth.

This is the same reason for why the most common fish in the ocean is a deep-sea bioluminescent fish.
Although there is a far greater concentration of fish at the sea's surface a large volume of deep sea low concentration easily out-numbers it.
The fish are the Cyclothones.

Looks like the OP's in /sci/ are just as stupid as the OP's in any other board.

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so has the replication crisis been proven real or were others unable to confirm?
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I was gunna make a snarky comment about Vox but its lind of interesting and I want to beat up someone right now so its nice to relax.
[releases nerve gas from a radio]
Still didn't prove malice. Post IQ, schizo.
"replication crisis" was always a polite, politically correct euphemism for outright fraud. the people who came up with it were doubtlessly part of the people committing fraud, if they were honest scientists then they would've been outraged at those committing the frauds and would have used a more accusatory descriptive term.
instead fraudulent scientists get the dindu treatment and they try to act like the massive amount fraud is all just a big accident rather than wholesale dishonesty
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This is not a fair labeling to be cast on the individual papers. There are factors beside fraud for why replication may not be possible. The charge is credibly levied at the institution as a fraud, churning out people producing useless work. Useless because it is either so irrelevant that it isn't worth replicating - why do these experiments? - or the work itself is so confounded, complex and difficult that it can't be replicated - why do these experiments? - or the work is outright fabricated.
Publish or perish answers all of these questions and it is outright fleecing of research grants and funds. Link your topic to current thing and receive your payment.

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Climate change is real, you're just too pussy and scared to admit it because accepting climate change means democracy is a farce, 'peacetime' is evil, and that billions must die. You're no different from the liberals who think they can save the world by insane self-sacrifice (eating the bugs and living in a pod) instead of attacking and eliminating cultures that do not meet climate goals. You're just a coward.

The great men of the early 1900s would have acted differently and fought the problem with passion, even if it meant being the bad guy. The west has fallen. We were meant to be the praetorians of mother nature, and instead we chose plastic slop and oil (the devil's cum) instead of based nuclear energy and wood, steel, and glass (god's natural gifts to the world0.
didn't read lol
Not man-made. Climate changes all the time.
I don't give a fuck about the climate and I would rather destroy it than think like you, you know what you are, just a giant pussy, nothing else.
Climate change is real just not changing at the pace that is being suggested by most environmental scientists in this era.

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this but unironically, gravity as mainstream physics currently understands it is all wrong, the dark matter issue conclusively proves that. einstein's model is trash that should be regarded as nothing more than an outdated primitive superstition.
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Ironically you used your free speech to express your disgust. KEK
>now im just a noooticer and racist
Never stop being based.
lmao. the problem with gravity and dark matter is that idiots think dark matter is real. Einstein's math is even better than most people realize. Which should come as no surprise since it is literally right all of the fucking time.
Meds, but one thing is sure, gravity still remains quite an elusive to us, despite having one of the most potent and impressive theories on it.

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What was your favorite course that you took in undergrad /sci/?

For me it was thermodynamics, I was finally glad to do something other than Mech and Electromagnetism.
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none. I didn't enjoy any course. Choosing a STEM degree was the worse decision in my entire life.
Mechanics. I had a hard time with the mathematics in my intro courses, a lot of the time it felt like the shit we were introducing was just needlessly complicating things, or coming out of nowhere.

Mechanics was the point where it suddenly all clicked that we jump through all these hoops of redefining coordinates, or reformatting problems to take a particular form, and so on is just because it turns otherwise unsolvable (or at least annoying to solve) problems and turns them into solvable (or at least slightly *less* annoying to solve) problems.
"Strength of Materials" Lab in Engineering Physics, using hydraulic machinery to twist, bend, and break everything we could find.
Probably medical microbiology
Have you ever done any digital controls stuff? If you have them you should be able to implement PID controls pretty easily via for loops in pretty much any programming language.

One of the cooler projects I did for undergrad was using a PID controller for simulated automatic insulin delivery with a continuous glucose monitor. There's already been papers on this topic so it certainly wasn't original research or anything but it was cool to figure out.

There's tons of little things like that you can do with control theory.

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Why are midwits so obsessed with the idea of nuclear energy when renewables have easily eclipsed them in nearly every way possible over a decade ago? Is it just the "i hecking LOVE science... stupid greenpeace hippies don't understand how safe nuclear is..." identity factor? Imagine spending over a decade to build a nuclear plant that costs 15x more than the equivalent amount of solar panels and battery capacity added together. There's a reason why neither China or the US does that at any real scale anymore.

Then when you point this out it's all "molten thorium small scale nuclear fusion reactors are just around the corner, just wait, they just need more funding," when you could just be developing solar and wind farms instead.
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>80% of a typical photovoltaic panel is made of recyclable materials, disassembling them and recovering the glass, silver and silicon is extremely difficult
That would be a good job for AI: picking apart old panels. It is not unheard of for a new technology (e.g., oil refining) to be very wasteful (e.g., unwanted fractions ending up in rivers) until the necessary adjuct tech is developed (e.g., cracking towers).
hey bub my whole hecking family died of pulmonary failure working in the local coal mine and we are damn proud of it
>AI will fix everything
>you could just be developing solar and wind farms instead.
Working great for Texas, California and Europe innit fucking faggot
I say let's shoot all the nukes humanity has into each other and watch the fireworks. We are going nowhere anyway, stuck on this backwater planet fighting for resources like fucking animals. We could have one moment of wonder and eternal peace.

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>NASA says atmospheric CO2 would have to go to over 3500ppm before it would make a noticeable difference in the climate
Whats the absorption limit of CO2, how does that work? Does anyone here know?
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>why are people that are ignorant of the science of CO2 always on this board trying to pass themselves off as experts?
because they're global warming political activists
Over target
Jews did not like this post
Actual high intelligence post
>I need to know where you got that information, it's blatantly false and either a misprint or out of context in some way
>This can only be explained by the amount of CO2 in the atmosphere.
Most of the CO2 on Venus is supercritical, not in gas form.

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Why is the IQ of college students today so much lower than it was in the past?
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nope, that was written in earnest
it was just a matter of time once they realized the potential of the student loan scam
how do people with no jobs, no credit history and no collateral get six figure loans?
>IQ isn't really real
All through the magic of jewish usury

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