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/lit/ - Literature

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Post /lit/ charts. I'll start.
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requesting charts on:
>process philosophy
>philosophy of mathematics
cheers ! can repay with various other charts
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Oopsies forgot to crop sowwy :3
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Do you actually know about these noir novels?
I've read some of them and know others by name but I saw the chart in a recent thread.
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good chart
that poizat model theory book is really good
also anything by serre is worth reading
i need to get around to reading EGA
>all these french authors
genuinely had no idea the french were such positive people, comme c'est bizarre
they arent now
any1 got a short stories chart??
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Might be a bit of a stretch, but does anyone have recommended reading for the theory/implementation/history of night-watchman states?
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Made this on /mu/ a while ago, guess it'd fit here as well.
Anyone know how to update the wiki?
Any cute and funny charts?
Does anyone have a NRx read order chart? Cool alternative: Nickland read order.
there is one somewhere out there

idk if i have it
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Requesting flow charts of order to read classic fiction/lits top 100 type thing so I don’t get filtered. Easiest to hardest if such charts exist. Thanks.
shit books kys
if im a brainlet trying to get into reading books, where do i start? and i mean actual brainlet, i got filtered by karl marxs book like 15 pages in
I think out of all the charts ever posted the ones that come from /sci/ are the worst.
Too many stupid meme books in these charts all the fucking time.
Just work through the Stewart Canon and you will be more than prepared to get literally any undergrad that isn’t a major in math.

Precalculus: Mathematica for Calculus - Stewart

Calculus: Early Transcendentals - Stewart

There. Read those two and be done with it. Lang is a meme. Gelfand is a meme. Everything other than Stewart and maybe Blitzer’s college algebra books or developmental math books if you are seriously retarded is a meme.
If you really want to start with logic towards analysis I think Introduction to Logic by Suppes is nice, if a little dated in its notation.
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It's not a bad chart, but I like the dark red background of /monarchy/ 3.0 (file size is too large) a lot better.
To Serve and Protect by Bruce L. Benson is the closest book I know, although it goes a step further than the conventional night-watchman state. It has a lot of information about how such security is implemented, whether public or private.
Requesting charts that summarize each of the books and ideally provide rationale for where they fit into the broader context of the chart. I have a Schmitt chart aside from this one that embodies what I'm talking about.
Putting them into categories like is fine as well but a chart shouldn't just be a grid of book covers.
NTA but thanks for the recommendation
>social anthropology charts
>law charts
>anti-schooling charts
Really mad that Choosing Death isnt on kindle
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>HA as book 2 on the list
Does anyone have a chart about animal fiction? Watership Down, Tarka the Otter, The Peregrine, that kind of thing?
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I agree, but they should work through College Algebra first, then tackle Stewart's Calculus. Just do every problem and you'll be fine.
Also, Lang isn't a meme. Lang is just not useful for the average person.
Pic related, most of my mathematics books for undergrad.
Anyone have any good pie charts?
Making book charts is inherently autistic but this could be the most especially autistic chart I've ever seen.

And it's right.
Did the people making these actually read every book on their chart?
We're chart markers, not readers ;)
To be fair a lot are collaborative efforts. But are there some books that no one whatsoever who had a hand in making it actually read, well, I'm sure, based on a combination of reputation of a book and/or external descriptive sources convincing the makers of its relevancy (eg wiki, reviews, articles).
Chart anons are more interested in making and beginning charts. I’d bet the amount of anons who make their way through a chart in an unbroken chain is a very small percentage. To do so is incredibly autistic. If you are into a certain thing eventually you don’t need a chart to find the next book on the subject, not to mention slogging through months of reading about nothing but monarchy or whatever seems painful, boring, and once again autistic
>no category theory
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anon, that's a no-no book
Any fantasy charts?
The court of public opinion has deemed it reddit.
I am that anon, thanks for the rec, friend!
>you will be more than prepared to get literally any undergrad that isn’t a major in math.
Considering that it's a chart made for /sci/ users, it's conceivable that many of them are math or physics students...
Why use Stewart instead of something like Apostol or Spivak?
Wasn't expecting Kondylis on a 4chan chart. Not an unpleasant surprise of course
>Attack on Titan
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what do you want to read? there's a fuckload of different types of books and genres and you're far more likely to stick with it if it's a genre and style you enjoy than forcing yourself to read something you're not interested in.

can always just skim charts in this thread and see if there's any books that stand out and seem interesting to you.
>the same charts that have been on the wiki for years
children's lit chart and noir chart were made this year and aren't on the wiki ;)
Hope someone who has it sees this thread.
totally ridiculous that the long goodbye isn't in here, perhaps the most exemplary noir novel
For some reason, it never came up. So, most of my category experience is probably in dealing with haskell. Do you have any recommendations for a good primer?
>no-no book
It was a gift and I don't care. I've probably got the biggest collection of schizophrenic hate speech books out of everyone here. So, it balances it just fine.
>schizophrenic hate speech books so, it balances
very electionfaggy thinking
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What? No, I don't care about democracy/politics. I just like to read and learn about things that I'm interested in.
yes it is. 3rd column from the left and third row down right next to Mr. Ripley
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Fixed. I'm not sure why exiftools interacts with the rotation at all.
assuming that the opposite of no-no is hate speech, is an electionfaggy way of thinking whether you are one or not
Oh. I didn't tag the part where it was stated to be "Reddit." - That is what I'm referring to as the "opposite." Although, it was also sardonic in the first place anyways... Well, it doesn't matter. Enjoy your sunday, anon.
it's monday
It's Monday in 19 minutes, anon.
it's been monday for 44 minutes
Either way, you should get some rest, anon. Take care of yourself.
Why so much Irish books?
Love my race. Simple as. It's part of the homeschooling.
>this is your brain on Discord
Be more subtle when you guys try to shill, please. You're laying it on a little thick.
>they should work through College Algebra first, then tackle Stewart's Calculus
As long as you weren't literally neglected, abused, or grew up as a feral child, the refresher chapters in Precalculus by Stewart should be more than enough, like I said if you really can't work through the first chapter then you probably need to start from the beginning anyway and might as well start with Developmental Math by Blitzer; it's basically just 1600 pages of K-12 math which is what you need if you can't work through Precalculus.

> Lang isn't a meme. Lang is just not useful for the average person
I don't know about his other books but Basic Mathematics which is an attempt to do high school math "rigorously" has some horrible notation, formatting, overall structure, solutions written incorrectly, etc. I like the idea of "rigorous" re-introduction to math starting from where Lang starts but his book is just failed execution. He doesn't even define terms until like 50 pages after they are introduced.
Starting with Stewart and working your way through Precalculus->Calculus->Diff EQ-Intro Proof Book is going to be the best route for most people, and there is a reason for 90% of even undergraduate math curriculums they will follow that route. I think even berkley doesn't follow memes like Spivak or Apostol as standard curriculum, that only happens in caltech

Also many of the books in your pic are redundant, why byy so many covering the exact same topic? The proof books especially are almost identical.

>it's conceivable that many of them are math or physics students...

Literally the only people that take classes and require a knowledge of proofs are undergrads in mathematics. You could get a PhD in any engineering field, any science field, any physics field and not once need to do any sort of real analysis or writing proofs, I guess if the board was titled "/sci/ - Bachelors in Math" or if the chart was titled "Bachelors in Mathematics Flowchart" it would be fine, but for anyone other than those people that chart is going to be horrible.
The inclusion of music on a reading list is weird, too.
he's from boston
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ok i did not have it but found archive
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Love how this anon is everywhere
Same for the new horror chart >>23397079, that one also isn't on the wiki.
I remember it. Good times.
Why would you have Clarke rather than Bradbury?
>sad boy books to kill yourself to
Is there a guide to fun literature?
see >>23398244
I'm in your walls!
Don't forget to hydrate and work on that thing you've been putting off.
Based. Thanks, anon.

I'm looking for an old chart about Roman paganism (?) and Christianity.

I think it was supposed to attack Christianity from a historical perspective
there is one for female peds too.

it was lit guide to female pedos or something.
I hate stuff like Pollyanna or Little Princess or Pippi about absolutely perfect always positive flawless and/or plot-armored marysue girls having perfect life. I understand it's for kids and supposed to be happy and inspiring, but as an adult I just can't stand it. What other books from this list are like that?
What about one for female lolicons?
i think it was on the chart.

been years since i seen it
>that chart is going to be horrible.
Do you genuinely not get that it's a joke?
Both have their "Dark/disturbing" bottom rows, which I imagine are going to include flawed or tortured characters (e.g. Lolita). Going from the list, I think (because I've only ever watched the apparently faithful Studio Nippon anime adaptation) Anne of Green Gables should be less perfect; the story starts with her adoptive mother having very serious reservations about her, and Anne frequently screws up or doesn't get along with people. And if you're willing to read about women about the age of consent, there's Divorcing by Susan Taubes, which I'd personally recommend.
No, lolicons..
I was obviously talking about the top part. Don't want to start Anne series because she turns into a hag, I'm sure not going to enjoy some female romance stories.
i'm looking for a russian literature chart. is there any?
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>go to warosu.org/lit/
>search "russian chart"
>three* results on the first page

*To be fair one is a very slight edit of the other, with a few entries changed or swapped.
Second chart.
Third chart (older, slightly different version of the one before).
thanks anon.
Next time just check the archive and repost them yourself.
alright, sorry.
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Canadian literature
>not using the charts mega
what you suggest for a monkey with little knowledge of math? I'm currently studying basic algebra and arithmetic cause I didn't pay attention to it in high school. You have any suggestion as to the progression of my learning math?
It's not passed around by psueds as a joke.
Yes it is. I'm the one who posted it and I'm a pseud and I posted it for lulz. It's a very obvious joke that you would have to be severely autistic to take seriously.
Fearon's Pre Algebra is one I usually recommend to people. It covers 9 - 12.
Also, don't be afraid of using https://www.khanacademy.org/math/
I always suggest trying out short stories by an author that interests you. Or else find some journals and articles if you want nonfiction. Reading is the same as anything else, if you jump in with the hardest shit you can find like some giant book by Marx you’ll probably just quit. Ease into it, only the fags on this board care about reading power levels.
what about this one
bit obscure
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How long would it take for a native English speaker to become proficient enough in Spanish to read literature? I see a lot of stuff from the early modern period on here; is that still relatively readable for a native Spanish speaker?
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google drive easy to use interface
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google drive easy to use interface
download the whole blob or pick and choose
You mean pie charts that you make in MS Office, or charts on pies that you eat, or charts on Proto-Indo-European language?

Usually not. I've seen people throwing in any random thing that other anons recommended to them.
Thank you for posting this image, saved.

>Poe poetry
One of my foundational texts. Uses sort-of old language but is all relatable and he's a genius poet so you learn some new words and have fun. The themes are perfect for high school or melancholy. How do you choose which to read? Start with the titles or opening lines, or in order - the order doesn't matter. His stories do not really engage me, so I haven't read all of them, but they are still well written and enjoyable on occasion.

Surprised to see outside of my niche. I have an ancient copy, and I've read the whole thing because I groove on Kalevala and rhymy poetry. I can't get into "poetry" which doesn't rhyme or alliterate. It's basically a Kalevala copy in terms of structure, except using native american lore so for me, more relatable. It's book-length and an "epic" and does have recurring characters, thinking about it now I kind of want to read it again. It's worth pointing out: I usually read poetry aloud, even book-length epics. It's meant to be tasted. Anybody who tries poetry but doesn't read it aloud probably stops reading poetry; imagine turning on music and putting your headphones in the drawer.

Based on my experience and preference, which other poem from this list should I read next?

>Ease into it, only the fags on this board care about reading power levels.
Good advice. I'm just a normal person posting itt, not some ivory tower intellectual. We should be welcoming and spread the love.
Since nobody answered yet: I can't speak on Spanish. But I am learning a second language for the first time, which is only one step higher in difficulty than Spanish. You can read much earlier than you can speak any language, so if reading is your only goal, that is a lower bar. Spoken fluency in my target language can literally take up to 5 years of consistent use, but again I'm on a harder mode. Depending on how much you care, if you are a normal person with a job and other hobbies, I would guess 1 or 2 years of study to be able to read lower level stuff. I have been learning consistly for hours daily since the end of last year, more than a sane person would, and reading is very hit and miss for me, depends. Similar words are the main killer, and then words I recognise but don't remember without looking them up. Most of the time I still have no idea what's going on unless it's a book for children, or designed for my level. Oh yeah and hardcore grammar won't matter as much if you're only reading, so you'll have an advantage there, but you still need to learn it.
Disclaimer again: I don't know exactly, just sharing what I know.
I have both of these and your old "Right Wing Mega Pack" - Do you have any more?
Is there a "English Renaissance Beyond Shakespeare" chart?
What a poor taste and short chart, put it to the bin
I've said this before but Sentimental Education is a meme pick for that chart, it's the opposite of life-affirming.
Just get it from annas archive man
you just didn't get the joke. just look at the applications books. the whole list is intended
modern 4chan's inability to spot a joke is honestly more disturbing than the politics/virtue obsession
guys general question: how to tell if a book is one of those soap opera low tier book? I picked one up recent and realized it's a one of those self selling on Amazon book
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Books that feature cute girls? Asking for a friend
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I see To Live a lot in these depressing charts, is it really that depressing? Chinks wrote something good for once?
How is To Live a depressing novel? If anything, that book helped me get out of depression. I realize that the contents of the book may seem dismal from the outside looking in, but after reading it I certainly felt alleviated.
5 days late. But I'd say read something in your native language it's a lot easier to get filtered by translational errors than if you're reading something written how you'd understand it

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