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What’s the most effay brand of cigarettes?

Wanted to get pic related but couldn’t find it in Europe
roll your own, faggot
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What’s the most effay brand of tobacco?

Wanted to get pic related but couldn’t find it in Europe
>Wanted to get pic related but couldn’t find it in Europe
I'm sure it exists though I see it at gas stations
I love smoking their perique blend, but I've made the switch to Zyn recently.
I roll pipe tobacco, so whichever of those you want. Actual for-cigarette tobacco is garbage.

My go-to is rolling hobbit's weed (and now hobbit's weed match, RIP) for the smell and because its cheap enough to hand them out like candy to randos at bars/clubs/etc

If I actually want flavor or to enjoy something better with another person who actually knows tobacco, while we're out (otherwise i'm just using a pipe at home) is currently plum pudding
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Newports. They got a drippy upside down nike swoosh logo which Is why the niggas love them
they taste like child support and foodstamps.
I smoke newports because only blacks smoke them, so they put less of the anti-fertility cancer shit that white people cigs have
Sounds like you are more fixated with the logo/brand for some reason that the quality of the tobacco
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it's djarum blacks
literally the least /fa/
you look like a huge faggot smoking these.
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The one with dead babies and gore
Because I'm a big fat white girl
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try this
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These because they’re just organic tobacco. Basically healthier than not smoking.
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Alrighty, certainly no complaints on my behalf if I do say so myself. You know what I'm sayin' sayin'?
Just don't pull out a pack of Newports as a white boy in an American city. Every broke nigga and bum in the city will hone in on your location. Blacks think white people are pushovers so they'll always ask whitey for a cigarette first.
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started with newports, then benson hedges menthols, eventually american spirit dark greens, and now ive settled firmly into the light greens.
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>What’s the most effay brand of cigarettes?
Hand rolled halfzware shag tobacco
With or without filters depending on your preference, you are in Europe so roll tight narrow ciggs and smoke them quickly, no big bulging cone shaped shit
If you isn't on buying machine made cigs them camel turkish royals
American spirit cigs taste awful and burn poorly. They genuinely aren't good cigarettes
>you isn't
If you insist
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None of you here are real smokers.
Crushes are nasty, only asians smoke those
They don't hit like real menthols, it's like putting mint mouthwash in a hookah.
Are they even allowed to sell real menthols anymore? I am a nonsmoker but I heard they tried to ban it in the eu
the australian cigarette case lobby must be very powerful
>camel turkish royals
Australia is insane, it's illegal to grow tobacco in your own backyard
Objective cigarette tier list
>Whatever you enjoy
>Camel blue
>Camel red, wide
>Marlboro red
>massive gap
>American Spirits
>Camel Crush, without crushing
>Any menthols
>Camel Crush, after crushing
The regular menthols are ok. I don’t like the lights or the ultralights.
>Whatever you enjoy
You clearly dont smoke enough since you are still a low test little bitch
sounds like a good way to instantly max out your good ciggy karma and have every dude be your new friend
mein nigga
anon you wrote your list upside down
>cigarettes made out of your leftover cigarettes
>cigarettes made out of butts gleaned from convenience store ashtrays
Taste is subjective but you are objectively a dumbass
Ahh yes I forgot, these are definitely top tier.
chinese cigs just taste like marlboro. in fact all the cigs I've tried just taste like Marlboro cause they're all owned by the same company except mevius and lucky strike, I know they own luckies but they taste different
are the ones in the tin cans the same as the one in the carton packs?
who cares it's all the same shit with additives, I'd argue you menthol fags are low test
Pretty impossible to have FA packaging in this communist country but these are the best tasting and smoke profile.
Cigarillos or small cigars. Davidoff golds are good imo for the former.
There are no effay cigarettes in my dystopian homeworld of canada
That's retarded as fuck but realistically what's stopping people from just growing it anyways
>couldn't find it in europe
you've apperantly never crossed the big pond you fag
Winnie blues
(Tbh Number 7s)
JPS Blues
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i buy these
6 dollars a pack
comes with rolling papers in a bag
deff the most effeay to roll your own
i also grow tobacco
its super easy
grow it like tomatoes
buy any strain online
i virginia broadleaf
a ton of it after a seoson
When I smoked I used to only go with camels blue, that reall nigga shit...
Are you stupid?
I quit nicotine completely in 2023, but light green American Spirit was my only cig.

Started with Kools green, then American Spirit dark green and eventually light green.
Don't be a retard

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