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/an/ - Animals & Nature

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A man in his twenties or thirties with 2 or more cats is a red flag
Dude if someone has a cat you need to get your cat a cat. Everyone needs a friend. Even you
Are you going to explain why or leave your bait undercooked
Thank God I'm in my 40s.
A man ... with ... cats is a red flag
How many cats?
More than zero.
>implying newtards care about baiting properly
they just throw the entire rod in and it works, no reason to cook up something spicy
I don't care. I'm going to keep loving my cats and you can't do anything about it
Its only a red flag if he has a litterbox
Men who care about men caring about cats are pussies of the worst kind
I've met plenty of men who are incredibly insecure about if things they do or like are masculine and it makes a man really look like a pussy
Fucking based. Extend this to any hobby or interest. I have more respect for the funko pop consoomer soiboys who genuinely care about something than the insecure faggots only concerned with projecting feigned masculinity.
A bitch once said to the warriors, "You can't handle the pussy." And the warrior whispered "I am the pussy."
If you care about your pets and treat them with love while not giving a shit about insecure faggots who want to tailor their entire livelihood to a conjured up standard in their head that doesn't sound like a red flag to me.
It's honestly funny and speaks to the absurdity of our human condition. Some men find it masculine that men care and worry about what other men think is masculine. Masculinity in that realm is essentially submission to an ideal. And that is reflected in the fact that men who subscribe to this often follow other men who go on and on about what is manyl and what isn't, e.g. Andrew Tate. Again, submission, in the hope that someone else will submit to them.

I posit that no man (or, really, human) is free of the desire to fit in. That's not a problem. It's the denial of this impulse and the fetishization of this denial that's ill and if that's masculinity, it's anathema to living an honest life. Personally, I think masculinity is something else. It's not caring about what people think of you either. It's confronting what it's like to be a man in this world, and that will include failure and shame and fear and many other experiences and emotions that are often called unmanly. Defining masculinity in terms like "alpha" etc. is a sign of a dysfunctional society where we only deal with ourselves and others superficially.
Sir this is a Wendy’s
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If you cannot philsophize at a fast food restaurant, is philosophizing really worth doing?
This. Anyone having an actual passion or interest without caring about made-up, arbitrary concepts of 'masculinity' or 'femininity' is immediately a much more respectable human than someone who thinks owning an animal means you're gay or some dumbass shit.
Those guys need to get out more.
masculinity and femininity are not arbitrary but yes caring about them too much is silly
They are very arbitrary.
>men liking physical feats and competition more is totally random
Evolution isn't goal-oriented. It just is. Arbitrary does fit that definition well. It's arbitrary in the sense that male and female behaviors are contingent. Even if you invoke a divine creator, they'd still be arbitrary - arbitrated by that divine creator. And after all, we can readily see that male and female behaviors are tendencies, not hard-coded rules, so still, arbitrary is a better fit than...well, whatever opposite you want to pick.
When the line is so fuzzy as
>for the MOST part men TEND to LEAN more towards being physical than women
It's arbitrary.
Cat owners have been linked to schizophrenia
It isn’t a very fuzzy line at all, it simply must be described in a way that provokes the very least generalization because that’s how science works.

We could rewrite your exact sentence to say “85% of all men report pursuing and enjoying physical activity more than women”.

Not fuzzy, pretty clear, but the semantics science MUST follow in order to pursue hard sciences makes them eminently vulernable to manipulation in the soft sciences by people like you who either have an agenda or who like whining about pedantic semantics because it impressed their friends when they were 16 and they just dont quite understand that they and the people around them arent highschool sophmores anymore.
>science has to be accurate and allow for variation in human behaviour as well as take into account the fact that biological essentialism is a pseudoscience and most every generalisation one can make regarding human behaviours can be put down to socialization
>it’s a pseudo science!
No is real and it would be politically incorrect to recognize neurological hermaphrodites as disordered and curable
A man at any age with any number of cats is a fucking red flag
Based and correct
>biological essentialism
Propaganda term to disregard any biological fact that doesn’t conveniently align with the narrative shameless ideologues in positions of power push. Might as well just call it sexism/racism/*wrongthink label* instead of beating around the bush with the extra wording
people who diss "cat people" or "dog people" are a red flag

they are the ones who want to play mind games like "the dog or me choose"
Biological essentialism isnt anything close to biological fact, that's why it's a pseudoscience dumbfucks. Nothing thats labelled as biological essentialism has ever been, or will ever be, proven 100% scientific fact.
>n-nuh but what about this study that says women are MORE LIKELY to do this
Tendencies arent what biological essentialism preaches. The retards who preach biological essentialism work in binaries. 'Women ARE this' 'Men ARE that'. That's why it's just nonsense. You would know that if you actually looked up the term instead of reflexively coming in and screaming about lefty propoganda, but what can I expect from rightards?
Why is having cats associated with gays? If anything they would want a big dog so it could fuck them and vice versa. Cat dicks are too small to do anything with.
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A man in his twenties or thirties is a red flag.
>ACTUALLY I stamped my wrongthink label on it so it’s not true!
>Das racist so it’s not true!
>Das sexist so it’s not true!
>Das transphobic so it’s not true!
There’s just no arguing with you people - you’re so stuck smelling your own shit and drinking your own kool-aid that the idea of something that your fellow ideological goons established in positions of influence shamelessly push isn’t true is inconceivable to you, they/you know full well they can ruin the livelihoods of anyone who speaks out against them and it shows the most blatant disregard for any kind of intellectual honesty or scientific thought, maybe some of you actually believe the nonsense you parrot but most of you absolutely know that you’re full of shit and just doing and saying whatever to further your agenda, go indoctrinate a preschool class or something because nothing you say has any weight or effect here.
No it is fact but its very individualized

Biological essentialism does not stop at the neat little categories and norms you prefer. It goes all the way down. NOTHING about you was actually your choice. You have no free will. The purpose of your mind is explaining your automatic behaviors to yourself.

Its not that you are a man thus you naturally act like a man
Its that you are yourself and immutably locked in to the patterns that are burned into your body

You fear this because you know it means people can be rewritten… and come out being okay with it.
>Its that you are yourself and immutably locked in to the patterns that are burned into your body
>because you know it means people can be rewritten
So which is it? Can we change or can't we?
What is the socially acceptable animal for a man to own in the 2020s?
You cant change in any way you wouldnt. But someone else can interfere and change you. You simply have no free will.
people who want to live in a place with a bunch of cats around them are mentally ill
none apparently just a 4chan shit pass, tate university degree and caring too much about (((politics))).
A man in his twenties or thirties using 4chan is a red flag, so you may as well splurge on cats.
Cats are pretty. Cats are nice. Take your chances. Roll the dice.
>past a certain age a man without family can be a bad thing
Basically if you're a man and not married by 30 it's over. It will never happen. Women will avoid you because there must be a reason why no other woman would be with you. Just abandon all hope.
So only teens and 40 year olds can use 4chan?
Or: they’re just promiscuous hedonists that wanna fuck themselves into an early grave. Also plenty of guys that have kids and everything with girlfriends
I inherited 2 cats despite not liking them, didn't want them to go to the shelter. Eventually grew fond of them. Got a gf, she adopted a third from a friend, it was pregnant. Now I have 8 cats, kek. Fucking retarded but I love them all even though caring for them is a pain.
What is the breed of this cat? I'm in my 30s and could get a few of those.
How many litter boxes do you own?
>green flag**
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What about women?
all it takes is one bad visit to a cat pee soaked house for this to be good practice
why didnt you just rehome the kittens?
If you have one cat you may as well get another one so they can keep each other entertained, a lone cat is very needy
No pets, which begs the question why are they on /an/
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Cats scare the demons away, after all
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mfw my parents married in their mid 30s and had me 5+ years later

The biological reality is dogs are awful at sex and it kills them eventually because they are very prone to genital and urinary tract infections. Did you think spay and neuter was to rob you incels of free pussy and dick? No its because intact dogs have a habit of dying 5 years early even if you aren’t a rapist (then they die 10-15 years early).
When I was a kid my friend's female min Pincher had to go to the vet because she got mounted by a way larger dog and got injured in the process lol
Old man here, wtf does swipe right mean?
people who use the term "red flag" are a speculation themselves
thanks anon
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it means you're not doing the nasty, sir
Tinder. Swiping right on their profile means you ‘like’ them. Swiping left means you don’t
Pretty much. They get lonely and bored.
That’s quite dangerous anon. Having children at 40 can end badly in a number of ways. Old sperm + dried up eggs are not a good combo. Hope you turned out alright
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Pic reminds me of this
We need to retvrn

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