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Why are people so enamoured by Ramba Ral and the Gouf when he appears for a few chapters before blowing himself up?

He gets like two scenes.
>two scenes
Because he is a fun character with meaningful dialogue in key episodes.
Name 10.
Because he’s important to Amuro’s character growth, he rides a cool ass suit and does some cool shit with it, he has a bunch of memorable lines, he’s one of the first Zeeks outside of Garma and those two soldiers that helped the lady and her son that we see that isn’t a total piece of shit, he adds to the background story regarding Sayla and Char and he’s got a hot common-law wife at his side. What more do you want?
>that scene where Ramba teaches Amuro how to shave
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Why the hell do YOU need an entire wikipedia article and a dozen episodes to tell you something is important.
>supposed to be an incredible veteran
>loses to an absolute newbie
Isn't there a newtype power gap
Hamon hitting on Amuro. inb4 some ragefag ERFF BIRF NO SHE WONTEDED
The power of the gubdamusbu
In the heat of battle Ramba Ral forgot how to fight
Can someone explain this meme

It's something literally says.
>heh there's no way they'll ever see through my template
No one on /m/ in the last 10 years actually makes the effort to watch anything.
Hey I’ve been going through showa kamen rider and metal heroes this year alone, at least give some people credit
While earlier gundam episodes had already shown the Zeon as people and not just monsters to be fought, the Ramba Ral episodes went further in showing a loving couple. One of whom was a talented and caring commander, with men that loyally followed him out of admiration. Having the Rals treat Amuro so kindly right after he fled the white base also humanizes them even further. He lost due to a combination of Amuro's rapidly advancing newtype abilities as well as the weakness of his gouf + zaku backup which leads to a lot of theorycrafting around if he had gotten the doms. Being thrown under the bus by MQuve also garners some sympathy on that note, and Ramba's death is a result of him trying to reconnect with Sayla. After ALL THAT, you throw in his suicide to avoid capture, and his wife's attempt at revenge leading to the death of herself and a notable member of the crew, and it's not surprising at all.
tl;dr he's one of the most humanized Zeon characters in 0079
Fuck you. Fuck you and every retard like you. It's not a meme. Not everything is meme. You're brain is rotted.
>Reddit Ral
Great post, thank you.
>He gets like two scenes
Compilation movie fags need to be berated so hard.
Ramba Ral sees Sayla Mass, whom he recognizes as Artesia Som Deikun, who he knew when she was little, aboard the White Base when he infiltrates it - as an enemy combatant. He has a moment of weakness where confusion and horror overcomes his ability to keep his cool. The narrator sums it up as "In the heat of battle, Ramba Ral forgot how to fight."

Now watch the series, you ferocious cockmongler.
I read the novelization first where he has a much bigger role. I thought it was weird that he was just some villain of the week in the anime.
Amuro was at that point the experienced MS-on-MS combatant in the universe.
Because every bit of screen time he had was made to count so despite little time it was all memorable
People have really forgotten about the economy of story telling.
Allowing the third world onto the internet was a massive mistake.
It's really sad
a truly good character can leave a lasting impression no matter how short their appearance. like Alec Baldwin's character in Glengarry Glen Ross
OP watched the recap movies
I actually was reading the origin manga, but it hadn't gone into the ramba ral flashbacks yet.
He just met Amuro then died when he met Sayla Mass.

His scenes were cool and the gouf was badass but it seemed like he had more fan presence than a couple of scenes would suggest.
>watched the recap movies
Sounds like something a mongoloid would do.

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