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Level with me /sci/, is this the "install gentoo" of the physics world, or is it actually something you recommend? It has really positive reviews for a supposed hard book, and surely they cannot all be posers.

Has it been surpassed?
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>I remember that thread
I actively try to avoid reddit, yet somehow, I have a recollection of a vast number of their threads, it's quite disturbing. Almost every time I go, one of them says something so strange that it sticks with me forever, now I can add this hamiltonianlet to the list.
>redditors are the fags that complain about reddit the most
Viewing reddit does not make one a redditor.
Since the thread is still going, what's the closest "modern" series to this? In terms of comparable depth of coverage, but with the latest pedagogy, type setting etc.

I know the Fenyman lectures received a modern face-lift, but they're not really in the same class.
>In terms of comparable depth of coverage
Sommerfield or the Pauli lectures
>but with the latest pedagogy, type setting
But I don't know how recent the latest editions are

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in a real life Good Will Smith move, two high school seniors solved a mathematical puzzle that was thought to be impossible for 2,000 years. Black, Beautiful & Brilliant.


Johnson and Jackson discovered that the Pythagorean Theorem — a principle relating to the relationship between three sides of a right triangle — could be solved with trigonometry.

The theorem had been proven before in the last 2,000 years, but never with the use of trigonometry, until the students showed that this was a possibility.

Their appearance on "60 Minutes" this weekend isn't the first time that Johnson and Jackson's hard work has been showcased. The pair presented their hypothesis at the American Mathematical Society last spring.

“For two months we worked together nonstop — during school, after school, at home, at lunch,” Johnson told the Times-Picayune last year. “We had lots of Zoom meetings. Actually, during Mardi Gras break we were still working by Zoom.”

When CBS correspondent Bill Whitaker asked Jackson and Johnson if they were math geniuses in the episode's trailer, both shook their heads.

"Not at all," Jackson denied.
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Racists get mad at this thread same as they do with the Twum threads
anti-twummers don't belong on the science board, they're all just trolls
what good is yet another proof of a theorem everyone already knows is true?
can these negro wenches do anything useful or is repeating the obvious the limits of their abilities?
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>what good is yet another proof of a theorem everyone already knows is true?
It demonstrates that a handful of modern day negroes, thanks to the tireless efforts and extravagant expenditure of whites, are finally able to grasp what whites understood 2500 years ago
The Pythagorean theorem is the MOST PROVED (by humans that is) of any mathematical theorem ever. A mathematical theorem that has more than one or two distinctly different proofs is uncommon…. but this theorem has been proved — by truly different and unique proofs — several hundred times!!!

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Post math/science "facts" that make you mad when you hear them. I'll start.

>The Universe is infinite, so an infinite number of different versions of me must exist
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>>The Universe is infinite
[citation needed]

This but unironically
Did your picrel chud divide by zero?
They can be, depending on your definition of "number" and "complex."
In my view, the following are numbers: naturals, integers, finite fields, rationals, complex rationals...
The following are not numbers: "reals" and any other uncomputable or uncountably infinite set.
(By the way, computer floats are a finite subset of rationals, they have nothing to do with "reals")
It turns out that linear algebra was everything we needed.
I've only ever heard joe rogan say that.

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what do you think?

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maybe the negroes will prove this for us one day
It cannot be proved because the square root of 2 is irrational
ok, thanks
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Can it be proved if you use dark numbers?
It is widely thought that no other theorem in mathematics has had more valid proofs than the Pythagorean Theorem. Since the time of Euclid it has been proved over three hundred different ways. Not only did Euclid have his own proof, so did Albert Einstein and Presdent James A Garfield. I believe Ramanujan had his own proof. How long will it take to prove the Pythagorean Theorem? 2,300 years ago long. Yesterday long. It’s settled. It’s done.

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I've been looking at older calculators, and it seems like a good majority of them use RPN. I've never heard of it before finding it right now. Does anyone regularly use it?
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I used to use it, but these days with pocket calculators being a full blown CAS these days, I think standard notation wins out, Casio does a good job with it.

I rarely use a calculator these days since I'd prefer to mathematica, but if I'm at my electronics bench I have an old Casio with a VFD display, because it looks cool and it's convenient.
>I've been looking at older calculators, and it seems like a good majority of them use RPN.
How old are we talking here? I’m a boomer and I don’t remember any pocket calculators using polish notation. For one thing, you would need a special button anyway, to distinguish 3 4 from 34. Maybe those noisy “printing calculators” used by shopkeepers had polish notation?

When I’m adding up a lot of numbers I tend to use the commandline calculator dc, which is RPN.
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The HP48 series was very popular with engineering students when I was in school. There was an (ENTER) button for placing numbers on the stack. No idea what they use now in class and during tests but I suspect for projects and homework, they use something on a laptop.
Reverse polish notation is unambiguous and easy to parse by computers.
But parsing infix notation is more or less a solved problem so don't worry about it - just use what is comfortable to you.
I use it regularly, in the form of the Android app RealCalc, because it does away with the need to type parentheses ( ). Especially the open parenthesis, which sometimes you don't know you need until you're halfway through typing your formula.
Highly recommended.

But I have to support myself.

Serious: how do I find a lifestyle where I have no obligations but math? I know it's a fantasy, but I want it. I'm willing to compromise.

I'm just looking for ideas.

There is no better way to do math (or science) than to dedicate your whole life to it - that doesn't necessarily mean all waking hours spent on it, but it means spending the best parts of your day in deep work on math.
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Become a highschool teacher and do it in your free time
Commit crimes, read math in prison.
Teach highschool level math to convicts in the penitentiary with nothing *but* free time.

Solved. Score a hit on TV and change hearts and minds for the rest of your life.
>how do I find a lifestyle where I have no obligations but math
The tradtional route would be to get a PhD and then get an academic position, but getting a PhD takes longer than it did even a few decades ago and there aren't all that many academic jobs anyway. Thus the best way would be to find what available non-academic jobs use math and the most often and then get whatever qualifications you would need.

Get off 4chan Ted, you're dead.
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>how do I find a lifestyle where I have no obligations but math?
Being free from any financial obligations.
How do you get there? Study the problem with math and publish your findings.
Many of us here would be interested in the results.

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Why is science increasingly beginning to sound like schizo talk?
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Ffs it's still early
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God pajeets are an embarrassment
Real science is really hard.
And people have to eat.
So after decades of failures frustrated scientists start peddling pseudophilosophical bullshit to the masses to earn a living.
Some of them may even believe their own bs - contrary to the popular belief, old people are dumb - you may have more experience and knowledge collected through your life, but regardless - your brain and mental capacity degrades over time.
Metaphysics is just theoretical physics.
Which your picrel is not.

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Reject theoretical models, return to Christ.
>>16173665 Probably not. That would explain multiple universes.
Like let me illustrate. I see where you're coming from and you're extremely right that all infinities being the same size is where a lot of contradictions come from.

The math I did with division and infinity is valid. You seem to be under the impression that, say, ∞/4 is different from ∞.

But suppose we had five squares, all of area ∞. How this came about is that originally someone had two identical squares of area ∞, and then one was divided into quarters. Is there any way for us to distinguish which of the five squares was part of the original pair and which was made from the quartering of one member of that pair?
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>half an inch on a one-foot ruler is the same as half an inch on a yardstick
We're not talking about units, though, we're talking about taking two different numbers and making the same amount of divisions, [2/2=1, 1/2=0.5], [2/4=0.5, 1/4=0.25], they fundamentally can't point to the same number no matter how many divisions you make, same thing with the ruler and yardstick, the units and their distances from 0 are the same, yes, but they are a different fraction away from the total length of your measurement device
>∞/4 is different from ∞.
It is, one is split into 4 parts and the other is not, if you had 5 lines with one being infinite in length and the others being inf/4 in length then the undivided line would always be 4x longer than the other ones, you can't extend one line without extending the others if the ratios have to stay the same.
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This board has always attracted its fair share retards to it.

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I have a question,. How much do scientists really know?

How do we know folks out there don't have answers of their own?

How do we know who to Trust?

How do we know they are telling us everything?
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Nobody likes a sore thumb, that's true.
Not many people know, this but

Some common research suggests that endothermic bacterial cell binders are not easily displaced by ,common, soaping and activity agents as

The binding reagent will stay preferentially with a thermal source, or will not react preferentially with an agent when the common binding strength is endothermic

Similar to bath mould in the common sense, some bacterial agents have preferential binding and growth mediums and are not easily displaced by common soaps and activity agents

Such as those which the common man could associate with say
"Deep-urinary tract infection" or kidney-urine binding agent
Which can often strain blood responses and activity

Such as with bath mould, what is appropriate is an endothermic reactive agent for displacement or activity. Urinary agents such as ethyromycin or dihydro-ergotamine and -arguabally some diuretic agents would be more effective in lifting such bacterial infections

Although such things have yet to be Proven. It is the common view that these things may not yet be fully understood
Sic. f.Aus.X
>How much do scientists really know?
No field of knowledge is complete, and there's a veil of ignorance regarding how much we don't know.
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truth is limited
fiction has infinite possibilities

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what ever happened with this?

website is still up yet it hasn't been updated since 2013.
no one?

how do i become a mad scientist im dead serious

i currently at a university studying particle physics but i want a ridiculous set up at my place to do various autistic experiments.

over the years, i mostly collect old lab equipment from the university and people dont seem to mind since theyre usually updated quickly, since theres around 30 people in my major. There's also a store by me that sells old lab equipment from private labs that closed or updated. I also get equipment from my richer friends who gave up on physics, or from the high school i work at who updated their labs.

Right now I have function generators, oscilloscopes, power supplies, a bunch of electronics components, LCR meters, a couple multimeters, gas lasers, microcontrollers, standard chem equipment, radio crystals, microscopes, distillers, high voltage transformers, industrial batteries, a logic analyzer, a server, vaccuum tubes, scintillators, detectors, a 3D printer and tons of old books.

what equipment or tools do i need to expand? I was thinking mainly a high voltage power supply since the main thing I'd like to do is make a mini linac, but id like other suggestions.

high voltage power supply
semiconductor setup
network analyzers
vaccuum coaters

also should i redecorate or dress different or is that too much?
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Try to initiate false vacuum decay. Would be pretty epic.
The key is to start consuming heavy metals.
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Becomes a scientist first, then have a long and productive career, only later on in life should you start spouting incoherrent/unintelligible horseshit that no one can make sense of.
That's being a scientist. OP enquired about being mad scientist.
No, a lot of scientists have trouble with the last bit
t. knower


the King of mathematics edition
talk maths, formerly >>16135585
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>Gauss grew to dominate his children and eventually had conflicts with his sons, because he did not want any of them to enter mathematics or science for "fear of lowering the family name", as he believed none of them would surpass his own achievements.
Based af
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For the gen alphas like you: Gauss had the skibidi rizz.
Where does my post say anything about print quality? I know a lot of Springer stuff is print to order, I'm just saying the book I got on sale recently wasn't.
based. when Gauss was a kid, JS Bach’s kids and grandkids already busy fucking up the Bach family name. I wouldn’t want my retard mongrel Hapa kids associated with my legacy either

What happens when they colonize space and rule it under a socialist colonial administration?
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Ah yeah, libertarians would never space someone who's inconvenient
So when you say "libertarianism is the only viable political system" what you mean is "I will literally murder you before sharing resources"
How are you not forcing people to live the way you want them to (or be murdered) exactly?
Fucking lolberts are always fascists in disguise.
You have it backwards.
This is kino

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Is it true that far, far more animals die in order to produce vegan food than do to provide food for normal sane people? Has science ever bothered to count up the animals dead from all of the pest control operations that farms do?
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It sounds exactly like that one anti vaccine activist "If vaccines were healthy you could have put it on a spoon and swallow it". Like dude, did you graduate from McDonald's ice cream machine?
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the sordid history of peta
This sounds like "we solved pythagoras theorem without using circular reasoning" tier.
I personally got to know two vegans and both of them were indeed retarded fuckups in every imaginable way. The guy was obscenely overweight and unemployed while the gal was a retarded tatted-up HPV whore that hopped into bed with anything that breathed.

I'm convinced vegantardery causes actual retardation, on top of making these "people" age prematurely

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Bree Fram edition

previous >>16176153
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This is the real /sfg/ btw

you will seethe eternally and there's nothing you can do about it. you're an obese retard lashing out against a bunch of straight white males that just want to talk about rocket technology, the height of failure.
>trannyism equated to transhumanism
if you ever wonder why we kill people like you, shit like this is why
>you're an obese retard
holy projection
t. 74/183
I, for one, support our new tranny space force overlords.

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