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/m/ - Mecha

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I‘d be interested to know if there are any drawfags on /m/ that designed their own Mecha, or variations of existing mecha.
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Quite a few actually.
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Yeah sometimes.
I like this fashion designer style sketch with mechs
This is fucking awesome, keep posting.
up you go
i'd contribute something but it's finals season for uni
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I'll post an old doodle.
Not many /m/ drawfags around these days.
Worked on these for fun some time ago.
the texturing on your stuff is always really nice, damn.
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Posted it on /m/sv last thread but this is my variant of the Leopard Gundam
These are sick.
my 2nd ever oil painting
This is a villain I made for my Dungeons and dragons campaign his name is Sir Scold he is a mix of sir Didymus from Jim Henson labyrinth and Char
these are all very cool
Good guy Ashtaron, very nice
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Replacing your gynoid's lower half for a half ton combat chassis
thanks fellas
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photoshop strikes again
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A villain fembot i designed.
the work so far looked really good sorry about the corruption
the head design you made works really well for this
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Just a quick sketch.
I want to try my hand at designing my own original mechs. What are your artistic processes like? Do you guys gravitate towards a certain mech/series/designer for inspiration?
Glad you’re back drawing, leaker bro
draw on real vehicles
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feels really organic without looking too fleshy
what made you go with the sweater collar under the head, though? it strikes me as really strange.
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looks kinda like the gaplant

i'm a noob, but i generally just start with the skeleton and work outwards, or with the silhouette and work inwards
for skeletons i try to look at either the human skeleton for bipedal mecha with maybe goat or chicken leg skeletons for different leg types
picrel is based on a jerboa
as for inspiration i really like a number of nagano's designs, and the weirder gundam ones
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here's a more human mecha design that i think is decent, i wish i could draw better though
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sorry to be spamming, here's the last one for now
i really dislike the upper body and head for this but i do think the lower body looks interesting so i might do something with it in another design
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ok i lied this is the last one
i guess i sort of draw the armour over one side and the inner frame as a basis
still not great at perspectives other than straight on, and then i have a hard time distinguishing between what's overkill on detail vs just necessary definition of shapes
That’s huge, good job
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i tried starting another idea
i think the head and shoulders are my favorite bit for this, maybe i could reuse it for another design later or something
what are other ppl drawing
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I was bored.
those look pretty cool, reminds me of battleship yamato
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yea, that's my main inspiration.
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Hi-mega cannon!
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VTOL transporting a mech
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Good to see the thread coming along, I‘m pleased to see so many cool mechs.
Here’s another one of mine. I‘m trying to give my mecha a more androgynous look without slipping into full on gynoid territory. Making the armor on the torso lighter was one thing, I’m trying to cone up with good ways to give extra armor to the thighs to make them look thicker.

Mecha really are kind of fashionable, any image with a human subject just looks cooler with a random mecha placed next to them.

Cool design. Kind of makes me want a Star Fox with humanoid mecha.

Love the “horn” sticking out of the chest, thats so cool.

Are these supposed to be giant or human sized? The exposed wires and skeletal structure makes them seem a little frail, like they’re foot troopers.

The upward facing wings and propellers are a cool concept.
you have a really nice eye for how to shape aircraft
>The upward facing wings and propellers are a cool concept.
nta but it's not super uncommon
Didn’t know, cool plane fact. Maybe I‘ll reference those if I ever draw some planes.
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later than human sized
it’s more the inner frame and skeleton that i’ve drawn, without the armor that would protect it
hence why it’s so frail looking. i just find that easier, when i try drawing armor first i feel like it looks weird
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>you have a really nice eye for how to shape aircraft
I went to England for a week but didn’t draw any robots
goo job surviving bloodborneland anon
building art looks well-done
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>I went to England for a week
hoping for your speedy recovery
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hadn't drawn daitarn 3 in a while
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posted too early
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Hello, i see this thread and i wish to share some draws of mine.

I am very amateur and mostly a /co/ guy, but time to time i like to lurk here.
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love your stuff
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>keep practicing
>everything still looks crap
does it ever get better

looks nice, reminds me of 70s scifi

super cool!

your art reminds me of that bug queen from my life as a teenage robot, interesting style

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you need to aim to practice specific principles. get yourself a 12" art mannequin or even any toys and figures you have on-hand, and practice drawing their poses. i find that tetsujin 28 is really just a fat version of an art mannequin, so it works as a really nice starter subject that's easy to add additional mechanical detail onto for experimentation.
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that’s good advice, ty
i’ve already tried drawing a couple gunpla, it just makes my head hurt lol
trying to get proportions and perspective right feels really hard, but that probably just means i need more practice
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also technically not M but i am going to do a oil painting of a rocket knight
this is great
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Don't bother with the traditional wooden art mannequin, they're very outdated with shitty articulation issues. You're better off with figmas from the classical art or posing series if you have the $$$ for it.
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why the hypersexual pilot
who wears heels to pilot a mech
why wouldn’t she wear a bra, especially with such a large chest
why does the canopy show the entire body of the pilot when that doesn’t really increase visibility that much
the skimpy clothes might make sense if it were in a hot environment, but normally you’d want to wear something a little more substantial. you don’t really see forklift operators wearing swimsuits after all
How are you / what are you practicing? Sometimes the exercises or things you're practicing matter just as much as how many hours you're putting into it.

Some things to consider:
>Are you comfortable with drawing more basic forms (ie. cubes, cylinders, ellipses etc.) in perspective?
>Are you confident in your ability to control line thickness and direction when drawing?
>Do you want to design your own mechs, or make mostly fanart?
>What are your goals in drawing? Do you have any specific artists / IPs you look up to?

I like the mech design

(the shark face is funny i like it)
OrganicxMechanic mechs are cool this is great.
so gud
These are all really cool <3
>drawing more basic forms in perspective
individually, for the most part i am, but in combination i find it much harder
>line thickness/direction
not super confident but i have a rudimentary understanding from practicing calligraphy with a fountain pen for a good while
>design own or make fanart
mainly making my own designs, which seems much more challenging than fan art. sometimes i’ll have a certain form or philosophy behind the look, like wanting a more organic and curved look rather than sharp and geometric, or like taking design cues from existing objects like cars or even animals or certain body types. i find it hard to make something look cohesive though, outside of basic shapes i’m terrible at deciding details or panel lining or whatever especially if i don’t have an idea of the internal mechanical structure
always to get better of course. in the somewhat short term id like to at least dabble in making a short visual novel
i like the mechanical designs in aura battler dunbine, nausicaa, patlabor, FSS, dune/lensman/old scifi. izubuchi’s designs are cool and as much as nagano gets shit on for being pretentious his earlier designs for mecha and fashion are just astoundingly beautiful imo. i like designs that feel heavy but have grace and elegance in them that gives the clunkiness its own beauty. i also love the weirder gundam series designs, just because they’re so odd at times. i know it’s ridiculous to mention such beautiful designs while mine still look like middle schooler scribbles, but damn they can be so beautiful sometimes. even small things, like in ghost in the shell the guy’s fingers split open into lots of tiny sub fingers, i just adore that shit. it just feels hard climbing the mountain of getting to that point, i’m already pretty old (30) so i feel like my chance has already passed. feels like im much better with words, and that trying to learn drawing is an insult to those who can draw naturally
>basic forms
Something you could consider is to find some photos of tanks, planes or other vehicles to study - try to replicate their proportions using basic forms, then gradually up the fidelity.
>Why tanks etc. and not mechs?
Generally speaking, vehicles will have fewer forms and points of rotation for you to worry about. This makes them more approachable than a full mech for a form study, while giving you opportunities to try drawing some of the details that you'll often see incorporated on mechs (ie. paneling, greebles, etc.)

>line thickness
Right now I think the most impactful thing for you to pin down is line control - being able to have your line go where you want it to smoothly, without requiring too much trial and error (ie. "ctrl+z spam"). There are exercises for this that you can use to get stabler and smoother lines.

Awesome! What you refer to as the "form/philosophy" is sometimes referred to "form language" or "visual language" - it's the sum of all design decisions going into an object that visually distinguishes it from other objects of a similar nature.
For example, Soviet cast metal / submarine-influenced spacecraft have an organic and curved form language, as opposed to Western aeronautics-derived geometric and sharp spacecraft.
You get better at identifying and applying form language by familiarizing yourself with their origins - building a "visual library", so to speak. The aforementioned vehicle studies will have the secondary effect of slowly building up your visual library of machinery, which you can then apply to your mechs.

While "getting better" is a goal, it's also kind of a vague one - it's important to have a concrete objective that you can break down into its constituent parts.
A VN is a good starting point - what components would you need to make a short VN, and what skills / resources would you need to create / procure them?


For example, if you want to do pilot portraits with expression sheets, you may also need to do facial and emotion studies of the kinds of people you want to include in your VN (or outsource it if you want to focus on mechs).
For mechs, maybe try gathering some examples of what you want to attain as a intermediate goal - then break down what skills you'll need to get there.

It's good that you have a clear idea of and can articulate what kind of designs you like. Don't disparage yourself for looking up to designers who are better than you, that's how it's supposed to be - it'd be a lot more concerning if you mentioned exclusively shit designs. It's a lot easier to teach how to draw than it is to teach good taste.
Something you should consider is compiling a folder of your favorite designs, regardless of source - set it as a scrolling wallpaper or screensaver on your desktop. Have it be a reminder of what you're working towards.

>I'm already pretty old (30)
Missed your chance for what? If it's about working as a professional designer, that's not necessarily the case. Ralph McQuarrie, for example, started learning how to draw in his 30s before he went on to do principal design work on the likes of Star Wars and Battlestar Galactica in his 40s.
That said, there are other factors affecting the entertainment design industry that make it very difficult to get into right now - an oversaturated market, investors pulling out, lack of faith in new IP etc.
But your age wouldn't really be a significant one. There are more entertainment designers in the industry on their second career path than you might think.

And if you're just thinking of getting into this as a hobby or side gig, all those factors listed above shouldn't matter to you much, if at all.
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wonderful advice, thank you so much!
it’s sort of a romance game at the core, the player would be an engineer who repairs mecha, and there would be four pilots as potential love interests.
mainly character portraits and backgrounds, and definitely mecha designs. it’s still just on paper, but i enjoy just thinking about it. picrel is the rough sketch of a protagonist, or at least his outfit. i have a vague idea of the pilots too, but they’re pretty much just handsome men which makes drawing them easier since i like that subject matter

>folder of designs
good idea again, thanks! right now i have a lose pics floating around, consolidating them would definitely be a good idea
>not old
that’s good point too, im not looking for a job job. it’d be great if i could do indie gamedev, since i can already write pretty well and code decently enough to have made a short game already. it is a learning process i guess, and age can be a boon that’s easy to overlook at one’s. thanks for the thoughtful and in depth response!!
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i know there's an actual pilot for scale, but i can't help thinking it also looks cool as a "big-dog"-scale robot that's remote controlled by the bigger pilot. the more human-looking arms help with that too
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Yo so I finished my ring of red oil painting. might do some Votoms next

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