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how do i become a mad scientist im dead serious

i currently at a university studying particle physics but i want a ridiculous set up at my place to do various autistic experiments.

over the years, i mostly collect old lab equipment from the university and people dont seem to mind since theyre usually updated quickly, since theres around 30 people in my major. There's also a store by me that sells old lab equipment from private labs that closed or updated. I also get equipment from my richer friends who gave up on physics, or from the high school i work at who updated their labs.

Right now I have function generators, oscilloscopes, power supplies, a bunch of electronics components, LCR meters, a couple multimeters, gas lasers, microcontrollers, standard chem equipment, radio crystals, microscopes, distillers, high voltage transformers, industrial batteries, a logic analyzer, a server, vaccuum tubes, scintillators, detectors, a 3D printer and tons of old books.

what equipment or tools do i need to expand? I was thinking mainly a high voltage power supply since the main thing I'd like to do is make a mini linac, but id like other suggestions.

high voltage power supply
semiconductor setup
network analyzers
vaccuum coaters

also should i redecorate or dress different or is that too much?
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Try to initiate false vacuum decay. Would be pretty epic.
The key is to start consuming heavy metals.
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Becomes a scientist first, then have a long and productive career, only later on in life should you start spouting incoherrent/unintelligible horseshit that no one can make sense of.
That's being a scientist. OP enquired about being mad scientist.
No, a lot of scientists have trouble with the last bit
t. knower


the King of mathematics edition
talk maths, formerly >>16135585
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>Gauss grew to dominate his children and eventually had conflicts with his sons, because he did not want any of them to enter mathematics or science for "fear of lowering the family name", as he believed none of them would surpass his own achievements.
Based af
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For the gen alphas like you: Gauss had the skibidi rizz.
Where does my post say anything about print quality? I know a lot of Springer stuff is print to order, I'm just saying the book I got on sale recently wasn't.
based. when Gauss was a kid, JS Bach’s kids and grandkids already busy fucking up the Bach family name. I wouldn’t want my retard mongrel Hapa kids associated with my legacy either

What happens when they colonize space and rule it under a socialist colonial administration?
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Ah yeah, libertarians would never space someone who's inconvenient
So when you say "libertarianism is the only viable political system" what you mean is "I will literally murder you before sharing resources"
How are you not forcing people to live the way you want them to (or be murdered) exactly?
Fucking lolberts are always fascists in disguise.
You have it backwards.
This is kino

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Bree Fram edition

previous >>16176153
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This is the real /sfg/ btw

you will seethe eternally and there's nothing you can do about it. you're an obese retard lashing out against a bunch of straight white males that just want to talk about rocket technology, the height of failure.
>trannyism equated to transhumanism
if you ever wonder why we kill people like you, shit like this is why
>you're an obese retard
holy projection
t. 74/183
I, for one, support our new tranny space force overlords.

One can deduce the entire decimal numeral system and basic mathematical operations on it within several minutes from pic related. So why the fuck does it take a year or more for children to master this shit? Is formal education this poor?
>no subtraction
what the fuck are you talking about
twos complement (not shown)
90% of children are genuinely retarded creatures

Why is science dying?
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Far simpler.
Dumb people have more kids than smart people. = More dumb people next generation.

We'd need eugenics immediately to stop this. Good luck persuading socialists to allow that, as they want the direct opposite (see stuff like welfare)

1-2IQ points/decade = Africa teir in 300 years. Civilization will collapse from lack of civil engineers (~115IQ). We can already see cops no longer operate satisfactorily, that's because they're a standard deviation (~15IQ) above average IQ. 1SD above average IQ in the 1880s was 130. Now it's 115.

The tail ends of the bellcurve are heavily impacted by small changes in avg IQ. When your population loses 15IQ points, people with 145 IQ become as rare as 160s. People with 160IQ stop existing.

School teachers today have 115 IQ. In the 1880s they had 130. Today that's a university prof. Shit's totally fucking fucked mate, big time.

This civilization will collapse, there's so little time left. Perhaps there's a tiny chance given we've access to genetic engineering but I doubt it. Not the end of humanity, just like romans and all the other civilizations there will be others. But we'll see at least 1000 years of dark ages before our genetics are restored to the point we can do complex civilization again.

I recon we'll break the cycle next time: Free market genetic engineering = eugenics program that works. Imagine trying that now tho, trying to convince subhuman socalists to both have a free market (antithetical to socialism) and improving people's genetics (antithetical to socialism).

Socialism is definitely a civilizational poison resulting from dysgenic mutants trying to destroy humanity out of spite.
>Before the jews literally mindfucked the US for the sake of ethno-religious objectives.
>Turns out Jesus really did a fucking number on us
what the fuck are you talking about? He had/has nothing to do with the populations of India or China or Indonesia or Bangladesh or any of those places being ten times what they should be and Western NGOs largely run by jews are the ones pulling African excess births into the western world
>Why is science dying?
I'm sure shoving women and melanated individuals into it en masse has nothing to do with it

What happened? I thought we were the science.
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>Plants just eat the Extra C02 and produce more goods per acre
they do, EVERYONE KNOWS THAT, but humans release CO2 at a rate that plants cannot keep up with.
>plants cannot keep up
Cool. If only the trannies stop chopping tree down. It's a fake problem that can be solved extremely easily.
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I'm the tranny chopping down your trees. Did you want to say that to my face or do you want to buy my lumber while the government sells me the rights to cut down more forests?
>Unironically invest in nitrogen based fertilizer.
Nitrogen fixing plants become more efficient nitrogen fixers when they have more CO2 available to work with.
Kek was about to post this

I'm sure some dudes would be into it

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With few exceptions academia wholeheartedly refuses to talk about this subject and racial supremacists aren't exactly objective. Obviously we can be diverse in physical size and appearance. I'm more interested in IQ and temperament which have been proven to be at least partly influenced by genes.
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Luka is known for entering the season chubby and trimming down as the season goes on
Both of them are probably the strongest at their respective position though
Eskimos evolved in an extremely hostile environment. Consequently they were subject to selection pressures that did not affect other peoples.

Their large craniums can be an expression of heat retention. Because in cold climates all species evolve to be bulkier.
I don't think arguing that those with SSA DNA never achieved enough to be entombed is helping your case.

>where are the mummies from
Nearly irrelevant as Egypt was a slim tube of fertile land around the Nile. The people were concentrated there. Additionally, Egypt had a great deal of internal trade and administrative travel. The kinds of people wealthy or important enough to get entombed were traveling around. Plus many crypts were built near important temples or pyramids for the VIP to be interred after their death. That was not always, maybe even rarely close to where the people actually lived. A reasonable cross selection of the Egyptian upper classes, so to speak. Oh and there were also servants and similar embalmed. Those could have been from anywhere in Egypt.

Really, you should rather be arguing about the timespans involved making 90 mummies a small number. Instead of layering a map of modern day Egypt on the Great Satan.
thats a misleading graphic because everyone in egypt lives along the nile
Aw sweet, a physical anthropology thread

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Is it possible to geo engineer a forest in the desert? Like mutating a tree or new ways of getting water?
I mean, the saudis have the money if its actually possible
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you have no idea what you're talking about
Saudis dont have that much money. They are just hyped. Their oil exports bring them about 100 billion dollars, compare with Italy that exports 700 billion dollars. They just seem rich for nigger standards, plus the saudis one is likely to meet will be the rich ones.
UAE is unironically richer but its because of foreign investment. They have maxxed on PR and hobnobbing with the powerful
sure bud.
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Saudi arabia has a mountainous region near yemen that gets plenty of rain
Asir mountains in Saudi Arabia. All natural, this is not some govt project

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I just found out I'm going to be a father.

Please provide for me all the data on vaccines, clamping, and other pitfalls of the modern era for optimizing health against profit driven hospitals.

I am looking to try and just get the 1985-1994 vaccine schedule for the kid (inactivated, no mRNA shit) so they don't have any trouble in my state going to school or other programs by requirement.
Wife and I got those shots and we turned out fine. Its 18 doses by age 6 (and starting at 2 months) but it seems spread out and tepid compared to the 80 they have going on now that starts at fucking birth.
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If it's a son pls inject him as much testestorone as possible during puberty
>killing natural test production
>making him dependent on exogenous test for the rest of his life
Hell no.
what does tf2 medic have to do with this
first 18 months from conception are the most important for brain development, I think. Make sure the mother has access to healthy fats. Grass fed meat and goat milk for both, maybe?

later, make sure the child has stuff to manipulate with its hands. Correlation with math skills later on.
I'm already on that. I even plan on giving my wife NMN while she is breastfeeding as recent studies show a 30% increase in cognitive development speed across the board from it being perfectly converted to the baby through milk.
He is holding a jab, one of my main concerns.

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How come average daily post counts on 4chan have dropped so dramatically over the past 3 years? Nearly 30% of the posters have disappeared, are they gone because they all died of the vax?
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why did bbs boards die
why did usenet die
why did topsites die
why did efnet die
why did msn messenger die
why did forums die
why did fark die
why did SA die
why did 4chan die <- you are here
>And two of them are almost always online, and make 75% of posts and threads.
I'm one of them. Feels good to be a high quality contributor to this community.
>on the order of 250-500 per day
ridiculous, 25-50 more like it
>2000 daily posts
1900 of them is vaccine, iq, climate change, or news spam btw
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someone—most likely the CIA—is silently taking out the most prolific posters
>worm super solider anon
>can’t build muscle anon
>0.9999 anon
>female politician dino anon
>where are the aliens anon
…watch this space!

why does everyone hate him, I like listening to his show even if it retreads stuff a lot of the time :]
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The Star Trek connection

A surprising number of child sex abusers appear to be Trekkies. Trying to figure out what that means, however, shows how little we really know about pedophiles

The first thing detectives from the Toronto police sex crimes unit saw when they entered Roderick Cowan's apartment was an autographed picture of William Shatner. Along with the photos on the computer of Scott Faichnie, also busted for possessing child porn, they found a snapshot of the pediatric nurse and Boy Scout leader wearing a dress "Federation" uniform. Another suspect had a TV remote control shaped like a phaser. Yet another had a Star Trek credit card in his wallet. One was using "Picard" as his screen name. In the 3 1/2 years since police in Canada's biggest city established a special unit to tackle child pornography, investigators have been through so many dwellings packed with sci-fi books, DVDs, toys and collectibles like Klingon swords and sashes that it's become a dark squadroom joke. "We always say there are two types of pedophiles: Star Trek and Star Wars," says Det. Ian Lamond, the unit's second-in-command. "But it's mostly Star Trek."
trekkiexisters, this doesn't look good for us
shut up fatty
He's easy to hate because he's just a spokesman and entertainer, the "front door" of academia so to speak. Easiest to throw eggs and paper rolls at.
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He's not even the original black science man; that's my nigga Ronald Mallet

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previous thread >>16113091

This is one of the boards newest generals. Fairly high activity due to edge lords trying to be funny but instead spreading facts about the absolute state of our world.

Intro stats is fairly easy, intermediate stats come the programming and we have already have several battles about what language is the best in the thread. Nobody uses SAS funnily enough, SPSS has had some people trying to joust the edgelords who are into R and C++, while the stata children are silent as usual.

Come one, come all. State your dumb questions, /pol/tardy or not. Some fairly useful and funny math is showcased in this thread.
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I want to know as well. This seems cool.
Do you have a background in SDE's/stochastic calc already and you're just looking for the PDE part of SDE's?

If not your answer is probably starting with SDE's and standard ito calculus.
>Do you have a background in SDE's/stochastic calc already and you're just looking for the PDE part of SDE's?

Springer's UTX series has a book on Stochastic PDE's that is pretty easily accessed via PDF. I've only actually gone through Ch. 4 and Ch. 5 because the rest seemed pretty standard SDE stuff but it's probably a step in the right direction (and might be free for you to download).

The 2021 edition of Kallenberg also has a chapter on PDE's if Kallenberg is your speed.
Thanks for the Kallenberg tip. It seems very cool. I will have to check out the other book soon.

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Both, AI and women:
- can't make genuinely funny jokes
- can't create anything truly original. everything they do is based on pattern matching
- learn by merely grasping outter layers of ideas
- can exist only because of the supervision of the system
- never self-directed
- they feel great spending long time on elaborating on some artificial, made up, shallow and fake stuff due to lack of awareness
- they constantly make shit up when they don't know something
- no soul

We see that currently AI is taking over jobs that are generally women-dominated, like "art", copywriting, couch-journalism etc.
So don't worry about AI, unless you are frightened of women's mental capabilities.
At least AI can produce a longer reply than "okay".
Women can also create long reply, but only when asked by chad.
>women bad!
good one chud, now back to the goon cave you go
>now back to the goon cave you go
Argumentum ad incelium

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>You have 2000 physicists at CERN and not one of them is famous because they haven't done anything original

How do you respond without sounding like a CERN physicist?
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>there is no apparatus mounted to promote scientists in the media
sure there is
>i don't have time to teach class, i'm too busy publishing lies in the academic vanity press
>that'll be $100,000 plus tip
ppl actually pay for that (with daddy's money)
and look at the results it gets them
so he wasnt schizophrenic?
He was chosen, and selected...just like Him.

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