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>600$ daily volume
I am forgotten
BNB chain itself has to go on a run, we can't carry it by ourselves
nobody knows when binance will ACTIVATE it but it should happen at some point
>Doesn't raid
>Doesn't organize
>Just sits like a bunch of retards on tg doing nothing
>first dogbat thread since the email verification purge
We're so back, dogbatchads.
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i never left.
is right though. I'm not joining that faggy tg with the sol fags, i want a strict d0b0 bsc tg and then we start raiding
bought a solana phone but aint no way im cashing in og bnb d0b0 classiaaaaaaac
they used to advertise on pornhub lol
Not only forgotten but also replaced by a copycat that is now thriving. GG faggots
i am financially bonked
These retards did nothing else but stroking each other's balance dicks with their "how much do you have? oh I only have 100 billion so far :((" posts. They literally did nothing else ever but making these posts.
We're in a bullrun

If your coin has no volume its dead and its time to move on
>carrying BNB
Kek delusional dobaggies
This. I sold a fuck ton of dog and other shit coins coins because they're simply not moving. Meanwhile the ones that ARE moving are hitting like 10%-100% in any given day.
Now is the time to sit back and evaluate if you're married to your bags because it will cost you.
How would anyone honestly feel after bag holding for 2 years then getting scammed with a relaunched presale which lined the pockets of less than 10 guys all while watching everything left for you collapse into balkanized turd flinging where 99% of the holders ending up with losses. There's a reason why you don't hear from most of the OGs anymore, in fact most of the bag holders that are still active came well after the peak of the project. The only reason the sol clone is doing the best is because of shitcoin casino timing, there's no way an alt season pump alone will drag any of this shit out of the grave if no one has the will to carry the burden of this post on their shoulders anymore.
These threads are classic. It’s the same thing every time
>some desperate retard posts yet another thread for this long dead, pumped and dumped, used and abused, curry stinking brownie poopoo scamtoken
>someone who actually understands how this works points out that volume has been utterly pathetic for two and a half years, partially because nobody wants to be taxed 15% each way to enter and exit a dead pump and dump that nobody else is buying
>”this will NEVER pump lmao”
>the same eight retards who totally aren’t mad and seething and coping and obsessed can’t help themselves, reflexively say something like “imagine being this mad over a lil dogger token lol”
>one retard in particular uses the word “assmad” at least four times a thread
>some other retard posts liquidity pool image
>”you clearly don’t understand this”
>”you shouldn’t even be buying btc, you aren’t built for this”
>jannie finally deletes spam advertising thread
>desperate retards post another one half an hour later
Dead? Yes. Forgotten? Never.
>assmad over a doggycoin
Copypasta newfag
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I solded.
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Everybody flocked to the other one
b..but it was the first crypto in SPACE
vc scam coin on a nigger chain
It didn't help that the mods decided to blacklist the name, I don't know why they were so salty over it
Deauxbeaux will be back
get fucked retarded dobaggie poorfags
I would say replaced, I was undecided whether or not to go back to the funny dog, and after 3 weeks of holding I ended up selling and leaving for kendu, blind bets this high terrify me
It's over buy something else don't get sidelined...
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Blessed coin. Not selling, friend.
At 600$ a day volume I don't know who you could sell it to even if you wanted to friendo.
meh $CONAN is the superior dog anyway, also as other anons have said, dog & bat literally never raid, could've saved themselves becoming a community takeover but didn't you guys are just failures
>Dogbat thread up for three days

Is this bullish?
It's should hop to the SOL chain
kek solbaggies
There is a SOL version, and it's dumped hard, while the original has held nicely around 5M through the last couple of months.
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I don't understand this logic, the dogs were supposed to succeed here, but even my maga is doing a better job than them, it was a lie?
People wait 15 minutes to post on this dead coin thread...
Unfathombaly based, unironically shows that its still relevant whether jannies like it or not
It'll get nuked eventually
>Other meme coin threads getting nuked.
>This is still up

I don't want to jinx it, but still.

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