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I know one case where whole family (parents + daughter) died taking Astrazeneca. that's why I opted for mRNA.
I even hedged my bet by splitting my shots between of Moderna and Pfizer so the possible (bad) effects average out.
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100% safe and effective. Get two COVID boosters in each arm right now!
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>ZOG bureau of statistics
fake and gay
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What is "Cognitive Infrastructure"?
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>talked about this to my gf
>now she thinks im a crazy lunatic and not just quirky
shes a feminist bitch and you're better off without her, find a decent woman who actually wants to be female
This, never date a feminist. They literally hate men, they only date men to jew them and torture them
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Even if there was a conspiracy afoot, it illegal to say anything because that would be "hate speech"

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> Later that year, he attended advanced math classes at Cooper Union until he changed colleges in 1971.[27] From September 1971, he attended the Courant Institute of Mathematical Sciences at New York University studying mathematical physiology, but left without receiving a degree in June 1974.

What would have his math career looked like?
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Extremely successful even though it completely lacked in productivity. Same as any other jew in academia
memoryholed along with hunter biden and everything else embarrassing for the current regime
Why the fuck did you bump a thread that's three weeks old?
>oy vey, stop noticing the corruption in academic science goy!!!!
>datz anti-semitic!!!

What's the scientific reason why an obviously fraudulent research get published and was under suspicion for a decade but only recently get retracted?
>duplicated image patches
>811 citations btw
lmao, their whole field is so fake and gay that possibly thousands of "experts" read this paper and none of them bother to check.
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>oy vey dis iz like da holocaust all over again!!
yep, they're worthless
>0 discoveries of meaningful use
if they make a discovery thats useful, it doesn't get published, nobody is going to give away a lucrative discovery for free, anything useful would be kept secret until it could be commercialized by the discoverer or sold
The soience faggots sweep all evidence of their dishonesty under the rug because the reason they're employed is to shill lies. Thats why they never address the issue

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Are brain eating worms real?
If so how do you avoid them?

>RFK Jr said a worm ate part of his brain and died in his head
>RFK revealed in a 2012 deposition that he also suffered from mercury poisoning
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He doesn't want to win.
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classic ben
did he get the mercury poisoning from vaccines?
Probably, where else would he get it from?

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>Unscientific American
>Science journalism surrenders to progressive ideology.
have you read this text? thoughts?
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all those media outlets are owned by the same people
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its manipulative popsci trash, always has been. those kind of publications strongly appeal to the type of people who prone to dunning krugerism, they read a two page article and presume they're then as expert as people who've been in their field for decades
its just another political propaganda rag thinly disguised as a science publication, everything in there is a lie
Same goes for Nature

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DNA Contamination in Pfizer COVID Vaccine Exceeded 500 Times Allowable Levels, Study Finds

A new peer-reviewed study raises concerns over inadequate testing
methods for measuring DNA impurities in COVID-19 mRNA vaccines.
do you know how contaminated your every day consumables are? and I am not even talking about cigarettes
I don't inject myself with everyday consumables anon.
My everyday consumables don't deliver genetic material directly to my cells for antigen synthesis.
Its a peer reviewed study, but somehow if the IFLS crew still doubts it. I thought peer review was supposed to be the gold standard of scientific truth
looks like they don't trust the science when the science contradicts their popsci fantasyworld

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800 join search party for legendary 'tsuchinoko' creature in Japan village


HIGASHISHIRAKAWA, Gifu -- Hundreds of curious-minded people joined an annual event here to look for the legendary "tsuchinoko" snakelike creature, but to no avail, again, with no one being able to claim the 1.32-million-yen (roughly $8,540) prize money.

The 32nd Tsuchinoko Festa was held in the central Japan village on May 3, during the "Golden Week" holiday period, with some 800 people from inside and outside Gifu Prefecture joining to search for tsuchinoko.

According to the tsuchinoko museum in the village, the creature resembles a snake with a triangular head, a body length of 30 to 80 centimeters and a torso as thick as a beer bottle. It moves quickly in a straight line, and is said to jump and roll.

The village prides itself as a location with multiple tsuchinoko sightings, and has held the search operation event since 1989. The prize money started out at 1 million yen (about $6,500), and 10,000 yen (roughly $65) has been added each year when no one could find the creature, bringing the total to 1.32 million yen this year.

The search area was on a mountainside that used to be a tea plantation, which was narrowed down based on the tsuchinoko's presumed habitat such as being "near the water and 'warabi' bracken fern which they feed on."
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Shut up
right, why would anyone make up a creature like that. they have to be real.
>look for them at the same time every year
pretty clever, what if they happen to be hibernating that time of year?
>I looked all over for polar bears every January for the past 20 years, but I never found any, they must be mythical
it looks like someone attached the head of a turtle to a turd

Moomin edition

Last thread
We discuss research, DO NOT offer advice (just fucking go see your doctor), make fun of premeds and shitpost.
Keep vaccination/clamping/vitamin K/soliciting advice out of this thread and start your own because it takes a lot of space.
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all monoclonal antibodies
More fags and blacks in the world is not a good thing.
>fake docs
Dentists barely know any med it makes me go crazy, how can someone be so oblivious about something he had to study for 6 years.. I bet my colleague dentists don’t know shit about any of what I just mentioned in the previous post, I also encountered a post by a dentist on ig that claimed Zirconium wasn’t a metal baka I see a lot of dentists money is the only thing in their orbit, and med is prioritized #2 for them.
>get a lump on my index finger a week ago
>painful for a few days just from flexion
>painful just to touch a few days
>now no pain but the lump is still there
im dying of cancer, anons. how old do i have to be to get a wish from the make a wish foundation?

Is wikipedia OK as a general science resource? I read wikipedia science articles a lot and sometimes wonder if things are correct. I assume things that are referenced to academic papers are going to have a good chance of being correct, but it's not uncommon for half the article to be unsourced. Sometimes i'll check the Talk page of an article to see if people are complaining about stuff in the article, and while I've seen it happen a few times it doesn't seem that common, so I assume most articles are decent.

Do you have any examples of science articles on Wikipedia that are blatantly wrong? Not just because you have a hunch they're wrong, but you actually know some statement is verifiably incorrect.

While the Out of Africa theory is often debated on /sci/, the Talk page on wikipedia is basically empty, which I assume means almost nobody disputes the claims made in the article.

The Climate Change article though has almost 100 pages of people arguing against the content of the article, with lots of comments like this one for example. So I assume there is likely problems with the article content, or important information isn't being included
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Why did you fuck with the layout and turn every device into a mobile device?
every section is a political section
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I guess so. So many wiki articles are so incomprehensible, only the people who wrote them could truly understand them.
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Ive heard a lot about this online, but how viable is it? I resent being mutilated at birth and not being able to have a fully functioning penis, as all cutfags should.
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cripplecock don't go to heaven, the mental illness thats caused by going though life as a cripplecock prevents them. cripplecocks end up as mentally twisted and losers with weird obsessions and neuroses
>Joe Cuckold
nice one LOL
Lmao that trannys think doctors can build a dick out of nothing when they doctors can't even fix a foreskin mutilation on an otherwise healthy cock
Why hasnt janny taken this down
Hope can be good, but false hope - especially blatantly false hope - does far more harm than good.

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Bro we literally couldn't afford to maintain the factories that built the equipment, and we couldn't afford to refurbish them properly either. That's all there is. No one deleted the data, no one deleted the technology. We just don't have the means.
NASA has bottomless budgets, they were able to spend $15billion on JWST that was originally supposed to be a $500 project and they spent all that to produce a telescope that was only 2/3 the size of what was originally intended
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>NASA has bottomless budgets
Some people should be banned from this board for being too fucking stupid. Jesus christ man. . .
Also, ever hear "they don't build them like they use to" There are so few, if any, skilled craftsman who can make spacecraft anymore with years and years of aeronautical experience and military aircraft experience. No one can build anything like the Gemini and Apollo equipment.
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>nasa doesn't have bottomless budgets
then how were they able to spend $88 billion on a $500million telescope?
name a single nasa project that has ever been canceled due to cost overrun

The scientific method was used and the official science man was in charge of the science been established up in here. White monkey ass, yeah sorry not sorry that just science
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raycist thred
no it isn't
you only think that because you can't help projecting your own racial hatred only other people. get some self control, everyone else isn't like you are.
Why does he hate whites so much? The planetarium that gives him a $500,000 annual salary was founded and is entirely funded by whites.
They give him that money because he shills the white genocide agenda for the people who give him the money.

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If global warming is real, how come sea level was so much higher 120,000 years ago than it is now?
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>the threat is a change of climate happening too quickly for us to adapt
Conjecture and speculation, by "experts" who want attention and crowds who can't reason. Also, bait thread.
Why was it warmer 120,000 years ago if atmospheric CO2 levels were so much lower back then than they are now?
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The threat are morons like you believe any shit you are told by your jew masters.
>He doesn't know about tectonics
>He thinks shore line and sea level are the same thing
CO2 doesn't impact global temperature, thats a fallacy.

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Just to be clear to anyone considering this book who may be reading this board presently or in the future when the archive gets indexed; this book is a complete meme.

I like the idea of an introductory, proof flirting method of teaching elementary and highschool math that isn't purely plug and chug, but this book is not that.

The examples are horrendously formatted and many terms aren't defined or defined much later.
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>a point is that which has no part
pretty good definition of a point desu
English math sucks.
t. slavshitter
There are many good math books in english doe
t. pole
i hate textbook screenshot threads
Do they trigger nightmares of your rough days at school?

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