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Mommy ran
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Yay, a shitty Ran thread that will be spammed out with disgusting 3D shit and die after 50 posts
We really needed another one of these
Taking all bets folks. My bet says he shows up Post 7.
Come on, can't we have at least one thread without any fighting? I'm not a fan of the MMD poster either, but we shouldn't let him ruin our fun. It's pretty clear at this point that complaining about him gets nothing done.
And the worst of all is that his has someone on the staff backing him up. Your post as well as mine will get deleted or will be just enough to get a warning for ourself.
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He's pretty easy to ignore imo. Anyway the fastest way to getting people to stop complaining about him is to say something horny about Ran.
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>chantius manus
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>say something horny about Ran
You know exactly what we're going to say.
As a Ran thread grows longer, the probability of an anon mentioning prostate sex approaches 1.
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It didn't use to be like this!
Consider the alternative: Nine prehensile tails. Nine ways to inflict simultaneous tail bondage.
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inb4 MMD spammer ruins the thread
grow up
but i want to be Ran's little sunshine...
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God I want her to treat me like a son and also nurse me with milk fresh from her breasts so bad.
To be fair, I totally understand it. I've had the urge to just wipe half my fics off the face of the earth, pretty strong ones too.
That's because of that one prostate obsessed faggot.
You know damn well it only takes one dedicated autist to spam garbage, and this closet homosexual is trying his best to establish a meme.
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>closet homosexual
I don't think he is. I bring up pegging (hot) and he shuts down topic on that. Man can't even enjoy simulated bumsex more intense than a couple fingers.
The best 2hus are cursed with the worst kind of posters.
If you write Ran fics and delete them randomly I'm going to track you down and break your legs.
Why bother with pegging when you're in a world of fantasy and could just have a nice, fluffy futa Ran?
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Mommy 2hu is liked by submissive Anons. Shocker.
>futa Ran
Peak prostate bullying.
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MMDfag isn't even here and the thread is absolute fucking sewage. Great job. May you all get prostate cancer and permanent testicular torsion.
lmao MMDfag was just the sacrificial chicken of every Ranfag XDDDD
That's right bitches, wanna look at the motherfucker that ruins your beloved Ran threads? Then go take a look at the mirror, he's right there staring back at (you).
God, I feel sorry for you guys, as well as the Kasenfags, and the Sanaefags, and the Byakurenfags, and now that I think about it the Youmufags have it rough too.
Character discussion is truly cursed huh.
Remilia threads are horrible too.
it's been worse but to elaborate on the evil is to summon it
And Flan threads, Marisa threads, Seija threads, Alice threads....
Yuugi threads are great!
A scatfag has been posting about literal shit on her threads for years now. Not to mention the retarded footfag who enables him and says that posting garbage that not even /d/ accepts is a good thing.
Yuugi threads, Yamame threads, Parsee threads, Okuu threads are all good. I'm nooticing a pattern....
Satori and Koishi threads kind of aren't though, and Orin threads are just a bunch of anons whose horniness got kicked into overdrive by the thought of mind-bending titrape from the paizuri cat
Alright never mind I take back what I said Jesus.
Horniness isn't entirely bad, it just needs to be positive horniness. If becoming a kitsune's submissive sexual property counts as positive horniness is a matter of debate.
Chimatan threads used to be great, until everyone forgot about her. Now her threads are rare and die quickly.

How can anyone like Orin? She's evil, smelly and her fight sucks. Although I'll admit that her theme is pretty nice.
Even without the derailfags, character threads rarely have any discussion. It's all hornyposting.
i think it depends on the character as well as how the thread is handled
You better stop complaining and start posting mama Ran right now, or else.
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I go to bed and fags spam whiny imageless posts. Just take it easy.
What would a good thread even look like?
They didn't get their daily milkies and started lashing out.
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I think that's because it's a symptom of having too narrow of a topic and you get the discussions in different broader threads that are more lore centric such as the threads on written works constantly bringing at least something new with releases. In character threads you might get something but it's really just an excuse to funpost and collectively fantasize.
With Ran, she doesn't have much to discuss to begin with. Her material is old and she doesn't exactly have a mountain of material to go through to begin with, unlike Yukari who has lots of appearances with speaking roles and a more interesting position in Gensokyo. The few nuggets that we got in CoLA and TH19 were a nice bump but that's all been burned through too.
The only thing I can think of that you could actually talk about is whether Ran is herself and other specifics in regards to the shikigami argument which gets revisited whenever there's anything new, such as TH19 bringing her past up and her active role.
There's no discussion because nobody has any questions they want to ask, either because they already know the answer or just don't care.
All you gotta do is touch fluffy tail and mellow out.
310 posts about prostate milking, to be honest.
I'm serious. Which character has good threads?
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>There's no discussion because nobody has any questions they want to ask, either because they already know the answer or just don't care.
I do, its just that every time I ask a question in the character threads I just get ignored, so I just steal the images I like and then go to the closest canon discussion thread avaiable.
The current Remilia thread on its current state and the Akyuu thread, to be quite desu.
he who posts in the ran thread should remain humble lest he get cursed to another thread of MMD garbage

2000+ images of Kaguya staring at you is the only way to make a good thread
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on one end, your balls get crushed
on the other, a finger up the butt
choose wisely
What about the third option there?
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Yep, the pests woke up.
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Fluffy kitsune. Fluffy, fluffy.
soft momfox
Sad, Chimata is one of my favorite newhu's.
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Chanta drew the best Ran and he is what got me into her
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Nobody else in Gensokyo has
- lovely golden tails to wrap around you during hugs
- beautiful silky ears to stroke your fingers through
- a lovely voice to serenade you with
- fluffy fluff hair to pat and pet
- a gorgeous and radiant smile to brighten up your darkest days
All of these things combined make Ran a wife and mother without equal in all of Gensokyo
I like to imagine that if she has someone she likes a lot she'd almost unconsciously keep wrapping a tail around them. Like how cats like to wrap a tail around the person they like, except it's a big fluffy tail and a lot more than one. You can be walking or just sitting next to her and her tail/s will come sneaking around you just to unconsciously pull you closer.
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She wraps her tails around you to protect you from the sun, cold wind, and the gazes of other women. She doesn't notice until you point it out either.
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longer you say?
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This is a blessed post.
Reading these types of posts just make me sad than Ran will never exist :(
Ran and Mamizou bickering over a human who fucks youkai. Who wins?
Welcome to nu-nu/jp/
One tail (gross, ringed, shapeshifty) vs. nine tails (soft and plush as spun gold, real)
There's no contest, anon
You can always imagine! Heck you can even write your fantasies down too. Sharing what you love about Ran is good.

Maybe try asking this outside the Ran thread you're not getting unbiased answers here.
touch fluffy tail
well shit I guess my bets were way off. Anybody got a Ran with a Chen?
I warned you bros months ago but you didn't want to listen.
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Nine silky and fresh tails are infinitely better than a single dirty and stinky one.
No matter how much we love Ran-sama, room needs to be made for Chen too. The sooner you coax her into accepting you the better.
You're always going to be her mom's new boyfriend.
That doujin fucked me up. It showed me the hidden depths of my mommy fetish. Made me really fall in love with Ran.
Is it weird how I was disappointed it led to sex? Like I wanted the breast feeding to go forever.
I didn't feel that way but I see where you're coming from. Endless nurturing from Ran...
Thank you, have this meme in return.
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Maybe Chen will get an upgrade when she stops being Ms. Spellcard.
Imagine Ran saying you look thirsty as she pulls out one of her breasts....
Romulus grew up on a normal wolf's milk and founded the greatest empire the world has ever seen. Imagine what a diet of kitsune milk could do for you.
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Nothing because she's not letting you out of her sight and is going to keep you right there in Gensokyo. You'll be very healthy at least.
Not when Yukari decides you might be amusing if you captured her shikigami's heart and rapes you, making Ran really mad but unable to take it out on Yukari because Yukari is much stronger than you so she takes it out on you instead!
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>unable to take it out on Yukari
Ran is smart, there are plenty of ways to creatively get back at people without direct confrontation. Ran's not the only one who can be a manipulative gaslighter. Forget thinking outside the box, she can think outside the tesseract. One does not simply anger the person cooking your food, shopping for you, and doing your laundry. Yukari better get used to her new diet of thin rice gruel, birthday cakes almost made out of candles (gotta be accurate), a wardrobe of over-starched dresses, tabloid magazines for old women in conspicuous places (How to remove crow's feet fast!), loud vacuuming and cleaning at 2am, and not a single microsecond of sleeping in late. And she'll do it all while hiding a wide leering smile behind her sleeves. Yukari knows what she's doing, but admitting that openly is akin to defeat, and a vain prideful Youkai like her isn't ever going to accept defeat unless it breaks her or is part of a 5 year plan. I give her about a week.
Your story makes no sense. Why would Ran be mad at you for getting raped? The definition of rape is that you weren't consenting, so you obviously didn't choose to cheat on you. And secondly Ran is more than willing to fight someone who can whip her like the dog (cousin) she is, she did it right back in PCB over Chen, and she took beatings from Yukari over that incident too. Ran would just go straight to Yukari and fight her no matter the actual consequences. Think about your plot more before you post it here. This is hurt/comfort fic territory.
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Are you a Bouba Baby or a Kikigami?
I'm sort of in between. I am greatly saddened when artists don't give her predator features, like slit pupils, sharp teeth, maybe long nails, but I also like my Ran looking very soft, and being very affectionate.
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need spaceran to embrace my head_ with her fat tits and smash my face into her pillowy bosom
40-50% Kiki, but with the massive milk jug sizes you get from picking either extremes
>Romulus grew up on a normal wolf's milk and founded the greatest empire the world has ever seen. Imagine what a diet of kitsune milk could do for you.
Drinkinh milk coming from a heavenly transcendent kyuubi pretty much make you the settings main character. If you're into empire building you're pretty much becoming emperor of everything, moon earth, hells, heaven's, realms, universe etc.
So do I. I like to imagine she mostly has the personality of a bouba despite her being a sharp and spooky kikigami. Oh and I'd like her to also force my head into her huge ass cheeks. A shame the artist hates ass.
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Soft and affectionate Ran is best, but sharp features are still necessary. She is a Youkai after all. The artist of >>46807777 (nice quads) does this very well. You can have sharp features and still look soft and cute, but you just have to be careful about going overboard and creating an uncanny valley affect. But at the bare minimum they should give her slit pupils or whatever is closest for their artstyle.
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There's a spaceran picture where she's crushing a guys balls in one hand while holding another's for impending doom in the other...

While I don't want my balls crush, Ran's assertive, dominant grip on my coin purse seems like it would nice.
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this one
Sufficiently spooky. If you're seeing that you deserve it. Ran may be very lenient, but do not mistake her for a doormat and take her lightly.
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She looks constipated.
i love this ran, she is insensaely dangerous but equally alluring
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How does the average Ranfag feel about Ran being drawn with her eyes closed? Shes a kitsune after all, do you like it? Do you not? You wished it was more common or youre fine with it?
Asking for myself since I want to know for uhh... scientific purposes.
i think it gives her a lovely air of mystery and aloofness, as well as a sense of danger,. it's very fun to see,
anon do you have the full trnslation of this image, i need it.
i'm mostly for it
she does get some pretty eyes though
I like it, it depends. With the caveat that this should only happen when she's feeling more playful/foxlike. I wrote her a couple times putting her hands into her sleeves, covering her mouth with it, while her eyes are closed. But those times were when she was being mischievous. Makes me sad it doesn't properly translate to text.
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Oddly not as common as it should be, both because of the whole fox thing, but also because it's such a trope for milfs. I'm a huge xanthophile though, so Ran's golden eyes are fine either way for me.

I'm afraid not, anon, but I noticed it mirrors the captions 1:1 on gelbooru, which is strangely incomplete itself. Even more strange, there appears to be a full translation (albeit slightly different) on e621.
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It's rare enough I don't think about it, but I think it's cute. There's a difference between having closed eyes as a natural face (think pokemon's brock), and having closed eyes because they're conveying some other emotion in the moment and it's natural for anyone to close their eyes. >>46811547 is spot on with the atmosphere it can bring. But in detailed art I think it works better for her eyes to be very narrow since it brings about the same feel. For less detailed works closed eyes are fine since it mimics that simple porcelain fox mask look. It's very foxlike either way and fits certain moods and tone you're trying to convey through the art. Still, Ran has very pretty eyes and it would be a shame to hide them all the time.
It definitely makes her come off as a more dominant character.
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Rather ironic that her theme is basically Charming Domination. The power dynamic between her and Yukari is probably my favorite part to see explored in fanworks. When you lay out the facts of who's done what Ran is pushing the bounds of the master/servant relationship compared to other similar servant characters like Youmu and Sakuya.
I love to see her being a narrative foil to Yukari and vice versa. She has quite a bit in common, and on the surface they both look like serene, powerful, and assertive ladies but the minute you scratch beneath the surface they're actually quite different.
thank you anon, the translation on that site is actually pretty good, and frankly even though im not much into the scenario, the dialogue and ran's expression sell it stupendously well for me
>takes off hat
That's when you know shit is getting real.
Yuugi threads aren’t as common either. She’s a 2hu for those of esteemed taste. I must lift for Oni wife
Pegging then a golden shower
Witnessed. She’s a big fox
>and the gazes of other women
Won’t keep you safe from Yukari
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there's an easy fix for that
I like to think the biggest recipient of Ran's spooky faces is actually Yukari, usually after pushing Ran too far.
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small oopsie
>How does the average Ranfag feel about Ran being drawn with her eyes closed?
it's pretty great but I like there to be a variety of pictures. Plus I feel like Tsukasa sort of fits that role better since she's already a little shit.
Tsukasa is orders of magnitude less likely to destroy your prostate, however.
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She is however orders of magnitude more likely to destroy your bank account balance. Make sure you correct her thoroughly whenever she gets uppity.
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needs ran correction
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Ran isn't going to do that either!
I don't feel sorry for them, maybe except for Michael. They reap what they sow.
because it would disrupt her womanliness
Why does Ran have such an obsession with prostates? Does she wish she was a kappa?
When 900 years you live, vanilla sex be interested in you will not.
She wants to have one.
Why does she even know what a prostate is let alone where one is? Why would Yukari teach her shikigami that?
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she wasn't born a shikigami
what the fuck were she and toutetsu doing in the animal realm then? pounding human spirit prostates?
>young delinquent Ran and Yuuma dressed in sukeban attire ambushing unsuspecting human spirits to milk their prostates for fun
>When 900 years you live, vanilla sex be interested in you will not.
Prostate play is a pathway to many orgasms some consider to be...unnatural.
Ask the many shotas she's preyed upon
Ran pounds their prostate while Yuuma blows them and eats their cum. A fiendishly monstrous prank.
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Ran-shama is pure. Vanilla sex would be new to her.
>Vanilla sex would be new to her.
Well yeah all she knows is prostate stimulation play in her early days with Yuuma.
Yeah pure degenerate. I don't know what kinds of people you interact with but the ones who spend a long time without having sex usually end up catching every fetish under the sun.
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Thoughts on this ran?
no thank you
This is actually the best Ran thread we've had in years, how come?
MMD-kun isn't here. When he is discussion tends to devolve into complaining about him or just not talking. That's the last I'm going to say on him this thread.
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Thoughts on this Ran?
Foxes have multiple children at once. It's possible she's still mid way through pregnancy and looks like that.
Happy Mother's Day Mommy Ran!!!!!!

The 3rd option is just as valid.
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It's alright. For slim outfits I think a suit fits better.
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Can't have a bad thread or obnoxious posters if you're never able to even start one!
Behold: the one redeeming quality of us folk that like characters who rank low on the popularity poll!
The ntr cow
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holy sexo humina humina
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Still waiting for faggot >>44835083 to deliver part three. I need my shotgun wedding scene.
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I am here. I am MMD-San though lol I am an elder here. I am in Japan all month. I told you guys I was going to reitaisai and spending some personal time with Ran and it would be up to you guys to keep bumping the threads. I haven't checked in much. Don't fret. I will be back and I'll try to check in more.
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Here is Ran and Fuji-San from my ryokan on Lake Kawaguchi a few days ago. Getting ready for the day. I also went to the Moriya shrine and Lake Suwa a few days ago too.
check in less thanks
Ah ah ah... Avoid trolling in a Ran thread and stay on the topic of Ran. :)
I am, that's why I'm telling you to check in less and tell us less about your fucking personal life
not your blog
Ran/Touhou/Reitaisai/Japan related friendo. Don't be a sourpuss.
Don't know what to say beyond telling you I ended up with 40k words for pt. 3, realised I didn't like it, started over again.
This >>46817200
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I've encountered this picture a lot in the last couple days, and it really reminded me of how Ran's always been a bit of a pervert in fandom, hasn't she? And more so than other characters? From a lolicon for Chen, and the old suppa-tenko streaker meme. I feel like maybe only Yukari herself is portrayed as a bigger freak with what she does with gaps.
Given that this subject is hugely important to me I looked up what fox milk is like. The results are disappointing. It seems very few, if any, humans have put much effort into comparing fox vs human vs cow milk. What I could gather is that fox milk appears to be of significantly different composition to cow's milk, given that feeding kits on cow's milk appears to have an extremely high mortality rate among fox farmers. Solids in general appear to be above that of cow's milk while protein is unusually high, 4x that of cow's milk, and it has twice the fat of cow's milk. As I kept looking, it appears the closest similarity to fox milk is actually sheep milk, not dog. However, my hopes were dashed when I discovered that late in the reproductive cycle a fox's milk turns from creamy white to a yellow and with a characteristic strong, foul-smelling asphalt odour. Unfortunately I can't seem to find any journals describing why. My day is ruined, my hopes and dreams dashed, and I suppose I will have to headcanon she produces human milk or something.
>My day is ruined, my hopes and dreams dashed, and I suppose I will have to headcanon she produces human milk or something.
Aren't kitsune irl able to breed with humans just fine? I don't why Ran shouldn't be able to produce milk like normal human women.
Ran eats your gross neet cum, you must drink her rancid breasts milk. It is the way of things.
grow. the fuck. up.
I want to Ran's Boubas
Wait really? Damn, I'm glad some of his good stuff was back in my obsessive archiving days. I still archive some stuff I like, but mostly audio and video. Art often so because it ends up copied in so many places.
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One can assume the best of both worlds considering what she is. If not, there's always literal magic which would be trivial for a nine tailed fox, and if all else fails there's Eirin's shady drugs. High fat and rich milk but has the "shelf life" of a human. It may be a bit too rich to drink directly, and I don't suppose her pride will allow you to turn it into cheese or some other dairy food. She's not Urumi.
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>These kyūbi no kitsune (九尾の狐, 'nine-tailed foxes') gain the abilities to see and hear anything happening anywhere in the world. Other tales credit them with infinite wisdom (omniscience).[45] After reaching 1,000 years of age and gaining its ninth tail, a kitsune turns a white or golden color,[42] becoming a tenko (天狐, 'heavenly/celestial fox'), the most powerful form of the kitsune, and then ascends to the heavens.
The last part is crucial. If you drink from her tits you're just drinking straight, pure magic. When it comes to her i take fox traits I like (like them being life long partners) and ignore stuff I don't like, like the weird milk. Even though Ran is well beyond the material plane. Gods I love my single mother fox.
What would Ran think of youtube poops?
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I wish it was more commonly drawn, those chinky eyes are very hot.
Ran forbids Chen from using an iPad
>realised I didn't like it, started over again.
I feel that, many a draft will never see the light of day. Still, 40 thousand words and no sex filler, that is impressive. I hope you get to a final draft you like.
Drinking her milk really would make you main character material. Imagine what else you could do with the other silly things in Touhou. Tenko yogurt served on Heaven's Peaches; both referring to instant immortality dessert and a lewd euphemism. Can also make a parfait from it.
chanta is the single greatest artist of our time who will be revered for centuries to come, he is the hero of our era
pic rel, the number of pages on gelbooru with the tags chanta_(ayatakaoisii) yakumo_ran
Don't care. He is BIG faggot who doesn't draw big boob or big anything anymore. Polish his balls somewhere else. Also Spacezin draws best Ran.
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>Also Spacezin draws best Ran
Wrong. That's just like, your opinion, man. Crush his balls somewhere else. Spacezin's older art of Ran is nice though.
There is no single best as they all have something different the others don't. Zawa and Midori draw very appealing Rans both on different flavors of sexy. Sarasado dan draws very soft Rans who's smiles are nothing but kind. Yakumora n does fumo and cute ZUN style Ran.
I hate chanta for giving us the best ran just to rip it away from us
>These kyūbi no kitsune (九尾の狐, 'nine-tailed foxes') gain the abilities to see and hear anything happening anywhere in the world.
So Ran can hear me fap whenever wherever?
guess those big ears aren't just for show/attracting mates
>Vanilla sex would be new to her
thats just the play she puts up to lure you in before teaching you things you've never even heard of
spacezin ran is also nice, but chanta has drawn literally hundreds of rans
whether he still does or not doesnt matter
I admire him for ditching fatfaggotry.
At least someone backed up everything on ex. Don't know why they do it though especially when like half the artists still getting pretty big time gigs in nippon still just actively draw porn while doing so. I mean shit some of them actively draw porn of official series they're doing at the same time.
The Winner is the Human no matter what here
She's not your mother.
She's not your wife.
She doesn't love you.
AND Ran is NOT fat!
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>She's not your mother.
>She's not your wife.
>She doesn't love you.
>AND Ran is NOT fat!
Fat fluffy tails

so yeah, you're gay
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i had a dream last night where i was ran, i was wandering through a small town with just a few people, completely ignorant about anything with human life and because of that robbing someone for some reason, then after people started yelling at me in the streets i started walking around with a pistol in my hand
somehow i pissed off a guy who owned a sauna, which a couple inside was having sex inside, which i as ran had no idea what sex was
then some fat incel dragged me inside and tried to get me to give him a blowjob, which i responded by running out of the sauna because he smelled bad
weird dream
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at least you aren't gay
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Diagram of fox pussy.
No she ain't, Ran is the original sex fox.
Why is a scientific diagram so incredibly erotic right now?
Needs translation...
My fox isn't this loose
We may be finally able the bring back Rome but even larger with Ran's milk....
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Secondary here. What's the deal with Ran and the new goat 2hu?
Damn, Ran is a ho.
They're old yakuza buddies.
Not joking.
Been obsessed with the idea lately that she could easily reshape her pussy to fit your cock perfectly. She could hit you with a pussy that fits tighter but more flexibly than any custom made onahole and give herself whole new muscles.
Ran's the type of girl who pats your head in public
She makes you wear the dog collar (by asking very cutely and getting sad if you say no).
There are so many artworks of Gote and Ran. Why is she cheating on Yukari with the Yakuza ex-girlfriend? Is she a whore shikigami?
God I want to fuck Ran's loose pussy.
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Bestiality and futa/male artist warning.
those are the two tags that make up the halves of the ran fanbase
it's hard to resist when your old flame shows up with reminders of how you used to be together and your new wife/master/dom/loser is too busy lazing around at home to remind you why you're hers now
>Been obsessed with the idea lately that she could easily reshape her pussy to fit your cock perfectly. She could hit you with a pussy that fits tighter but more flexibly than any custom made onahole and give herself whole new muscles.
As am I. I imagine her polymorphing pussy sort of being like a gender bent "knot". Bear with me here, but canine genitalia is optimized to impregnate given that it gets stuck inside the pussy. Ran is a beasthu, so her pussy would be optimized for draining balls. It would keep the dick stuck inside, especially when you cum. Sure you can still thrust but you'll always either slip back in because it's wet as fuck, or be pulled or sucked back in. Or you just plain wouldn't want to pull out even if it's soul-draining and you see your hands wrinkling...and just when you have 5 or 10 dry orgasms it'll just lock you in and her muscles with massage and relax your dick so it isn't sore anymore then your hips start thrusting on their own...
When you put it like that her estrus must be like hell. It's best to just stop thinking, not like she's going to give you much of a chance to. Really makes you re-evaluate how experienced and tough you think you are.
Way I've been writing it, Ran can sit on your cock and massage and squeeze your dick so much you can't stop yourself blowing a load a minute in. And then she won't even let your dick get soft. She can hole your hands, immobilise your legs with her tails, and milk more loads out of you than you ever thought you could produce. Ran will break you out of being able to enjoy anyone else's pussy in just one night, and she knows it (she teases about this).
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>you can't stop yourself blowing a load a minute in
Try blowing a load as soon as you stick it in. Kitsune can drive people to madness so I like to think she can mind break you into becoming a violent, animalistic rapist because she's in the mood for something rough.
This is very hot. I love how she's exposed below. If only she weren't wearing panties...
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I like alternate outfits. Her normal robes are nice, but seeing her in different clothes lets you do scenarios that you normally wouldn't do often. I wish the red eye and whisker marks were more common.
Yukari's gone to cause trouble with Yuyuko. Chen's gone to play with Orin. The fireworks (spellcards) are soon to start and the night is young.
I have trouble seeing Ran as someone threatening or powerful since all the foxes I've seen in life are skittish little guys who make strange(cute) noises.
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>all the foxes I've seen in life are skittish little guys who make strange(cute) noises.
which is why you should be scared shitless when one isnt.
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Imagine patting her head when she's trying to be scary.
fat on fat violence
Now that I think about it, one time a fox did scream at me when I was going for an evening stroll, which cause me to jump a bit, but I believe it was because I accidentally spooked it.
Maybe one day I'll see the aftermath of one getting into a chicken coop and my perception of them will change, but for now I just think there quirky little guys.
Also I just learned foxes are very territorial and don't really form packs, so I guess Ran being 'top dog' in Gensokyo kind of says something? Actually, I wonder if people in Gensokyo have dogs? Let me have a my pointer dog Ran!
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oi. you gotta ask for consent first!
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too late
con what?
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Why did she give herself such huge boobers?
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cause she knows what i like
Are the symbols on her dress consistent or is everyone just eyeballing and making up some random shit?
Probably made up shit. As long as it looks pretty/has a nice pattern. Makes me think of a funny situation where she polymorphs so the pattern changes to something like a dick entering a hole when she's horny or turning into hearts.
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The squares, the squiggles, the bionicle looking logo. Alternatively, diagnostics.
People have been pretty consistent with it for the longest time. Even I had it memorized for a while whenever I would make mods and stuff.

I actually wonder if ZUN felt like changing the design for 19, or if he forgot and fucked it up, cause the changes are so minor.
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nyeh eh eh
I think it was probably intentional. ZUN does that to a few characters, like Yuyuko's kimono getting new patterns with every appearance and Reimu's details changing in every game
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Ran can't help but turn her boy into a quickshot. The fastest quickshot.
How would you get Ran to fuss over you?
I'm thinking I'll learn to make Mapo Tofu first, but that's pretty stereotypical. Spending a lot of time hiking in the forest that's her territory and being kind to the wildlife also seems a little hopeful. The best thing I could think to do would be to somehow catch Yukari's notice, so she send the shiki to start monitoring you, then becoming a reliable reliable person and when people say things like 'it's weird your not married yet' say things back like 'I'm waiting for a special one-of-a-kind woman' knowing that Ran would be listening. I guess what I'm saying is if you want a fox You have to be cunning like one.
I don't want to fuck Ran anymore, I want to rest. I don't want to fuck Ran anymore, I want to rest. I don't want to fuck Ran anymore, my body is breaking!
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I warned you bro! I warned you about the fox!
Given Ran is basically Yukari's maid half the time I realised recently she would excel at cooking you food... and sneaking vitality-boosters/aphrodisiacs into your meals! Sneaky fox...
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This is where she whips out the godly aftercare. She'll treat you like a baby and you'll be on cloud nine. Then she'll make you unbearably horny again and the cycle repeats...
Bros I can't help but fantasize about making hundreds of half fox babies with Ran...
What if they're just a quarter fox?
I'd expect a 50/50 split but they're mine (and Ran's) so I'll love them and make more.
It's quite nice when it's done for her but should be more common
>What if they're just a quarter fox?
You seriously think that your genes are going to beat out one of the most powerful Youkai in existence? Are you daft? Those kids, or should I say pups, are going to be AT LEAST 75% fox if you're lucky, hell, it'll probably be 95% fox. You should be fortunate enough to conceive children with Ran at all!
Just imagine, one day your a rich and fortunate business man, too successful and popular in the village for Youkai liking, so Yukari sends Ran to seduce you and ruin your reputation. You lose everything, wealth, status, and home, the best part? You couldn't be happier. All that worry from being betrayed by business rivals, youkai stealing your riches, or gods striking you down for hubris? Gone. You have a simple house on the village outskirts, you feed yourself with foraging and fishing, and in your free time you occasionally get a drink at the village bars or carve wood sculptures. Almost makes the betrayal not sting so hard.
Then one day you hear a knock at your door, it's Ran accompanied by the quiet chorus of some strange mewling. She doesn't say anything, instead she just shifts to the side to reveal what must be a litter of AT LEAST 25 or more fox pups swaddled in the folds of her tails. "And how do you know their mine?" You might ask, since they don't look the least like human children and Ran will explain that Kitsune can only conceive with humans if they don't hold a grudge after they trick them so really it's your fault for enjoying the loss of fortune.
Your future days are filled with nothing but taking care of fox pups, cleaning up after their territorial markings, constantly having to swaddle them since they won't mature properly without affection, and bottle feeding them since mama is always busy. After a certain age they'd start taking on human form and the addition of opposable thumbs would lead to the start of Kitsune mischief x30. The Yakumo household could crumble under such a load where it not for the fact that Ran had a shotgun wedding/stay-at-home husband!
After the dust settles and your kids finally become a little more independent, going to cause mischief in the village on their own and what not you may think you're finally out of the woods. But then Ran will start to feel lonely because all her kits are out and about now, the Tanuki keep flexing about how they have greater numbers, and you haven't exactly had the time or energy to keep her company until now...
And then you do it all again. That is what it means to get truly FOX'd
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Youkai, and especially foxes, are a one way trip of flushing your genes down the drain. Humans are simply not strong enough which is why half-breeds are rare as they are. However, never underestimate the fertility of a Kitsune. As foxes mate for life you're never having another chance of passing on progeny, not like you'll have eyes or time for anyone else anyway. From then on all your kids are kits, they've got some human in them but you'll be lucky if you pass on anything other than eye or hair color. That is what it means to get truly FOX'd.
In life, your best case scenario is that you may get some training if you have spiritual aptitude, if you apply yourself you can learn enough to accompany Ran on some lower risk tasks and help her with things like barrier maintenance. This is, of course, assuming you both didn't produce a bunch of foxlets running around at the earliest possible convenience that you need to devote your time to caring for. If not, at the very least you'll be a stay-at-home husband and help with the long list of household chores; you know she'll appreciate having food prep done, laundry started, swept floors, and kids kept out of trouble when she gets back, all done to exact specifications of course and without complaints from Yukari.
Ran has special privileges she can abuse as well. Do you really think death can save you? That you'll have a chance at reincarnation? If your lifespan isn't just increased to keep up with your new family, she can simply go to the Netherworld once you've died and as a ghost you'll pick up right where you left off. Binding your soul to her would be fairly trivial. She's not letting you go. Your independent life ended the moment the Yakumo's cast their gaze on you.
And as far as Yukari's perspective goes, you've added quite a few assets to the household, and aren't kids just adorable? Though you have a lot of work to do getting Chen to forgive you and be more than "Ran's boyfriend" in her eyes.
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im not fox property. im a free man with autonomy and desires outside of siring close to triple digits of ranlets. i wont be the catalyst that causes a kitsune overpopulation incident that threatens the very balance that Gensokyo relies on. i wont...
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>im not fox property.
Invincible ignorance
>im a free man with autonomy and desires outside of siring close to triple digits of ranlets.
Appeal to emotion
>i wont be the catalyst that causes a kitsune overpopulation incident that threatens the very balance that Gensokyo relies on.
Slippery slope fallacy
>i wont...
Proof by assertion
I will not be captured by her tails. I will not have my will to resist drained by her mouth. I will not lose to shapeshifting fox pussy. I will not be defeated by her prostate milking skills. I will not throw away my human pride. I will not accept her ownership of me. I will not submit.
Where to?
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This idea that Ran shapeshifts the perfect pussy is stupid and insulting, frankly. She was simply born with the best, most-skilled pussy. It's prime quality is inherent to her, not some trickery.
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Of course it's great as an inherent quality, but nonetheless her capacity to mold its shape to fit exclusively you is another skill inherent to her biology. A 'one size fits all' simply doesn't exist, however when it comes to adapting and learning, her ability to do so is second to none and in time it will shape into something truly perfect and fitted.
Not after it's been blown out by Yukari's, Yuuma's, Mamizou's and Tsukasa's hogs.
I hope your ass is ready to be blown out.
By Ran's hog? Yes.
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Think about it logically, though. Ran's Yukari's mistress, and you can't imagine her not sampling the goods, and Yukari has the power to give herself a massive hog. Ran's old friend/possible lover was Yuuma, a lady who can clearly reshape her form which could definitely mean giving herself a hog. Mamizou is racist against Ran, which means she's pretty likely to want to try dominating Ran, and also Mamizou is a shapeshifter who could give herself a hog as well as coming from the species notorious for needing to regularly empty its nuts. Tsukasa is a tube fox, a creature Ran is racist against which means Ran probably would boink Tsukasa if she could, but also Tsukasa is much weaker than Ran and as they're both foxes they can both get hogs whenever they want. Ran is also more than 900 years old and is definitely going to have had sexual urges, particularly in the past when she was a wilder animal realm spirit. While Gensokyo's demographics may lean female, a lot of those females have the internal or external ability to give themselves hogs, and a long life to get curious what it's like to put a hog in someone. Therefore, Ran definitely has had a lot of experience with girls already and almost certainly has taken miles of hog before.
What is this weird house-husband humiliation stuff? This is completely out of character for her, not only that it misses the point of her appeal which I'll get back to. If Yukari told her to baby trap a guy she would rather take a beating than ruin some guys life and birth children who's father is essentially a slave. She could do it but she's far too good natured. I could see Tsukasa doing this. Ran is just too loving and caring to just dump dozens of her own babies onto some guys lap. If anything she'd be a traditional housewife and she'll do most if not all the work. She can cook (she makes banquets for Yukari based on what she said in pcb), she does other chores, can work hard, is diligent and mentors Chen. Her motherly nature adds to this. Which brings me back to her appeal. She's the one who looks after and pampers the kids (which includes you). That's her appeal. Saying that you'll be converted into a house husband is like saying that Yuugi or Suika would have you become the drunk in the relationship as they offer to drive you home because they're the sober ones. It's so ass backward. Oh and the best part is that Ran enjoys it all and would feel weird if you took over her role as a woman (and her autism wouldn't tolerate your inexperienced ass trying to replicate 1000 years of experience).
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That is the appeal, but it conflicts with my own desire to be productive, and if you're in the position where both the breadwinner and homemaker position is already filled there's nothing for you to really do other than be the subject of pampering and an outlet for motherly instincts. While that's great, I don't want to feel like a useless freeloader. I refuse to become like Yukari!
I understand my human limitations and know there's absolutely no way I can hold a candle to them nor their experience, but at the very least I can try to make Ran's workload a little lighter. Yukari has Ran's plate full up with chores, checking and maintaining the barrier, acting as a messenger, and investigating incidents. I would take it upon myself to help her during Yukari's active months, and then during the slow winter months I keep her company and help kill time. It's selfish, I'm taking work she enjoys away from her, and I can easily see the comparisons to that of a child trying to be helpful to their parents, but really this is just one of those things that will have to be ironed out in practice where healthy bounds and routines are established that satisfies everyone. There's a niche somewhere.
> Yukari told her to baby trap a guy she would rather take a beating than ruin some guys life
The scenario I provided wasn't a baby trap per say, but ye ole' kitsune "seduce and and lead to financial ruin" that resulted in a pregnancy because Ran underestimated your capacity for forgiveness. I think Ran would absolutely do something like that if Yukari asked her to, since she trusts her commands are for the better.
>What is this weird house-husband humiliation stuff? This is completely out of character for her, not only that it misses the point of her appeal...
I might have been facetious with the all-powerful Fox Genes and stay-at-home husband bit, Ran would probably sequester you and the kids into the Yakumo household and use whatever means at her disposal to make sure everyone was taken care of. Kids are a handful though, thirty plus kits even more so, and there'd be a lot of things Ran wouldn't know how to do(just look at Chen for example), so you'd have to step up and do those things.
I just have this fantasy of spending hours taking care of my little bundles of joy and napping with them on the futon, all of them piled against my stomach and chest for warmth, and then Ran silently walks in and covers her entire family in fluff.
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Ran for sure would offer to hold it for you when you pee
I sit down to pee.
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Are you being careful?
always use PPE
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Ran and I are having a great time still in Japan. In Beppu now visiting all the hells. Currently waiting for a geyser to go off. Good to see lots of Ran love still on /jp/. Was disappointed about the lack of Ran in many towns. Then found a boatload in a lashinbang/animate in Hiroshima. Someone must have sold back their entire collection. :(

See you all soon! Don't forget the full moon is coming up!
I hope your ride crashes and burns on the way back.
I have a question. You know, I've seen you post in Ran threads for quite a while now. You keep catching flak for posting ugly art, and brushing it under the rug with accusations there's a band of shitposters hiding in the thread trying to ruin it. But then we get fewer Ran threads, and fewer people posting in them when you're around. Heck you leave this place for a bit and we get more Ran threads again, a lot better actual discussion, and people showing up just to be amazed how good the thread is. No army of shitposters in sight. So, I suppose my question is; what's it like to be a Ranfag who knows Ran would hate him?
I honestly think no 2hu would like this guy, sans Seija for obvious reasons. Not even Parsee would be jealous of this piece of trash.
Thread gone, carry on.
Do any of you guys read the Ran posts on /r9k/?
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If the MMD poster just used a tripcode or a name, people would be able to filter his posts if they so choose. He wouldn’t have people going scorched earth on him and the thread. I don’t get it.
I do not visit /r9k/ and I do not believe there is anyone on that board whose opinions I care for or who I want to engage with.
Can someone post that image of chanta's work over the years? I think it's really inspirational seeing his art go from mspaint tier to what he became very well-known for
They have the lewdest Ran posters
I would wish the same but I don't want good people to get hurt for his crimes.
How about a deadly, incurable, degenerative disease?

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