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If vaccines are so important and wonderful then how come nobody in the sciences complains when the government imports millions of unvaccinated third world immigrants?
>unvaccinated third world immigrants?
So /sci/ is in favor of them I see.
Thanks to the jews none of those numbers can be trusted at all. They have tainted everything with their corruption, stupidity and incompetence.
Scientists complain about people not being vaccinated all the fucking time, you fucking idiot. Get your fucking shots.
>But immigrants
Can and should also get their fucking shots. Fuck off and die.

Another thing scientists call for is vaccine programs for other countries and for trying to change our policies so vaccines that would otherwise simply expire get shipped abroad to be used. They don't want unvaccinated migrants either.
>Get your fucking shots.
>Fuck off and die.
I see our friend anon works for the caring pharmaceutical industry.

What's /sci/'s take on the least niche of science that is going to be invaded by AI?

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Pfizer murdering more children again

All because they're not allowed to experiment on chimps to figure out if their drugs are safe or not before giving them to humans.
Why do the PETA faggots value the life of a dumb chimpanzee more than they do the lives of humans?
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how about instead of them experimenting on chimps, they just cease to exist?
experimenting on chimps is good, theres a lot to learn that way.
This, PETA schizos are badly hindering the progress of science
>People that are on experimental trials are ... those who are terminally sick
Quite the contrary - any death can be extremely bad pr for the company funding the trial, they actively try to recruit the most statistically healthy people to minimize deaths.
They should just use their media influence to shill a fake epidemic if they want to get perfectly healthy people to unnecessarily risk their lives taking experimental drugs.

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If the Bohr model is wrong then how the fuck do molecular bonds work?
Orbital overlap therefore wave function overlap
Draw a picture or it's not true.
molecular orbitals
The Bohr model is like an instantaneous snapshot, therefore the idea of wave function collapse.
It's not wrong, it's just simple for the same ways that a photograph above a billiard table is simple.
Basically it is possible to lower the energy of the bond of a nucleus to the electron when an electron is situated in a region between two nuclei — so much that it even overcomes internuclear repulsion of such approximation!

That happens because the wave functions describing the wave behavior of such electron overlap, yielding a wave function with the density of probability of the electron spread across a larger region.

However, this is given to a specific internuclei distance, since if you approach the nuclei too much, repulsion will eventually overcome. So chemical bonding requires a certain geometry of equilibrium.

Agreed. Bohr model is accurate for the radial distribution of a single electron around the nucleus of a hydrogen atom. Sadly, only for that.

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whats this all about?
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i take it once at night, and they are used as a preventative. both the triptan and preventative mitigates the headache pains alot, and ive had no negative symptoms. its more like being treated than an addiction. these headaches are abnormal to happen, so going to a doctor makes sense than doing nothing.
you're a drug addict and you're rationalizing your drug addiction, like all drug addicts do
oh so that's what it is huh

I'll be over in the corner not saying anything even though I was one of the people telling everyone this was going to happen 4 years ago
It's the same reason as surging cancer, heart disease, covid etc. Too many old folks getting pampered and living for too long. The problem just gets worse the more resources you put into it.

Truly the current civilization is doomed.
nah theyre not addicting. you act like theres suppose to be side effects for every person whereas, for me, before it was constant headaches. this doesnt turn you into a zombie like fentanyl does or make people insane. none of these medicines for migraines ive taken are classified as narcotics or opiods. some people have problems that benefit from medicine, but it doesnt mean it works for everyone. If it is addicting i will be waiting for it to take a toll, since the end of last year nothing bad has happened with a triptan+preventative antideppressant.
the gepant is also newer medication for migraines, no side effects since taking, and better less headpains.

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>d-dcotors aren't smart
Smarter than retarded mathfags who scraped by with their 2.4 GPA and now earn peanuts
>b-but my program was le harder
Nobody cares.
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>Anyone who says medical doctors aren't smart, or some retarded cope like "anyone can become a doctor" is just a bitter incel who is upset they weren't good enough to pursue medicine
Bitter, what? Some quack really got a bee up its crack.
>be annoying and condescending as shit to everyone
>others make fun of you
>r-r-rent free
From my life experience, some of them are smart and some dumb as fuck. Probably got it all because of their parents.
Does literally anyone say Doctors aren't smart?
I'm not going to say some people haven't made it to Doctor status on persistence and literacy alone.
To be fair, no one is going to say Math nerds aren't smart. The problem is no one gives a fuck about matrices or imaginary numbers. Build the fucking bridge or shut the fuck up.
Medical doctors think that cutting part of your penis off is healthy and beneficial.

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Is it safe to say that if I, a layman, come upon a study or information. It's probably BS?
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yeah probably
They wouldn't be trying to hide whats going on like that if they thought they were doing something decent, they'd be open and proud of what they were doing if they were doing something good
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no one on this god forsaken board has read picrel
>no one on this god forsaken board has read
>one on this godforsaken board has read

I just want your opinion, in honesty, how bad was your experience this book? There's so many horrible reviews about it so I just wanted to ask.
Its a very good book for what it does; an introduction. I enjoyed it a lot actually.

The problem with it is that it is an introduction book. In first year uni physics textbooks they give you a good introduction to topics like classical mechanics and electrodynamics, and THEN you get to some big boy books in the year after.

However, those same first year books fail to give a proper introduction to QM. They only have like 50-100 pages and its just simply not enough combined with the fact that the mathematics needed is a step higher than why those books require also doesn't help.

I think of Griffiths QA book like Kleppner's Mechanics book, a very good and proper introduction to a topic. While I think of a book like Shankar's QA book like Taylor's Mechanics book, a much more in-depth and expansive look at a topic that you already have some previous knowledge about.

If you can understand that then you can understand why some people feel let down by that book. Its just a good introduction to a complex topic that you'll be thankful for but what you'll eventually outgrow with other books on the same topic.

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Let's say hypothetically that we took our stock solar system and replaced the 4 gas giants with a low end red dwarf star like Proxima Centauri, giving the two stars roughly 15 AU of separation (and leaving the inner solar system unchanged).

How different would the climate on Earth be because of this? It would still receive the overwhelming majority (i.e 99%) of stellar radiation from the main sun, with the other sun being just a bit brighter than a full moon.
about three fifty
>It would still receive the overwhelming majority (i.e 99%) of stellar radiation from the main sun, with the other sun being just a bit brighter than a full moon.
>How different would the climate on Earth be because of this?
no difference
Surprisingly, this wouldn't necessarily destabilize Earth's orbit.

To answer the question: Proxima Centaui luminosity = 0.0017 sols. That's basically how much less light Earth would receive if it was orbiting Proxima at 1 AU. At its closest approach to Earth at 14 AU distance (when they are on the same side of the sun), it would be 196 times weaker than that, so 0.00000867346 sols. That is an absolutely negligible contribution. If a planet was in orbit around Proxima alone at a semi-major axis of 14 AU, it would be colder than a witches teet.

Is this true?
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A black woman invented the telescope.
No they don't I wont be happy until we have five james web space telescopes.
Shalom! I see you made this thread again.
Exactly. East Asians would still be at a medieval level for another 5,000 years if they hadn't been impacted by the West.
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She looks like she eats grass and apples out of people's hands

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I was thinking earlier, and how come there's absolutely no attempt or research on using biological metamorphosis as a medical tool?
Now, I'm not saying it's a simple matter, but think with me here. If we understood all the genes and metabolic pathways involved in the process we could, arguably, use it as a medical tool. That's a monumental task, mind you, but I have never seen anyone talking about it.
Since other animals are capable of it naturally, there's no reason we wouldn't be able to induce it in an artificial manner. Hell, amphibians don't even go through the pupa stage, and they suffer a complete change to their morphology. Can you imagine the applications?
So why the hell no one ever talks about this?
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It's basically the magic pill to fix injuries of any kind, even after they have closed. Which is why I'm surprised we don't even see this kind of thing on sci-fi franchises to heal a character that had a severe burn, lost an arm or anything in between.
> we don't even see this kind of thing on sci-fi
We'll if you're a writer you have the opportunity to give it a try.
Would it even be all that practical, if possible at all?
Well, it's hard to know with certainty. But seeing as there are vertebrates that go through the very process naturally, I don't see why we couldn't eventually replicate it in other species in an artificial manner.
Of course, it's no simple matter, but I anticipate it being possible eventually.

Bad news sneed oil bros, it turns out that sneed oils are extremely unhealthy and all the 'science' that blamed heart disease on animal fats was completely fake and was made up to fraudulently cast blame for the damage sneed oils do on animal fats
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How tf should I eat salads withous sneed oils?
How sneed oils destroys your liver and how tallow helps your liver
How about eating meat you prancing lala homo fag.
Trust nature. It's been repeated to death but the seed oils were intended as lubrication for farming machinery before it was further processed into something acceptable to our palate.
Hundreds of thousands of years with animal fat VS. barely one century with seed oil. It's not a mystery.
Wanna bet what is next up redpill concerning food? HFGS or gluten?
It's going to cause a landslide in the food industry and market. Corn flour is better than wheat, they could just let grazers eat the grass to save the world from modern psychological and neurological illnesses.
Corn is energy dense and makes good bread as substitute.
The sugar syrup is a poison on a totally different scale. That industry needs an exorcism!
Wrap olives in fabric really tight and collect the oil pouring out.

doctors are not what they use to be
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They always were like that.
The colloquialism "an apple a day keeps the doctor away" starts from the idea that avoiding doctors at all costs is a worthwhile ambition.
the old saw used to be
>the only time you ever want to see a doctor is at the altar
now with the debt im not even sure you want that anymore
Actually it's a subtle way of saying the apple keeps you healthy so you don't need the doctor.
If doctors are so bad why dont you go to med school and either become the only good doctor or improve medicine with your superior intellect
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What is the state of the art scientific method for getting rid of a fetish?
Negative reinforcement.

I.e: Get someone to beat your ass every time you start fetishizing.
>Get someone to beat your ass
what if that's your fetish?

Who's been a naughty scientist? ;)
That might just get you to have a fetish for being beaten up though

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One time my professor underhandedly suggested we just download the reference textbook online for free, and some goody two shoes nerd reported him to the dean and he got disciplined.

Why are nerds so evil?
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Imagine buying to the infantile idea of 'property'. Go be gay somewhere else, I will simply take what I want.
You're learning but sadly you couldn't avoid the strawmans temptation, right ? Proprty does not equal posession.
You're the type of person who would sell air.
You're the type to buy it
Charge $40 for a textbook instead of $400 and people will buy them.

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